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A highly toxic, carcinogenic nitrosamine, C2H6N2O, that occurs in tobacco smoke and certain foods and is sometimes found as a contaminant in drinking water. Also called dimethylnitrosamine.
The American Heritage® Medical Dictionary Copyright © 2007, 2004 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.
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NDMA in collaboration with Pakistan Telecommunications Authority (PTA) and all Cellular Mobile Operators (CMOs) has launched initiative to facilitate Early Warning System that would utilize GSM Cellular technology for dissemination of early warnings by ensuring institutionalization of a message alert system for the community awareness.
"If any institution or individual wants to help the victims in any way, then they could contact the concerned district administration State Disaster Management Authority (SDMA) or NDMA," the Charman NDMA said in the statement issued.
In the event of a disaster, all stakeholders including government ministries, departments, organisations, Armed Forces, INGOs, NGOs, UN agencies work through and form part of the NDMA to conduct one window operations.
He said although after 18th constitutional amendment, NDMA was a devolved subject and fundamental responsibility to manage the disasters rests with respective Provinces, while NDMA acts as national backup support at federal level.
The NDMA's report warrants an immediate and proactive action to cope up with the drought situation in Sihdh and parts of Balochistan which may get severe in the coming days due to prolonged dry spell predicted in many parts of the country.
NDMA has planned another National Consultative Seminar (NCS) in the second week of December at Islamabad to discuss intensity and extent of the drought across Pakistan.
The Commandant Scouts and Deputy Commissioner, Chitral appreciated NDMA's efforts for undertaking MHVRA study in District Chiral and expressed their thoughts on the significance of such studies for effective disaster management in the district.
NDMA solicited input, opinions and support of donors and development partners for its future plans and priorities for Disaster Risk Management in Pakistan.
Some of the key roles that the NDMA is expected to perform include laying down policy on disaster management, approving the national disaster management plan, framing guidelines to be followed by Central ministries and state authorities, besides, providing such support to other countries hit by major disasters.
Material on disaster management was distributed to the visiting public on managing various kinds of disasters besides making continuous audiovisual presentations at the NDMA pavilion.
The board took the action in recognition of the fact that several NDMA members manufacture dietary supplements in addition to their O-T-C drug products.