facial hemiatrophy

(redirected from Romberg Syndrome)

fa·cial hem·i·at·ro·phy

atrophy, usually progressive, affecting the tissues of one side of the face.
Farlex Partner Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012

fa·cial hem·i·at·ro·phy

(fāshăl hemē-atrŏ-fē)
Atrophy, usually progressive, affecting tissues of one side of face.
Medical Dictionary for the Dental Professions © Farlex 2012
References in periodicals archive ?
Parry Romberg syndrome is a sporadic and rare condition that has been reported to be more common in females, [7-11,12-14] without apparent geographic or ethnic predilection.
Parry Romberg syndrome with localized scleroderma: a case report.
The anatomic changes seen in Parry Romberg syndrome disturb the growth potential of hard tissue during active growth periods.
A tale of two diseases: Parry romberg syndrome and en coup de sabre: A case report.
Parry Romberg syndrome: A case report and discussion.
But it wasn't until Yasmin turned nine that she was finally diagnosed with Parry Romberg syndrome.
DISCUSSION: Parry Romberg syndrome is an uncommon degenerative and poorly understood condition.
Parry Romberg syndrome. Practical Neurology 2006; 6: 185-188.