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1. something that produces or causes to exist.
2. a machine that converts mechanical to electrical energy.
pulse generator the power source for an artificial pacemaker, usually powered by a long-lasting lithium battery and a microprocessor chip with appropriate electronic components to regulate the output of the battery; it supplies impulses to the implanted electrodes, either at a fixed rate or in a programmed pattern.
Miller-Keane Encyclopedia and Dictionary of Medicine, Nursing, and Allied Health, Seventh Edition. © 2003 by Saunders, an imprint of Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved.


An apparatus for conversion of chemical, mechanical, atomic, or other forms of energy into electricity.
[generator, a begetter, producer]
Farlex Partner Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012


An apparatus for conversion of chemical, mechanical, atomic, or other forms of energy into electricity.
[L. generator, a begetter, producer]
Medical Dictionary for the Health Professions and Nursing © Farlex 2012


An apparatus for conversion of chemical, or other forms of energy into electricity.
Medical Dictionary for the Dental Professions © Farlex 2012

Patient discussion about generator

Q. Can cancer skip every other generation in your family? Can cancer be so hereditary as to skip every other generation in a family? On my dad's side of the family it seems like it does. Both my great grandmothers on my father's side had cancer (breast cancer and another type) and a great grandfather had cancer as well. My grandparents did not have cancer. My father ended up having cancer out of the three of my grandparents’ children. Me nor any of my cousins have had cancer. Is it possible any of our children will?

A. If there is a BRCA mutation, it does not skip generations. A child of a person with a BRCA mutation has a 50/50 chance of having the mutation. Those who have the mutation can pass it on. Those who do not have the mutation cannot pass it on.

Q. What alternatives are there for DDD.De generative Disc Disease? I can't sit upright for long periods of time, at times the symptoms are worse and then days and weeks where I feel fine. When I lean into my right legit alleviates it a little but it is excruciating when I shift weight. I also have to sleep with a pillow between my legs and have to shift frequently.I have a lot of strength in my legs and back. But if I stuck in my stomach more and curve my like doing a crunch. the pain is fine.

A. Degenerative disc disease can often be successfully treated without surgery. One or a combination of treatments such as Physical therapy, chiropractic manipulative therapy (CMT), osteopathic manipulation, anti-inflammatory medications such as nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, chiropractic treatments, Traction (orthopedics), or spinal injections often provide adequate relief of these troubling symptoms.
The option of surgery may be recommended if the conservative treatment options do not provide relief within 2 to 3 months. If leg or back pain limits normal activity, if there is weakness or numbness in the legs, if it is difficult to walk or stand, or if medication or physical therapy are ineffective, surgery may be necessary. You should dicucss this with an orthopedic surgeon.

Q. Hi I have pain in my knee since 3 years that I thought was generated by weight excess I've lost 28kg but the pain is still here, went to the doctor and he diagnosed a meniscus degenerated (direct translation from spanish, could be incorrect). He told me that there is nothing to do about that and that surgery won't help. My problem is that I love running and I can not do it anymore, everytime I try I start having pain in the back side of my knee and it last for days. I'd love to hear about alternatives Roberto

A. Toberro, go to a GOOD health food store and get "Comfrey ointment". Rub this on your knee 2-3 times a day and see how you feel after a month of doing this. I have cured myself of carpal tunnel to avoid surgery doing this and it has also helped me with lower back pain! If you really want to feel better, stop eating any milk or cheese products and sugar! That all contributes to inflammation which arthritis is all about! Be well! :)

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References in periodicals archive ?
Dynamo tried to grab a fifth but weren't able to do so as they fell to another away defeat.
He added: "By 2018, all new taxis bought in London must be zero emission capable and with more and more charging posts being installed throughout the country, I think within a short space of time drivers of electric vehicles will no longer need to make detailed plans for longer journeys because the UK's major cities and towns will be connected by charging hubs." The company plans to start selling the Dynamo taxi in the summer and is hoping a special London version will be on sale in the autumn.
Dynamo's exclusive show was a big hit Picture: CHRIS BULL
Mr Hemming, SAP Managing Partner, who also sits on the North East LEP's Innovation Board, said: "It is an honour to be invited to be a Vice-Chair of Dynamo and to be enlisted to help the region develop an even more dynamic and sustainable IT sector providing high quality jobs for the North East."
I think his only mistake was that he stayed on the telly for a bit too long and overstayed his welcome, so people don't necessarily remember his amazing magic." Dynamo then goes on to say that Daniels - who recently turned down the chance to appear Celebrity Big Brother on Channel 5 along with wife Debbie McGee, 55 - is one of the world's best.
Dynamo, 31, said: "For me, magic has always been popular.
Although MG has stressed the Dynamo is purely a concept vehicle, it could herald the future direction the firm may take as it continues its expansion.
Dynamo All this is in his autobiography of course, and Parkinson doesn't do a very good job of hiding the fact he already knows most of the answers to his questions - even correcting Dynamo on occasion.
Lathrop hopes that the swirling sodium will create its own dynamo and generate a self-sustaining magnetic field.