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an infra-order of the ARTERIODACTYLA, including ruminants such as cattle, sheep, goats, deer and giraffe, possessing a placenta having villi in small tufts.
Collins Dictionary of Biology, 3rd ed. © W. G. Hale, V. A. Saunders, J. P. Margham 2005
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Hours after being named acting chief June 7 once longtime Chief Gerald Mourning moved up his retirement date, Pecora was at the crime scene of a double homicide.
Pecora has been part of our organization since 1990 and his accomplishments are impressive,'' said Robert Garrett, chief executive officer, Hackensack Meridian Health.
Pecora's reading of Samuel Beckett draws on previous work by Anthony Uhlmann and David Tucker on the influence of Arnold Geulincx' occasionalism in Beckett's writing.
Pecora, PhD, is the Managing Director of Research Services at Casey Family Programs and a Professor at the School of Social Work at the University of Washington.
Before that, she served as a Vice President with Pecora & Pecora.
2016 Taste the Difference Pecorino PS6 instead of PS7 until August 9 at Sainsbury's Sheep (pecora in Italian) are, allegedly, especially attracted to this particular vine - hence the name.
Opere letterarie: La pecora nera Componenti degli agglomerati: Col titolo La pecora nera, sono venuti alla luce cinque diversi oggetti: l'opera letteraria (2006), Il diario (2010), Il libro (2011), il DVD dello spettacolo (allegato a La pecora nera.
O numero apresenta ainda duas resenhas, com grande aderencia as tematicas abordadas neste volume: uma sobre as nocoes de patrimonio no ambito dos estudos pos-coloniais, elaborada por Alcir Pecora (UNICAMP), sobre o livro Patrimonios de influencia portuguesa: modos de olhar, lancado em 2015 em coedicao da editora da Universidade de Coimbra e da EDUFF; e outra, de autoria de Luciana Molina Queiroz (UNICAMP), sobre a obra de Jonathan Crary, intitulada 24/7--Capitalismo tardio e os fins do sono.
One of the campaign strategies is putting up a gallery of messages using Joe Pecora's Photo + Positive concept.
Pecora Corporation said it has launched its new sealants and coatings calculator app.