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H., 20th-century German dermatologist. See: Flegel disease.
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Su interes tambien esta asociado a que miembros de estas familias pueden ser hospederos del baculovirus de la mancha blanca (white spot syndrome virus o WSSV), el cual ha causado importantes perdidas economicas en instalaciones de cultivo de camarones (Flegel y Alday-Sanz 1998, Chakraborty et al.
Damian Flegel and Jairo Mantilla from TransCanada Calibrations describe the process of calibrating custody transfer meters as they ask readers to ask themselves if they really know what they're getting.
And the winners are: Horchow for national home accents catalog; Haverty Furniture for national furniture store chain; Robb & Stucky for East/Atlantic furniture store; Flegel's Home Furnishings for West furniture store.
Zwei der Konferenzteilnehmer, Tim Flegel und Dan Fegan, haben einige Tage lang Proben genommen, sowohl aus wilden Garnelenvorkommen als auch aus Anzuchtbecken und Farmen.
In the past decade, an increasing number of individuals use mechanical ventilatory support for all or part of the day (Adams, Whitman, & Marcy, 1993; Lin, Huang, Lan, & Tsai, 1996; Litwin, Flegel, & Richardson, 1992).
[1.] Kuczmarski RJ, Flegel KM, Campbell SM, Johnson CL.
Artimo, P., Jonnalagedda, M., Arnold, K., Baratin, D., Csardi, G., de Castro, E., Duvaud, S., Flegel, V., FortIer, A., Gasteiger, E., Grosdidier, A., Hernandez, C., Ioannidis, V., Kuznetsov, D., Liechti, R., Moretti, S., Mostaguir, K., Redaschi, N., RossIer, G., Xenarios, I.
(11.) Denomme GA, Wagner FF, Fernandes BJ, Li W, Flegel WA.
SPRINGFIELD - Visitation will be at noon Monday, May 7, at Major Family Funeral Home in Springfield for Robert Lee "Bob" Flegel of Springfield, who died May 1 of liver failure.
White spot syndrome (WSS) disease, caused by white spot syndrome virus (WSSV), affects most commercially important shrimp species and threatens the shrimp farming industry worldwide causing widespread morbidity and mortality in postlarval, juvenile, and adult stages of many penaeid species common to aquaculture (Lightner 1996, Flegel et al.