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1. a branch of philosophy dealing with values pertaining to human conduct, considering the rightness and wrongness of actions and the goodness or badness of the motives and ends of such actions.
2. systematic rules or principles governing right conduct. Each practitioner, upon entering a profession, is invested with the responsibility to adhere to the standards of ethical practice and conduct set by the profession. adj., adj eth´ical.
applied ethics practical ethics.
descriptive ethics a type of nonnormative ethics that simply reports what people believe, how they reason, and how they act.
medical ethics the values and guidelines governing decisions in medical practice.
nonnormative ethics ethics whose objective is to establish what factually or conceptually is the case, not what ethically ought to be the case. Two types are descriptive ethics and metaethics.
normative ethics an approach to ethics that works from standards of right or good action. There are three types of normative theories: virtue theories, deontological theories, and teleological theories.
nursing ethics the values and ethical principles governing nursing practice, conduct, and relationships. The Code for Nurses, adopted by the American Nurses' Association (ANA) in 1950 and revised periodically, is intended to provide definite standards of practice and conduct that are essential to the ethical discharge of the nurse's responsibility. Further information on the Code, interpretative statements that clarify it, and guidance in implementing it in specific situations can be obtained from committees and councils on nursing practice of State Nurses' Associations or from the ANA Nursing Practice Department.
practical ethics the attempt to work out the implications of general theories for specific forms of conduct and moral judgment; formerly called applied ethics.
professional ethics the ethical norms, values, and principles that guide a profession and the ethics of decisions made within the profession.
Miller-Keane Encyclopedia and Dictionary of Medicine, Nursing, and Allied Health, Seventh Edition. © 2003 by Saunders, an imprint of Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved.


The branch of philosophy that deals with the distinction between right and wrong, with the moral consequences of human actions.
[G. ethikos, arising from custom, fr. ethos, custom]
Farlex Partner Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012


(1) The study of fundamental principles which define values and determine moral duties and obligations.
(2) Moral codes of practice concerned with: behaviour (moral conduct)—e. g. unprofessional behaviour, such as direct discrimination; legal, religious, social and personal concerns (moral issues); and debates within society—e.g. euthanasia vs. prolonging the life of a terminally-ill person.
Segen's Medical Dictionary. © 2012 Farlex, Inc. All rights reserved.


1. The branch of philosophy that deals with the distinction between right and wrong, with the moral consequences of human actions.
2. nursing Philosophy or code about what is ideal in human character and conduct; principles of right or wrong accepted by individual or group; study of morals and moral choices.
[G. ethikos, arising from custom, fr. ethos, custom]
Medical Dictionary for the Health Professions and Nursing © Farlex 2012


The branch of philosophy that deals with the distinction between right and wrong and with the moral consequences of human actions.
[G. ethikos, arising from custom, fr. ethos, custom]
Medical Dictionary for the Dental Professions © Farlex 2012

Patient discussion about ethics

Q. The cobbler's shoes are never fixed A bit philosophical/ethical question: do you think it’s a appropriate to an alternative therapist to treat people with disease he or she has and can’t cure himself?

A. Even dietitian can suffer from depression and eat too much, or a gym coach that suffers from injury that prevents him or her from exercising. The knowledge and capabilities are not dependent on the specific situation of the therapist, not to mention the many explanations for such cases.

However, I do agree it may seem a bit suspicious…

More discussions about ethics
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References in periodicals archive ?
At a deeper level, what is at issue is not the moral question as to whether same-sex behavior is good or not, but the essential doctrinal issue of what methodology is acceptable in biblical interpretation and if it is applied consistently.
One should not rely simply upon authoritarian dictates, tradition, dogma, or bias, but rather have an open mind about moral questions and encourage others to think for themselves as well.
But his study seeks to move beyond documentation to interpretation: he is especially interested in the role of the Yishuv as a bystander to the events, and here he raises important political and moral questions: To what extent did the Zionist movement and the early Jewish pioneers respond to the plight of the Armenians?
Snakeskin by John McCabe (Black Swan, pounds 9.99) BRUMMIE author McCabe's black comedy of greed and deception is a fable for the computer age - asking awkward moral questions as it amuses and thrills by turn.
I remain interested in the moral questions that irritate, befuddle, and inspire them.
It tells of his first blustering proposal for a "sink the Maine" stratagem, then his deepening second thoughts, then his courage in standing up to the room full of powerful hawks and putting forward the moral questions, and the long-kept-secret but crucial negotiation and compromise with the Russians.
Based on the Anthony Burgess novel of the same name, it certainly offers up some very interesting moral questions and the imagery is quite shocking in parts.
He said: "If politicians cross the line into moral questions then religious leaders will always speak out."
Such debates demonstrate that education is an ethically and politically contested domain, that the articulation of different points of view on basic moral questions is a central element of the educative process (Beyer & Liston, 1996).
The leap from duplicating animals to cloning people raises moral questions that lie at the heart of the panel's recommendation.
Catholics would follow their own consciences on difficult moral questions, while only 9 percent said they would follow papal teachings.
Many of Hauge's other books are concerned with religious and moral questions, and all of his works are rooted in Christian belief and Norse mythology.