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pertaining to a cord; used specifically in referring to the vocal cords.
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Slinkachu and Cordal's work has included dioramas depicting children bathing in a discarded chicken tikka takeaway, riot police posing for holiday snaps in front of the Acropolis in Greece, and a couple studying an upright cigarette butt as if it were on display in an exhibition.
By the time they reached the Category One climb of Alto del Cordal with around 25km remaining, Talansky and Champion had been swallowed up by the peloton, leaving Geschke alone out in front.
de Monte Maior, San Roque e Penedo do Galo esta incluido dentro del Lugar de Importancia Comunitario (L.I.C.) "Monte Maior" (110054), pequeno enclave montanoso prelitoral perteneciente a los montes del Buio, que con los montes de los Caballeros forma el cordal de baja altitud que separa las cuencas de los rios Landro y Ouro, constituyendo una prolongacion de las denominadas sierras septentrionales de Lugo (Xistral-Toxiza).
El volumen Rosalia 21, editado por Angueira, y quien colabora con un trabajo titulado "Algunhas visions de Rosalia de Castro" reune otros nueve ensayos entre los que destaco los de los poetas Xabier Cordal Fustes y Maria do Cebreiro.
The cluster analysis was carried out by means of the cordal distance index (0rloci 1978b), and the resulting matrix was grouped using of the flexible method with B=-0.25 (Sneath and Sokal 1974, Swartz et al.
Celebrating a famil re-union at the Tralee Festival in the Brandon Hotel were: (back)' Joe McNamara, Niall Burke, Simon O'Toole, Bridget O'Toole, Niall Madden and Seamus Burke, (front)' Jill McNamara, Christina Madden and Joan Burke.' Tim Russell, Cordal, Castleisland, Co.