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1. Without life.
See also: death.
2. Numb.
Farlex Partner Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012


1. Having lost life; no longer alive.
2. Lacking feeling or sensitivity; numb or unresponsive.
The American Heritage® Medical Dictionary Copyright © 2007, 2004 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.


Vox populi Not alive, deceased, goners, kaputt
McGraw-Hill Concise Dictionary of Modern Medicine. © 2002 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.


1. Without life.
2. Numb.
Medical Dictionary for the Dental Professions © Farlex 2012

Patient discussion about dead

Q. God! I want to die! First of all I would like to thank you all for this website - and for all your posts - it´s very supporting. Now, my story... I have Bipolar II I´ve always had been a sort of depressed / concerned during my childhood. When I was about 14 I felt something different: I felt sort of high - I was no longer shy - I did well at school and I was so happy with a great self-confidence. After two year that changed and I got depressed – school results became poorer. Got other physical illnesses - I was diagnosed chronic inflammation of the eyes - no treatment helped. Shifted to a new country was happy for a while but again started depressing. Inflammations of the eyes got better. I was happy and I was sad and so on... My father could see a strange activity in my eyes and irritability combined with deep depression. It’s Bipolar disorder. After 2 years I felt good so I stayed away from med. God! I really want to die. Thank you for your patience to hear this patient!

A. I sure can relate to how you have been feeling. I too have been so high that I danced on desk tops and then tried to kill myself many times. Thru prayer and alot of good loving caring people and doctor. I now know I must stay on my meds forever and just except that it is a chemical imbalance I will always need help with. God Bless you and Good Luck.

Q. What causes fibromyalgia? Is fibromyalgia a deadly disease?

A. The causes of fibromyalgia are not known. But there are many theories such as abnormalities in brain chemicals, infections, trauma, genetics and hormonal changes. Factors such as poor sleep, fatigue, overexertion and anxiety, may aggravate the symptoms. Fibromyalgia is not a progressive or life-threatening condition, but it affects quality of life. Fibromyalgia is only a disorder of muscles and not a disease.

Q. feel like im dying want to quit smoking and drinking want help

A. Well it is important to know how often you drink and smoke, in order to help you quit. You can ask your doctor about helpful tips for smoking cessation, for instance wearing a nicotine patch, or quitting gradually.

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References in classic literature ?
I suddenly stepped in front of Montgomery and lifted up my voice:--"Children of the Law," I said, "he is not dead!" M'ling turned his sharp eyes on me.
"The Thing that bled, and ran screaming and sobbing,--that is dead too," said the grey Thing, still regarding me.
The figure lay upon its back, its upper part in shadow, but standing above it and looking down upon the face, he saw that it was a dead body.
He must find some excuse to delay the finding of Mohammed Beyd's dead body.
"By the dead hands at my throat but he shall die, Bar Comas.
When the whole earth is vibrant with life, does it not seem to you, Octavie, that heaven might for once relent and give us back our dead?" He spoke very low, advisedly, and impressively.
I closed my lids, and kept them close, And the balls like pulses beat; For the sky and the sea, and the sea and the sky Lay like a load on my weary eye, And the dead were at my feet.
Then came the ghost of my dead mother Anticlea, daughter to Autolycus.
There is much which I have left out; much which I have not dared to tell; but you will find the story of his second search for Dejah Thoris, Princess of Helium, even more remarkable than was his first manuscript which I gave to an unbelieving world a short time since and through which we followed the fighting Virginian across dead sea bottoms under the moons of Mars.
How sweet to die in such employ, to rest,-- Sister and brother linked in love's embrace-- A sinless sinner, banned awhile on earth, But by the dead commended; and with them I shall abide for ever.
When we return in the morning, we hope you'll be polite enough to let us find you dead and gone and with your mouth wide open." With these words they went.
When the king heard that Baleka was sick he did not kill her outright, because he loved her a little, but he sent for me, commanding me to attend her, and when the child was born to cause its body to be brought to him, according to custom, so that he might be sure that it was dead. I bent to the earth before him, and went to do his bidding with a heavy heart, for was not Baleka my sister?