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Abbreviation for:
Vocational Training Scheme
Segen's Medical Dictionary. © 2012 Farlex, Inc. All rights reserved.


Abbreviation for veterinary technician specialist.
Medical Dictionary for the Health Professions and Nursing © Farlex 2012
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"VTS has been one of the most impactful technology platforms we've incorporated into our organization and we are excited to be playing a part in their future.
This includes former VTS Partner and Certified Residential Appraiser, Jay Josephs, who will continue on as Apex's Chief Appraiser, SW Region.
Talking about the establishment of VTS in the Middle East region, Pallathody says that the company has been operating since 2000.
VTS is an asset management and leasing platform built to provide real-time portfolio analytics to the top landlords and brokerage firms in the world.
It is to overcome these problems that the Naval VTS concept is proposed.
The former CEO of VTS, Amos Tamam, has been named senior vice president of Taxi Systems, with responsibility for expanding taxi solutions sales throughout the US and internationally.
The VTS undercarriage incorporates fully sealed bearings that require minimal maintenance, according to the company.
Training is provided to enable personnel either with or without a marine background or qualifications to reach the standards required for VTS operators and supervisors.
The likelihood of this lull in tape sales becomes even stronger when you consider how broad based the impact of VTS is.
And the Saxo VTS, VTR and Furio models are available at prices that are hard to match with recommended retail prices having been reduced in the last year by as much as nine per cent.
I decided to take a risk and, together with a lifelong friend of mine, Ryan Masiello, invested my life savings in what is now known as VTS."