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(ab'sō-lūt), Although the traditional pronunciation is as shown, the word is often stressed on the last syllable in the U.S.
Unconditional; unlimited; uncombined; undiluted (as in reference to alcohol); certain.
[L. absolutus, complete, pp. of ab-solvo, to loosen from]
Farlex Partner Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012


(abs, A) (ab'sŏ-lūt) Although the traditional pronunciation is as shown, the word is often stressed on the last syllable in the U.S.
Unconditional; unlimited; uncombined; undiluted (as in reference to alcohol); certain.
[L. absolutus, complete, pp. of ab-solvo, to loosen from]
Medical Dictionary for the Health Professions and Nursing © Farlex 2012


(ab'sō-lūt) Although the traditional pronunciation is as shown, the word is often stressed on the last syllable in the U.S.
Unconditional; unlimited; uncombined; undiluted (as in reference to alcohol); certain.
[L. absolutus, complete, pp. of ab-solvo, to loosen from]
Medical Dictionary for the Dental Professions © Farlex 2012

Patient discussion about absolute

Q. I absolutely hate hospitals and doctors offices and can't stand them. any advice? I was very accident prone growing up so i have a lot of bad memories from the hospital and doctors offices that affect me today. Every time i get hurt or sick i refuse to go to get checked out and recently i did something to my wrist i was worried that i did something bad to it but i still wouldn't go. I'm better now but i need to get over my fears so i can handle these visits to the doctors or I'm worried something bad could happen in the future. Does anyone have any advice on what i should do?

A. this fear surly comes from places you know about. this is a first step! congratulations :).
now you have to figure what to do with them- that a very good situation to be in. all you have to do is choose how you want to overcome your fears. my advise to you is getting a psychologist that specialized in phobias. he can direct you to the next step much better then anyone else. you can also try Biofeedback, a treatment that helps you control your body reactions-
but i would let the psychologist recommend me a kind of therapy..
good luck!

More discussions about absolute
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References in periodicals archive ?
Thus we have seen that the religiosity of populism can be discerned through locating the two main components of the populist movement, the people and the leader, which are sanctified and assigned the status of absoluteness. With the magic power gained in the populist movement, many of the common-sense boundaries of social life are transgressed.
It is in this context that I must ask some probing questions about pluralists' argument: Is it correct to say that the "ailment" identified as Ptolemaic theology, with its symptoms of absoluteness and superiority, comes about from not taking the data of other religions seriously?
Thus, Meillassoux also ties this transition from the correlationist circle with the absoluteness of mathematics.
The model can be characterized by its absoluteness properties and certain homogeneity properties.
It was the problem of liberation, in prison and in exile, from within the absoluteness of Power." Negri presents a Marxist interpretation of Job's story.
The brilliance of Wagner's Das Rheingold rests in the absoluteness of its central theme: attainment of ultimate power and wealth requires abandonment of human love.
Among his topics are sortal terms and criteria of identity, the absoluteness of identity, parts and wholes, persons and their bodies, plural quantification and sortal reference, and what sorts of things there are.
Chapter Four, "The War in Heaven and Deism," "examines how the absoluteness of the monotheistic God--his omniscience and omnipotence--affects the possibility and quality of action in the war in heaven" (143-44).
Axiological absoluteness gave way to uniqueness in human thought and in interpretations of reality.
The 'classified' report accompanying the bill said it was deemed necessary "on one hand to deal with cases in which the guardianship status of the property potentially violated the European Human Rights Convention and on the other hand avoid a situation where the law, due to its absoluteness, constitutes denial of property."
Where absoluteness as boundlessness is overcome, relativity as boundness emerges.
Let me conclude by saying that when there are so many variations, then the time horizons keep on changing and the absoluteness of an imprecise science stares you in the face.