Current Position

Since September 2022, I am a full professor at the TU Wien Faculty of Informatics in Vienna, Austria, where I lead the Rigorous Software Engineering Group and the Software Engineering Research Unit at the Information Systems Engineering Institute.

Research Interests

My research goal is to develop theoretical foundations and practical tools for building more reliable and usable software and increasing developer productivity. I am primarily interested in software engineering and formal methods. I particularly like investigating topics in automatic test generation, program analysis, and software verification. My tools and techniques explore novel ways in writing, specifying, verifying, testing, and debugging programs in order to make them more robust while improving the developer experience.


Open Positions

I am hiring Ph.D. students and post-doctoral researchers. If you are interested, please send me your CV.

Curriculum Vitae

A PDF version of my CV can be found here.

TU Wien
Univ. Prof. Dr. Maria Christakis
Favoritenstraße 9 / E194-01
Office HC0201
1040 Wien
[email protected]
+43 1 58801-194102