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A massive, usually mound-shaped structure found in sedimentary rock strata, produced by the accretion of organic carbonate by a variety of marine invertebrates, such as corals and mollusks, and algae.
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Valve length growth rates (Table 3) show that horse mussel populations from sand with bioherm and gravel/scallop bed geological provinces grow faster during the first 4 years of life.
Macrobenthic associates to the polychaete Sabellaria cementariurn bioherm from northern Puget Sound, Washington.
Along with the development and abundance of oolitic grain banks during Series 3 and their subsequent declination during Furongian series, the deposition of storm deposited edgewise conglomerates and uniform bioherm development in the increased microbial carbonate deposits in Late Cambrian constitute the skeleton-poor style stormy sea sedimentation in Furongian of North China Platform.
Bioherm. A positive-relief feature built (at least in part) by organisms.
The Ortonella-like porostromate problematica, found throughout the entire 1.9 m thick succession, and Hedstroemia, found mainly in the bioherm facies, were observed under SEM for documentation of ultrastructures (Fig.
The sedimentary composition and particular sequence stratigraphic position of the microbialitic bioherms from Series 3 and Furongian series of Shanxi Province provide significant information for the future understanding of the formation mechanism of bioherms during "the first episode of the Cyanobacteria Calcification Events in the Phanerozoic" or "a resuscitate period of microbial carbonate from Cambrian to the Early Ordovician".
This area is known as the Oculina Bank, a series of reefs and high-relief bioherms (thickets of live coral, capping mounds of sediment and coral rubble, built upon an underlying lithified base structure) constructed by the scleractinian ivory tree coral (Oculina varicosa).
and Luternauer, J.L., 1991, Holocene sponge bioherms on the western Canadian continental shelf." Continental Shelf Research, v.
Field observations suggest that the fossiliferous horizon is dominated by in situ oyster bioherms. Sections of the deposit have been excavated and examined for faunal composition.
The structure of the Porkuni Stage is also complicated by hiatuses, but for the purposes of this paper it is significant to note shallow shelf bioclastic limestones with stromatoporoid-tabulate bioherms and interreef beds of oolitic and kerogenous limestones.