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Related to Tibetan Buddhism: Dalai Lama, Mahayana Buddhism, Zen Buddhism


A gene on chromosome 18p11.3 that encodes laminin alpha 1, an extracellular matrix (ECM) protein that mediates the attachment, migration and organisation of cells into tissues during embryonic development by interacting with other ECM components (e.g., fibulin-2, which is encoded by FBLN2).
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It is becoming clear that Tibetan Buddhism is a complex religious system with many nuances and specifics.
The problem lies in the complexity of Tibetan Buddhism: for those of us immersed in its literature, certain terms are taken for granted, such as "treasures." In addition, there is the never-ending conundrum of whether to translate terms, and possibly confuse the reader, or leave technical terms, such as nirvana, in the original language.
" It's not up to the Dalai Lama," Choling was quoted as saying by the official Xinhua news agency, which added that the Dalai Lama's statement was " against the Tibetan Buddhism tradition as the soul of a senior lama is reincarnated in the body of a child on his death".
In 1995, after the Dalai Lama named a boy in Tibet as the reincarnation of the previous Panchen Lama, the second highest figure in Tibetan Buddhism, China put that boy under house arrest and installed another in his place.
Gross notes that Tibetan Buddhism includes a profusion of positive female images and symbols, and accommodates a number of highly regarded and respected female practitioners (Patriarchy 80).
During his trip, Li also visited the Potala Palace, once the home to the Dalai Lama, Tibetan Buddhism s highest spiritual leader who fled Tibet following a failed uprising in 1959.
The Dalai Lama said spirituality is becoming increasingly popular among Chinese students, adding that Tibetan Buddhism can offer ''immense benefit'' to China as it undergoes a ''moral crisis.''
According to Tibetan Buddhism, the prayer flags are to be placed in high places so the wind can blow the prayers to heaven.
"Masterworks," curated by Christian Luczanits, relates the various schools of Tibetan Buddhism to stylistic and aesthetic developments in an exhibition rather than as in previous scholarship, which links style to specific regions in Tibet.
Bhutan has been within the sphere of Tibetan Buddhism since the seventh century and the Drukpa lineage of Tibetan Buddhism is its state religion, according to Kumagai.
Pomplun, associate professor of theology at Loyola University Maryland, brings to this missiological study the distinction of being a scholar of Tibetan Buddhism with a command of classic Tibetan Buddhist texts in their original language.

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