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Related to emmetrope: emmetropia


a person who has no refractive error of vision.
Miller-Keane Encyclopedia and Dictionary of Medicine, Nursing, and Allied Health, Seventh Edition. © 2003 by Saunders, an imprint of Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved.


One who has emmetropia.
Millodot: Dictionary of Optometry and Visual Science, 7th edition. © 2009 Butterworth-Heinemann
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b Reduced magnification, increased field, compared to an emmetrope
(1-3) There was slightly thinner cornea in high myopes and in myopic astigmatism.[R] Review of literature also indicates that decrease in corneal thickness in myopic patients is due to anterior segment change, as eyeball is elongated and emmetropes too had thinner Central Corneal Thickness.
Out of the total 126 subjects, there were 51 myopic patients 37 emmetropes, and 38 hypermetropes.
Our finding of increased dry eye prevalence in uncorrected refractive errors as compared to emmetropes is consistent with observation by Moss et al., [6] Albietz, [5] Sahai and Mallik, [7] who found a higher prevalence of dry eye in hypermetropes (22.9%) and myopes (16.8%) compared to emmetropes (14%).
When adjusted for age, myopes had a deeper ACD than both emmetropes and hyperopes who had similar ACD.
Objectives: To estimate the frequency of myopia among MBBS students of AIMC; to point out the under lying factors of myopia; and to compare these factors among myopics and emmetropes in a Cross Sectional Comparative, study form March 2010 to September 2010.
Exceptions to this are in some emmetropes / low myopes who are particularly fussy/ attentive to detail and /or have jobs with high functioning visual requirements such as pilots and surgeons.
Collins, "Axial length and choroidal thickness changes accompanying prolonged accommodation in myopes and emmetropes," Vision Research, vol.
The various refractive statuses of sample population were determined and majority (828/903) were found to be emmetropes with mean AL of 22.48 mm.
Group Number of subjects Age mean [+ or -] SD (years) Emmetropes 41 24.27 [+ or -] 2.49 Myopes 41 23.93 [+ or -] 2.13 Group SER mean [+ or -] SD (diopter) Emmetropes -0.10 [+ or -] 0.50 Myopes -4.70 [+ or -] 1.64 Table 3: Comparison of Dy between emmetropic and myopic groups.
A second factor may be proposed for the greater disruption of visual performance by blur for emmetropes than for myopes: There is a difference in the response of their ocular accommodation to blur.