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(ab'sō-lūt), Although the traditional pronunciation is as shown, the word is often stressed on the last syllable in the U.S.Unconditional; unlimited; uncombined; undiluted (as in reference to alcohol); certain.
[L. absolutus, complete, pp. of ab-solvo, to loosen from]
Farlex Partner Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012
(abs, A) (ab'sŏ-lūt) Although the traditional pronunciation is as shown, the word is often stressed on the last syllable in the U.S. Unconditional; unlimited; uncombined; undiluted (as in reference to alcohol); certain.
[L. absolutus, complete, pp. of ab-solvo, to loosen from]
Medical Dictionary for the Health Professions and Nursing © Farlex 2012
(ab'sō-lūt) Although the traditional pronunciation is as shown, the word is often stressed on the last syllable in the U.S.Unconditional; unlimited; uncombined; undiluted (as in reference to alcohol); certain.
[L. absolutus, complete, pp. of ab-solvo, to loosen from]
Medical Dictionary for the Dental Professions © Farlex 2012
Patient discussion about absolute
Q. I absolutely hate hospitals and doctors offices and can't stand them. any advice? I was very accident prone growing up so i have a lot of bad memories from the hospital and doctors offices that affect me today. Every time i get hurt or sick i refuse to go to get checked out and recently i did something to my wrist i was worried that i did something bad to it but i still wouldn't go. I'm better now but i need to get over my fears so i can handle these visits to the doctors or I'm worried something bad could happen in the future. Does anyone have any advice on what i should do?
A. this fear surly comes from places you know about. this is a first step! congratulations :).
now you have to figure what to do with them- that a very good situation to be in. all you have to do is choose how you want to overcome your fears. my advise to you is getting a psychologist that specialized in phobias. he can direct you to the next step much better then anyone else. you can also try Biofeedback, a treatment that helps you control your body reactions-
but i would let the psychologist recommend me a kind of therapy..
good luck!
More discussions about absolutenow you have to figure what to do with them- that a very good situation to be in. all you have to do is choose how you want to overcome your fears. my advise to you is getting a psychologist that specialized in phobias. he can direct you to the next step much better then anyone else. you can also try Biofeedback, a treatment that helps you control your body reactions-
but i would let the psychologist recommend me a kind of therapy..
good luck!
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