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To shred, peel, or scale off, as the casting off of the epidermis in scales or shreds, or the shedding of the outer layer of any surface.
[L. desquamo, pp. -atus, to scale off, fr. squama, a scale]
Farlex Partner Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012


intr.v. desqua·mated, desqua·mating, desqua·mates
To shed, peel, or come off in scales. Used of skin.

des′qua·ma′tion n.
The American Heritage® Medical Dictionary Copyright © 2007, 2004 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.
References in periodicals archive ?
The epithelium continues to desquamate and form an expanding, destructive cyst.
It is our theory that KADS releases those attachments and allows the cells to break down into individual flakes and desquamate. In patients who do not have KADS, the keratin sheet does not break down as it reaches the superficial canal; instead, it maintains its integrity.
Lamellar ichthyosis generally occurs at birth with a striking collodion-type membrane covering the body and underlying erythroderma, which then desquamates. Ectropion is usually present as well.
Alpha hydroxy acid desquamates and exfoliates dry skin, while beta hydroxy acid cleanses the follicles of exfoliated skin.
The rash is generally macular, but as it fades or desquamates it is followed by petichae.
(3) The stratum corneum gradually sloughs off (desquamates) over a period of several weeks, replaced by cells from beneath.