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Flesh-eating; subsisting on animals as food.
Synonym(s): zoophagous
Farlex Partner Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012


1. Of or relating to carnivores.
2. Flesh-eating or predatory: a carnivorous bird.
3. Characterized by destructive or predatory behavior or instincts: "a city becoming increasingly carnivorous as it becomes decreasingly serious about governance" (George F. Will).
4. Botany Capable of trapping insects or other small organisms and absorbing nutrients from them.

car·niv′o·rous·ly adv.
car·niv′o·rous·ness n.
The American Heritage® Medical Dictionary Copyright © 2007, 2004 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.


Flesh-eating; having a diet composed largely of animal food.
Compare: herbivorous
Medical Dictionary for the Health Professions and Nursing © Farlex 2012
References in periodicals archive ?
Carnivorous plants were something that fascinated him from a very early age.
This problem can turn into a huge advantage once carp is replaced with carnivorous fish like sole and catfish.
"Bonnetheads have a digestive system that is very similar to other closely-related species that are definitely strictly carnivorous, so the fact that they are acting like omnivores is truly remarkable!" Leigh told ( AFP.
The book covers every species and subspecies of carnivorous animals by featuring more than 150 color plates with over 600 photos from around the globe.
The discussion regarding the various tactics deployed by carnivorous plants to attract prey is a good read.
This discovery marks the first occurrence of very large carnivorous dinosaurs in the Early Jurassic of southern Gondwana, the prehistoric continent which would later break up and become Africa and other landmasses."
From one species of Venus' flytrap - there is only one species, Dionaea muscipula - breeders have gone to town, and Szesze's Carnivorous Plant Nursery sells more than 30 varieties.
Scientists examined the genes involved in the carnivorous practices of these plants.
The number of people, victims of stings carnivorous, injuries and mutilations is reflected in table 3.
In fact, we have four major groups of carnivorous plants in New York State alone, including 19 species and one hybrid.
Brown anoles toned down the flashy display they use to attract females when researchers added carnivorous lizards to their island habitats.
previously unknown species of carnivorous dinosaur.