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Colloquial, to vomit; vomitus.
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Adding to its success, Alcan Packaging won four further awards in silver and bronze in the print categories for its production of Frisps 28g Cheese and Onion packs for United Biscuits in the Wide Web Line / Screen category, Fruit Flakes Strawberry and Fruit Flakes Raisin & Yoghurt packs for Stream Foods in the Best off Shelf Category, and Orangina 99p, in the Wide Web Line / Screen Category and Im Bru Original & Best Christmas Promotion in the Wide Web Process Category; both produced for Barfs Soft Drinks.
Coleman, whose Vast Right Wing Conspiracy-character-assassin credentials include residing in Berkeley and contributing to Mother Jones, has written an account of Barfs life so agenda-free that it borders on dull--hard as it may be to believe that Bari, a fiddler, karate enthusiast, and former employee of "California Yurts," could be made dull.