fibrous capsule of liver

(redirected from capsula fibrosa perivascularis hepatis)

fi·brous cap·sule of liv·er

a layer of connective tissue ensheathing the outer surface of the liver and continuous internally with the perivascular fibrous capsule of the liver that ensheaths the hepatic artery, portal vein, and bile ducts as these ramify within the liver; in some animals (for example, pigs) it is continuous with septae that divide the parenchyma into lobules.
Farlex Partner Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012

fi·brous cap·sule of liv·er

(fī'brŭs kap'sŭl liv'ĕr) [TA]
A layer of connective tissue ensheathing the hepatic artery, portal vein, and bile ducts as these ramify within the liver.
Synonym(s): capsula fibrosa perivascularis hepatis [TA] , Glisson capsule.
Medical Dictionary for the Health Professions and Nursing © Farlex 2012


Francis, English physician, anatomist, physiologist and pathologist, 1597-1677.
Glisson capsule - a layer of connective tissue ensheathing the liver, hepatic artery, portal vein, and bile ducts. Synonym(s): fibrous capsule of liver
Glisson cirrhosis - chronic perihepatitis with thickening and subsequent contraction, resulting in atrophy and deformity of the liver. Synonym(s): capsular cirrhosis of liver
Glisson disease
Glisson sling - used in cervical traction to support the head.
Glisson sphincter - the smooth muscle sphincter of the hepatopancreatic ampulla within the duodenal papilla. Synonym(s): sphincter of hepatopancreatic ampulla
Medical Eponyms © Farlex 2012