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1. coldness.
2. former name for female sexual arousal disorder.
Miller-Keane Encyclopedia and Dictionary of Medicine, Nursing, and Allied Health, Seventh Edition. © 2003 by Saunders, an imprint of Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved.


1. Impotence in the female.
2. The state of being frigid (2); female sexual inadequacy ranging from the freudian concept of inability to achieve orgasm to any degree of sexual response considered unsatisfactory by either the female or her partner.
Farlex Partner Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012


The inability to achieve orgasm or loss of sexual desire and/or function during the acceptive phase of an erotic/sexual episode, despite person-appropriate mental or physical stimulation. Anorgasmia may be a transient side effect of SSRIs or other drugs.
Segen's Medical Dictionary. © 2012 Farlex, Inc. All rights reserved.


1. Inability in the female to achieve orgasm or any other satisfactory level of sexual response.
2. The state of being frigid (2).
Medical Dictionary for the Health Professions and Nursing © Farlex 2012


An informal term meaning loss, in a woman, of sexual desire or of the ability to be sexually aroused, or to achieve an orgasm. The term, the usage of which is almost confined to disappointed men, is now considered pejorative and sexist. The condition may be a reflection of lack of affection, or the expression of it, by the partner, or may be due to recent childbirth, pain on intercourse (DYSPAREUNIA), fatigue, depression, fear of pregnancy or psychological trauma following rape. Some drugs, especially those given for high blood pressure (HYPERTENSION), for depression and for insomnia, reduce libido.
Collins Dictionary of Medicine © Robert M. Youngson 2004, 2005
References in periodicals archive ?
It implies that Virginia responded differently to her sister than to her husband, and that Vanessa's letter to Leonard overemphasized Virginia's frigidity in a jealous attempt to preserve their sexual bond.
They gain added weight through their use of the trope of "sexual frigidity," which designates the actions of the woman in the story as pathological without making a nuanced account of her story necessary or, indeed, telling us what her perspective was at all (Jackson 110).
It never gets that much colder than about 50 degrees in Los Angeles, so to cope with the relative frigidity of NYC, I wore five layers up top and pulled my socks to my knees under my jeans.
Old women from the countryside tout herbal cures for everything from frigidity to erectile dysfunction and cancer, and claim that their healing craft extends well beyond traditional medicine.
The struggle to carry our sexuality without frigidity and without irresponsibility, i.e., the struggle for a healthy sexuality, to be both chaste and passionate.
Of course, there is much to be said about Israel's own contribution to Arab frigidity by invading Lebanon in 1982 when the ink on the peace treaty with Egypt was barely dry; by not making a sustained effort to solve the Palestinian issue; by the proliferation of settlements in the West Bank, East Jerusalem and, until 2005, in Gaza; and by alienating Israel's internal Palestinian Arab community.
Grace's frigidity, which the film emphasizes through her religious devotion, exaggerated decorum, and confining wardrobe, signals the narrative difficulties of a stagnant plot.
Leaving their children in the care of a nanny, each visited a psychiatrist, "my mother for her 'frigidity,' my father to come to terms with, if not change, his sexual nature'--information Honor learned decades later.
MacVaugh's Frigidity: Analysis and Treatment and Albert Ellis' New Cures for Frigidity.
Due to its remoteness and frigidity, Alaska isn't a cheap place to live, but housing costs in exurban Wasilla are only 35 percent of what they are in San Francisco.
Howling winds and pelting sleet announce winter's harsh frigidity, fit for only the hardiest of animals to be outdoors without shelter.