linear density

(redirected from Linear mass)
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linear density

mass of a substance per unit length.
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For linear MASs, the cooperative containment control problem is discussed in [15], and several necessary and sufficient containment conditions are presented by using spectral analysis and matrix theory.
For linear MASs under time-invariant topology, the distributed control laws based on state feedback or output feedback have been designed under which the systems will synchronize [16,19].
Table-3 shows the results of determination of tensile properties of yarns with same linear mass density.
MRI shows a well-circumscribed linear mass with peripheral calcification and a liquid centre.
The first iteration would enable calculation of the correct values for the linear mass balance equations.
Using an alkanethiol internal standard, highly linear mass spectral calibration curves for various binary and ternary alkanethiol mixtures have been obtained over the micromolar to millimolar concentration range.
The BSP feeders have vertical rotating discs that create a product lock-up zone, conveying the material smoothly from storage hopper to discharge outlet, achieving true linear mass flow.
It is the longest linear mass of volcanic rock in the world.