
(redirected from calculose)
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Relating to, caused by, or having a calculus or calculi.
The American Heritage® Medical Dictionary Copyright © 2007, 2004 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.


Pertaining to one or more calculi.
Medical Dictionary for the Health Professions and Nursing © Farlex 2012

Patient discussion about calculous

Q. How do you calculate the weeks of a pregnancy? I'm confused! My Doctor calculates my pregnancy by weeks and my friends and family through months. Can someone tell me how it goes exactly? Are there 4 weeks every month, if so then there should be 36 weeks not 40?!

A. Each pregnancy month doesn't have exactly 4 weeks as a regular month. Its divided more into trimesters which each trimester is between 12-14 weeks long.

Q. how do i determine what is the right weight i need to be? i know there is a way to calculate it, an equation , what are the parameters in it ?

A. I don't mean to burst any bubbles, but BMI is definitely not a good way to determine what weight you should be. If you considered that a body builder or a professional athlete is considered obese under BMI standards then you would know what I mean. Here is an article about it I found on Medical News Today:

Q. Provide me some examples of food labels and nutrition calculations. Hello, Can any one provide me some examples of food labels and nutrition calculations?

A. I have given some 5 basic questions and answers which are related to food labels and nutrition calculations. Hope you will find it useful:

1. How many calories would you consume if you ate the entire bag?
90 calories x 4 servings = 360 calories

2. What is the total amount of calories that come from fat in the entire bag?
30 calories from fat x 4 servings = 120 calories

3. What is the percentage of calories that come from fat in the entire bag?
120 calories from fat ÷ 360 calories = 33%

4. How many calories per serving come from carbohydrates?
13 g Carbohydrates x 4 calories = 52 calories

5. How many calories per serving come from protein?
3 g Protein x 4 calories = 12 calories

Hope you find is useful.

More discussions about calculous
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References in periodicals archive ?
Alem disso, as empresas devem assumir sua parcela na responsabilidade social, fornecendo agua gratuitamente e ad libitum, permitindo um numero maior de pausas durante o expediente de trabalho e investindo no acompanhamento dietetico com a orientacao de nutricionistas, evitando o impacto na saude que a calculose urinaria pode gerar nesse grupo de trabalhadores.
Foram considerados litiasicos os trabalhadores que relataram ao menos um episodio regresso de calculose, confirmado por exame de imagem.
Um elevado IMC e reduzida ingestao hidrica, notados em metade da amostra de litiasicos, parecem estar envolvidos na elevada prevalenciade calculose observada.