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[drīv]1. the force that activates human impulses.
2. to activate or cause to move.
acquired drive goal-directed behavior satisfied by learned techniques or satisfiers. Drug addiction is a well-recognized example of an acquired drive.
basic drive a fundamental force that is vital to survival of the organism. Such drives motivate individual, goal-directed activity related to hunger, thirst, sex, and physical activity. See also need.
Miller-Keane Encyclopedia and Dictionary of Medicine, Nursing, and Allied Health, Seventh Edition. © 2003 by Saunders, an imprint of Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved.
(drīv),2. In psychology, classified as either innate (for example, hunger) or learned (for example, hoarding) and appetitive (for example, hunger, thirst, sex) or aversive (for example, fear, pain, grief).
See also: motive, motivation.
See also: motive, motivation.
Farlex Partner Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012
A strong motivating tendency or instinct related to self-preservation, reproduction, or aggression that prompts activity toward a particular end.
To supply the motive force or power to and cause to function.
The American Heritage® Medical Dictionary Copyright © 2007, 2004 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.
Segen's Medical Dictionary. © 2012 Farlex, Inc. All rights reserved.
(drīv)1. A basic compelling urge.
2. psychology Classified as either innate (e.g., hunger) or learned (e.g., hoarding) and appetitive (e.g., hunger, thirst, sex) or aversive (e.g., fear, pain, grief).
See also: motive
See also: motive
Medical Dictionary for the Health Professions and Nursing © Farlex 2012
Patient discussion about drive
Q. Drink and drive! I am a experienced driver who didn’t meet any accident so far, not even a single scratch on my vehicle. Here what I like to mention is, I drink and drive. I am always cautious about my driving. So it means I drive well only if I drink :) Steady people say that it is not safe to drink alcohol and drive. Is it not safe to drink alcohol and drive?
A. dotn drink and drive. aside from putting your life in danger, you are also endangering tons of other innocent people, children, moms, dads, husbands, wives, sons, daughters...
get my point? dont drink and drive.
get my point? dont drink and drive.
Q. How many drinks can I drink now and still be able to drive? I am a driver working in a courier company. I use to drive from state to state which made me to consume little alcohol. How many drinks can I drink now and still be able to drive?
A. It depends. The degree of impairment is influenced by gender, age, physical condition, and amount of food consumed, medications and other factors. Also, different drinks contain different amounts of alcohol. What matters is how much alcohol are consumed, not how many drinks.
Q. what happens if i will drink and drive? why is it so dangerous? what cause the blurry when you are drunk?
A. You can take your lives, and even worse, the lives of innocent other people. Driving (or performing any other activity that requires precision and alertness) under the influence of alcohol is dangerous because alcohol acts as a "downer" - it slows the overall brain activity, and makes the drinker to think less clearly, acts slowly, and remove it's inhibition so he or she may make reckless decisions (such as not stopping at traffic lights).
The exact mechanism isn't totally understood, but alcohol acts in a diffuse pattern over many regions of the brain. One doesn't have to be totally drunk in order to be ineligible to drive - relatively small amounts of alcohol may already influence enough to make driving extremely dangerous.
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And remember - if you drink, you don't drive. That's what friends are for.
More discussions about driveThe exact mechanism isn't totally understood, but alcohol acts in a diffuse pattern over many regions of the brain. One doesn't have to be totally drunk in order to be ineligible to drive - relatively small amounts of alcohol may already influence enough to make driving extremely dangerous.
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And remember - if you drink, you don't drive. That's what friends are for.
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