[dpdk-ci] August 12 Community CI Minutes

Lincoln Lavoie lylavoie at iol.unh.edu
Thu Aug 12 16:40:53 CEST 2021

DPDK Community CI Meeting Minutes

August 12, 2021


1. Lincoln Lavoie
2. Owen Hilyard
3. Brandon Lo
4. Aaron Conole
5. Michael Santana
6. Ali Alnubani
7. Henry Nadeau
8. Lijuan Tu
9. Juraj Linkes


1. CI Status
2. Test Development
3. Any other business


CI Status

UNH-IOL Community Lab
* Alpine linux fails to build performance-thread example
   * Bugzilla https://bugs.dpdk.org/show_bug.cgi?id=756
* FreeBSD 13 unit test failures
   * Bugzilla https://bugs.dpdk.org/show_bug.cgi?id=761
* Intel 40G machine is back online
* Reached out to Broadcom for support with ARM machine
* Email split is in effect for patchworks
   * Unit and compile tests are now split up by architecture
* ABI references are now rebuilt and comparing against v21.08
* Work is being done on bringing updating trex from 87 to 90.
* Continued work on fixing functional tests where changes in DTS caused
* Spell check patch (corrections to documentation) got merged, working on a
back port patch as well.  Couple of new spelling errors were merged, Henry
is working on a patch for those as well.
* UNH will look into changing the email reporting on failures, per

Intel Lab

* A request for changes to the email reporting should be in place now, with
patch submitters also emailed directly on failures.
* Fixed some issues with the lab systems.
* Working on DTS CI, waiting on dts-test-report email list to be integrated
into patchwork, sending to the test-report email list in the meantime.
* Owen provided a script to identify which tests should be run, based on
the changes in the patch; this could be used to improve the coverage of the
DTS CI testing. Owen will send a docker file to create an image that can
run the script.
* DTS CI is going to be offline for a few days, while doing dry-runs of

Github Actions & OBS

* Added support for mutli-workflow actions, which will be used when adding
additional runners.
* Patch series has been submitted for the work to enable OBS. Aaron is
sending some comments, and there will be a request for Juraj to review.

Test Development

* Aaron still needs to work on the func_reentrancy_autotest to improve the
debugging support.
* DTS Improvements
   * Discussions are progressing. Work is being tracked here:
   * Next Meeting: August 4, 2021
   * Group got through all the feedback in the document.
   * Starting to get work in place to clean up the python code
(auto-formatting), and linting.  Aiming to fully deploy this after the
21.11 release.
   * Aiming to ensure a subset of DTS test cases used on the DPDK CI have
CI testing enabled within DTS.

Any other business

* Next Meeting: August 26, 2021
* New arm hardware potentially available to add to the UNH lab.  Need to
confirm a plan for the traffic generator for the lab (spare server or using
the existing arm TG server for both arm systems). Lincoln to follow up to
Juraj on the current TG specs.

*Lincoln Lavoie*
Principal Engineer, Broadband Technologies
21 Madbury Rd., Ste. 100, Durham, NH 03824
lylavoie at iol.unh.edu
+1-603-674-2755 (m)
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