von Hippel-Lindau syndrome
(redirected from Lindau disease)von Hip·pel-Lin·dau syn·drome
(făn hip'el lan'dow), [MIM*193300]a type of phacomatosis, consisting of retinal vascular malformations, which may be multiple and bilateral, associated with hemangioblastomas primarily of the cerebellum and walls of the fourth ventricle, occasionally involving the spinal cord; sometimes associated with renal cell carcinomas or cysts or hamartomas of kidney, adrenal, or other organs; autosomal dominant inheritance due to mutation in the von Hippel-Lindau gene (VHL) on 3p.
von Hip·pel-Lin·dau syn·drome
(făn hip'el lan'dow), [MIM*193300]a type of phacomatosis, consisting of retinal vascular malformations, which may be multiple and bilateral, associated with hemangioblastomas primarily of the cerebellum and walls of the fourth ventricle, occasionally involving the spinal cord; sometimes associated with renal cell carcinomas or cysts or hamartomas of kidney, adrenal, or other organs; autosomal dominant inheritance due to mutation in the von Hippel-Lindau gene (VHL) on 3p.
Farlex Partner Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012
Arvid Wilhelm, Swedish pathologist, 1892-1958.Lindau disease - Synonym(s): von Hippel-Lindau syndrome
Lindau tumor - a benign cerebellar neoplasm. Synonym(s): hemangioblastoma
von Hippel-Lindau syndrome - see under von Hippel
von Hippel,
Eugen, German ophthalmologist, 1867-1939.Hippel keratoplasty
Hippel trephine
von Hippel disease - retinal hemangiomatosis.
von Hippel-Lindau syndrome - a type of phacomatosis, consisting of hemangiomas of the retina associated with hemangiomas or hemangioblastomas primarily of the cerebellum and walls of the fourth ventricle, occasionally involving the spinal cord. Synonym(s): cerebroretinal angiomatosis; Lindau disease
Medical Eponyms © Farlex 2012