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1. the part of the upper limb from the shoulder to the elbow; called also brachium.
2. in common usage, the entire upper limb.
3. a slender part or extension that projects from a main structure.
brawny arm a hard, swollen condition of the arm due to lymphedema following mastectomy.
chromosome arm either of the two segments of the chromosome separated by the centromere. The arms are equal in length when the centromere is in the median position and are unequal when the centromere is off center; the symbol p indicates the short arm and q the long arm.
Chromosome arms. From Dorland's, 2000.
Miller-Keane Encyclopedia and Dictionary of Medicine, Nursing, and Allied Health, Seventh Edition. © 2003 by Saunders, an imprint of Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved.


(arm), [TA]
1. The segment of the upper limb between the shoulder and the elbow. Synonym(s): brachio-, brachium (1)
2. An anatomic extension resembling an arm.
3. A specifically shaped and positioned extension of a removable partial denture framework.
4. One set of cases or participants in an epidemiologic study, especially a randomized controlled trial, in which comparisons or contrasts are being made between sets.
5. Colloquially, the entire upper limb.
[L. armus, forequarter of an animal; G. harmos, a shoulder joint]
Farlex Partner Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012


1. An upper limb of the human body, connecting the hand and wrist to the shoulder.
2. A part similar to a human arm, such as the forelimb of an animal or a long part projecting from a central support in a machine.

armed (ärmd) adj.
The American Heritage® Medical Dictionary Copyright © 2007, 2004 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.


(1) Brachium. The part of the upper extremity from the shoulder to the elbow
(2) A part of the appendicular skeleton which includes the free part of the upper extremity (pars libera membri superioris [TA]) from the humerus to the finger tips.

Evidence-based medicine
A sequence of epochs (time intervals) during which treatment is consistent, defining the course of a subject’s participation in a trial.
The “side” on which a patient in a controlled clinical trial is placed, which is usually either a treatment/experimental arm, or a placebo/control (non-treated) arm, assigned in a random fashion.

Vox populi (Medspeak)
Upper extremity.


Abbreviation for:
age-related maculopathy
anaesthesia-resistant memory
anorectal malformation
anorectal manometry
artificial rupture of membranes
Association of Radical Midwives (Medspeak-UK)
ATP regulatory module
Segen's Medical Dictionary. © 2012 Farlex, Inc. All rights reserved.


Oncology The 'side' on which a Pt in clinical trial is placed, which is usually either a treatment arm or a placebo arm, and assigned in a random fashion. See Control arm, Treatment arm, Q arm.
McGraw-Hill Concise Dictionary of Modern Medicine. © 2002 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.


(ahrm) [TA]
1. The segment of the upper limb between the shoulder and the elbow; colloquially, the whole upper limb.
Synonym(s): brachium (1) [TA] , brachio- (1) .
2. An anatomic extension resembling an arm.
3. A specifically shaped and positioned extension of a removable partial denture framework. See this page.
[L. armus, forequarter of an animal; G. harmos, a shoulder joint]
Medical Dictionary for the Health Professions and Nursing © Farlex 2012


(ahrm) [TA]
1. A specifically shaped and positioned extension of a removable partial denture framework.
2. In technical speech and writing, avoid using this word in the colloquial sense of 'upper limb.' The segment of the upper limb between the shoulder and the elbow.
3. An anatomic extension resembling an arm.
[L. armus, forequarter of an animal; G. harmos, a shoulder joint]
Medical Dictionary for the Dental Professions © Farlex 2012

Patient discussion about arm

Q. I have a constant pain in the inside part of my arm. What can it be? In the last few weeks I have noticed that I have a right arm pain. The strange thing is that the pain is in a specific point in the inside part of the arm, very near to the elbow. I thnk the pain started for the first time during a baseball game but I am not sure. I work in a factory and as I sad before I use my right arm for baseball, and this pain hinders me. What can it be?

A. I myself play a lot as a pitcher, and i have the same pain. It is more painful when the forearm is flexed towards the body.
I went to my GP about it because it drove me nuts, and he said that I need to take anti-inflammatory drugs, and if it will not work he will inject me something.
he prescribed me a great medication and I didn't need the injection.

Q. I developed an AV Fistula after a heart catherization procedure. I am bleeding through the tissues in left arm I am on coumadin, but currently have a lower than usual INR. Corrective surgery was scheduled for yesterday, but had to be delayed. I am concerned that I have a large amount of blood (dark red) bleeding though the tissues right under the skin in my left arm. Should I seek immediate medical attention? The bleeding is over approximately a 3 and 1/2" area on my left arm. Came about in a period of a few minutes.

A. well, you are on blood thinners. i wouldn't take the chance. i mean- i'm not sure i follow what is happening over there. it could be a severe problem or nothing. i would let a doctor check it out. the worse thing that could happen is you wasting a day at the hospital, on the other end of that scenario- you can end up dead. i would go with the first one.

Q. My son displays behavior such as hooting, screeching, flapping arms, "chicken" dancing, rocking... Hi members, please help me to choose the right way. My son displays behavior such as hooting, screeching, flapping arms, "chicken" dancing, rocking, bouncing, jumping, limited repetitive play skills, low self esteem, difficulty commencing and occasionally sustaining adult directed tasks, difficulty maintaining relationships with adults and peers, he becomes easily frustrated and will become physically and verbally aggressive, can overreact to being touched, easily distracted by noise, short attention span, likes routine and finds it difficult to change task, difficulty listening, and difficulty following verbal instructions. He is like this at home and school. I have been told by the local NHS group that he is not autistic because of his parent’s separation and divorce in his early life and he does not present these behaviors as a "pervasive feature". Instead they suggest he needs a hearing check and he has "neuro developmental immaturities". What is your opinion? Should I get a second opinion?

A. if you ask me - they could be right. anyway i would be careful from over-the-net-diagnosis. their specialist saw the child and examined his behavior, he probably know what he is doing. and even if you are not sure- get a second opinion. can't hurt can it?

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References in classic literature ?
So they among themselves in pleasant veine Stood scoffing, highthn'd in thir thoughts beyond All doubt of Victorie, eternal might To match with thir inventions they presum'd So easie, and of his Thunder made a scorn, And all his Host derided, while they stood A while in trouble; but they stood not long, Rage prompted them at length, & found them arms Against such hellish mischief fit to oppose.
[USPRwire, Wed Sep 04 2019] Global Automotive Trailing Arm Market Overview An automotive trailing arm, also referred to as trailing link is a vehicle suspension design, through which one or more arms are connected between the axle and a pivot point (located on the chassis of a motor vehicle).
[ClickPress, Wed Sep 04 2019] Global Automotive Trailing Arm Market Overview An automotive trailing arm, also referred to as trailing link is a vehicle suspension design, through which one or more arms are connected between the axle and a pivot point (located on the chassis of a motor vehicle).
Indian arm imports clocked a 24 percent rise between 2008-2012 and 2013-2017, reported SIPRI.
Available now is a Cadence reference flow for the ARM Cortex-A72 processor that supports advanced manufacturing processes including TSMC 16-nanometer FinFET Plus.
Release date- 23052013 - CAMBRIDGE - ARM announced that LG Electronics has licensed the next generation of ARM Cortex-A50 series of central processing unit (CPU) solutions and the next generation of ARM Mali graphics processing units (GPUs).
“The ARM Cortex[TM]-A series of application processors is the leading platform for mobile devices.
EoACA[pounds sterling]Microsoft is an important member of the ARM ecosystem, and has been for many years,EoACA[yen] said Mike Muller, CTO ARM.
One partner tries to keep their arms in "long jazz arm" position--"a classical rounded second, with elbows facing back and palms facing the floor'--while the other presses down on the forearms.
Before attaching Mitchell's robotic arm, doctors rerouted nerves that had once carried signals from her brain to her left arm.
"CIMT should be considered as a valuable form of rehabilitation for stroke patients who have lost arm function," Wolf says.
Exclusive Y-free function provides for the programmed release of the strip-axis motor, allowing free movement of the robot arm and load-free ejector tracking.