

An instrument for measuring curves, especially those in lateral curvature of the spine.
[G. skolios, curved, + metron, measure]
Farlex Partner Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012


An instrument for measuring curves.
[G. skolios, curved, + metron, measure]
Medical Dictionary for the Health Professions and Nursing © Farlex 2012


A tool for measuring trunk asymmetry; it includes a bubble level and angle measure.
Mentioned in: Scoliosis
Gale Encyclopedia of Medicine. Copyright 2008 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
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Screening methods include visual inspection using the forward bend test, use of scoliometer measurement of the angle of trunk rotation during forward bend test with a rotation of 5 degrees--7 degrees recommended to be referred for radiography, and Moire topography that enumerates asymmetric contour lines on the back (values greater than 2 are referred to radiography).
The control group included individuals without any signs of scoliosis upon screening and no trunk rotation in the Adam's forward bend test using a scoliometer, which is used in clinical studies of children with scoliosis.
For the assessment of AIS in the control group, Adams' test was performed and a scoliometer used for the evaluation of the body rotation.
Equipment required for the station included a crib, an infant stethoscope, a scoliometer, and Baby Vital Sim[TM], a medium-fidelity simulator with heart and lung sounds that simulated a 10- to 12-month-old infant.
Measurements were taken for angle oftrunk rotation (presence ofscoliosis) using a scoliometer, height and weight to produce an age-adjusted BMI, and generalized joint hypermobility using the Beighton criteria.
(51) A scoliometer, which is a variant of a carpenter's level, can be incorporated in the examination process to measure the severity of the rib hump and lumbar bulge.
Postural measurements for the five positions will be done using a goniometer and scoliometer. A survey will assess whether participants would use the supports in their daily lives.
An evaluation of the Adams forward bend test and the scoliometer in a scoliosis school screening setting.
Clinicians can assess trunk asymmetry with the Adams forward bend test and/or a scoliometer and radiographs.
Additionally, a scoliometer with a threshold of 5 or 7 degrees was used.
Scoliosis is confirmed with an erect radiograph that shows a curve greater than 10 degrees and when the scoliometer test shows trunk asymmetry over 5 degrees.
Neuwirth recommends using a cutoff angle of 6 degrees as measured with a scoliometer. Physicians don't need to do anything for children with curves less than 6 degrees other than note the angle of the curve in the child's chart and monitor the angle at future check-ups.