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image number Article item description ASC Leiden Thesaurus ID instance of country
1 !Xu Q55087169 language 294895787 language
2 'ālim Q189459 Muslim jurist and theologian, generally Sunni 294942335 Islamic religious occupation
3 11th century Q7063 century 294895809 century
4 12th century Q7061 century 294895817 century
5 13th century Q7049 century 294895825 century
6 14th century Q7034 century 294895833 century
7 15th century Q7018 century 294895841
8 16th century Q7017 century 29489585X century
9 17th century Q7016 century 294895868 century
10 1800s Q39577 decade of the Gregorian calendar (1800–1809) 294895884 decade
11 1810s Q40196 decade of the Gregorian calendar 294895906 decade
12 1820s Q44659 decade of the Gregorian calendar 294895914 decade
13 1830s Q39484 decade 294895922 decade
14 1840s Q38324 decade 294895930 decade
15 1850s Q40927 decade 294895949 decade
16 1860s Q39844 decade 294895957 decade
17 1870s Q39847 decade 294895965 decade
18 1880s Q38674 decade sec XIX 294895973 decade
19 1890s Q38971 decade 294895981 decade
20 18th century Q7015 time period between January 1, 1701, and December 31, 1800 294895876 century
21 1900s Q36574 decade from 1900 to 1909 294896007 decade
22 1910s Q36585 decade 294896015 decade
23 1920s Q35736 decade 294896023 decade
24 1930s Q35702 decade 294896031 decade
25 1940s Q36561 decade of the Gregorian calendar (1940–1949) 29489604X decade
26 1950s Q36297 decade 294896058
27 1960s Q35724 decade of the 1960s (1960-1969) 294896066 decade
28 1970s Q35014 decade (1970-1979) 294896074 decade
29 1990s Q34653 decade of the Gregorian calendar (1990–1999) 294896090 decade
30 19th century Q6955 time period between January 1, 1801, and ended on December 31, 1900 294895892 century
31 1st millennium Q25868 millennium spanning the years 1 to 1000 294956611 millennium
32 2000s Q35024 decade from 2000 to 2009 294896104 decade
33 2010s Q19022 decade from 1 January 2010 to 31 December 2019 318132176 decade
34 20th century Q6927 time period between January 1, 1901, and ended on December 31, 2000 294896007 century
35 21st century Q6939 current century 294896112 century
36 2nd millennium Q25860 millennium spanning the years 1001 to 2000 294956638 millennium
37 ANTRAX Q129104 SINALOA 294898646 infectious disease
notifiable disease
class of disease
38 Abeokuta uprising Q54370867 Violent reaction on the part of the inhabitants of Egbaland, Nigeria, against the British decision to introduce indirect rule in 1918. 29489618X rebellion
39 Adamawa–Ubangi Q351533 language family 294896562 language family
40 Adangbe Q352275 ethnic group 294896570 ethnic group
41 Afikpo Q22639430 subgroup of the Igbo people 294896783 ethnic group
42 Africa Q15 continent 294896791 continent
geographic location
geographic region
No/unknown value
43 African American studies Q383968 academic field focusing on peoples of the African diaspora and Africa 29490185X academic discipline
44 African Charter on Human and Peoples' Rights Q385961 charter 294896821 charter
45 African Charter on the Rights and Welfare of the Child Q2961181 treaty in point in time and point in time 29489683X treaty
46 African Commission on Human and Peoples' Rights Q386252 Quasi-judicial body 294896848 panel
47 African Court on Human and Peoples' Rights Q1036440 organization 294896856 human rights organization
international court
48 African Economic Community Q386881 international organization 294896880 international organization
49 African Peer Review Mechanism Q384249 African Union self-monitoring mechanism 328855065
50 African Union Q7159 supranational union in Africa 294897038 regional organization
continental union
international organization
51 African and Malagasy Union Q388001 organization 294942211
52 African initiated church Q386234 independent Christian church 294896902
53 African people Q1075929 inhabitants or ascendants of the African continent 294897054 human population
54 African slave trade Q7584266 selling and buying people as goods 294937625
55 African studies Q38157 field of academic study of Africa, especially the continent's cultures and societies 294896988 academic discipline
56 African theology Q4689940 religious perspective 294897011
57 African trypanosomiasis Q203133 parasitic disease 294941797 infectious disease
class of disease
58 Africanization Q387718 making something African 294897046
59 Afrikaners Q385799 Southern African ethnic group descended from predominantly Dutch settlers 294897089 ethnic group
60 Afro Caribbeans Q2050339 Caribbean people with sub-Saharan African ancestry 294897127 ethnic group
61 Afroasiatic Q25268 large language family of Africa and West Asia 294897135 language family
62 Agence de coopération culturelle et technique Q2826590 organization 294896449 organization
63 Aghlabids Q207600 dynasty 294897240 dynasty
historical country
64 Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights Q331647 treaty of the WTO 300606850 treaty
65 Agricultural diversification Q4693955 can be regarded as the re-allocation of some of a farm's productive resources 294906525
66 Agricultural prices Q51426312 Des Moines: Wallace Publishing, 1920. 29489747X publication
67 Ait Hadiddou Q61404239 ethnic group 294897739 ethnic group
68 Ait Mizane Q54255067 ethnic group 294897747 ethnic group
69 Ait Ouriaghel Q410266 ethnic group 294897755 ethnic group
70 Ait Yafelman Q2876530 Ethnic group 294897763 ethnic group
71 Akwa Akpa Q3527954 city state 294930280 traditional state in Nigeria
72 Akwamu Q1791839 state set up by Akan people that flourished in the 17th and 18th centuries 294897879 historical country
73 Akyem Q26236061 three kingdoms in Ghana, of Akyem people 294897844
74 Aladura Q738020 Christian religious movement 294897909
75 Alcohol fuel Q4389193 alcohols used as fuel for internal combustion engines 294897933 combustible matter
76 Algeria Q262 country in North Africa 294897976 sovereign state
Mediterranean country
people's republic
77 Algerian studies Q115669282 Broader: African studies 294897984 academic discipline
78 All Africa Conference of Churches Q2623337 Ecumenical fellowship 294898018 regional council of churches
79 All African Convention Q1477846 1935 conference 294898026 political party
80 Alladian Q2837639 ethnic group 294898050
81 Almohad Caliphate Q199688 1121–1269 Berber empire in North Africa and Iberia 294898107 caliphate
historical country
82 American studies Q470125 interdisciplinary academic field focused on American history, society and culture 294898239 academic discipline
83 Americas Q828 North America and South America taken together as a single continent or landmass 294898212 supercontinent
part of the world
84 Anglican Communion Q193312 international association of churches 294898352 Christian denomination
85 Anglo-Zulu War Q228911 war between the British Empire and the Zulu Kingdom fought in the Zulu lands in South Africa in 1879 294898379 war
86 Anglophone Africa Q34182977 region of Africa where English is spoken 294909990 geographic region
87 Angoche Sultanate Q1949848 Historical country, from 1485 294898387 historical country
88 Angolan studies Q115669295 Broader: African studies 294898417 academic discipline
89 Ano Q2852040 African people 294898565
90 Antandroy Q1772245 An ethnic group in Madagascar 294898581 ethnic group
91 Antarctica Q51 polar continent 398639280 continent
geographic region
terra nullius
part of the world
92 Arab League Q7172 organization of Arab states 294898913 regional organization
political union
international organization
93 Arab Maghreb Union Q370862 trade agreement among Arab countries 294942602 intergovernmental organization
94 Arab Spring Q33761 Protests and revolutions in the Arab world in the 2010s 405907036 protest
civil war
95 Arab culture Q3309134 culture carried and upheld through the family of Arabic languages in the Middle East and North Africa and by immigrants elsewhere 294898905 group of cultures by ethnic group
96 Arab states of the Arab Gulf Q2218629 Arab states of the Persian Gulf region 294914552 geographic region
97 Arabization Q1369900 growing Arabic and Islamic culture influence on non-Arab populations 294898956 cultural assimilation
98 Arbore people Q630321 ethnic group 294898999 ethnic group
99 Arusha Declaration Q716791 political statement by Julius Nyerere 294899308 political statement
100 Asante Q457341 ethnic group in Ghana 294899332 ethnic group
ethnic minority group
101 Ashanti Empire Q722071 former Akan empire centered around modern day Ghana 294899340 historical country
102 Asia Q48 continent 294899359 continent
part of the world
geographic region
103 Asian people Q4058325 people of Asian origin 294899367 ethnic group
racial group
104 Assikasso Kingdom Q56310126 historical kingdom in Ghana and Côte d'Ivoire 294899391 polity
105 Atlantic languages Q1075948 former language subfamily (obsolete) within the family of Atlantic-Congo languages; the unity of this group (excluding Volta-Congo languages) is deprecated 294943978 language family
106 Austronesian Q49228 large language family mostly of Southeast Asia and the Pacific 29489957X language family
107 BRICS Q243630 Association of Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa 407542655 coalition
geopolitical group
108 Bafour Q799802 ethnic group 294899898 ethnic group
109 Baga Q2746083 Mel and language family 294899928 language family
110 Baga people Q799815 West African ethnic group 29489991X ethnic group
111 Baganda Q403656 ethnic group 294913165 ethnic group
112 Baháʼí Faith Q22679 monotheistic religion revealed by Bahāʾullāh 294899979 new religious movement
113 Bajuni dialect Q4848956 variety of Swahili 294900047 dialect
114 Balanta people Q804639 ethnic group 294900101 ethnic group
115 Bali (Cameroon) Q60329688 (Baali Banyonga Ngaaka Nyonga) Broader: Bamenda 294900136
116 Bamana Empire Q762084 former country 29493670X historical country
117 Bamileke Q806005 language family 294900225 language family
118 Banda Q806234 language family 294900306 language family
119 Bantu Q33146 large language family spoken in Sub-Saharan Africa 294900535 language family
120 Bantu people Q173371 family of ethnolinguistic groups in Africa 294900543 ethnic group
121 Banu Hilal Q790108 ethnic group 29490123X ethnic group
122 Baptist church Q115160305 church organization that is part of the Baptist denomination 294900632
123 Barentu Oromo people Q4860459 subbranch ethnic group of Oromo people in Ethiopia and Kenya 294900683 ethnic group
124 Baster Q263176 Southern Africa ethnic group 294934510 ethnic group
125 Bedick people Q2929727 ethnic group 294901027 ethnic group
126 Beja people Q813961 ethnic group found mostly in Sudan, but also in parts of Eritrea and Egypt 29490106X ethnic group
127 Believing Q5801919 crime, sexual violence, sex and the law, sex and the law, and sexual abuse 294937021
128 Bench Q816715 people 40788744X ethnic group
129 Beni-Amer people Q4144552 A northeast African ethnic group 294901221 ethnic group
130 Benue–Congo Q33253 language family 294901299 language family
131 Berber Q25448 branch of the Afroasiatic language family indigenous to North Africa 294901337 language family
132 Betsimisaraka people Q2309630 Ethnic group in Madagascar 294901418 ethnic group
133 Bezanozano Q2334428 People of Madagaskar 294901434 people
ethnic group
134 Bhaca people Q4900495 ethnic groups of South Africa 294901442 ethnic group
135 Bible Q1845 collection of sacred books in Judaism and Christianity 294901493 religious text
collection of literary works
136 Black people Q817393 a racialized skin color-based classification of people with origins in the tropical climate zone of Africa 294901906 human race
137 Bodi Q52063445 language 294901965 dialect
138 Boer Wars Q1676845 war between the South African Republic and the United Kingdom 294898360 war
139 Boki people Q28404718 ethnic group in southeastern Nigeria 294902023 ethnic group
140 Bomvana Q10432774 ethnic group 294902120 ethnic group
141 Bondei people Q1613483 ethnic group of Tanzania 294902139 ethnic group
142 Bondelswarts affair Q4941381 rebellion 294902147 rebellion
143 Bophuthatswana Q158236 former bantustan in South Africa 294902244 South African bantustan
144 Bozo Q35021 language 294902465 language
145 Brazzaville Group Q11333773 international organization, from 1960, until 1961 294902511 international organization
146 British Q842438 citizens or residents of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, British Overseas Territories, Crown Dependencies, and their descendants 294902562 human population
147 British Cameroons Q1028835 former British Mandate territory in West Africa 294902570 historical country
League of Nations mandate
United Nations trust territory
148 British Togoland Q797527 former territory under British administration 294902597 historical country
United Nations trust territory
149 Bronze Age Q11761 prehistoric period and age studied in archaeology, part of the Holocene Epoch 294902635 archaeological age
150 Buddhism Q748 Indian religion 294902678 religion
major religion
philosophical movement
world view
151 Builsa Q1003051 ethnic group 294902759 ethnic group
152 Bullom Q4997006 Mel and language family 294902791 language family
153 Bura people Q58207084 ethnic group in northeastern Nigeria 294902872 ethnic group
154 Burji tribe Q1016325 ethnic group in Ethiopia and Kenya 294902902 ethnic group
155 Burkina Faso studies Q115669827 Broader: African studies 294902929 academic discipline
156 CD-ROM Q7982 pre-pressed compact disc containing computer data 294903704
157 COMECON Q191582 Former International Organization 294905162 international organization
158 Camelus Q7375 genus of mammals 294903208 taxon
159 Cameroon studies Q115669332 Broader: African studies 294903232 academic discipline
160 Camfranglais Q847064 language 407540385 language
161 Canidae Q25324 family of mammals 294903321 taxon
162 Cape Malay Q1276753 ethnic group in South Africa 294903356 ethnic group
163 Cape Verde studies Q115669342 Broader: African studies 294903372 academic discipline
164 Capricorn Africa Society Q23198375 Multiracial organization, founded in 1949 in Southern Rhodesia (Zimbabwe), with the objective of democratic and multiracial development in East and Central Africa, dissolved in 1965. 294903461 advocacy group
165 Caribbean Q664609 region to the center-east of America composed of many islands / coastal regions surrounding the Caribbean Sea 294903496 geographic region
166 Casablanca Group Q1046625 organization 294903550 organization
167 Casamance conflict Q209965 ongoing low-level conflict between the Government of Senegal and the Movement of Democratic Forces of Casamance since 1982 353004073 civil war
168 Berber culture Q8297770 Wikimedia category 294901329 Wikimedia category
169 Catha edulis Q207642 species of plant, commonly used by humans for its psychoactive effects 340152990 taxon
170 Central Africa Q27433 core region of the African continent 294903771 geographic region
cultural region
171 Central Sudanic Q190822 language family 29490381X language family
172 Chadic Q33184 branch of the Afroasiatic languages 294903909 language family
173 Chaga Q33016 Bantu dialect continuum spoken by the Chaga people of Tanzania, South of Mount Kilimanjaro 294903925 dialect continuum
174 Chimurenga Q4516015 MATABELE WAR 294911774 rebellion
175 Chinese people Q6501380 ethnic groups 29490428X human population
ethnic group
176 Chopi people Q2964471 ethnic group of Mozambique 294904336 ethnic group
177 Christian Church Q34651 ecclesiological term 294904425 type of Christian institution
religious concept
type of organisation
178 Christian mission Q51647 organized effort for the propagation of the Christian faith 294925953 organization
179 Christian theology Q216545 study of Christian belief and practice 294904387 confessional aspect
180 Christianity Q5043 Abrahamic monotheistic religion 294904395 major religion
181 Cifundi dialect Q55185556 Swahili dialect 294904484 language
182 Ciskei Q379042 Former bantustan in South Africa 294904530 South African bantustan
183 Colonial policy, general Q99427882 subject category of the 20th Century Press Archives 294905073 PM20 subject category
184 Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa Q1165797 free trade area 294905170 free trade area
185 Commonwealth of Nations Q7785 political association of mostly former British Empire territories 294905332 intergovernmental organization
186 Communal land Q5153960 territory owned by a community 294905340
187 Community of Portuguese Language Countries Q182500 international organization 294905626 international organization
188 Comorian Q33077 Bantu language group of the Comoro Islands 294905502 language group
natural language
modern language
189 Congo Free State Q76048 area in Central Africa controlled by Leopold II of Belgium (1885–1908) 294905758 historical country
190 Congolese studies (Democratic Republic of Congo) Q115669378 (Zairian studies) Broader: African studies 294905782 academic discipline
191 Conseil de l'Entente Q945574 West African intergovernmental organization 294906290 intergovernmental organization
192 Copts Q146744 ethnoreligious group indigenous to North Africa 294906142 ethnoreligious group
193 Cotonou Agreement Q832200 2000 EU economic and legal treaty with African, Caribbean and Pacific states 294906258 treaty
194 Council of Arab Economic Unity Q12239049 organization 294906282 international organization
195 Creole Q498640 ethnic groups formed from mixed cultural and linguistic ancestry 294906428 ethnic group
196 Cross River Q1141096 language family 29490655X language family
197 Cushitic Q33248 branch of Afroasiatic native to East Africa 294906746 language family
198 Daba Q3011568 ethnic group 294906851 ethnic group
199 Daka Q36269 language 294903968 language
200 Dangaleat Q63196666 Ethnic group 294907068 ethnic group
201 Darfur Conflict Q42773671 A conflict in Darfur that began in 2003. 352707151
202 Datooga people Q2395650 ethnic group from Arusha Region, Tanzania 294907149 ethnic group
203 Demographic history Q10297573 Wikimedia disambiguation page 294907459 Wikimedia disambiguation page
204 Dendi people Q17073583 ethnic group in West Africa 294907483 ethnic group
205 Dhaiso people Q3888282 Bantu ethnolinguistic group in Tanzania 294906967 ethnic group
ethnolinguistic group
206 Dida Q3026843 population in West Africa 294907858 ethnic group
207 Didinga people Q133886 ethnic group 294907866 ethnic group
208 Digo people Q692836 ethnic group 294907904 ethnic group
209 Dii Q1278914 Thracian ethnic group 294907912 tribe
historical ethnic group
210 Dizi people Q5285079 ethnic group living in southern Ethiopia 294908196
211 Djiboutian studies Q115669401 Broader: African studies 294908242 academic discipline
212 Doko Q5288764 language 294908366 language
213 Duala people Q1262591 ethnic group in the Cameroon 29490865X ethnic group
214 East Africa Q27407 easterly region of the African continent 294908811 geographic region
cultural region
215 East African Community Q337456 intergovernmental bloc 29490882X intergovernmental organization
international organization
216 Eastern Europe Q27468 eastern part of Europe 297780921 geographic region
217 Eastern Nilotic Q153795 language family 294908854 language family
218 Ebola hemorrhagic fever Q51993 human disease 395446252 infectious disease
class of disease
219 Ebrié Q3577339 akan people in Ivory Coast 294908870 ethnic group
220 Economic Community of Central African States Q189966 customs union 294905375 international organization
Regional Economic Communities
221 Economic Community of West African States Q193272 intergovernmental economic union 294909176
Regional Economic Communities
intergovernmental organization
222 Economic Community of the Great Lakes Countries Q1331783 international organization 294905383 international organization
223 Economic and Monetary Community of Central Africa Q1940250 inter-governmental organisation 294905391 intergovernmental organization
224 Efutu people Q641329 ethnic group 294909397 ethnic group
225 Egbado Q10271018 ethnic group 294909435 ethnic group
226 Ehotile Q3049285 ethnic group 294910158 ethnic group
227 Elgeyo people Q5359985 ethnic group 294919449 ethnic group
228 Empire Peul Q536476 former country 294941991 historical country
229 Ensete Q312321 genus of plants 294910018 taxon
230 Eritrean studies Q115669424 Broader: African studies 29491028X academic discipline
231 Ethiopian studies Q257910 overview about Ethiopian studies 294910441 academic discipline
232 Europe Q46 continent in the Northern Hemisphere 294910700 part of the world
No/unknown value
233 European Development Fund Q1377704 instrument for European Union aid for development cooperation outside the EU 294910719 funding body
234 European people Q394067 people of Europe 294910743 human population
235 Fali people Q3064750 ethnic group 29491109X ethnic group
236 Family life education Q5433344 professional organizations in the U.S 294911138
237 Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland Q654342 British territory from 1953 to 1963 294934995 historical country
dominion of the British Empire
238 Felidae Q25265 family of mammals in the order of carnivorans 294911421 taxon
239 Fengu people Q3072604 ethnic groups from South Africa 294911707 ethnic group
240 Fipa people Q2995992 ethnic group from Rukwa Region of Tanzania 294911723 ethnic group
241 Fon people Q12257903 West African ethnic group, largest in Benin 294911987 ethnic group
242 Food Production Q111381773 scientific journal 294912150 scientific journal
243 Forest produce Q5469190 defined under section 2(4) of the Indian Forest Act, 1927. 294912339
244 Francophone Africa Q2470685 regions in Africa where French is spoken 294912681 geographic region
245 French Equatorial Africa Q271894 former federation of French colonial possessions in Central Africa 294912649 colony
246 French Sahara Q16674734 Automatic description is not available 294912622
247 French invasion of Egypt and Syria Q253684 1798–1801 campaign during the War of the Second Coalition 294927247 military campaign
248 Fula Q33454 language of West Africa of the Senegambian branch of the Niger–Congo language family 294912819 language
modern language
249 Furyō Kōi Kabe Shōnen Q11361859 Youngs who commit acts that harm their own or others' morality 294945229 gangster
250 Ga-Adangbe people Q627897 ethnic group in West Africa 294912959 ethnic group
251 Gabra people Q1488058 ethnic group 294912983 ethnic group
252 Gacaca court Q1316812 system of community justice used in Rwanda after the 1994 genocide 297756648 court
253 Gade people Q58380736 ethnic group in Nigeria 294913009 ethnic group
254 Gagu Q63789534 Ivorian ethnic group 294913033 ethnic group
255 Gambian studies Q115669443 Broader: African studies 294913084 academic discipline
256 Gamo people Q749854 Gamo includes not chencha it also diversfied peoples like Qogota including Chench,Sulea... 294913130 ethnic group
257 Garamantes Q839034 ethnic group 294913181 historical ethnic group
258 Garanganze people Q2401958 tribe of Katanga who established the Yeke Kingdom 294945075 ethnic group
259 Gazankulu Q1348750 former bantustan in South Africa 294913238 South African bantustan
260 Gbe Q668284 family of Niger–Congo languages native to West Africa 354274732 language family
261 Geledi Sultanate Q862518 former Somali kingdom that ruled parts of the Horn of Africa 294913327 historical country
262 General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade Q194284 multilateral agreement regulating international trade 300606826 trade agreement
international organization
263 General Agreement on Trade in Services Q623066 This is a agreement of world on trade in services that he can export or import services. 300606885 treaty
264 Ghana Empire Q206789 West African empire based in modern-day Mauritania and Mali (c. 200–c. 1200s) 294913599 historical country
265 Ghana studies Q115669458 Broader: African studies 294913602 academic discipline
266 Giriama people Q1763989 Kenyan tribe 294913696 ethnic group
267 Gobir Q1533541 city 343211475 historical country
traditional state in Nigeria
268 Godié people Q3109786 ethnic group 294913793 ethnic group
269 Gola people Q1534501 ethnic group 29491384X ethnic group
270 Gorowa people Q1538409 ethnic group 294913939 ethnic group
271 Grassfields Bantu Q750932 language family 294914153 language family
272 Great Trek Q338949 1836–1852 Boer migrations away from the British Cape Colony 294914188 human migration
273 Greek Orthodox Church Q7970362 Orthodox Christian denominations descended from a Greek religious tradition 294914234 religious denomination
274 Griqua people Q1547060 Southern African ethnic group 294914293 ethnic group
275 Guanches Q219995 native inhabitants of the Canary Islands 294914390 ethnic group
276 Guji Oromo people Q1554193 ethnic group 294914528 ethnic group
277 Gulf War Q37643 1990–1991 war between Iraq and American-led coalition forces 294914560 war
278 Gumuz people Q1434687 ethnic group 294936963 ethnic group
279 Gur Q33536 language family 294914625 language family
280 Gurunsi Q721007 language family 294914714 language family
281 HIV/AIDS Q12199 spectrum of conditions caused by HIV infection 294897674 endemic disease
class of disease
symptom or sign
282 Ha people Q2995962 an East African ethnic group near Lake Tanganyika (Tanzania) 294914846 ethnic group
283 Habab Q11925092 Isolated human group 294914862 isolated human group
284 Hadimu Q5637872 ethnic group native to the Zanzibar archipelago 294914870 ethnic group
285 Hadiya people Q16930512 ethnic group 294914889 ethnic group
286 Hadjerai Q63196655 (Hadjeray) Broader: Chadian peoples / Narrower: Dangaleat 294914900
287 Hadza people Q1258889 ethnic group 294914919 ethnic group
288 Haiǁom Q4494782 indigenous ethnic group of Namibia 29491496X ethnic group
289 Halaba people Q39046649 ethnic group in central Ethiopian Highlands 398435162 ethnic group
290 Hamar Q61651092 (Banna Bashada Hamer) Broader: Ethiopian peoples 294914994
291 Hausa Kingdoms Q1591030 former country 294915095 historical country
292 Havu Q3128728 ethnic group 294915109 ethnic group
293 Hehe people Q1261861 ethnic group in Tanzania 294915303 ethnic group
294 Hema people Q1604701 Bantu ethnic group 294915435 ethnic group
295 Hemba people Q3130001 bantu ethnic group 29491532X ethnic group
296 Herero Wars Q16512674 series of German colonial wars in South West Africa 294915370 colonial war
297 Hinduism Q9089 religion widely practiced in the Indian subcontinent 29491546X religion
major religion
298 Hlubi people Q5873575 Southern African people 294915575 ethnic group
299 Hominoidea Q102470 superfamily of apes 294898808 taxon
300 Hotel and catering industry, amusement industry Q99428093 subject category of the 20th Century Press Archives 294915702 PM20 subject category
301 Huguenots Q101935 ethnoreligious group of French Calvinists 294915850 ethnoreligious group
302 Hunde people Q39045365 African people 294915931 ethnic group
303 Hunting song Q39774781 genre of song 294915982 song type
304 Hurutshe Q3143439 ethnic group 294915990
305 Ifá Q1426922 Yoruba religion and system of divination 294916199 religion
306 Ijaw Q1322020 language family 294916334 language family
307 Ik people Q485273 ethnic group 294916350 ethnic group
308 Imamate of Futa Jallon Q760741 theocratic kingdom of present day Guinea 294912908 Futa
former administrative territorial entity
309 Imraguen people Q1660486 ethnic group of Mauritania and Western Sahara. 294916636 ethnic group
310 Inculturation Q1663771 adaptation of Christianity to cultures 294916709 process
human activity
311 Indian Ocean Q1239 ocean bounded by Africa, Asia, Australia, and Antarctica 294916741 ocean
geographic region
No/unknown value
312 Indian Ocean Commission Q1115631 intergovernmental organization created in 1982 294905278 intergovernmental organization
313 Indigenous people Q103817 first inhabitants of an area and their descendants 294916792
314 Indirect rule Q1661443 system of colonial government, in which the day-to-day government and administration of areas both small and large was left in the hands of traditional rulers, while external affairs, taxation, and communications were left to colonial powers 294916814
315 Indo-European Q19860 language family native to western and southern Eurasia— Europe, Iran and India 294916830 language family
316 Informal education Q2893573 education that can occur outside of a structured curriculum, including homeschooling, autodidacticism, etc. 294928944 activity
317 Ingessana people Q6032415 ethnic group in Sudan 294917233 ethnic group
318 International Association of the Congo Q838416 association founded on 17 November 1879 by Leopold II of Belgium to further his interests in the Congo and recognised by the Berlin Conference as sovereign over the territories it controlled 294917470 historical country
319 Internet Q75 global system of connected computer networks based on IP addressing and routing protocols 294917683 IP network
computer network
320 Investment policy Q12281732 type of government regulation or law 294917756 investment process
type of policy
321 Iramba people Q2510251 ethnic group from Shinyanga and Singida Regions of Tanzania 294928669 ethnic group
322 Iron Age Q11764 archaeological and historical period 294917896 archaeological period
historical period
323 Islam Q432 Abrahamic religion founded by Muhammad 294917985 major religion
324 Islamic culture Q1340372 Islamic lifestyle 294918000 culture
325 Islamic education Q55610541 education related to the practice of being a true Muslim 294918019
326 Islamic studies Q843909 study of Islam 294918051 interdisciplinary science
academic discipline
academic major
field of study
327 Islamism Q189746 the practice and process of applying Islamic doctrine to personal life and society 294918043 political ideology
328 Ja'alin tribe Q3845157 an Arabic speaking, Semitic tribe 294918213 ethnic group
329 Jakhanke people Q3025924 ethnic group 29491823X ethnic group
330 Jehovah's Witnesses Q35269 nontrinitarian millenarian restorationist Christian denomination 294918310 Christian denomination
331 Jesus Q302 central figure of Christianity (6 or 4 BC – AD 30 or 33) 294918345 human biblical figure
332 Jewish culture Q548478 culture of the Jewish people 294918353 culture by ethnic group
333 Jola Q35176 dialect cluster of Senegal, the Gambia, and Guinea-Bissau 294907971 dialect continuum
334 Jolof Empire Q760893 former country 294918469 historical country
335 Judaism Q9268 Abrahamic monotheistic ethnic religion of the Jews 294918523 religion
ethnic religion
336 Jukunoid Q1711622 languages spoken by the Jukun and related peoples of Nigeria and Cameroon 355215349 language family
337 Kabyle people Q648255 Berber ethnic group indigenous to Kabylia 294918701 ethnic group
338 Kalanga people Q1193813 Bantu ethnic group 294918884 ethnic group
339 Kambaata people Q2574442 Cushitic ethnic group in Ethiopia 294918957
ethnic group
340 Kazembe Q5675285 traditional kingdom in present-day Zambia 294919309 realm
historical country
341 Kebbawa Q58928490 (Kebbi) Broader: Nigerian peoples 294919317
342 Ketu Q3311513 historical location in present-day Benin 294919430 geographical feature
343 Kgalagadi Q3195906 Botswanan people 294919465 ethnic group
344 Khalifa Q80866 Sufi religious leader and teacher in North and West Africa 294924078
345 Khasso Q3090194 West African kingdom of the 17th to 19th centuries, occupying territory in what is today Senegal and the Kayes Region of Mali 294944834 realm
historical country
346 Khassonké people Q1740605 ethnic group 294944826 ethnic group
347 Khoisan Q33614 group of African language families with click consonants 294919511 language family
348 Kiga people of Kigezi Q804430 Bantu ethnic group native to south western Uganda and northern Rwanda 294904107 ethnic group
349 Kimbanguism Q1549204 new religious movement 294919619 Christian denomination
350 Kinga-Magoma Q6412426 language 294919643 language
351 Kingdom of Aksum Q139377 trading nation in the area of Eritrea and Northern Ethiopia 294899766 historical country
352 Kingdom of Baguirmi Q1472873 former country 294899960 historical country
353 Kingdom of Bamum Q1629505 former country 29490025X historical country
354 Kingdom of Burundi Q1192936 former kingdom in Central/Eastern Africa up to 1966 294902961 historical country
355 Kingdom of Koya Q6412616 kingdom in Africa from 1505 to 1896 King Fondren Bai ll is King also his name is Wayne Fondren T JR 29492017X realm
historical country
356 Kingdom of Matamba Q973988 former country 294924469 historical country
357 Kingdom of Mutapa Q854468 kingdom in southern Africa between 1430 and 1760 294926984 historical country
358 Kingdom of Nri Q145749 African kingdoms 294929150 historical country
359 Kingdom of Sanwi Q1322953 traditional kingdom and former country 294936165 historical country
360 Kingdom of Sine Q862467 former country 29493751X historical country
vassal state
361 Kingdom of Tlemcen Q17030701 Zayyanid kingdom 294941096 kingdom
historical country
362 Kissi Q35696 language 294919740 language
363 Kofyar people Q6425743 Nigerian people 294919775 ethnic group
364 Kololo tribe Q1779570 people of Southern Africa 294919791 ethnic group
365 Koma Q1779756 ethnic group in Africa 294919848 ethnic group
366 Koniagui Q2993262 ethnic group 294919929 ethnic group
367 Koranna Q15859731 ethnic group 294920048 ethnic group
368 Kordofanian Q1139349 language family 294920064 language family
369 Kore people Q1784307 people on Lamu Island in Kenya 294920072 ethnic group
370 Kreda people Q3199642 people 294907165 people
371 Kru Q33535 language family of Liberia and Ivory Coast 294920315 language family
372 Kru people Q1537493 ethnic group in Ivory Coast and Liberia 294920307 ethnic group
373 Krumen Q6439314 language 294940634 language
374 Kuliak Q1791476 family of languages 294920412 language family
375 Kunama people Q1225113 ethnic group 294920420 ethnic group
376 Kunda people Q4247147 Bantu speaking people 294920447 ethnic group
377 Kuria people Q1552724 ethnic group 294920501 ethnic group
378 Kwa Q33430 proposed language family in Ivory Coast, Ghana, and Togo 294920633 language family
379 KwaNdebele Q1433142 former bantustan in South Africa 294920684 South African bantustan
380 Kwama people Q1396225 ethnic group 29491983X ethnic group
381 Kwangali Q5961059 traditional Kavango kingdom in modern-day Namibia 294920706 ethnic group
382 Kwaya people Q3892588 ethnic group of Tanzania 294920773
383 Kénédougou Kingdom Q15824804 Kénédougou Kingdom 294919368 historical country
384 LGBTQ Q17884 lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer or questioning persons as a group 34537939X community
group of humans
LGBT slang
385 Lala people Q5969607 ethnic group 294921176 ethnic group
386 Langi people Q1273334 ethnic group 294921427 ethnic group
387 Latin America Q12585 region of the Americas where Romance languages are primarily spoken 294921575 geographic region
388 Lawbe people Q3217683 ethnic group 294921621 ethnic group
389 Lega Q3196589 language 294919562 language
390 Lendu Q2375955 ethnic group of Democratic Republic of Congo 294921990 ethnic group
391 Lese Q15407275 African people 339754885 ethnic group
392 Liberian studies Q115669699 Broader: African studies 294922180 academic discipline
393 Libyan studies Q115669714 Broader: African studies 294922261 academic discipline
394 Logo people Q6667747 Ethnic group in central Africa 294922695 ethnic group
395 Lotuko people Q115862 ethnic group 294930604 ethnic group
396 Lugbara people Q975894 ethnic group 29492292X ethnic group
397 Luhya Q277647 Bantu ethnic group in Kenya 294923179 ethnic group
398 Lutheranism Q75809 form of Protestantism commonly associated with the teachings of Martin Luther 29492311X Christian denominational family
399 Maale people Q3281786 people of Eastern Africa living in southwestern Ethiopia 338315373 ethnic group
400 Magharibah Q2859372 The inhabitants ًof the Maghreb region (West of the Arab World) 294923349 human population
401 Maghreb Q28227 part of North Africa 294923322 geographic region
402 Maghreb studies Q115669800 Broader: African studies 294923330 academic discipline
403 Maguzawa Hausa people Q626226 ethnic group 294923365 ethnic group
404 Mahdi Q784387 Messianic figure in Islamic eschatology 29492339X Messiah
405 Majang people Q919224 ethnic group 294923446 ethnic group
406 Makonde people Q48885 ethnic group 294923470 ethnic group
407 Malawian studies Q54255721 African studies 29492356X
408 Mali Federation Q216632 former West African country consisting of the French colonies of Senegal and French Sudan 294923608 historical country
409 Mamvu (people) Q3285085 Idadi ya watu wa Afrika ya Kati na Mashariki wanaoishi katika Jamhuri ya Kidemokrasia ya Kongo 294923756 ethnic group
410 Mandara Kingdom Q1796221 Kingdom in modern-day Cameroon 294923845 historical country
411 Mandari people Q116299 ethnic group 294923853 ethnic group
412 Mande Q33681 language family of West Africa 29492387X language family
413 Manihot Esculenta Q83124 species of flowering plant in the spurge family Euphorbiaceae 294903593 taxon
414 Mankon dialect Q60646592 Mankon and dialect 294923969 dialect
415 Mano people Q17110031 ethnic group in Liberia 294923985 ethnic group
416 Manufacture of machinery and equipment n.e.c. Q1957908 economic activity; industry that produces and maintains machines 294923268 economic activity
417 Manyika tribe Q760720 of eastern Zimbabwe 294924027 ethnic group
418 Marxism Q7264 economic and sociopolitical worldview 294924337 economic theory
political ideology
school of economic thought
419 Masa people Q726434 ethnic group 294924345 ethnic group
420 Masquerade ceremony Q16941296 rite or cultural event in many parts of world, especially the Caribbean and Africa 294924426 form of event
421 Mawri Q3287211 African people 294924639
422 Mbara people Q25394168 ethnic group in Chad 294924728 ethnic group
423 Mbato Q612456 ethnic group 294914765 ethnic group
424 Mbugu people Q3303563 ethnic group 29492485X ethnic group
425 Mbukushu Q16882745 tribe and kingdom in Southern Africa 294924876 ethnic group
426 Mbum Q3303556 ethnic group 294924914 ethnic group
427 Meru people Q1290677 ethnic group 29492535X ethnic group
428 Meta (peuple) Q15407282 ethnic group 294925384 ethnic group
429 Middle Ages Q12554 period of European history from the 5th to the late 15th-century 294925503 age
historical period
430 Middle Eastern studies Q12211529 academic discipline 294925538 academic discipline
academic major
431 Middle Easterners Q100448011 people from the Middle East 294925546 human population
432 Mofu Q6890376 ethnic group 294926038 ethnic group
433 Moors Q169260 Medieval Muslim inhabitants of the Maghreb, Iberian Peninsula, Sicily and Malta 326496173 ethnonym
434 Moru–Madi Q6915156 Cluster of Central Sudanic languages 294926321 language family
435 Mozambicans Q63979002 citizens or residents of Mozambique 294926534 inhabitant
human population
436 Murle people Q116203 Murlen single Murle people 294926771 ethnic group
437 Mursi people Q1276229 ethnic group 294926798 ethnic group
438 Musgum people Q1249811 ethnic group 294926690 ethnic group
439 Muslim world Q779924 Muslim-majority countries, states, districts, or towns 294917993 cultural region
440 Mwenyi Q56435472 dialect 294926992 dialect
441 Namibian studies Q115669680 Broader: African studies 294927158 academic discipline
442 Nande Q3335624 The Nande (Yira) are a Bantu population of Central Africa established in the east of the DR Congo,also in Uganda where they are called Konzo. They are the most enterprising and dynamic people in the country. 294927174 ethnic group
443 Nandi people Q1424902 ethnic group 294927190 ethnic group
444 Nawuri Q1972464 ethnic group 294927778 ethnic group
445 Ndamba people Q3337448 ethnic group from Iringa and Morogoro Regions of Tanzania 294927794
446 Ndembu people Q3337463 are a Bantu population of central and southern Africa established in the west of the Democratic Republic of the Congo 294927832 ethnic group
447 Ndendeule people Q3895199 native peoples of Ruvuma Region 355255596 ethnic group
448 New International Economic Order Q1753801 Proposed financial-economic system of agreements that embody trade justice 294928049 world order
449 New Partnership for Africa's Development Q1979764 economic development program of the African Union 294927999 organization
450 Ngangela Q17093766 language 336159854 language
451 Ngemba Q7022271 Grassfields language group of Africa 294928294 language family
452 Ngindo people Q1570205 ethnic group 294928316 ethnic group
453 Nguni Q961559 Bantu languages spoken by the Nguni people 294928499 language family
454 Nigerian Civil War Q829875 violent conflict within Nigeria 294901469 civil war
455 Nigerian studies Q115669647 Broader: African studies 294928626 academic discipline
456 Niger–Congo Q33838 language family spoken over the majority of sub-Saharan Africa, uniting the Mande languages, the Atlantic-Congo languages and possibly several smaller groups of languages 29492860X language family
457 Nilo-Saharan Q33705 language family 294928693 language family
458 Nilotic Q513408 small language family of East Africa 294928707 language family
459 Non-European Unity Movement Q1996126 organization (Formed in 1943; went into exile in the early 1960s.) 294942815 organization
political party
social movement
460 North Africa Q27381 northernmost region of the African continent 294929061 geographic region
cultural region
461 North America Q49 continent 294928995 continent
No/unknown value
462 Nsenga Q1783687 ethnic group in Africa 294929169 ethnic group
463 Nuba peoples Q1280105 ethnic group 294929274 ethnic group
464 Nubian Q1517194 language family 294929304 language family
465 Nubian people Q15140604 ethnolinguistic group native to northern Sudan and southern Egypt 294929312 ethnic group
466 Nuer people Q822279 ethnic group 294929347 ethnic group
467 Nyabwa Q3346565 ethnic group 294929517 ethnic group
468 Négritude Q852544 cultural and political movement developed by a francophone African elite 29492793X organization
469 OHADA Q2029901 system of corporate law and implementing institutions adopted by seventeen West and Central African nations in 1993 in Port Louis, Mauritius 294930167 international organization
470 Oceania Q55643 geographical region 294929975 geographic region
part of the world
No/unknown value
471 Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Q132551 United Nations agency mandated to protect and support refugees 294942513 organization established by the United Nations
intergovernmental organization
international organization
472 Okun people Q23808457 Yoruba subgroup 294930272 ethnic group
473 Omotic Q33860 language family 294930329 language family
474 Oorlam people Q1419240 ethnic group 331136554 ethnic group
475 Orange Free State Q218023 independent Boer sovereign republic in southern Africa between 1854–1902 294930493 historical country
476 Organisation of African Unity Q191703 organization 294929843 international organization
intergovernmental organization
477 Organisation of African, Caribbean and Pacific States Q294278 intergovernmental organization of countries in Africa, the Caribbean, and the Pacific 29489649X intergovernmental organization
478 Ouaddai Empire Q1132786 former country 294943560 historical country
479 Palm kernel Q7128104 edible seed of the oil palm tree 294930833 pip
480 Pan-Africanism Q282739 worldwide intellectual movement that aims to encourage and strengthen bonds of solidarity between all people of African descent 294930884 political ideology
political movement
481 Pan-Arabism Q193476 ideology espousing the unification of the Arab world 294930892 political ideology
political movement
482 Pan-Islamism Q430032 political movement advocating the unity of Muslims under one Islamic state – often a caliphate – or an international organization with Islamic principles 294930906 political ideology
483 Parakuyo people Q85792173 subethnic group of Tanazania 294900667 people
484 Pedi people Q1265850 South African ethnic group 294931503 ethnic group
485 Pentecostalism Q483978 evangelical Christian movement 294931554 Christian denominational family
486 Plateau Q1267471 group of Benue–Congo languages spoken in central Nigeria 294932151 language family
487 Pogoro people Q3393218 ethnic group central-southern Tanzania 294932232 ethnic group
488 Pokomo people Q846804 ethnic group 294932259 ethnic group
489 Pokot people Q2573955 ethnic group 294939490 ethnic group
490 Pondo people Q7227736 southern African ethnic group 294932623 ethnic group
491 Portuguese-speaking African countries Q1360686 six African countries where Portuguese is an official language: Angola, Cape Verde, Guinea-Bissau, Mozambique, São Tomé and Príncipe and Equatorial Guinea 294932895 geopolitical group
492 Presbyterianism Q178169 branch of Protestant Christianity using presbyterian church government and originating in the British Isles 294933158 religious denomination
493 Protestantism Q23540 division within Christianity, originating from the Reformation in the 16th century against the Roman Catholic Church, that rejects the Roman Catholic doctrines of papal supremacy and sacraments 294933646 Christian denominational family
494 Qemant people Q1738459 small ethnic group in Northwestern Ethiopia particularly in Gondar 294934022 ethnic group
495 Quakers Q170208 family of Christian religious movements 294934030 Christian denominational family
496 Qur’an Q428 foundational Islamic religious text 29492003X religious text
literary work
497 Ramadan Q41662 holy month of fasting for Muslims, observed on the ninth month of the Islamic calendar 294934189 calendar month
498 Ramadan Q8867089 9th month of the Islamic calendar 294934189 calendar month
499 Rastafari Q101462 monotheistic Abrahamic religion 354811320 religion
social movement
500 Reguibat tribe Q3398927 nomadic Sahrawi tribe of Sanhaja-Berber origins 294934979 ethnic group
501 Rehoboth Uprising Q111948825 revolt of the Rehoboth Baster against the South African Administration in South West Africa, 1924-25 294934529 rebellion
502 Rendille people Q1817409 ethnic group of Kenya 294934715 ethnic group
503 Reptilia Q10811 group (class or clade) of tetrapod animals 294934774 taxon
504 Rharhabe Q7320262 Xhosa sub-group 294934987 group of humans
505 Rif War Q766437 1921–1926 war between Spain and Berber tribes of Morocco 294935045 war
506 Rolong people Q1136094 ethnic group 294935258 ethnic group
507 Roman-Dutch law Q2395172 legal system derived from Roman law as applied in the Netherlands in the 17th and 18th centuries 294935266 legal system
508 Romani people Q8060 Indo-Aryan ethnic group 294914838 ethnic group
itinerant groups of Europe
509 Rozwi Empire Q986822 Empire (1660-1880) in present Zimbabwe 294935347 historical country
510 Rufiji people Q3624326 Also in Rufiji the ethnic and linguistic group known as Ndengereko tribe 294935401 ethnic group
511 Rural housing Q7380581 housing in rural areas and adjoining farm buildings 294935525
512 Rustamid dynasty Q940123 Ibadi ruling house in Algeria 294935673 dynasty
historical country
513 Rwa people Q3892525 ethnic group from Tanzania 294935703 ethnic group
514 Rwandan studies Q115669585 Broader: African studies 294935738 academic discipline
515 Sahel studies Q115669616 African studies concerned with the climate, geography, history, culture, or languages of the Sahel 29493586X academic discipline
516 Sahrawi people Q577055 people living in the western Sahara desert 294935843 Arabs
Beni Ḥassān
517 Sanga people Q7417767 ethnic group in Katanga, Democratic Republic of the Congo 294936114 ethnic group
518 Sangu people Q3892531 ethnic group from Mbeya Region of Tanzania 294936130 ethnic group
519 Sara Q2036691 language family in southern Chad 294936246 language family
520 Scandinavians Q7429989 people from Scandinavia 294936343 human population
521 Schoolgirl Q7432668 Wikimedia disambiguation page 294936424 Wikimedia disambiguation page
522 Scramble for Africa Q179848 1880s–1900s Western European colonisation of Africa 294936521 colonialism
523 Sebei people Q2904712 people from east Africa 294936203 ethnic group
524 Second Italo-Ethiopian War Q94916 1935-1936 war between Italy and Ethiopia 294918167 war
525 Segeju people Q3888291 ethnic group from Tanga Region of Tanzania 294936688 ethnic group
526 Semitic Q34049 language group containing Arabic and Hebrew 294936793 language family
527 Semitic people Q62928 obsolete term for an ethnic group in the Middle East 294936807 isolated human group
population group
528 Sennar Sultanate Q1475713 sultanate 294912851 sultanate
529 Senufo Q33795 language family 294936866 language family
530 Serer people Q739970 West African ethnic group 294936904 ethnic group
531 Serial Q415445 Wikimedia disambiguation page (form) serials (form) Wikimedia disambiguation page
532 Shirazi people Q603267 African ethnic group on the Swahili coast and nearby Indian ocean islands 294937323 ethnic group
533 Sidama people Q1192069 ethnic group 294937412 ethnic group
534 Sierra Leone Creole people Q2983498 ethnic group 294920242 ethnic group
535 Sierra Leone studies Q115672782 Broader: African studies 294937439 academic discipline
536 Silt'e people Q848299 ethnic group 392768712 ethnic group
537 Smoking pipe Q11284464 Wikimedia disambiguation page 294937722 Wikimedia disambiguation page
538 Soga Q3488894 African people 29493829X ethnic group
539 Somali studies Q7559155 African studies, African studies, and academic major 294938427 academic major
540 Somaliland Q34754 de facto state in the Horn of Africa 294902589 state with limited recognition
541 Somono Q3489977 ethnic group 294938451 ethnic group
542 Songhay Q505198 language family 294938494 language family
543 Songye people Q810544 ethnic group 29493846X ethnic group
544 Sonjo people Q3892546 ethnic group from Arusha Region, Tanzania 294938575 ethnic group
545 Sorghum Q12111 genus of plants 294938591 taxon
546 South African studies Q115669494 Broader: African studies 294938710 academic discipline
547 South America Q18 continent 294938656 continent
statistical territorial entity
geographic region
No/unknown value
548 Southern African Customs Union Q1344350 customs union, established in 1910, among five countries of Southern Africa: Botswana, Lesotho, Namibia, South Africa and Swaziland 294935797 customs union
549 Southern Cameroons Q1542471 southern part of the British Cameroons 294938745 geographic region
550 Southern Ndebele people Q1972827 African ethnic group located in South Africa and Zimbabwe 294927816 ethnic group
551 Southern Nilotic Q1552410 language family 294938761 language family
552 Stabex Q2569576 system of loans or gifts made to ACP States in order to remove the effects of market fluctuation and production risks upon agricultural export receipts 294939040
553 Sterling area Q647109 Group of countries that either pegged their currencies to the pound sterling, or actually used the pound as their own currency 294939210 currency union
554 Stone Age Q11759 broad prehistoric period during which stone was widely used to make implements 294939229 archaeological age
human history
temporal entity
555 Sub-Saharan Africa Q132959 area of the continent of Africa that lies south of the Sahara Desert 294939369 geographic region
556 Sudan studies Q115669513 (Sudanese studies) Broader: African studies 294939431 academic discipline
557 Sufism Q9603 body of mystical practice within Islam 294939466 religious movement
way of life
558 Sultanate of Darfur Q1474791 former country 294907114 historical country
559 Surmic Q2066922 language family 294939644 language family
560 Sus Q10798 genus of mammals in the family Suidae 294931996 taxon
561 Swahilization Q7652976 Automatic description is not available 294939717
562 Swiss Q124216 citizens of Switzerland, people of Swiss ancestry 294939784 human population
563 Tachelhit people Q1267932 Berber ethnic group in Morocco 294904298 ethnic group
564 Tagwana people Q44834813 ethnic group 377121908 ethnic group
565 Taita people Q1276078 The Taita people are an ethnic group in Kenya's Taita-Taveta County. 294939938 ethnic group
566 Tanala Q1942329 Malagasy dialect 294939997 dialect
567 Tariqa Q816321 school or order of Sufism 294926925
568 Taveta people Q7689083 ethnic group native to East Africa 294940170 ethnic group
569 Tekna Q3062634 ethnic group 294940421 ethnic group
570 Tellem Q1140362 ethnic group 294940472 ethnic group
571 Tembo Q66429143 ethnic group in Congo 294940510 ethnic group
572 Tenda Q3217535 Atlantic languages, Senegambian, and language family 294940596 language family
573 Tennet people Q7700271 ethnic group in South Sudan 39769041X ethnic group
574 Tharaka Q3519593 African people 294940847 ethnic group
575 Tima people Q7804554 ethnic group 376075503 ethnic group
576 Tiriki tribe Q7809221 Clan in Western Kenya 294941045 ethnic group
577 Togoland Q161062 former protectorate of the German colonial empire in West Africa (1884–1914), divided between present-day Ghana and Togo 294913548 protectorate
578 Togolese studies Q115669553 Broader: African studies 294941142 academic discipline
579 Toll Q1247950 Wikimedia disambiguation page 294941150 Wikimedia disambiguation page
580 Tonga people Q3993042 ethnic group in northern Malawi 326573437 ethnic group
581 Tonga people of Zambia and Zimbabwe Q1431896 ethnic group 294941177 ethnic group
582 Topnaar people Q25045382 people group in Namibia 294941231 ethnic group
583 Topoke people Q3532102 is an ethnic group that is part of the Ana-Mongo. They live in the territory of Isangi, Tshopo district, Orientale province, Democratic Republic of Congo 294941258 ethnic group
584 Toposa people Q115864 ethnic group 294941266 ethnic group
585 Toura Q3533882 ethnic group 294942106 ethnic group
586 Tsamai people Q2457334 ethnic group 327517085 ethnic group
587 Tsimahafotsy people Q54217381 ethnic group from Madagascar 294941835 ethnic group
588 Tsimihety people Q2526495 an ethnic group of north-central Madagascar 294941843 ethnic group
589 Tsonga people Q902325 ethnic group in Mozambique, South Africa and Eswatini (formerly Swaziland) 294941878 ethnic group
590 Tugen people Q2459298 tribe of Kenya 294941967 ethnic group
591 Tumbuka people Q534134 southern African ethnic group of northern Malawi and nearby regions 294942025 ethnic group
592 Tunjur Q21849682 historical state of Darfur 29494205X kingdom
former administrative territorial entity
593 Tupuri people Q3532986 ethnic group, population 215466.0 294942084 ethnic group
594 Turu people Q3851414 ethnic and linguistic group based in the Singida Region of north-central Tanzania 294929673 ethnic group
595 Twa Q7857394 group of African Pygmy peoples 412405210 ethnic group
596 UNESCO Q7809 specialised agency of the United Nations for education, sciences, and culture 294942491 specialized agency of the United Nations
international organization
intergovernmental organization
597 Uduk people Q133652 Nilo-Saharan group from southeastern Sudan 294942246 ethnic group
598 Ujamaa Q2166287 Tanzanian concept for social and economic development 294942297 political ideology
599 Union Douanière et Economique de l'Afrique Centrale Q56294722 intergovernmental organization, from 1964 294942238 intergovernmental organization
600 Union Zentralafrikanischer Staaten Q2604066 international organization 294942572 international organization
601 Union of African States Q633609 international organization 294942661 international organization
602 United Arab Republic Q170468 Middle Eastern state between 1958 and 1961 in the present territories of Egypt and Syria 294942734 historical country
603 United Nations Conference on Trade and Development Q182000 organization 294942416 organization established by the United Nations
604 United Nations General Assembly Q47423 principal organ of the United Nations 294942378 international parliament
principal organ of the United Nations
605 United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-Habitat) Q487883 UN agency for human settlements and sustainable urban development 294942394 organization established by the United Nations
606 United Nations Security Council Q37470 one of the six principal organs of the UN, charged with the maintenance of international peace and security 294942386 principal organ of the United Nations
607 Vanilla Q162044 genus of plants 29494320X taxon
608 Venda Q848668 former bantustan in South Africa 294943269 South African bantustan
609 Villagization Q7930799 Resettlement of people into designated villages by government or military authorities 294943390
610 Voodoo Church Q177764 church in Nigeria 294943463
611 Wagenya Q4017651 African people 294910131 ethnic group
612 Weppa Wanno Q7983112 ethnic group / kingdom in Nigeria 294943935
613 West Africa Q4412 westernmost region of the African continent 294943951 geographic region
cultural region
614 West African Economic and Monetary Union Q1929699 inter-governmental organisation 294942637
intergovernmental organization
615 West African studies Q54255598 African studies 29494396X
616 Western culture Q478958 heritage of norms, customs, belief and political systems, and artifacts and technologies associated with Europe (both indigenous and foreign origin) 294944001
617 Western world Q160381 countries with an originally European shared culture 294943994 geographical area
618 White people Q235155 racial classification and skin color specifier 294944079 human race
619 Wituland Q705598 former country 294944214 historical country
620 Wodaabe Q578475 ethnic group 294902309 ethnic group
621 World War I Q361 global war originating in Europe, 1914–1918 294944729 world war
historical period
622 Xhosa people Q207996 ethnic group 294944842 ethnic group
623 Yaaku people Q2667274 ethnic group 294944877 ethnic group
624 Yalunka people Q3160743 ethnic group of West Africa 29494494X ethnic group
625 Yaoundé Convention Q1757722 1963 convention between the EEC and AASM 294945016 treaty
626 Yatenga Kingdom Q23668714 former country 294945040 historical country
627 Yauri Emirate Q8050352 emirate in the Kebbi State in Nigeria 294945059 Emirate
traditional state in Nigeria
historical country
628 Yeke Kingdom Q3321385 former kingdom of the Garanganze people in Katanga, DR Congo 29491319X historical country
629 Yombe people Q1717132 people of Central Africa, established in Mayombe, in the center of the Democratic Republic of Congo 294945148 ethnic group
630 Yoruba studies Q115675891 Broader: African studies 294945199 academic discipline
631 Yugoslavia Q36704 1918–1992 country in Southeastern Europe 29494527X historical country
632 Zagwe dynasty Q140446 dynasty centered around Lalibela, ruling large parts of the territory from about 900 to 1270 294945326 dynasty
historical country
633 Zande people Q793575 ethnic group 294945350 ethnic group
634 Zezuru dialect Q9097686 Shona and language family 294945474 language family
635 Zimbabwean studies Q115669479 (Rhodesian studies) Broader: African studies 294945512 academic discipline
636 Zionist Churches Q849391 group of Christian denominations 294945547
637 Zulu Kingdom Q729768 former monarchy in Southern Africa 294945660
historical country
638 abbreviation Q102786 shortened form of a word or phrase 294896155 linguistic phenomenon
639 abolition of slavery Q2966922 process of outlawing slavery 29489621X activity
historical process
640 abortion Q8452 intentional ending of a pregnancy 294896236 medical procedure type
641 absenteeism Q332278 ongoing avoidance and absence from responsibilities 294896287
642 academic Q3400985 person who works as a teacher or researcher at a university or other higher education institution 294896368 profession
643 academic achievement Q1815842 extent to which a student, teacher or institution has attained their short or long-term educational goals 294896333
644 academic development Q110320905 improvement in professional knowledge and skills via training, practice and feedback in academia 294896341
645 academic freedom Q414706 liberty of educational institutions to decide courses and research, and of teachers to teach subjects, without outside coercion 298783487 liberty
646 academic library Q856234 library attached to a higher education institution 294942831 type of library
647 academic standards Q16154661 benchmark in education 29489635X
648 access to health care Q2822913 health equity and social determinants of health 30397169x social determinants of health
649 access to justice Q28135689 providing legal services to populations that may otherwise have difficulty obtaining legal advice and representation 294896384 academic discipline
650 accident Q171558 unforeseen event that causes damage to a person or property 294896414 failure mode
651 accounting Q4116214 measurement, processing and communication of financial information about economic entities 294896422 reporting
academic major
652 acculturation Q192989 process of cultural and psychological change 294896457 sociological concept
653 acephalous society Q3824239 Society having no centralized authority, leader or chief 294896465
654 action group Q4677217 group of people with a political goal 294896511
655 actor Q33999 person who acts in a dramatic or comic production and works in film, television, theatre, or radio 29489652X profession
occupation group according to ISCO-08
656 actual gold weight Q4677826 measure used in gold bullion, coin or bar 294956476
657 administration of justice Q1208555 administration on process by which a legal system is executed 294896600 legal concept
658 administrative law Q171251 branch of law on the relationship between a state and its citizens as well as between different state institutions 294896627 area of law
659 administrative reform Q2520735 change in organizational structure of government or administrative territorial entities 294896635
660 administrative territorial entity Q56061 territorial entity for administration purposes, with or without its own local government 294896619
661 admiralty law Q382113 body of law that governs nautical issues and private maritime disputes 294924175 specialty
area of law
662 adoption Q180472 process whereby a person assumes the parenting for a child born by other parents 29489666X parent–child relationship
legal kinship
legal fiction
663 adult education Q1319035 form of learning adults engage in beyond traditional schooling 294896694 economic concept
664 advertising Q37038 form of communication for marketing, typically paid for 294896708 service
economic activity
academic discipline
665 advocacy group Q431603 groups using advocacy in order to influence public opinion and policy 29491742X
666 aesthetics Q35986 branch of philosophy dealing with the nature of art, beauty, and taste 294896732 branch of philosophy
field of study
667 affirmative action Q214244 policy of promoting members of groups that have previously suffered from discrimination 294896775 social policy
668 age distribution Q67102071 frequency of different ages or age groups in a given population 294897186 ecological concept
mathematical concept
669 age group Q42401304 set of persons classified by age from birth (infant, newborn) to octogenarians and older (aged, 80 and over) 294897208
670 age of a person Q185836 time elapsed since a person was born 294897178
671 agrarian reform Q681541 changes to agricultural land management 294897259
672 agribusiness Q396622 agriculture-related industry 294897585 industry
673 agricultural cooperative Q2996615 cooperative where farmers pool their resources in certain areas of activity 294897267
674 agricultural credit Q396117 type of credit used to finance investments in the agricultural sector 294897275
675 agricultural development Q65554733 academic discipline 294897291 academic discipline
676 agricultural education Q3345348 training in farming, natural resources, and land management 294897321 educational system
677 agricultural extension Q4693964 farm efficiency through education 294897348 economic concept
678 agricultural irrigation Q11453 artificial application of water to cultivated land 294917926
679 agricultural land Q3395383 land used for agricultural purposes 294897402
680 agricultural machinery Q16000047 machinery used for growing food 294897410
681 agricultural market Q56299221 market for trading of agricultural produce and products 294897429 economic concept
682 agricultural marketing Q396131 process of moving agricultural products from the farm to the consumer 294897437
683 agricultural mechanization Q110831024 mechanization 294897445
684 agricultural planning Q116603541 economic planning for agricultural production 294897453
685 agricultural policy Q396198 laws relating to domestic agriculture and imports of foreign agricultural products 294897461 type of policy
686 agricultural product Q11827455 plant or animal product that can be grown and harvested extensively for profit or subsistence 29489750X
687 agricultural production Q56299222 production of agriculture 294897488 economic concept
688 agricultural productivity Q3816336 quotient between production and productive factors 294897496
689 agricultural trade Q1802960 trade, industry, and agriculture 294897542
690 agriculture Q11451 cultivation of plants and animals to provide useful products 294897569 economic sector
field of work
691 agroecology Q396338 study of ecological processes in agriculture 294897305 academic discipline
branch of ecology
field of study
academic major
692 agroforestry Q397350 land use management system in which trees or shrubs are grown around or among crops or pastureland 294897577 field of work
academic discipline
693 agropastoralism Q397413 farming that combines agricultural (growing crops) and pastoralism (rearing livestock) 294897593 traditional economy
694 aid agency Q336473 organization with the task to help humans or animals or to protect sensitive cultural goods 294897658 organization
695 air conditioning Q173725 cooling of air in buildings or vehicles 294897682
696 air force Q61883 military branch of service primarily concerned with aerial warfare 294897690
697 air pollution Q131123 presence of dangerous substances in the atmosphere 294897704 type of pollution
698 air transport Q1757562 economic activity defined by the French classification of activities (for the general activity, use Q118984357) 294897712 economic activity
699 albinism Q81867 congenital disorder causing skin to lack pigmentation 294897925 God
700 alcoholic beverage Q154 drink containing alcohols, typically ethanol 29489795X drug
701 alcoholism Q15326 broad term for problems with alcohol 294897968 symptom or sign
702 alimony Q368305 legal obligation to provide financial support to one's spouse due to marital separation 29489800X legal concept
703 almanac Q171341 annual publication 294898093 genre
704 alphabet Q9779 standard set of letters present in some written languages 294898123 type of writing system
705 aluminium Q663 metallic chemical element of silvery appearance with symbol Al and atomic number 13 29489814X chemical element
706 aluminium industry Q4063722 Metal industry and industry 294898158 industry
707 amnesty Q185943 form of pardon which obliterates all legal remembrance of the offense for a class of people 294898271 PM20 subject category
708 amulet Q131557 object that is typically worn on one's person, and is alleged to have the magical power to protect its holder 294935142
709 amusement park Q194195 park with rides and attractions 294912843
710 animal Q729 kingdom of multicellular eukaryotic organisms 294898484 taxon
first-order class
711 animal disease Q9190427 disease that afflicts non-human animals 301749906 environmental issue
712 animal feed Q2836947 food for various animals 294911405
713 animal husbandry Q80962 branch of agriculture concerned with animals that are raised for meat, fiber, milk, or other products 294898441 agricultural practice
academic discipline
branch of agriculture
714 animal power Q22676898 potential energy 294898476
715 animal product Q629103 material derived from the bodies of animals 294898468 product category
716 animated cartoon Q17175676 form of lighthearted, comedic animation that is primarily hand-drawn; typically aimed at a family audience, mainly featuring anthropomorphized animal characters entering humorous situations, and are screened and written in a short film format 37632242X
film genre
717 animism Q43004 religious worldview 294898506 religion
religion type
718 annexation Q194465 acquisition of a state's territory by another state 294898549
719 annual report Q699735 yearly report on a company or other organization's activities 294898557 literary genre
720 anthology Q105420 collection of written creative works chosen by the compiler 294898638
literary form
literary genre
literary term
721 anthropology Q23404 scientific study of humans, human behavior, and societies 294898670 academic discipline
academic major
722 anthropometry Q6656244 human physiometrics 294898689 academic discipline
branch of anthropology
field of work
723 anthrozoology Q650032 subset of ethnobiology that deals with interactions between humans and other animals 9839272069602711 academic discipline
724 anticolonialism Q576309 political ideology 294898719 political ideology
725 antisemitism Q22649 hostility, prejudice, or discrimination against Jews 294898700 hostility
political ideology
726 apartheid Q11409 system of racial segregation and oppression based on skin colour in South Africa, introduced in 1948 and abolished in the years 1991 to 1994 294898794 policy
727 appeal Q329777 resort to a superior court to review the decision of an inferior court or administrative agency 294898840
728 appellate court Q4959031 court of law empowered to hear an appeal of a trial court or other lower tribunal 294906339
729 apple Q89 fruit of the apple tree 294898859
730 applied science Q28797 discipline that applies existing scientific knowledge to develop more practical applications 294898867 branch of science
academic discipline
731 aquaculture Q188989 farming things in water, primarily intended as a food source 294898883 branch of agriculture
applied science
economic activity
732 arable farming Q3198719 any land capable of being ploughed and used to grow crops 294898964 type of process
733 arbitration Q207946 technique for the resolution of disputes 294898980
734 archaeological artifact Q220659 something made or modified by humans and of archaeological interest 294899006
735 archaeology Q23498 study of the past via material culture 294899014 academic discipline
academic major
736 architect Q42973 person trained to plan and design buildings, and oversee their construction 294899022 profession
corporate title
737 architecture Q12271 process of planning, designing and construction 294899049 academic discipline
type of arts
field of study
738 archive Q166118 agency or institution responsible for the preservation and communication of records selected for permanent preservation 294899057
739 aristocracy Q123432 form of government in which power is in the hands of a small, privileged, ruling class 294899103 form of government
form of state
social class
740 armed forces Q772547 collective organization of a country's armed military and paramilitary 294899111
741 armistice Q107706 situation in a war where the warring parties agree to stop fighting 29489912X
742 arms embargo Q4793859 embargo that applies to weaponry 294899138
743 arms industry Q392933 industrial sector which manufactures weapons and military technology and equipment 294907300 industry
744 arms trade Q2538907 trade involving weapons being bought and sold 294899146 industry
745 aromatic plant Q2247340 Food ingredient, plant, and herb 294899170
746 arrest Q1403016 detention of a person and taking them into custody, usually because they have been suspected of committing or planning a crime 294899197 occurrence
747 arson Q327541 crime of willfully and maliciously setting fire to property 294899200
748 art history Q50637 academic study of objects of art in their historical development 294899227 academic discipline
749 art of sculpture Q11634 branch of the visual arts that operates in three dimensions 29493653X type of arts
art genre
form of art
750 art style Q1792644 classification of artwork, based on how it is perceived by the audience, specific to an artist, or shared with other works of the same movement or school 294899235 metaclass
751 article Q191067 text that forms an independent part of a publication 294899243 literary form
type of publication
752 artisan Q1294787 skilled craft worker who makes or creates things by hand 29489926X profession
753 artist Q483501 person who engages in any form of artistic creation or practice 294899278 occupation
artistic profession
754 arts Q2018526 human expression and creativity, usually influenced by culture 294899286 economic sector
academic discipline
755 asbestos Q104085 group of highly stable, non-flammable silicate minerals with a fibrous structure 294899316
756 assassination Q3882219 murder of a prominent person, often a political leader or ruler 294899375
757 assault and battery Q117769247 legal concept/term 294899383 legal concept
758 association football Q2736 sport that is practiced between two teams of eleven players 294937749 type of sport
team sport
Olympic sport
spectator sport
759 astrology Q34362 divination by the positions of the planets and other celestial bodies; study of influence of stars on human affairs 294899413 superstition
branch of pseudoscience
760 asylum Q26377 juridical notion 294935053 legal concept
761 athletics Q542 sports involving running, jumping, throwing and walking 294899456 type of sport
762 atlas Q162827 collection of maps 294899472 literary genre
cartographic product
763 attitude Q622645 psychological construct, a mental and emotional entity that inheres in, or characterizes a person 294899499
764 audience Q211198 group of people who participate in a show or encounter a work of art 326357386
765 audiovisual education Q4819934 method of education with audiovisual elements 294899510
766 author bibliography Q59156760 Personal bibliography 294899588
767 authoritarianism Q6229 form of social organization characterized by submission to authority 294899596 political ideology
form of government
political system
768 authority Q174834 legitimate power to decide or authorize 29489960X
769 autobiography Q4184 biography written by the subject 294899618
literary genre
770 automation Q184199 technology use of various control systems by which a process or procedure is performed with minimal human assistance 294899634 academic discipline
771 automotive industry Q190117 range of organizations associated with motor vehicles, such as automobiles, trucks and motorcycles 294899642 economic activity
772 autopsy Q41482 medical examination of a corpse 294899669
773 award Q618779 something given to a person or a group of people to recognize their merit or excellence 294899723 first-order class
774 baby food Q797971 food made especially for infants 294899820
775 bail Q162351 form of property deposited or pledged to a court 294899995 legal concept
776 balance of payments Q140845 concept in international economics 29490008X economic equilibrium
777 balance of trade Q192796 difference between the monetary value of exports and imports 294900098 economic equilibrium
778 banana Q503 elongated, edible fruit produced by several kinds of large herbaceous flowering plants in the genus Musa 294900284 fruit
779 banditry Q10968653 life and practice of bandits 294900330
780 bank Q22687 financial institution that accepts deposits 294900489
781 banking Q3435731 industry for financial institutions such as banks and credit unions 294900454 industry
academic discipline
782 banking law Q57776712 legal regualtion of the banking sector 294900462 economic concept
area of law
783 bankruptcy Q152074 legal process through which people or other entities who cannot repay debts to creditors may seek relief from some or all of their debts 294900470 legal status
784 bantustan Q190354 territory set aside for black inhabitants of South Africa and South West Africa (now Namibia), as part of the policy of apartheid 294900551
785 bar Q187456 establishment serving alcoholic beverages for consumption on the premises 294900721
786 barter Q484830 immediate & direct reciprocal exchange of goods or services without use of money 29490073X
787 basic education Q3309206 instruction in elementary subjects, social skills and community responsibilities 294900802 educational stage
788 basic needs Q1550467 one of the major approaches to the measurement of absolute poverty in developing countries 294900810
789 basketry Q373017 weaving of pliable materials to make three-dimensional artifacts 294900829 handicraft
790 beading Q2915129 decoration technique with beads 294900977
791 beekeeping Q176353 care and breeding of honey bees 294898816 economic activity
branch of agriculture
792 beer Q44 alcoholic drink 294901035
793 beeswax Q143739 natural wax produced by honeybees 294901043
794 beet sugar Q9197055 sugar derived from sugar beet (Beta vulgaris Altissima Group) 294901051
795 begging Q17572748 practice of imploring others to grant a favor with little or no expectation of reciprocation 321632931
796 bibliographic database Q1789476 database providing an authoritative source of bibliographic information 40754335X
797 bibliography Q1631107 list of books or documents relevant to a particular subject or author 294901523
literary form
798 bicycle Q11442 pedal-driven two-wheel vehicle 294901531 mode of transport
individual means of transport
799 bill of rights Q191296 proclamation of fundamental rights to citizens of a polity 294901590
800 biodiversity Q47041 degree of variation of life forms 294901612
801 biofuel Q128991 fuel that is produced through contemporary biological processes, as opposed to fossil fuel that was produced by prehistoric bio-geological processes 333275470
802 biographical dictionary Q1787111 type of encyclopedic dictionary limited to biographical information 294901620 literary genre
803 biography Q36279 written account of a person's life 294901639
literary genre
art genre by arts form
804 biological anthropology Q27172 branch of anthropology that studies the physical development of the human species 294931899 branch of anthropology
academic discipline
field of study
field of work
academic major
805 biological weapon Q170907 biological pathogen or toxin designed or used for warfare 297902016 weapon functional class
806 biology Q420 scientific study of living things, especially their structure, function, growth, evolution, and distribution 294901663 branch of science
academic discipline
academic major
807 biotechnology Q7108 use of living systems and organisms to develop or make useful products 294901671 interdisciplinary science
applied science
academic discipline
type of technology
808 bird Q5113 class of vertebrates characterized by wings, a feather-covered body and a beak 294901701 taxon
organisms known by a particular common name
809 birth control Q122224 method of preventing human pregnancy or birth 294906029
810 birth interval Q43080939 The lengths of intervals between births to women in the population. 294901752 time interval
811 birth rate Q203516 total number of live births per 1,000 population divided by the length of a given period in years 294927298 economic index
demographic indicator
812 bishop Q29182 ordained or consecrated member of the Christian clergy 294901795 ecclesiastical occupation
Christian religious occupation
episcopal title
813 bitumen Q167510 form of petroleum primarily used in road construction 294901809
814 black women Q28401147 women who are of African and Afro-diasporic descent 294901884 ethnic gender group
815 blacksmithing Q11204681 art of ironwork 294917888 craft
816 blood brother Q886783 male not related by birth who has sworn loyalty 294901930 nominal kinship
817 board game Q131436 game that involves counters or pieces moved or placed on a pre-marked surface or "board", according to a set of rules 294913114 product category
818 body Q170494 physical structure of a living creature 294901981 anatomical entity class type
819 body art Q678649 art with the human body 29490199X avant-garde
820 body language Q477298 type of nonverbal communication in which physical behavior is used to express or convey 294902007 posture
821 book industry Q56560668 group of companies which produce books 294902228 industry
822 bookbinding Q240471 process of physically assembling a book 294902236 handicraft
economic activity
823 boom Q2154740 growth period of the economic cycle 294908951 phase
824 border Q133346 legal boundary between two geographic regions 294902384
825 border control Q218719 measures taken to regulate the movement of goods and people across borders 294902279 activity
type of regulation and control
826 botany Q441 science of plant life 294902317 academic discipline
branch of biology
academic major
branch of science
827 bourgeoisie Q52090 wealthy stratum of the middle class that originated during the latter part of the Middle Ages 294902406 social class
828 boy Q3010 young male human 294902449
829 boycott Q179366 act of voluntarily abstaining from using, buying, or dealing with a person, organization, or country 294902430 protest tactic
830 brass Q39782 alloy of copper and zinc 294902481 type of chemical entity
831 bread Q7802 baked food made of flour, water and other ingredients 29490252X type of food or dish
832 breastfeeding Q174876 feeding of babies and young children with milk from a woman's breast 294902538 nutrition
833 bride price Q765157 money or other form of wealth paid by a groom or his family to the family of the bride 294902546 custom
834 bridge construction Q21155146 construction of bridges 294902554 specialty
835 broadcasting Q15078788 distribution of audio and video content to a dispersed audience via any audio or visual mass communications medium 294902619 product distribution method
type of mass media
academic major
economic activity
836 broker Q160117 person who arranges transactions between a buyer and a seller, and gets a commission when the deal is executed 294902627 profession
837 brucellosis Q156050 Human and animal disease 294902643 infectious disease
class of disease
838 bubonic plague Q217519 human and animal disease 294932070 class of disease
839 budget deficit Q444600 Money amount 294902686
840 building Q41176 structure, typically with a roof and walls, standing more or less permanently in one place 294902740
841 building material Q206615 material used for construction purposes 294905944
842 bureaucracy Q72468 administrative system governing any large institution 294902880 political system
843 burial society Q4998806 burial association for communal benefit 294902899 friendly society
844 business activity Q19862406 economic activity done by a businessperson 294903038
845 business cycle Q192311 fluctuation in the degree of utilization of the production potential of an economy 294903046 economic theory
846 cabinet Q640506 group of high ranking officials, usually representing the executive branch of government 29490316X
847 calendar Q12132 system of organizing days for social, religious, commercial, or administrative purposes 294903178 specialty
field of study
848 canal Q12284 man-made channel for water 294903275 type of watercourse
type of structure
849 cancer Q12078 group of diseases involving abnormal cell growth and spread 294903291 class of disease
850 cane sugar Q18012503 sugar obtained from sugar cane 294903305 food ingredient
851 cant Q33005 language term for jargon or argot of a group 294936610 linguistics term
852 capacity building Q1417724 process by which individuals or organizations improve their capability to produce, perform or deploy 294903348
853 capital Q8137 assets used for the production of goods and services 294903399 economic concept
854 capital accumulation Q420062 gathering or amassing of objects of value; the increase in wealth through concentration; or the creation of wealth 294903402 theory
855 capital flow Q13741498 flow of capital 294903410
856 capital gains tax Q687591 tax on investment profits 294903437 type of tax
857 capital punishment Q8454 legal process whereby a person is put to death by the state as a punishment for an actual or supposed crime 294903429 manner of death
858 capitalism Q6206 economic system based on private ownership of the means of production 294903445 social formation
859 carbonic acid Q104334 chemical compound 294938265 type of chemical entity
860 career counseling Q741939 counseling focused on career-related issues 294903488 academic discipline
861 caretaking Q138422 societal care of persons 294914404
862 carpet Q163446 textile floor covering 29490350X
863 cartography Q42515 science of maps 294903526 branch of science
academic discipline
art style
PM20 subject category
864 cartoon Q627603 illustration telling a comic or satirical story in a single image 29790602X
two-dimensional visual artwork genre
865 carving Q13039303 act of using tools to shape something from a material by scraping away portions of that material 294903542 artistic technique
art genre
866 cash crop Q932139 agricultural crop grown to sell for profit 294903569
867 cashew nut Q7885904 seed of cashew tree Anacardium occidentale 294903577
868 caste Q484416 group of clans following particular culture, tradition and beliefs 294903607 ethnic group
869 cataloging Q3535655 process of creating meta-data for information resources to include in a catalog database 294903623 activity
field of work
870 catalogue Q2352616 enumeration of items systematically arranged for a specific purpose, usually with brief descriptive information included in each entry 294903615 book form
871 cattle Q4767951 domesticated bovines as livestock (for the taxon use Q830) 29490364X organisms known by a particular common name
872 cavalry Q47315 soldiers or warriors fighting from horseback 294903666 branch of service
military organization
873 cement industry Q1933500 Nonmetallic minerals industry and industry, part of industrial sector 294903720 industry
874 cemetery Q39614 place of burial 294903739 geographical feature
building type
875 censorship Q543 practice of suppressing speech or other public communication 294903755
876 census Q39825 survey designed to collect data about all members of a population 294903763 recurring event
field of study
877 central bank Q66344 public institution that manages a state's currency, money supply, and interest rates 294903798 government agency
878 central government Q1320217 type of government found in unitary states 294903801
879 centralisation Q190632 process by which the activities of an organisation become concentrated within a particular location and/or group 294903836
880 cereal grain Q12117 fruits (grains) of cereal crops used for food and agricultural products 294903852 group or class of agricultural products
881 chamber of commerce Q1123526 organization for the promotion of business interests 294903976
882 change Q1150070 process, event or action that deviates from the present state 294903984 philosophical concept
883 charcoal Q177463 fuel 294903992
884 charisma Q118157 ambiguous term relating to an attribute or personal state of a person that may affect or manipulate others 29490400X concept
885 chemical industry Q207652 industry (branch), which is engaged in the manufacturing of chemical products 294904034 industry
886 chemical weapon Q3639228 device that uses chemicals to harm or kill people 294904042 weapon functional class
887 chicken as food Q864693 type of widely consumed poultry 294904085
888 chiefdom Q1642488 form of hierarchical political organization in non-industrial societies 294941533 form of state
889 child Q7569 human between birth and puberty 294904204 population group
890 child abuse Q167191 maltreatment or neglect of a child 294904115
891 child care Q1455871 action or skill of looking after children by a day-care center, babysitter, or other providers 294904123
892 child custody Q638532 guardianship of an underage person 294914404
893 child development Q407784 biological, psychological and emotional changes in humans from birth to the end of adolescence 294904131 academic discipline
894 child health Q57354899 concept of wellbeing 29490414X
895 child labour Q192571 exploitation of children through any form of work 294904158
896 child mortality Q61559 death rate of infants and young children 294904166
897 child soldier Q843926 children associated with military organisations 294904190 occupation
898 children's rights Q8354948 human rights of children 294904239
899 children's song Q493169 song intended for children 294904247 song type
900 cholera Q12090 bacterial infection of the small intestine 294904328 infectious disease
901 choral music Q1076513 vocal music which is sung by a choir; musical form and vocal music genre 339764570 music genre
music by instrument
902 chromium Q725 chemical element with symbol Cr and atomic number 24 294904409 chemical element
903 chronology Q130788 science of arranging events in order of occurrence 294904417 arranging
904 church building Q16970 building used for Christian worship 294904468 building type
905 church music Q8812109 Christian music written for performance in church 29490445X music genre
906 cinema Q16144339 art of film making and projection (see also main item Q590870) 294904506 method
type of arts
type of mass media
907 cinema of Africa Q387670 history and present of cinema in Africa 294904506
908 circular migration Q968580 temporary movement of a migrant worker between home and host areas, 294904514
909 circumcision Q83345 removal of the foreskin from the human penis 294904522
910 citation Q1713 reference to a source 294904549
911 citizen Q1020994 member of a community without defining the spatial territory; for national citizen use Q124626972; for city citizen use Q124627856 294904557 role
912 citizenship Q42138 enjoyment by a citizen of civil and political rights of a polity, as well as incurring of duties 29878050X relation
political concept
913 citizenship education Q10270843 academic subject 294904565 school subject
914 citrus fruit Q2574750 fruit from any variety of citrus tree 294904573
915 civil and political rights Q191600 rights preventing the infringement of personal freedom by other social actors 294904581
916 civil code Q1923776 private law relating to property, family, and obligations 29490459X
917 civil engineering Q77590 engineering discipline specializing in design, construction and maintenance of the built environment 294904603 technical sciences
field of work
academic degree
918 civil law (legal system) Q5950118 legal system originating in continental Europe 294904611 legal system
919 civil procedure Q206937 body of law that sets out the rules and standards that courts follow when adjudicating civil lawsuits 29490462X area of law
920 civil servant Q212238 person employed by a government department or agency 294904646 profession
921 civil service Q11771944 branch of governmental service or employees of a government agency 294904654 service type
922 civil society Q181865 social activities of individuals or groups in which the state has no involvement; civil society is the collection of non-governmental organisations and institutions which are the will and desire of citizens 294904689 social formation
923 civil war Q8465 war between organized groups within the same sovereign state or republic 294904697 type of war
924 civil–military relations Q5124770 relation 294904700 relation
925 clan Q211503 group of people united by actual or perceived kinship and descent 294904727
926 class consciousness Q1066261 awareness of one's social class 294904735
927 class formation Q3077416 topological group acting on a module satisfying certain conditions 294904743
928 class relations Q65088305 societal relation between the classes as part of social reality 294904751
929 class struggle Q1744607 concept in political and social science 29490476X
930 classical antiquity Q486761 period of cultural history of the ancient Greeks and the Romans centered in the Mediterranean between the 8th century BCE and the 6th century CE 294898727 historical period
931 classification of languages Q20477577 grouping of languages into classes 29492146X classification scheme
type of classification
932 clergy Q177826 formal leaders within established religions 294904778 estates of the realm
human social group
group of humans
social class
estate of the realm
religious group
933 climate Q7937 statistics of temperature, humidity, atmospheric pressure, wind, precipitation, atmospheric particle count and other meteorological elemental measurements in a given region over long periods 294904786 environment
934 climate change Q125928 change in the statistical distribution of weather patterns for an extended period, not necessarily current or recent 294904794
935 clothing Q11460 covering worn on the body 294904816
936 clothing industry Q11828862 industry encompassing the design, manufacturing, wholesaling and retailing of clothes 294904824 industry
937 clove Q15622897 spice made from dried flowers of clove (Syzygium aromaticum) 294904832 food ingredient
crude drug
herbal medicinal product
938 coal Q24489 combustible sedimentary rock composed primarily of carbon 294904840
939 coalition Q124964 group formed of people, factions, states, political parties, militaries, or other parties agree to work together, often temporarily, in a partnership to achieve a common goal 328422851
940 coastal management Q1316027 defense against flooding and erosion 294904867
941 cocoa bean Q208008 fatty seed of Theobroma cacao which is the basis of chocolate 294904875 product
raw material
942 coconut Q3342808 fruit of Cocos nucifera 294904883 food ingredient
943 code-switching Q255615 action of changing between two or more languages, or language varieties, in the context of a single conversation 294904891
944 codification Q214214 process of collecting and restating certain area of law forming a legal code 294904905
945 coffee Q8486 brewed beverage made from seeds of Coffea genus 294904913
946 coffin Q184418 container for transport, laying out and the burial of a corpse 294904921
947 cognition Q2200417 mental action or process of acquiring knowledge and understanding through thought, experience, and the senses 29490493X biological process
type of process
academic discipline
field of study
948 cohabitation Q49800 arrangement where two people who are not married live together (sometimes in an intimate relationship) 294905642 indefinite legal concept
949 cold war Q4176199 conflict not involving direct military action between the major actors 294904956 type of conflict
950 collection development Q116754571 building a coherent collection of books, artworks, archival materials or the like by careful selection of materials 312661746
951 collective bargaining Q452421 negotiations between employers and a group of employees 294904972
952 collective farming Q4314084 type of agricultural production in which multiple farmers run their holdings as a joint enterprise 294904980
953 colonial administration Q2824584 The administration system applied to a colony by its governing power 294904999
954 colonial administrator Q17765219 person who participates in administrating a colony 294905006 profession
955 colonial history Q89269073 history of a colony 294905049 aspect of history
956 colonial war Q2659056 conflict between inhabitants of an overseas colony and its parent state 294905103 blanket term
type of war
957 colonialism Q7167 creation and maintenance of colonies by people from another territory 294905111 social formation
958 colonization Q815962 establishment and development of settlements by people or animals 294905138
959 colony Q133156 territory under the political control of an overseas state, generally with its own subordinate colonial government 29490509X
960 color Q1075 characteristic of visual perception 294905154 physical property
second-order class
961 coltan Q518713 solid solution of columbite and tantalite one in another; a tantalum/niobium ore 377271187
962 combat sport Q7128792 competitive contact sport involving combat 305039679 type of sport
963 combustible matter Q42501 any material that stores energy that can later be extracted, in presence of a oxidizer or a catalyser, or under the effect of a tool, but which is not conserved after the reaction 294912789
964 comic strip Q838795 short serialized comics 294905189
comic format
965 commemoration Q525356 the recital, within the Liturgy of the Hours or the Mass of one celebration, of part of another celebration that is generally of lower rank and impeded because of a coincidence of date. 294905200
966 commemorative publication Q933348 publication for the celebration of a jubilee (person or organisation); academic work honoring a respected person, usually an academic, and presented during their lifetime 29491157X genre
967 commercial bank Q848507 financial institution 294905227
968 commercial law Q219186 body of law that applies to persons and businesses engaged in commerce 29490526X area of law
academic discipline
969 commercial policy Q572564 government's policy governing international trade 294941401 type of policy
970 commercial treaty Q3824506 formal agreement between states for the purpose of establishing mutual rights and regulating conditions of trade 294941371
971 commission of inquiry Q28169384 government ordered public inquiry; often comprised of independent experts to ensure quality 294905286
972 commodity Q317088 fungible item produced to satisfy wants or needs 294905294 economic concept
973 communication Q11024 act of conveying intended meaning 294905405 social skill
intentional human activity
social behavior
type of process
974 communism Q6186 far-left political and socioeconomic ideology 294905421 political ideology
economic system
975 communist party Q233591 political party that promotes communist philosophy and values 294905448
976 communist state Q849866 state that is administered and governed by a single communist party 29490543X
977 community Q177634 social unit of human organisms who share common values 294905456
978 community development Q718998 communities taking collective action to solve common problems 294905464
979 community education Q5154949 learning and social development within communities using a range of formal and informal methods 294905472 branch of education
academic discipline
980 community participation Q65807646 involvement of members of a community in the affairs of that community 294905480
981 community radio Q1179112 radio service serving a specific community 35553195X radio format
982 community theatre Q1800684 theatrical performance made in relation to particular communities 339652071 theatrical genre
983 commuting Q48442 periodically recurring travel between one's place of residence and place of work, or study 294905499
984 compact disc Q34467 digital optical disc data storage format 407619593 physical media format
audio release format
product category
985 compensation Q21127747 that which serves as equivalent to make amends for loss, privation or injury 294905537
986 competition law Q326498 law that promotes or seeks to maintain market competition by regulating anti-competitive conduct by companies 294905553 area of law
987 complete edition Q16968990 edition collecting all the works of a writer 294904964 book form
literary term
988 compulsory education Q511009 period of education required for a person 29490557X duty
989 computer Q68 general-purpose device for performing arithmetic or logical operations 294905618 invention
990 computer network Q1301371 network that allows computers to share resources and communicate with each other 294905596
991 computer science Q21198 study of computation 29490560X academic discipline
academic major
992 concentration camp Q152081 camp in which people are imprisoned or confined, commonly in large groups, without trial 294905634
993 condominium Q734818 form of subnational government in which multiple sovereign powers share sovereignty over a territory 294905650 form of government
994 confederation Q170156 union of sovereign states linked by treaties, whose common government does not directly exercise its sovereignty over their territory 294905669 form of government
995 conference paper Q23927052 document published as part of the proceedings of an academic conference 294905677 type of publication
996 conflict Q180684 friction, disagreement, or discord within a group or between different groups 294905707 type of process
type of interaction
997 conflict in the Niger Delta Q1202792 internal war (Nigeria, 2008) 352697911 conflict
998 conflict resolution Q1194317 methods and processes involved in facilitating the peaceful ending of conflict and retribution 294905731 academic discipline
999 conscientious objector Q2930613 individual who refuses to do something on the grounds of freedom of thought, conscience, and/or religion 294905804 occupation
1000 consciousness Q7087 the state or quality of sentience or awareness of internal or external existence 294905812 type of property
psychology term
1001 constitution Q7755 set of fundamental principles or established precedents according to which a state or other organization is governed 294905928
1002 constitutional amendment Q53463 formal change to the text of the written constitution of a nation or state 294905863
1003 constitutional court Q32766 court that deals primarily with constitutional law 294905871 court
1004 constitutional law Q11206 body of law 294905898 area of law
1005 constitutional reform Q106352309 change of the fundamental principles by which an organization operates 294905901
1006 constitutionalism Q1194747 belief that government authority derives from fundamental law 29490591X political ideology
1007 constructed language Q33215 human language whose phonology, grammar, and vocabulary have been consciously devised for human or human-like communication 294899251 type of language
1008 construction industry Q13405640 production of goods and services involved in the process of constructing buildings or infrastructure 294905936 industry
PM20 subject category
1009 consumer Q22855 person or group of people that are the final users of products and or services; one who pays something to consume goods and services produced 294905995 occupation
1010 consumer protection Q664183 efforts and measures intended to protect consumers of goods or services against unfair practices in the marketplace 294905987 area of law
economic sector
1011 consumption Q192270 purchase and use of goods and services 294906002
1012 continuing education Q828748 education after high school, apart from university 294922296 educational stage
1013 contract Q93288 agreement having a lawful object entered into voluntarily by multiple parties (may be explicitly written or oral) 294906053 specialty
field of study
1014 contract farming Q5165669 agricultural production involving prior agreement between buyer and producer 294906037 agricultural production system
1015 contract law Q661518 legal norms which regulate the existence and the effects of contracts 294921591 area of law
1016 convention Q625994 meeting of a group of individuals and/or companies in a certain field 294905685
1017 cookbook Q605076 kitchen reference publication typically containing a collection of recipes 294906096 literary genre
1018 cooperative Q4539 autonomous association of persons or organizations 294906118 legal concept
type of business entity
1019 copper industry Q12130996 Mining of metal ores, non-ferrous metallurgy, and industry 294906126 industry
1020 copper mining Q1168665 mining and industry 294906134 industry
1021 copyright Q1297822 legal concept in common law regulating rights related to original creative work 29490615- legal concept
exclusive right
1022 corporal punishment Q305 punishment which is intended to cause physical pain to a person 294906169
1023 corporate law Q2609670 body of law that applies to the rights, relations, and conduct of persons, companies, organizations and businesses 294905529 area of law
academic discipline
1024 corporate tax Q645011 tax levied on the profits of companies 294906177 type of tax
1025 corporatism Q192886 political ideology which advocates the organization of society by corporate groups 294906185 political ideology
social movement
1026 correspondence education Q101084833 type of education where the teacher and student communicate via mail, email, or online 294906193
1027 corruption Q366 form of dishonesty or criminal offense undertaken by a person or organization entrusted with a position of authority, to acquire illicit benefit or abuse power for one's private gain 294906207
1028 cosmology Q338 scientific study of the origin, evolution, and eventual fate of the universe 294906215 branch of science
academic discipline
1029 costs Q2851421 bookkeeping 294906231
1030 cost–benefit analysis Q942582 systematic approach to estimating the strengths and weaknesses of alternatives 294906223
1031 cotton Q11457 plant fiber from the genus Gossypium 294906266
1032 cotton industry Q12080079 textile industry and economic concept 294906274 economic concept
1033 counseling Q4390239 act of therapy, coaching, advising, guiding, and listening, often in the psychological domain 328765422 academic major
academic discipline
field of study
branch of psychology
1034 country surveying Q1802710 surveying a whole country 294921338 activity
1035 coup d'état Q45382 deposition of a government by means considered as illegal or undemocratic 294906312
1036 court Q41487 judicial institution with the authority to resolve legal disputes 294906320
1037 courtship Q376596 ritual, period in a couple's relationship which precedes their engagement and marriage 294906355 interpersonal relationship
1038 covert operation Q1546073 operation of an intelligence agency or the military that is so planned and executed as to conceal the identity of or permit plausible denial by the sponsor 294906363
1039 craft Q2207288 field of work that requires particular skills and knowledge of skilled work 29490638X economic concept
1040 credit Q182076 loan 294906398 economic concept
1041 credit union Q745877 member-owned financial cooperative 294906401 type of institution
1042 creole language Q33289 stable natural languages that have developed from a pidgin 29490641X languoid class
1043 cricket Q5375 team sport played with bats and balls 294906436 type of sport
1044 crime Q83267 single occurrence of unlawful act forbidden and punishable by criminal law 294906444 social issue
1045 crime novel Q208505 novel in the crime genre 304943738
literary genre by form
novel genre
1046 crime prevention Q855848 activities with the primary goal of preventing crime in the context of law enforcement and criminal justice 294906460
1047 criminal Q2159907 person who has committed a crime 294930078 occupation
social class
1048 criminal code Q19705 document which compiles all, or a significant amount of, a particular jurisdiction's criminal law 294906479 statute
act of parliament
1049 criminal court Q28261777 a type of court over criminal law cases 294906487
1050 criminal law Q146491 body of law that relates to crime 294906495 area of law
1051 criminal procedure Q146071 adjudication process of the criminal law 294906509
1052 criminology Q161733 study of the causes and manifestations of crime 294906517 specialty
1053 crop Q235352 plant that can be grown and harvested extensively for profit or subsistence 294906541 plant life-form
1054 crop insurance Q863133 type of insurance product 294897380
1055 crop yield Q889514 total yield, or yield per unit area of land 294906533 PM20 subject category
1056 cult Q11038979 social group with socially deviant or novel religious, philosophical or spiritual beliefs and practices 294906584
1057 cultural conflict Q5193269 disagreement among people of different cultures 294906673 type of conflict
1058 cultural heritage Q210272 physical artifact or intangible attribute of a society inherited from past generations 294906614
1059 cultural history Q858517 study of cultural activity and evolution of traditions over time 294906622 branch of history
aspect of history
1060 cultural interaction Q30032087 interaction between people who are members of groups with different customs and practices 294906681
1061 cultural pluralism Q3273263 social phenomenon when minorities within a larger society maintain cultural identities distinct from a dominant culture, and their values/practices are accepted by the wider society provided they’re consistent with laws/values of the wider society 294906649
1062 cultural policy Q1711347 policy intended to impact the arts, language, heritage, or diversity 294906657 type of policy
1063 culture Q11042 shared aspects of a society's way of life 294906665 concept
1064 culture change Q5193493 in public policy, change in the beliefs or practices of a group of people 294906592
1065 culture of Africa Q149416 pattern of human activity and symbolism associated with Africa and its people 294896864 culture of an area
1066 currency Q8142 generally accepted medium of exchange for goods or services 29490669X
1067 curriculum Q207137 educational plan 294906711 sequence
1068 curriculum development Q16911265 process of creating or improving curriculum 29490672X
1069 curse Q109411 supernatural hindrance, or incantation intended to bestow such a hindrance 294906738
1070 customs union Q218819 type of trade bloc with a free trade area and common external tariff 294906789 economic integration
1071 cycling Q53121 riding a bicycle (transportation, sport, exercise, recreation...) 294906797
1072 dairy farming Q14096331 long-term production of milk 294906940 branch of agriculture
1073 dairy industry Q13554450 manufacturing of dairy products 294906959 process
1074 dam Q12323 barrier that impounds water or underground streams 294907009
1075 dance Q11639 rhythmic movement of the body 294907033 performing arts genre
1076 database Q8513 organized collection of data in computing 352624647
1077 date Q1652093 edible fruit of a date palm 294907130
1078 death Q4 permanent cessation of vital functions 294907173 end
1079 debt Q3196867 deferred payment, or series of payments, that is owed in the future 29490719X
1080 debt relief Q651936 partial or total "lifting-back" or forgiveness of debt 294907203
1081 debt service Q3480125 payment due on a debt, especially on government debt 294907211
1082 decentralization Q188961 process of redistributing or dispersing functions, powers, people or things away from a central location or authority 294907238 specialty
field of study
1083 decolonization Q230533 undoing political, economic and cultural legacies of colonisation 294907254
1084 decoration Q4470686 adornment worn by people 294896678
1085 decorative art Q631931 arts or crafts concerned with the design and manufacture of functional, beautiful objects 294907262 art genre
academic discipline
1086 defamation Q191783 crime or tort of harming the reputation of a legal person through false or misleading statement 294907270 legal concept
violation of law
1087 defense Q1985622 protection from attack in military operations 294907289
1088 defense pact Q6944158 treaty or military alliance to defend each other if attacked by a third party 294907297
1089 deforestation Q169940 removal of forest and conversion of the land to non-forest use 294907335 removal
resource depletion
1090 deity Q178885 natural or supernatural god or goddess, divine being 294907351
1091 demobilization Q934433 the process of standing down a nation's armed forces from combat-ready status 294907378 process
1092 democracy Q7174 form of government 294907386 form of government
form of state
1093 democratization Q1064441 trend towards democratic norms in a society 294907432
1094 demography Q37732 science that deals with populations and their structures statistically and theoretically 294907475
academic discipline
academic major
1095 dentistry Q12128 branch of medicine dealing with oral health and teeth 294907521 medical specialty
academic discipline
1096 deportation Q379693 expulsion of someone from a place or country not to be balanced back 294911006
1097 desegregation Q48532 process of ending the separation of two groups, usually referring to races 294907556
1098 desert Q8514 barren area of land where little precipitation occurs 294907580 biome
1099 deserter Q22808152 member of the armed forces who deserts, abandons a duty or post without permission and with the intention of not returning 294907564 occupation
1100 desertification Q183481 land degradation in which an area becomes a desert, losing its bodies of water, flora, and fauna, caused by climate change, overexploitation of soil, or other causes 294907572
1101 devaluation Q220788 reduction in value of a currency with respect to anything which it can be exchanged for 294907629 stabilization policy
1102 developing country Q177323 nation with a low living standard relative to other countries 294907637 geographic region
geographic location
1103 development bank Q5266746 alternative financial institution 294907653
1104 development economics Q1127188 economics of developing economies 294907688 academic discipline
1105 development plan Q5266783 local land use planning in UK and elsewhere 29490770X
1106 development studies Q651571 multidisciplinary branch of social science which addresses issues of concern to developing countries 294907734 academic discipline
1107 developmental psychology Q175002 scientific study of changes that occur in human beings over the course of their lives 294907742 branch of psychology
1108 diabetes Q12206 group of metabolic disorders characterized by high blood sugar levels over a prolonged period 294907750 class of disease
1109 dialect Q33384 geographically- or socially-determined language variety 294907769 languoid class
1110 diamond Q5283 allotrope of carbon often used as a gemstone and an abrasive 294907785 mineral species
1111 diamond mining Q21161545 process of extracting diamond ore from various locations 294907777 economic activity
1112 diarrhea Q40878 loose or liquid bowel movements 294907807 class of disease
symptom or sign
1113 diary Q185598 personal written record with discrete entries arranged by date 294907793 literary genre
book form
1114 diaspora Q133004 dispersion of religious or ethnic communities 294907815 second-order class
1115 dictatorship Q317 autocratic form of government which is ruled by a sole leader 294907831 form of government
1116 dictionary Q23622 work that provides word information such as spelling, definition, gender, pronunciation, etymology, etc., where the information provided depends on the kind of dictionary 297907913
book form
literary genre
1117 diet Q474191 sum of food consumed by an organism 294907882
1118 diphtheria Q134649 infectious disease 294907998 infectious disease
notifiable disease
class of disease
1119 diploma Q217577 certificate conferring some honor, degree, or privilege 294908005 document genre
1120 diplomacy Q1889 art and practice of conducting negotiations between representatives of groups or states 328057894 academic discipline
1121 diplomatic law Q116533 Area of international law 294908013
1122 diplomatic service Q784271 body of diplomats and foreign policy officers 294908021
1123 directory Q70326023 work consisting of an alphabetical or classified list of names, organizations, subjects, with titles, addresses, affiliations and other professional data 294908048 book form
1124 disarmament Q331662 act of reducing, limiting, or abolishing weapons 294908080 academic discipline
1125 disaster Q3839081 hazard resulting in an event causing significant physical damage, destruction or death 294908099
1126 discrimination Q169207 differential treatment based on membership of a certain group 294908110 sociological concept
legal concept
1127 disease Q12136 abnormal condition negatively affecting organisms 294908129 class of disease
variable-order class
1128 dismissal Q9213592 termination of employment decided unilaterally by employer 294908137
1129 displaced person Q706601 person who has been forcibly removed from their home or home region 311822657
1130 dissertation Q1385450 written document submitted in order to obtain an academic degree; e.g. doctoral thesis, habilitation, etc 315957204
literary genre
1131 distance education Q159595 education via communication technology with little or no face-to-face teaching 294908145
1132 divination Q1043197 attempt to gain insight or secret knowledge into a question or situation by way of an occultic, standardized process or ritual 294908161 activity
1133 divorce Q93190 termination of a marital union 294908188 marital status
1134 document Q49848 form for preservation of structured and identified information 294908315
1135 documentary film Q93204 nonfictional motion picture 294908285 film genre
1136 documentation centre Q2945282 organisation that deals with documentation 294908293 type of library
1137 domestic trade Q3595340 commercial exchange of good and services within a country 294908374
1138 domestic violence Q156537 pattern of behavior which involves the abuse of one family member by another 294908382
1139 domestic worker Q54128 person who works within the scope of a residence 294908390 profession
1140 domicile Q2641256 in law, the status or attribution of being a permanent resident in a particular jurisdiction 294908404 legal concept
1141 dracunculiasis Q388646 infection by Dracunculus medinensis 294908463 infectious disease
class of disease
1142 drainage Q7481320 removal of water from a surface 294908471
1143 drainage basin Q166620 area of land where precipitation collects and drains off into a common outlet, such as into a river, bay, or other body of water 294935177 concept
1144 drama Q25372 formal type of literature intended for performance, where the text is written in the form of character lines and the author's remarks and is usually divided into acts and scenes 29490848X
literary mode
literary form
1145 drawing Q93184 visual artwork in two-dimensional medium 294908501 type of work of art
1146 dream Q36348 series of images, thoughts, and emotions, often with a story-like quality, generated by mental activity during sleep; the state in which this occurs 29490851X
1147 drink Q40050 kind of liquid which is specifically prepared for human consumption 294901426 type of food or dish
1148 drinking culture Q2068248 ways and means to consume alcohol sensibly and in a socially responsible way 294908528
1149 drinking water Q7892 water safe for consumption 294908536
1150 driver Q352388 operator of motorized ground vehicles 294908544 occupation
1151 drop-outs Q59243176 person who has left school before completion 294908552 economic concept
1152 drought Q43059 extended period when a region notes a deficiency in its water supply 294908560 condition
1153 drug Q8386 chemical substance having an effect on the body 294908609
1154 drug policy Q1260003 control and regulation of psychoactive drugs 294908579
1155 drug trafficking Q844924 global black market in illegal drugs 294908587
1156 drumming Q2238277 the act of playing the drums or other percussion instruments 294908625 music performance technique
1157 drylands Q5309708 land with a scarcity of water (but not desert) 298831244 biome
1158 dual economy Q3497416 economic concept 294908641
1159 dumping Q467064 sale of goods or services under the production cost or their own costs 294908692
1160 dyeing Q1164991 process of adding color to textile products like fibers, yarns, and fabrics 294908773 craft
1161 détente Q155705 relaxation of tensions in international diplomacy 294907602
1162 e-government Q211017 simplification of the authorities everyday life through the use of the PC and Internet 339551690 technology
1163 ecology Q7150 scientific study of the relationships between living organisms 294908900 academic discipline
branch of biology
branch of geography
1164 econometrics Q160039 academic discipline 294908919 academic discipline
academic major
1165 economic anthropology Q27841 scholarly field that attempts to explain human economic behavior in its widest historic, geographic and cultural scope 294908935 branch of anthropology
academic discipline
field of study
field of work
1166 economic competition Q319676 rivalry between firms; ability of companies to take each others' market share in a given market 294905545 economic concept
type of economic interaction
1167 economic concentration Q119423449 extent to which a market is taken up by producers within a given industry 29490896X
1168 economic conditions Q88961277 designates the economic situation of a particular country or region at a specific time 294908978
1169 economic geology Q853915 branch of geology concerning the scientific study of the formation, location, and use of marketable geologic materials including fuels, metals, minerals, and water. 294909001 branch of geology
academic discipline
field of study
academic major
1170 economic history Q47398 history studies focused on economics 29490901X academic discipline
branch of history
1171 economic integration Q729438 unification of economic policies between different states 294909036
1172 economic model Q2180497 simplified representations of economic reality 294909052
1173 economic planning Q3391448 economic planning by a centralized authority 294909060 academic discipline
public policy
1174 economic policy Q582577 actions that governments take in the economic field 294909079 academic discipline
type of policy
PM20 subject category
1175 economic profit Q26911 concept in economics 294933506 economic concept
1176 economic research Q58327847 systematic study undertaken to increase economic knowledge 294909095 economic concept
1177 economic sanction Q1248258 financial penalty applied by nations to persons, nations or companies to affect political change 294909109
1178 economic system Q273005 system of ownership, production and exchange 294909117 type of system
1179 economic theory Q1401304 model trying to explain economic reality 294909125
1180 economics Q8134 social science that studies the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services 294909133 academic discipline
academic major
field of study
1181 economics education Q5333576 field within economics that focuses on the economics curriculum at all educational levels; and on research into factors that influence the level of economic literacy 294909141
1182 ecosystem Q37813 community of living organisms together with the nonliving components of their environment, interacting as a system 29490915X type of system
1183 ecotourism Q187449 form of tourism involving travel to natural attractions and destinations of ecological value, including its ecosystems 294909168 tourism industry
1184 ecumenism Q156112 efforts by Christians of different church traditions to develop closer relationships and better understandings 294909192
1185 education Q8434 transmission of knowledge and skills 294909230 branch of science
service type
1186 education policy Q452348 rules which govern schooling systems 294909346 type of policy
academic discipline
1187 education reform Q861536 goal of changing public education 294909354
1188 educational anthropology Q5341272 sub-field of anthropology focusing on education 294909257 branch of anthropology
academic discipline
field of study
field of work
1189 educational film Q596138 film genre 29490929X film genre
1190 educational management Q861455 planning, organizing, directing, and controlling human or material resources in an educational setting, and the study of this process 294909249 academic discipline
type of management
1191 educational research Q861399 systematic collection and analysis of data related to the field of education 294909362
1192 educational system Q446760 structure of all facilities and opportunities to acquire education within a country or region 294909370 industry
1193 efficiency Q1034411 degree to which a process minimizes waste of resources 294909389 type of property
1194 egg as food Q93189 edible animal product 294909451 food ingredient
object form
animal-based food
1195 elderly people Q2191986 demographic 294909575 population group
demographic profile
1196 election campaign Q11642595 political campaign to win an election 294909591
1197 election law Q1810004 laws governing elections 294909605 area of law
1198 election monitoring Q933054 observation of an election by one or more independent parties 294909613
1199 electoral system Q182985 method by which voters make a choice between options 29490963X
1200 electricity Q12725 physical phenomena associated with the presence and flow of electric charge 294909648 dictionary page in Wikipedia
1201 electronic publishing Q1196904 publishing and disseminating documents via electronic means 352626607 specialty
field of study
1202 electronics industry Q5358497 industry focused in any electronics manufacturing, not only semiconductors 294909664 industry
1203 elephant Q7378 large terrestrial mammals with trunks from Africa and Asia 294909680 organisms known by a particular common name
1204 elephantiasis Q16775468 Human disease 294909672 class of disease
1205 elite Q192797 group or class of persons enjoying superior intellectual, social or economic status 294909699
1206 elopement Q2812388 type of marriage ceremony 294909745
1207 emigrant Q4989857 person who has left his/her home country, often for political reasons 294909796
1208 emigration Q187668 act of leaving one's country or region with the intent to settle permanently or temporarily in another 29490980X activity
1209 employee stock ownership Q2823722 system giving employees stake in a company's ownership 294944656
1210 employers' organization Q627272 association of employers for joint advocacy purposes towards trade unions and state 294909818
1211 employment Q656365 gainful occupation 294909826 social relation
1212 empowerment Q868575 providing increased autonomy 294909850
1213 enclave Q171441 territory entirely surrounded by another territory 294909877
1214 encyclopedia Q5292 type of reference work 294909885 literary genre
book form
1215 endogamy Q212926 practice of marrying within a specific ethnic group, class, or social group 294909893 sexual norm
1216 energy consumption Q16869822 amount of energy or power used 294909915
1217 energy crisis Q1341376 significant bottleneck in the supply of energy resources to an economy 294909923 type of crisis
1218 energy economics Q473160 all the facilities and actions of people and institutions that aim to supply the people with energy 294909931
1219 energy policy Q1805337 policy addressing energy issues 29490994X type of policy
1220 engineer Q81096 professional practitioner of engineering 294909974 profession
academic degree
1221 engineering Q11023 applied science 294909966 field of work
branch of science
academic discipline
course of study
1222 enslaved person Q12773225 person in a state of slavery 294937641 social class
1223 enterprise Q6881511 organizational unit producing goods or services, which benefits from a certain degree of autonomy in decision-making, especially for the allocation of its current resources 294910026 legal concept
1224 enthronement Q1671499 ceremony 294910034
1225 entrepreneur Q131524 person who owns and operates a business 294910042 profession
legal status
1226 environment Q2249676 surrounding of an organism or population 294910050 matter
1227 environmental economics Q753291 sub-field of economics 294910077 academic major
1228 environmental education Q948732 branch of pedagogy 294910085 specialty
academic discipline
1229 environmental effects Q2022868 factors affecting environment 294910069
1230 environmental history Q1561862 specialisation of history 294910093 academic discipline
aspect of history
1231 environmental law Q328798 rules of law, promoting the protection of the natural environment 294910107 area of law
academic discipline
1232 environmental policy Q919526 totality of the government efforts to promoting the protection of the natural environment 294910123 type of policy
academic discipline
1233 environmental resource management Q929380 management of human interaction with the environment 294910115 academic discipline
1234 epic Q2367164 genre of poetry and other art 294910174 genre
1235 epic poem Q37484 lengthy narrative poem, ordinarily detailing heroic deeds 294910182 literary genre
1236 epidemic Q44512 rapid spread of infectious disease to a large number of people in a given population within a short period of time 294910190
1237 epilepsy Q41571 human neurological disease causing seizures 294910204 class of disease
dictionary page in Wikipedia
1238 epistemology Q9471 branch of philosophy studying the nature and scope of knowledge 294910212 branch of philosophy
1239 equal opportunity Q912512 state of fairness in which individuals are all treated the same (with justified exceptions) 294910220
1240 equestrian sport Q902378 part of the field of sport that encompasses all sports that are practiced with the horse as a partner 294910247 type of sport
1241 essay Q35760 piece of writing often written from an author's personal point of view 294910352 literary genre
literary form
1242 essential oil Q170885 hydrophobic liquid containing volatile aroma compounds from plants 294910360
1243 ethics Q9465 branch of philosophy that systematizes, defends, and recommends concepts of right and wrong conduct 294910387 branch of philosophy
academic discipline
1244 ethnic conflict Q766875 conflict between ethnic groups 294910484
type of conflict
1245 ethnic group Q41710 socially defined category of people who identify with each other 294910492 classification scheme
personal data
1246 ethnic identity Q110952373 social identity based on ethnic identification 294910506
1247 ethnicity Q5404323 a person's ethnic background 294910549 property
group of humans
1248 ethnobotany Q841408 science of the study of plants in relation to their use by humans 294910557 academic discipline
1249 ethnogenesis Q900396 formation or generation of an ethnic group 294910565
1250 ethnographic film Q1371394 film genre 294898654 film genre
1251 ethnography Q132151 qualitative research design aimed at exploring cultural phenomena 294910581 academic discipline
1252 ethnophilosophy Q11858966 study of indigenous philosophical systems 294910603
1253 ethnoscience Q3059318 branch of science involving the study of the world categorised in ethnic cultures 294916784 specialty
1254 etymology Q35245 study of the history of words, their origins, and how their form and meaning have changed over time 294910697 specialty
1255 euthanasia Q100159 medical practice of intentionally ending a life in order to relieve pain and suffering 294910751 manner of death
end of life decision making
1256 evaluation Q1379672 determination of a subject's merit, worth, scope or significance 29491076X
1257 eviction Q1893186 removal of a tenant from rental property by the landlord 354590146
1258 evidence Q176763 body of facts in a legal proceding 294910786 concept
area of law
1259 examination Q1355298 process to determine knowledge or skills 294910840
1260 exchange rate Q66100 rate at which one currency will be exchanged for another 294910859
1261 exhibition catalogue Q780605 catalog printed for an exhibition, sometimes in multiple languages if the exhibition is held in multiple countries or is internationally popular 294910883 genre
1262 exile Q188863 event by which a person is forced away from home 294910905
1263 expedition Q2401485 discovery or research trip to a remote or undeveloped region 294910913
1264 expert Q381160 person with broad and profound competence in a particular field 294910921 occupation
academic degree
1265 explosive chemicals Q12870 reactive substance that contains a great amount of potential energy that can produce an explosion 294910948 class of chemical substances by use
1266 export Q182722 shipping goods and services out of a country 294910980
1267 export restriction Q372012 prohibition of exporting strategic technologies 294910972
1268 expropriation Q86757 seizure of private property without full compensation under government authority 294910999
1269 external debt Q461319 total debt a country owes to foreign creditors 294911014
1270 extraction of petroleum Q1349660 removal of petroleum from the earth 294931724 industry
economic activity
1271 extradition Q210603 the surrender of an alleged criminal usually under the provisions of a treaty or statute by one authority (such as a state) to another having jurisdiction to try the charge 294911022
1272 extramarital sex Q629129 sexual intercourse outside a marriage 294911030
1273 fable Q693 short fictional story that often anthropomorphises non-humans to illustrate a moral lesson 294911057
literary genre
1274 factor of production Q210947 resources used in the production process to produce output 29493345X source type
1275 faith healing Q1420463 prayer and gestures that are perceived to bring divine intervention in physical healing 294911073
1276 family Q8436 group of people affiliated by consanguinity, law, affinity, or co-residence 294911103 type of social group
1277 family allowance Q1395321 Automatic description is not available 294911111
1278 family law Q384014 area of the law that deals with family matters and domestic relations 29491112X area of law
1279 family name Q101352 part of a naming scheme for individuals, used in many cultures worldwide 294911146 name particle
1280 family planning Q1280670 planning of when to have children, and the use of birth control and other techniques to implement such plans 294911154 medical specialty
1281 famine Q168247 widespread scarcity of food followed by regional malnutrition, starvation, epidemic, and increased mortality 294911162
1282 farm Q131596 area of land for farming, or, for aquaculture, lake, river or sea, including various structures 294911294
1283 farm management Q1407914 academic discipline 294911251 academic discipline
1284 farmer Q131512 person engaged in agriculture, raising living organisms for food or raw materials 29491126X occupation
1285 farming system Q56395513 method of agricultural production defined by its physical practices and economic characteristics 294911286 economic concept
type of system
1286 farmworker Q5060555 hired agricultural worker on a farm that works for the farmowners 294897550 profession
historical profession
1287 fascism Q6223 far-right authoritarian political ideology and movement 294911308 political system
political ideology
political movement
1288 fascist party Q118146690 political party and type of organisation 294911316 type of organisation
1289 fasting in Islam Q178915 fasting regulated by Islamic jurisprudence 9840251500102711 Islamic term
Sufi terminology
dietary restriction
religious concept
spiritual practice
1290 father Q7565 male parent 294911332 kinship
1291 fatwa Q179274 term for the legal opinion or learned interpretation that a qualified jurist or mufti can give on issues pertaining to the Islamic law 294911359
1292 fauna Q104021 set of animal species in any particular region and time 294911367 concept
1293 feature film Q24869 film with a full-length running time 294911383 type of cinematic work
1294 federalism Q204886 political concept that advocates a federal state 294911391 political ideology
political concept
1295 female education Q15675634 complex set of issues and debates surrounding education for girls and women 29494446X Wikipedia overview article
1296 female entrepreneur Q5442755 women who organize and manage an enterprise 29494432X
1297 female genital mutilation Q208373 ritual cutting or removal of some or all of the external female genitalia 294911448 ritual
violence against women
1298 feminism Q7252 group of movements that come about defining, and defending women liberation and gender equity 294911502 reformism
artistic theme
social movement
political movement
critical sociology
1299 feminist theology Q1330520 movement to reconsider theological doctrine 294911529
1300 ferrous metallurgy Q2285982 heavy industry that deals with the production of steel 29491790X industry
1301 fertility Q964401 natural capability to produce offspring 294911537
1302 fertilizer Q83323 material of natural or synthetic origin (other than liming materials) applied to soils or to plants to supply essential nutrients 294911553
1303 festival Q132241 celebration that focuses upon a theme, and may run for hours to weeks; usually repeated regularily, eg. once a year 294911561 form of event
1304 feudalism Q37739 combination of legal and military customs and form of government in medieval Europe 294911596 political system
1305 field research Q1402508 collection of information outside a laboratory, library or workplace setting 338591133 study type
1306 film Q11424 sequence of images that give the impression of movement, stored on film stock 353037389
1307 filmmaker Q1414443 creator of a cinematic work 314353801 filmmaking occupation
media profession
1308 final good Q868404 finished product intended for sale to consumers who will consume it 294905960
1309 finance Q43015 academic discipline studying businesses, financing, investments and protection of economic value 294911626 academic discipline
academic major
field of study
1310 financial management Q4738155 management of money in such a manner as to accomplish the objectives of organization 294911650 planning
type of management
academic discipline
1311 financial market Q208697 any market in which trading takes place with capital 294911669
1312 financial policy Q11821824 economic policy on financing of public consumption and investment 294911677 type of policy
1313 fine Q1243001 financial penalty 294911693
1314 firelighting Q1192478 process of starting a fire artificially 29491174X survival skill
1315 firewood Q35808 wood used for fires 294912797 forest product
1316 first language Q36870 language a person was raised speaking from birth 301158916
1317 fiscal policy Q187021 use of government revenue collection and spending to influence the economy 294911804 type of policy
1318 fish Q152 vertebrate animal that lives in water and (typically) has gills 294911812 taxon
paraphyletic group
organisms known by a particular common name
1319 fish processing Q3290431 the processes associated with fish and fish products between the time fish are caught or harvested, and the time the final product is delivered to the customer. 294911820 process
1320 fisher Q331432 someone who captures fish and other animals from a body of water, or gathers shellfish 294911847 profession
1321 fishery Q180538 the enterprise of raising or harvesting fish or other aquatic organisms 294911839 industry
economic activity
PM20 subject category
1322 fishery rights Q11259021 human rights 294911863
1323 flag Q14660 distinctive image used as a symbol, traditionally embodied as a piece of fabric 294911871
1324 flax Q47089651 soft, flexible fiber derived from the bast of the flax plant (Linum usitatissimum) 29491188X
1325 flood Q8068 overflow of water that submerges land that is usually dry 294911898
1326 flora Q131449 set of plant species in any particular region and time 294911901 concept
group of living things
1327 floriculture Q199169 discipline of horticulture concerned with the cultivation of flowering and ornamental plants 29491191X branch of agriculture
1328 folk festival Q20791519 festival celebrating and promoting traditional culture 294941517 form of festival
1329 folk play Q3566051 play and theatrical genre 294911928 theatrical genre
1330 folk religion Q1068640 expressions of religion distinct from organized doctrines 29493264X religion type
1331 folk tale Q1221280 traditional story that is passed down orally 294911944
literary genre
narrative form
1332 folkloristics Q132116 branch of anthropology devoted to the study of folklore 294911960 branch of anthropology
academic discipline
field of study
field of work
1333 food Q2095 any substance consumed to provide nutritional support for the body; form of energy stored in chemical 294912002
1334 food and drink preparation Q16920758 manipulation of edible ingredients 294912126
1335 food assistance Q69967149 food, or financial assistance for food, given to those in need 294912010
1336 food consumption Q57262078 types and quantities of foods eaten by a population 294912029 economic concept
1337 food crisis Q2964234 a widespread scarcity of food, caused by several factors including war, inflation, crop failure, population imbalance, or government policies 294897283
1338 food crop Q31839438 crop raised for human consumption, such as wheat or rice; most crops are harvested as food for humans or livestock (fodder crops). Some crops are gathered from the wild (including intensive gathering, e.g. ginseng) 294912045
1339 food fortification Q15121266 process of adding micronutrients to food products 294912053 process
1340 food industry Q540912 type of industry; collective of diverse businesses that supplies much of the world's food 294912088 economic activity
1341 food market Q28142754 marketplace where food is sold 294912096
1342 food marketing Q5465497 promotion of edible products 29491210X
1343 food policy Q5465509 area of public policy 294912118 type of policy
1344 food preservation Q173514 inhibition of microbial growth in food 294912134
1345 food prices Q24886253 Average price level for food across countries, regions and on a global scale 294912142
1346 food safety Q909821 scientific discipline describing handling, preparation, and storage of food in ways that prevent foodborne illness 294912037 academic discipline
1347 food security Q1229911 condition related to the supply and availability of food, and individuals' access to it 294912169 type of security
1348 food trade Q57262082 industry 294912193 industry
1349 footwear industry Q5915560 process of making footwear 294912207 industry
1350 foreign exchange market Q66076 form of exchange for the global decentralized trading of international currencies 29491224X
1351 foreign policy Q181648 government's strategy in relating with other nations 294912282 political domain
type of policy
1352 foreigner Q473741 person in a country not having citizenship 294912304
1353 forest Q4421 dense collection of trees covering a relatively large area 294912371 feature type
1354 forest management Q372561 branch of forestry 294912312 academic discipline
1355 forest resources Q96278478 natural resources derived from forests 294912347
1356 forestry Q38112 science and craft of creating, managing, using, conserving and repairing forests, woodlands, and associated resources for human and environmental benefits 294912355 industry
academic discipline
field of study
1357 forestry policy Q1438361 Automatic description is not available 294912320
1358 forestry science Q19924411 academic discipline 294912363 academic discipline
academic major
branch of science
field of study
1359 fortification Q57821 military constructions and buildings designed for defense in warfare and military bases 29491238X
1360 foster care Q1430789 system in which a minor has been placed into a ward, group home, or private home of a state-certified caregiver, referred to as a "foster parent" 29491241X social services
1361 foundation Q157031 type of nonprofit organization 294912428 legal concept
legal form
1362 fraud Q28813 intentional deception made for unfair or unlawful gain or damaging or depriving a victim 294912479 elements of an offence
Wikibase reason for deprecated rank
1363 free economic zone Q496341 area of a country where companies are very lightly taxed 294912487
1364 free trade area Q5335686 region encompassing a trade bloc whose member countries have signed a free-trade agreement 294912495 economic integration
1365 freedman Q841571 person who has been released from enslavement 294912509 social class
social status
1366 freedom of assembly Q162254 right to form social or political groups and hold meetings 294912517
1367 freedom of association Q688503 type of public freedom allowing the exercise of fundamental civil rights by groups of individuals 294912525 civil liberties
1368 freedom of information Q26084 freedom of a person or people to publish and consume information 294912533 concept
1369 freedom of movement Q1344824 right of individuals to travel from place to place, that imply freedom of no movement, that is freedom to choose residence. The movement also include going across a frontier. 294912541 fundamental rights
1370 freedom of religion Q171899 human right to practice, or not, a religion without conflict from governing powers 29491255X
1371 freedom of speech Q22692 right to communicate one's opinions and ideas and right to speak 294912568 civil liberties
civil and political rights
cultural rights
1372 freedom of the press Q22688 freedom of communication and expression through mediums including various electronic media and published materials 294912576
1373 freemasonry Q41726 group of fraternal organizations 294912584 human social group
fraternal organization
1374 freight transport Q651658 physical process of transporting commodities and merchandise goods and cargo 294913912 field of work
1375 freshwater fishing Q863904 fishing enterprises in rivers, lakes, and reservoirs 294917284
1376 friendship Q491 relationship between people who have mutual affection for each other 29491269X
1377 fruit Q1364 botanical term for the mature ovary or ovaries of one or more flowers. For foods commonly known as fruit, use Q3314483 294912770 botanical term
1378 full name Q1071027 set of names by which an individual is known 294931635
1379 funding Q6055890 act of providing resources 294911685
1380 funeral Q201676 ceremony for a person who has died 294912835
1381 furniture industry Q11990434 secondary sector of the economy, secondary sector of the economy, and industry 294912886 industry
1382 future Q344 events, developments or states in time which have yet to occur 294912924 temporal entity
1383 gambling Q11416 wagering of money on a game of chance or event with an uncertain outcome 294913092
1384 game meat Q19862498 flesh from game animals 294913106
1385 gastrointestinal system disease Q2300099 disease involving the gastrointestinal tract 294907890 class of disease
1386 gazetteer Q1006160 geographical dictionary or directory used in conjunction with a map or atlas 294913246 genre
written work
1387 gemstone Q83437 piece of mineral used to make jewelry 294933085
1388 gender Q48277 social concept which distinguish the different gender categories 345388569 concept
1389 gender inequality Q2891097 idea and situation that women and men are not treated as equal 294913351
1390 gender relations Q65088268 social relations between the genders (or sexes); cfr. class relations 29491336X
1391 gender role Q2672163 social role encompassing a range of behaviors and attitudes that are generally considered acceptable, appropriate, or desirable for people based on their actual or perceived sex or sexuality 294913378
1392 gender studies Q1662673 interdisciplinary academic field devoted to analysing gender identity and gendered representation 294913386 interdisciplinary science
academic discipline
1393 gender violence Q6163243 physical, psychological, or sexual violence due to gender or sex 407303340
1394 genealogy Q47307 study of a family's ancestors and descendants 294913394 specialty
1395 generation Q213381 all of the people born and living at about the same time, regarded collectively 294913416
1396 genetic engineering Q159236 direct manipulation of an organism's genome using biotechnology 294913424
1397 genetics Q7162 science of genes, heredity, and variation in living organisms 294913432 science
branch of biology
academic discipline
1398 genocide Q41397 deliberate extermination of a people 294913459 destruction
manner of death
1399 geographic information system Q483130 spatial data information systems 399662448 academic discipline
field of study
1400 geographical research Q115161735 research 294913475
1401 geography Q1071 science that studies the terrestrial surface, the societies that inhabit it and the territories, landscapes, places or regions that form it when interacting with each other 294913483 academic discipline
academic major
branch of science
1402 geography education Q11424632 teaching methodology and school subject 294913491 school subject
teaching method
academic discipline
1403 geology Q1069 study of the composition, structure, physical properties, and history of Earth's components, and the processes by which they are shaped 294913505 branch of science
academic discipline
field of study
1404 geomorphology Q52109 scientific study of landforms and the processes that shape them 294913513 branch of geology
branch of geography
1405 geophagy Q1349107 practice of eating earth or soil-like substrates such as clay or chalk 294913521
1406 geopolitics Q159385 study of the effects of human and physical geography on international politics and relations 29491353X academic discipline
1407 geothermal energy Q127993 thermal energy generated and stored in the Earth 397176619 academic major
1408 girl Q3031 young female human 29491367X
1409 given name Q202444 name typically used to differentiate people from the same family, clan, or other social group who have a common last name 294911782 name particle
1410 globalisation Q7181 process of international integration arising from world views, products, ideas, and other aspects of culture 294913769 social theory
1411 goat Q2934 domesticated mammal raised for its meat and milk 294913777 organisms known by a particular common name
1412 gold Q897 chemical element with symbol Au and atomic number 79 294913858 chemical element
metallic material
precious metal
1413 gold mining Q1071389 process of extracting gold from the ground 294913866 mining and quarrying
mining of metal ores
1414 gossip Q854648 idle talk or rumor, especially about personal or private affairs of others 294913955
1415 governance Q1553864 all of the processes of governing, whether undertaken by a government, market or network, whether over a family, tribe, formal or informal organization or territory and whether through the laws, norms, power or language of an organized society 29491398X type of regulation and control
academic discipline
1416 government Q7188 system or group of people governing an organized community, often a state 294913998
1417 government agency Q327333 organisational part of a government responsible for specific public services, such as health, judiciary, education, transportation, foreign affairs, etc 294914013 legal form
1418 government attorney Q112684029 type of professional employees in government 294914005 legal profession
1419 government debt Q3024789 total amount of debt owed to lenders by a government/state 294933778 economic concept
1420 governmental accounting Q2990822 concept in accounting, concerning public sector financial activity 294933751
1421 grain market Q56237449 market 294914064
1422 grain trade Q5593509 trade in cereals and other food grains 294914102 industry
1423 grammar Q8091 set of structural rules that governs the composition of clauses, phrases, and words in any given natural language 294914110 academic discipline
1424 grandparent Q167918 parent's parent 294914137 kinship
1425 grassland Q1006733 area with vegetation dominated by grasses 294914145
1426 grave field Q2593777 prehistoric cemetery lacking above-ground structures, buildings, or grave markers 294933131 concept
1427 green party Q3778417 type of political party based on the principles of green politics, such as environmentalism, social justice, and nonviolence 294914250 type of political party
1428 greeting Q45594 act of communication to acknowledge another person 294914277
1429 griot Q511054 storyteller of oral tradition in West Africa 294914285 profession
1430 gross national product Q182859 economic indicator 294914315 economic indicator
1431 groundwater Q161598 water located beneath the ground surface 29491434X
1432 group Q16887380 well-defined, enumerable collection of discrete entities that form a collective whole 294914374 metaclass
1433 group identity Q110948818 identity of more than one individual 294914358
1434 guerrilla warfare Q80895 form of irregular warfare 294914439
1435 guide book Q223638 book of information about a place, designed for the use of visitors or tourists 294914447 literary genre
1436 gum Q3633062 sap or other resinous material associated with certain species of the plant kingdom 294914579
1437 gynaecology Q1221899 science of the treatment of diseases of the female sexual organs and reproductive tract 29491482X medical specialty
academic discipline
1438 hagiography Q208628 biography of a saint or other venerated religious figure 294914943
literary genre
1439 hairstyle Q327496 style of hair, usually on the human scalp 294914978
1440 handbook Q1338914 type of reference book 294915001 book format
book form
1441 harem Q165853 women's quarters in the traditional house of a Muslim family 294915052
1442 hat Q80151 shaped head covering, having a brim and a crown, or one of these 294915060
1443 hazardous waste Q1069369 ignitable, reactive, corrosive and/or toxic unwanted or unusable materials 294915133
1444 head of state Q48352 official who holds the highest-ranked executive position in a sovereign state 294915168 public office
1445 healer Q2518689 unlicensed person who practices the art of healing using traditional practices, herbal remedies and even the power of suggestion 294915176 profession
1446 health Q12147 desirable level of functional or metabolic efficiency of a living being 294915192 need
academic discipline
field of study
1447 health care Q31207 prevention of disease and promotion of wellbeing of humans and animals 294915214 industry
service type
field of study
1448 health education Q60894 education for awareness of and influence on the attitude of health 294915230
1449 health insurance Q334911 insurance that covers the whole or a part of the risk of a person incurring medical and healthcare expenses 294915257 insurance type
1450 health personnel Q59283400 persons working in the field of health 294915265 economic concept
occupational group
health profession
1451 health policy Q1519812 policy area, which deals with the planning, organization, management and financing of the health system 294915273 academic discipline
field of study
type of policy
1452 heart disease Q190805 cardiovascular system disease that involves the heart 294915281 class of disease
1453 hematopoietic system disease Q1963588 disorder which primarily affects the blood 294914927 class of disease
1454 hepatitis Q131742 inflammation of the liver tissue 294915338 class of disease
symptom or sign
1455 heritage values Q7912786 in cultural heritage, criterion used to assess significance, prioritize resources, and inform conservation decision-making 294943188
1456 heritance and succession law Q1135306 part of private law that regulates the succession mortis causa 294921605
1457 hero Q162244 person who fights adversity through ingenuity, courage, or strength 294915389 occupation
literary archetype
1458 hide Q3291230 animal skin treated for human use 294915419
1459 higher education Q136822 academic tertiary education, such as from colleges and universities 294915427 educational stage
1460 hip hop culture Q1132127 culture including hip hop music, turntablism, breakdancing and graffiti 399566716 art movement
1461 hire purchase Q974034 installment payment method 294915478
1462 historical atlas Q460214 maps and possibly illustrations of a particular region at a defined time period that depict the historical geography 294915486
1463 historical dictionary Q45740849 dictionary covering the historical development of forms and meanings of words 294915494 literary genre
1464 historical novel Q192239 literary genre 294915508
novel genre
literary genre by form
literary genre
1465 historical source Q3750478 texts, objects or facts from which knowledge of the past can be obtained 294915524
1466 historiography Q30277550 written body or collection of historical research works on a particular subject realized by historians, also included among their own objects of studies 294915532 genre
1467 history Q309 past events and their tracks or records 294915540 academic discipline
1468 history of Christianity Q235329 historical development of Christianity 294904441 aspect of history
1469 history of Islam Q642379 aspect of history 294918027 aspect of history
1470 history of agriculture Q952080 aspect of history 294897356 aspect of history
1471 history of architecture Q8180985 field of history focused on architecture 294899030 aspect of history
academic discipline
1472 history of education Q861408 aspect of history 294909311 aspect of history
academic discipline
1473 history of film Q107478 aspect of history 354072048 aspect of history
1474 history of literature Q6497044 historical development of writings 29492244X academic discipline
aspect of history
academic major
1475 history of music Q846047 history of human creation of music 354333607 aspect of history
1476 history of religions Q846742 field of history concerned with the development of religion 294934626 aspect of history
academic discipline
1477 history of trade Q3137831 aspect of history 294925295 aspect of history
economic concept
1478 home economics Q425694 academic discipline 294915605 specialty
school subject
1479 homicide Q149086 killing of a human being by another human being 294915613 manner of death
1480 homosexuality Q6636 romantic or sexual attraction or behavior between members of the same sex 294915621 sexual orientation
romantic orientation
male bonding
1481 honey Q10987 sweet food made by bees mostly using nectar from flowers 29491563X food ingredient
organic matter
1482 honor Q207333 abstract concept entailing a perceived quality of worthiness and respectability 294915648 ethical concept
1483 horse Q726 domesticated four-footed mammal from the equine family 294915656 taxon
1484 horticulture Q48803 agriculture of plants 294915664 academic major
branch of agriculture
1485 hospital Q16917 health care facility, for individual buildings use hospital building, for organizations use medical organization 294915680
1486 hospitality Q815825 relationship between the guest and the host, or the act or practice of being hospitable 294915672 code of conduct
1487 hostage taking Q1371150 act of taking and holding a hostage or hostages 294915699
1488 hotel Q27686 business enterprise that provides lodging in a single building paid on a short-term basis 294915710
1489 house-building Q1799415 construction of houses 294915788 industry
1490 household Q259059 group of one or more people living in the same dwelling and sharing meals or living accommodation; may consist of a single family or other grouping of people 294915761 economic agent
human social group
group of humans
economic relation
1491 household budget Q93355557 budget 294915729 budget
1492 household income Q1591167 combined income of all people sharing a particular household or place of residence 294915753 macroeconomic indicator
1493 housing Q1247867 construction and assignment of houses or buildings for sheltering people 29491577X social issue
economic concept
1494 housing cooperative Q562166 cooperative with the aim of providing its members with affordable housing 294915796
1495 housing gap Q3002752 condition where there is not enough housing to meet the community's needs 294915826 social issue
1496 housing policy Q2588157 government actions in housing and living conditions, and is usually seen as a part of welfare policy 294915818 type of policy
1497 human Q5 any member of Homo sapiens, unique extant species of the genus Homo, from embryo to adult 294923772 organisms known by a particular common name
1498 human ageing Q332154 biological processes in a human body coupled to increasing age 294897216 biological process
failure mode
1499 human cannibalism Q2853058 practice of humans eating the flesh or internal organs of other human beings 29490333X
1500 human capital flight Q190222 emigration of highly skilled or well-educated individuals 294902473
1501 human evolution Q83944 evolutionary process leading up to the appearance of anatomically modern humans 294915869 branch of anthropology
academic discipline
field of study
field of work
evolutionary process
1502 human migration Q177626 movement of people for resettlement 294925600
1503 human population Q33829 humans that live in the same locality 294932720
1504 human pregnancy Q11995 time of human offspring development in mother's body 294933107 physiological condition
1505 human race Q3254959 classification system used to categorize humans on the basis of hereditary physical traits 294934073 classification scheme
1506 human resources Q5467169 the people who make up an organization's workforce 294915877
1507 human rights Q8458 inalienable fundamental rights to which a person is inherently entitled 294915885 convention
social movement
1508 human rights violation Q11376059 act or omission which contravene the principles of human rights 294930027 legal concept
1509 human sacrifice Q119094 rite 294935134
1510 human security Q302285 people-centric approach to national security 300607660 ethical theory
type of security
1511 human sexuality Q154136 form in which people experience and express themselves sexually 29493703X concept
1512 human trafficking Q181784 trade of humans for the purpose of forced labor, sexual slavery, or commercial sexual exploitation for the trafficker or others 294915893 matter
1513 human waste Q8191962 human bodily waste which is excreted from the body, such as feces and urine 294901973
1514 human-animal relationships Q55084034 phenomenon studied by anthrozoology and practiced by animal attendants and others 9839272069702711
1515 humanitarian aid Q826745 material or logistical assistance for people in need 294915907
1516 humanities Q80083 study of the products of human culture such as art, historical artifacts etc 294915915 academic discipline
academic major
field of study
1517 humor Q35874 tendency of someone to point out and emphasize the comical nature of something (or the mental state that leads to this tendency) 294915923 tone (work)
1518 hunt of the witches Q188494 search for witches or evidence of witchcraft, often involving moral panic, or mass hysteria 294944184 activity
historical process
1519 hunter-gatherer Q27443 human living in a society in which most or all food is obtained by foraging (collecting wild plants and pursuing wild animals) 294915966 classification of societies
1520 hunting Q36963 searching, pursuing, and catching wild animals 294915974 activity
1521 hydraulic engineering Q1130265 sub-discipline of civil engineering concerned with the flow and conveyance of fluids, principally water and sewage 294916024 academic discipline
technical sciences
course of study
economic sector
1522 hydrocarbon exploration Q3241434 search for hydrocarbons 294931716
1523 hydroelectricity Q80638 electricity generated by hydropower 294916032 electricity generation
1524 hydrography Q182468 applied science of measurement and description of bodies of water 294916040 academic discipline
academic major
1525 hydrology Q42250 science that deals with the water above, on and below the land surface of the earth 294916059 specialty
academic discipline
branch of science
1526 hygiene Q162297 set of practices performed for the preservation of health 294916067
1527 hypothec Q184260 legal right over a debtor's property 294926305 pledge
1528 identity Q844569 qualities, beliefs, personality, looks and/or expressions that distinguish a person or group 294916156
1529 ideology Q7257 set of beliefs and values attributed to a person or group of people 294916164
1530 illegal immigration Q856681 migration of people across national borders in a way that violates the immigration laws of the destination country 331692759
1531 illegitimate child Q170393 child born outside of marriage and therefore lacking certain legal rights 29491644X legal kinship
social status
legal status
1532 illicit trade Q57262007 economic trade that occurs illegally 294916458 economic concept
1533 image Q1659580 reputation or impression that a plurality of people has on an object of expression 294916490
1534 immigrant Q12547146 refugee or foreigner seeking or has gained citizenship in the current land of residency 294916520
1535 immigration Q131288 movement of people into another country or region to which they are not native 294916539 activity
1536 immigration policy Q15064326 statutes, regulations, and legal precedents governing immigration into and deportation from a country 294916547 type of policy
1537 impeachment Q480498 process for charging a public official with legal offenses by the legislature(s) 354082809
1538 imperialism Q7260 creation of an unequal relationship between states through domination 294916563 concept
1539 import Q62955 sum of goods and services brought into a jurisdiction 294916601
1540 import substitution industrialization Q1660379 trade and economic policy 294916598
1541 imprisonment Q841236 restraint of a person's liberty by judicial or other detention 29491661X punishment
1542 impunity Q2745341 impossibility, de jure or de facto, of punishing perpetrators of violations 294916628 legal concept
1543 incest Q127683 sexual activity between family members or close relatives 294916652
1544 income Q1527264 consumption and savings opportunity gained by an entity within a specified timeframe 294916660
1545 income distribution Q3915542 manner in which a nation’s total GDP is distributed amongst its population 294916679 economic concept
1546 income inequality Q5055020 divergence in economic well-being within a group 294909028
1547 income tax Q179222 tax imposed on individuals or entities (taxpayers) that varies with respective income or profits (taxable income) 294916695 type of tax
1548 incomes policy Q1308177 economy-wide wage and price controls 294916687 type of policy
1549 independence Q37055 condition of a nation, country, or state which exercises self-government, and usually sovereignty, over the territory 294916717
1550 indigenous language Q645304 language that is native to a region and spoken by indigenous peoples 294926364
1551 industrial archaeology Q259209 archaeological sub-discipline, scientific study of industrial remains 294916865 archaeological sub-discipline
1552 industrial development Q107526382 planning and building of industries 294916881
1553 industrial history Q1662034 discipline of history 294916903 aspect of history
1554 industrial location Q21550680 location (physical position), , social science concepts, Associated Concepts, Associated Concepts Facet 29491692X economic concept
1555 industrial organization Q1411783 branch of economics 294916938 academic discipline
academic major
1556 industrial policy Q664112 national strategic effort to encourage the development and growth of all or part of the economy 294916946 type of policy
1557 industrial production Q1419090 totality of all goods that are generated by industry 294916962
1558 industrial property Q2750057 intellectual property applied to industry 294917004 exclusive right
1559 industrial region Q6027980 geographical region with extremely dense industry 294916873
1560 industrial sector Q8148 economic sector characterized by large scale automated manufacturing as in industrialization 294917055 economic sector
1561 industrial society Q917614 society driven by the use of technology to enable mass production, supporting a large population with a high capacity for division of labour 294917012
1562 industrial sociology Q1302156 academic discipline studying labor markets, work organization, managerial practices and employment relations 294917020 branch of sociology
1563 inequality Q119269474 difference in treatment, opportunity, or access to resources based on characteristics of a group 294917063
1564 infant Q998 very young offspring of a human 294917098 demographic profile
population group
infancy stage
1565 infanticide Q916412 homicide of an infant 294917071 manner of death
1566 infantry Q29171 military service branch concerned with combat by individuals on foot 29491708X branch of service
1567 infectious disease Q18123741 disease caused by infection of pathogenic biological agents in a host organism 294917101 class of disease
1568 infertility Q179399 inability of a person, animal or plant to reproduce by natural means that is no intervention of contraceptive techniques 29491711X class of disease
symptom or sign
1569 inflation Q35865 rise in price level in an economy over time 294917128 economic concept
1570 influenza Q2840 infectious disease caused by an influenza virus 294917136 infectious disease
class of disease
symptom or sign
1571 informal economy Q944235 economic activity unregulated by government 294917152 economic sector
1572 information Q11028 that which informs; the answer to a question; that from which data and knowledge can be derived 294917179
1573 information access Q593289 freedom or ability to identify, obtain and make use of database or information effectively 303972432
1574 information literacy Q679789 set of abilities to recognize when information is needed and have the ability to locate, evaluate, and use effectively the needed information 331338017 academic discipline
library service
1575 information management Q579488 organisational activity concerning information lifecycle 294917195 academic discipline
type of management
1576 information professional Q1662485 someone who collects, records, organizes, stores, preserves, retrieves, and disseminates printed or digital information 338481443 profession
1577 information science education Q116699115 (library education) Broader: vocational education 338482709
1578 information seeking Q3772297 process or activity of attempting to obtain information in both human and technological contexts 338801464 activity
1579 information services Q11492760 services provided by libraries, information institutions or other organizations for the purpose of conveying information 294917209 academic discipline
service type
1580 information technology Q11661 development, management, and use of computer-based information systems 294917217 branch of science
academic discipline
1581 infrastructure Q121359 fundamental facilities and systems serving a country, city, or other areas 294917225 type of structure
1582 inheritance tax Q628413 tax paid by a person who inherits the estate of a natural person who has died 294917241 type of tax No/unknown value
1583 initiation Q594939 rite of passage marking entrance or acceptance into a group or society 29491725X rite
1584 innovation Q174165 application of better solutions that meet new requirements, inarticulated needs, or existing market needs 294917292 type of process
1585 insect Q1390 class of arthropods 294917306 taxon
1586 institution Q178706 structure or mechanism of social order and cooperation governing the behaviour of a set of individuals within a given community 294917322
1587 insurance Q43183 equitable transfer of the risk of a loss, from one entity to another in exchange for payment 294917349 industry
product category
1588 intellectual Q58968 person who engages in critical thinking and reasoning 294917365 profession
1589 intellectual history Q1195695 historiography of major ideas and thinkers 333992636 aspect of history
1590 intellectual property Q131257 intangible asset consisting of ownership of ideas and processes 294917357 asset type
academic discipline
field of study
legal concept
1591 intelligence Q83500 mental faculty 294917373 type of property
phenotypic trait
1592 intelligence agency Q47913 government agency responsible for the collection, analysis or exploitation of information and intelligence 294917381
1593 intelligence test Q1051792 psychological test of intelligence 29491739X type of test
1594 interdisciplinary studies Q69975710 academic field of study 294917403 academic discipline
1595 interest Q170924 fee paid by the debtor to the creditor for temporarily borrowed capital 294917411 rate
1596 interest rate Q179179 percentage of a sum of money charged for its use 294917438
1597 interfaith dialogue Q1304214 Dialogue between members of different religions and world views 29883846X
1598 intermodal container Q187956 standardized large, reusable steel box used for transporting freight 294906010 mechanical standard
1599 internal migration Q863941 human migration within one geopolitical entity 294917446
1600 international arbitration Q1187201 arbitration between companies or individuals in different countries 294917462
1601 international conflict Q11422542 dispute between nations 294917489 type of conflict
1602 international cooperation Q9378718 group interaction across various nations in the pursuit of common goals or interests 294917497
1603 international court Q1262438 courts established by international agreements 294917519
1604 international criminal law Q1055905 public international law 294917543 area of law
1605 international economic relations Q28472279 international relations, economic relation, international relations, economic relation, and international economics 294917578
1606 international law Q4394526 regulations governing international relations 294917594 academic discipline
area of law
legal order
1607 international migration Q11936732 migration between countries 294917616
1608 international organization Q484652 organization established by treaty between governments 294917632
1609 international politics Q1762091 study of politics, economics and law on a global level 294917640 academic discipline
1610 international relations Q166542 study of relationships between two or more states 294917659 academic major
academic discipline
1611 international sanction Q2061202 punitive measures, often economic, between nations or directed at individuals in foreign countries 294936084
1612 international trade Q178803 exchange of capital, goods, and services across international borders or territories 294917675 academic discipline
1613 interpersonal relationship Q223642 strong, deep, or close association or acquaintance between two or more people 294917691 type of relation
1614 interpreter Q11085831 person who works with translating and communicating oral texts in different languages 294917705 profession
1615 intervention Q1168287 use of force by one country or sovereign state in the affairs of another 294912266
1616 interview Q178651 structured series of questions from an interviewer and answers from an interviewee 294917713 genre
1617 intestinal disease Q3055380 gastrointestinal system disease that is located in the intestine 294917721 class of disease
1618 intoxication Q205972 negative effect(s) induced by the ingestion of ethanol (alcohol) 294908633
1619 investment Q4290 commitment of resources to achieve later benefits 294917772 economic concept
1620 investment bank Q319845 type of private company 294917748 type of organisation
economic sector
1621 islamization Q931510 cultural assimilation 29491806X
1622 island Q23442 piece of sub-continental land completely surrounded by water 294918078 place type
1623 ivory Q82001 material derived from the tusks and teeth of animals 294918205
1624 jihad Q44311 Arabic word which literally means striving or struggling, especially with a praiseworthy aim 29491840X
1625 job evaluation Q627365 systematic way of determining the value or worth of a job in relation to other jobs in an organization 294918426
1626 job satisfaction Q629463 attitude of a person towards work 294918434 concept
1627 joint venture Q489209 business agreement to develop, for a finite time, a new entity 294918442 legal form
1628 joking relationship Q2713419 relationship between two people that involves a institutionalised banter of teasing or mocking 294918450
1629 journalism Q11030 investigation and reporting of events, issues and trends to a broad audience 294918485 industry
academic discipline
artistic creation
1630 journalist Q1930187 person who collects, writes, and distributes news and other information 294918507 profession
occupation group according to ISCO-08
1631 judge Q16533 official who presides over court proceedings 294918531 legal profession
legal position
occupation group according to ISCO-08
1632 judgment Q3769186 formal decision made by a court following a lawsuit 29491854X
1633 judiciary Q105985 system of courts that interprets and applies the law 294918574 state power
1634 jurisdiction Q471855 authority granted to a legal body or political leader to deal with legal matters 294918612
1635 jurisprudence Q4932206 theoretical study of law, by philosophers and social scientists 294918620 academic discipline
1636 juvenile delinquency Q1001125 participation in illegal behavior by minors 294918639 concept
1637 juvenile justice (Netherlands) Q41556736 special penal law and special criminal procedure law for dealing with juvenile delinquency in the Netherlands 294918647
1638 kidnapping Q318296 taking away or transportation of a person against that person's will 294919538
1639 kinship Q171318 human relationship term; web of social relationships that form an important part of the lives of most humans in most societies; form of social connection 294919678
1640 kwashiorkor Q213151 form of severe protein malnutrition characterized by edema and an enlarged liver with fatty infiltrates 294920765 class of disease
1641 labor dispute Q5782934 dispute between an employer and its employees regarding the terms or conditions of employment 294920951
1642 labor history Q59029 study of labour relations and workers' social movements 294920994 academic major
aspect of history
1643 labor law Q628967 mediates the relationship between workers, employers, trade unions and the government 29492101X area of law
1644 labor market Q305186 request and access for labor 294921028
1645 labor mobility Q282773 ability of individual workers to move around within the labour market 294921044
1646 labor relationship Q10359055 legal and sociological relationship between employer and employee 294921087 concept
academic discipline
1647 labor union Q178790 organization of workers with common goals 294941444 type of organisation
1648 labour migration Q6013750 cross-border movement for the purposes of employment in a foreign country 294921036
1649 labour shortage Q62006230 economic condition in which employers find insufficient qualified candidates 294921095
1650 lake Q23397 body of relatively still water, localized in a basin 294921168 feature type
1651 land Q11081619 solid surface of Earth that is not permanently covered by water 294921249
1652 land degradation Q3497778 process in which the value of the biophysical environment is affected by a combination of human-induced processes acting upon the land 294921265
1653 land law Q7327255 form of law that deals with the rights to use, alienate, or exclude others from land 294921273 area of law
1654 land mine Q178795 explosive weapon, concealed under or on the ground 294921397 weapon functional class
1655 land owner Q1483709 owner of land; holder of the estate in land with considerable rights of ownership 294921346 occupation
1656 land reclamation Q1130322 process of creating new land from oceans, riverbeds, or lakes 294921281 land development
1657 land reform Q208128 changes to land ownership 29492129X
1658 land register Q672598 official government record documenting land ownership, possession, or rights 294921303
1659 land tenure Q66493932 legal regime in which land is owned by an individual, who is said to "hold" the land 294921346
1660 land transport Q4354683 mode of transport conducted by people, animals or vehicles over land surfaces 294921354 industry
mode of transport
1661 land use Q1165944 characterization of land based on what can be built on it and what the land can be used for 294921362
1662 land-use conflict Q6483832 disagreement about what a particular area of land should be used for 294921257
1663 landform Q271669 a natural or anthropogenic land feature on the solid surface of the Earth or other planetary body; geomorphological unit in the Earth sciences 294921370
1664 landlocked country Q123480 country fully enclosed by land areas, or whose only coastlines lie on closed seas or lakes 294921389
1665 landscape Q107425 visible features of an area of land 294921419
1666 language Q315 structured system of communication 294921524 aptitude
1667 language change Q524648 modification or development of a language 294921451
1668 language education Q2313213 transfer of knowledge about a language 294921486 academic major
academic discipline
field of work
1669 language policy Q334451 legal measures regarding the use of language 294921494 type of policy
1670 languages of Africa Q207930 languages of a geographic region 294896910 academic discipline
languages of a geographic region
1671 law Q7748 system of rules and guidelines, generally backed by governmental authority 294921583 academic discipline
1672 law of the sea Q1088099 international law concerning maritime environments 294917608
1673 law of war Q6833880 international laws concerning wars 294921613 area of law
1674 law reform Q264236 process of examining existing laws, and advocating and implementing changes in a legal system, usually with the aim of enhancing justice or efficiency 294921834
1675 lawsuit Q697327 civil action brought in a court of law 294921648
1676 lawyer Q40348 professional who practices law 294921656 legal profession
1677 leadership Q484275 ability or activity of an individual or organization to guide other individuals, teams, or entire organizations 294921672 aptitude
personality trait
1678 learning Q133500 any process in an organism in which a relatively long-lasting adaptive behavioral change occurs as the result of experience 294921680 behavior
type of process
1679 leather industry Q56604674 economic sector 294921699 industry
1680 legal aid Q707748 type of legal service 294921753
1681 legal anthropology Q1195662 anthropological study of law 294921761 branch of anthropology
academic discipline
field of study
field of work
1682 legal deposit Q384840 legal requirement that a person or group submit copies of their publications to a repository 29492177X
1683 legal education Q865436 education of individuals in the principles, practices, and theory of law 294921788 branch of education
1684 legal history Q680004 interdisciplinary science that is both connected to the science of law as well as the science of history 294921796 interdisciplinary science
academic discipline
aspect of history
1685 legal pluralism Q1139042 existence of multiple legal systems or sources of law within one population and/or geographic region; e.g. in former colonies, the coexistence of colonial-introduced legal systems along with customary or religious ones 29492180X
1686 legal remedy Q689247 enforcement of legal rights or penalties by a court 294921842 legal concept
1687 legal status Q2628882 status in law 294921869 legal concept
1688 legal system Q2478386 system for interpreting and enforcing the laws 294921877 type of system
1689 legend Q44342 genre of folklore featuring human actions believed to have taken place within human history 294921907
literary genre
fiction genre
narrative form
Wikibase reason for deprecated rank
1690 legislation Q49371 the process or product of enrolling, enacting, or promulgating law by a legislature, parliament, or analogous governing body 294921923
1691 legitimacy Q731122 quality that is founded in law, in justice, or in equity 29492194X quality
1692 leisure Q180910 time that is freely used by individuals 294921958
1693 leprosy Q36956 chronic infection caused by bacteria Mycobacterium leprae 294922032 infectious disease
class of disease
1694 lesbianism Q6649 sexual attraction between women 345379950 sexual orientation
female bonding
LGBT+ identity
1695 letter Q133492 written message from one to another 294922091
literary genre
1696 lexicology Q178433 linguistic discipline studying words 294922113 academic discipline
academic major
language subsystem
1697 liberalism Q6216 political and moral philosophy based on liberty, consent of the governed and equality 294922148 political philosophy
political ideology
1698 liberation theology Q206898 Christian theological approach emphasizing the liberation of the oppressed 294922156 religious movement
Christian movement
1699 libertarian communalism Q2705134 libertarian socialist theory 294905359 political theory
political ideology
1700 library Q7075 institution charged with the care of a collection of literary, musical, artistic, or reference materials, such as books, manuscripts, recordings, or films 294922229
1701 library acquisitions Q6542538 acquisition of library materials 294896503 field of work
1702 library and information science Q13420675 professional training program merging of the two fields library science and information science 338699325 academic discipline
academic degree
interdisciplinary science
library science term
information science term
documentation science term
1703 library automation Q70328408 use of automation or processing devices in libraries 294922237 business process
1704 library building Q856584 building housing a library 294922245
1705 library science Q199655 application of practices, methods, technologies, tools of management, education, training, perspectives, and related areas, to the organized collection and the systematic classification of information in libraries 294922210 academic discipline
academic major
field of work
job activity
1706 license Q79719 set of permissions and restrictions to use something 32647434X
1707 lingua franca Q80839 languages used to facilitate trade between groups without a common native language 294922385 type of language
1708 linguistics Q8162 scientific study of language 294922393 academic discipline
academic major
field of study
1709 literacy Q8236 ability to read for knowledge, write coherently, and think critically about the written word; ability to read, write, and use arithmetic 294922415 concept
academic discipline
1710 literary award Q378427 award for authors and literary associations 294922466 type of award
literary term
1711 literary criticism Q58854 study, evaluation, and interpretation of literature 294922423 literary genre
branch of literature
human activity
1712 literary magazine Q1368848 periodical devoted to literature 294922458 magazine genre
1713 literature Q8242 polysemous term referring to a written art form, and the set of all literary works 294922474
type of arts
group of works
1714 literature review Q2412849 process of information search and text of a review article (Q7318358), which includes the current knowledge including substantive findings, as well as theoretical and methodological contributions to a particular topic 294922490 study type
1715 liturgy Q172331 customary public worship performed by a religious group 294922504 worship
1716 livelihood Q6658164 set of activities essential to everyday life 294922512
1717 liver disease Q929737 disorder of the human liver 294922520 class of disease
1718 livestock Q103459 domesticated animals raised in an agricultural setting to produce commodities such as food, fiber and labor 294922539 organisms known by a particular common name
1719 loan Q189539 transfer of money that must be repaid 294922571
1720 loanword Q103808 word borrowed from a donor language and incorporated into a recipient language 294922555
1721 local government Q6501447 lowest tier of administration within a sovereign state 294922644
1722 local history Q1160621 field of history concerned with a locality 294922660 branch of history
1723 local politics Q1780384 political activity at the municipal level of government 294922679
1724 lymphatic system disease Q6708237 immune system disease that is located in the lymphatic system 294923225 class of disease
1725 magic Q81741 rituals or actions employed to manipulate natural or supernatural beings and forces 294923357 supernatural
1726 maize Q11575 species of grass cultivated as a food crop 294923438 taxon
model organism
cereal grain
food crop
1727 malaria Q12156 mosquito-borne infectious disease 294923535 endemic disease
class of disease
1728 malnutrition Q12167 medical condition that results from eating too little, too much, or the wrong nutrients 294923659 academic discipline
failure mode
1729 man Q8441 male adult human 294925198
1730 management Q2920921 administration of an organization, including activities to set the strategy of an organization and coordinate employees to accomplish its objectives 294923780 academic discipline
academic major
type of process
1731 mango Q169 fruit of the mango tree 294923934
1732 manufactured good Q1836700 object produced by industry 294916989
1733 manuscript Q87167 document written by hand 294923993 document genre
1734 map Q4006 visual representation of a concept space; symbolic depiction emphasizing relationships between elements of some space, such as objects, regions, or themes 29492406X type of map
1735 marine fishing Q29584959 economic activity 294924159 economic activity
1736 maritime history Q1516975 study of human activity at sea 294924167 aspect of history
1737 market Q37654 mechanisms whereby supply and demand confront each other and deals are made, involving places, processes and institutions in which exchanges occur (for physical venues, use Q132510 or Q330284) 294924191
1738 market economy Q179522 type of economic system 294924205 concept
economic system
1739 market merchant Q26487152 someone who sells goods on a market 294924213 profession
1740 marketing Q39809 study and process of promoting, distributing, and selling products or services to customers 29492423X specialty
academic discipline
1741 marketplace Q330284 space in which a market operates 294924264
1742 maroons Q445485 African refugees who escaped from slavery in the Americas, and their descendants 294924272 ethnic group
group of humans
dictionary page in Wikipedia
1743 marriage Q8445 social union or legal contract between people called spouses that creates kinship 294924280 legal institution
nominal kinship
1744 marriage law Q17542970 area of law concerned with marriage 294924299 area of law
1745 martyr Q6498826 person who suffers persecution and death for advocating, refusing to renounce, and/or refusing to advocate a belief or cause, usually a religious one 294924329 condition
1746 masculinity Q1076509 attributes associated with boys and men 345380584 gender expression
1747 mask Q161524 any full or partial face covering, whether ceremonial, protective, decorative, or used as disguise 294924418
1748 mass media Q11033 media technologies that are intended to reach a large audience by mass communication 294924450 academic discipline
1749 material culture Q2143054 physical aspect of culture in the objects and architecture that surround people 294924493 academic discipline
academic major
1750 maternal death Q1339474 death of a woman while pregnant or within 42 days of termination of pregnancy 294924515 cause of death
1751 mathematics Q395 field of study 294924523 academic discipline
academic major
mathematical term
1752 mathematics education Q853077 mathematics teaching, learning and scholarly research 294924531 umbrella term
1753 matriarchy Q185681 social system with female rule 29492454X
1754 means of transport Q106839123 any form of vehicle or system used to transport people or goods from one place to another 29492499X metaclass
1755 measles Q79793 viral disease affecting humans 29493538X infectious disease
notifiable disease
symptom or sign
1756 meat Q10990 animal flesh eaten as food 294925007
1757 media history Q50636 study of the mass media and technomedia in their historical development 294925023 academic discipline
academic major
aspect of history
1758 media law Q1066867 deals with the rules of private and public (universal) Information and communication 294933212 area of law
branch of science
1759 media policy Q1916409 legislation concerning media 294905413
1760 medical anthropology Q1779521 sub-field of anthropology focusing on human health issues 294925031 branch of anthropology
academic discipline
academic major
field of study
field of work
1761 medical education Q126945 education related to the practice of being a medical practitioner 29492504X branch of education
academic discipline
1762 medical history Q188952 information gained by a physician by listening the patient's narrative and asking specific questions, with the aim of obtaining information useful in formulating a diagnosis and providing medical care 294925058
1763 medical research Q2752427 research involving fundamental scientific principles that may apply to a preclinical understanding – to clinical research, which involves studies of people who may be subjects in clinical trials 294925074
1764 medical sciences Q11790210 branch of science 294925082 branch of science
academic discipline
field of study
1765 medication Q12140 substance used to diagnose, cure, treat, or prevent disease 294925090
1766 medicinal plant Q188840 plants or derivatives used to treat medical conditions in humans or animals 294925104
1767 melon Q5881191 any of various plants of the family Cucurbitaceae with sweet, edible, and fleshy fruit 294925163
1768 memory Q492 mental faculties and processes involved in storing and retrieving information 29492518X mental process
1769 meningitis Q48143 inflammation of the membranes around the brain and spinal cord 294925244 class of disease
symptom or sign
1770 mental disorder Q12135 distressing thought or behavior pattern 294925260 class of disease
1771 mental health Q317309 level of psychological well-being 294925279 mental state
1772 mentally disabled person Q16649023 person with a mental disability 294925287
1773 mercenary Q178197 soldier who fights for hire 294925309 profession
1774 messianism Q630281 belief in the advent of a messiah who acts as the savior or liberator of a group of people 294925376
1775 metabibliography Q6822329 a bibliography of bibliographies 294901515
1776 metabolic disease Q2351083 disease that involving errors in metabolic processes of building or degradation of molecules 294925406 class of disease
1777 metal Q11426 element, compound, or alloy that is a good conductor of both electricity and heat 294925422
1778 metal arts Q12370206 art craft involving metal 294925414
1779 metal industry Q1924906 production of metals and metal products 294925430 industry
1780 meteorology Q25261 branch of science dealing with the study of atmospheric phenomena and the short term variation of weather conditions including wind, precipitation, temperature, humidity, cloud cover, and air pressure 294925449 branch of science
academic discipline
1781 microfinance Q926217 provision of microloans to poor entrepreneurs and small businesses 344374858 financial product
1782 microform Q830450 scaled-down reproductions of documents made for the purposes of transmission, storage, reading, and printing 29492549X
1783 middle class Q241588 class of people in the middle of a societal hierarchy 294925511 social class
1784 midwife Q185196 medical professional wo practices obstetrics as a health science 294925562 health profession
1785 migrant worker Q15320003 person who migrates to pursue work 294925589 occupation
1786 militarism Q177266 belief of government that it should maintain a strong military and be prepared to use it 294925627 political concept
1787 military base Q245016 facility directly owned and operated by or for the military 294925643
1788 military education and training Q2351849 training for military activities 29492566X
1789 military history Q192781 field of history concerned with the military and warfare 294925678 academic discipline
academic major
branch of history
1790 military intervention Q5919191 use of force by a State over foreign territory 294925686
1791 military law Q20826982 law 294925694
1792 military occupation Q188686 effective provisional control of a certain power over a territory 294925708
1793 military operation Q645883 coordinated military actions of a state or a non-state actor 294925716
1794 military personnel Q47064 people who serve in an organized armed military force 294925724 profession
1795 military policy Q1667082 public policy dealing with international security and the military 294907319 type of policy
1796 military recruitment Q451987 recruitment for military positions 294925732 activity
1797 military service Q209572 performing the service in the armed forces of a state 294925759 activity
1798 military sociology Q1262403 subfield within sociology which studies the military as a social group 294925767 branch of sociology
1799 militia Q153936 generally refers to an army or other fighting force that is composed of non-professional fighters 299622576
1800 milk Q8495 white liquid produced by the mammary glands of mammals 294925775 class of anatomical entity
1801 mill Q44494 device that breaks solid materials into smaller pieces by grinding, crushing, or cutting 294925805
1802 millenarianism Q467687 belief in a coming fundamental transformation of society 294925783 religious belief
religious concept
1803 millet Q259438 food grain 294925791
1804 miner Q820037 person who works in mining 294925856 profession
1805 mineral exploration Q1384538 search for minerals underground 29492583X
1806 mineral resource Q12131447 solid mineral (inorganic) substance with economic value found in natural deposits 294925848
1807 minimum wage Q186228 lowest remuneration which can be paid legally in a state for working 294925864 wage
1808 mining Q44497 extraction of valuable minerals or other geological materials from the earth 294925872 economic activity
PM20 subject category
academic discipline
1809 mining accident Q1550225 accident that occurs during the process of mining minerals 294925821
1810 mining company Q2990216 type of company 294925880
1811 mining law Q427257 branch of law relating to the legal requirements affecting minerals and mining 294925899 area of law
1812 mining of coal Q12880211 process of getting coal out of the ground 294904859
1813 mining of iron ores Q29584414 economic activity 294917918 economic activity
1814 minority group Q30103 group of people by practices, race, religion, ethnicity, or other characteristics who are fewer in numbers than the main groups of those classifications 294925929
1815 miracle Q170774 highly unusual event believed to be of supernatural or divine origin 294925937
1816 mixed economy Q191675 An economic system combining public and private production 294925961 economic system
1817 mixed marriage Q56244256 marriage between individuals of differing religions 29492597X
1818 mobile banking Q1941439 service that allows customers to conduct financial transactions by using a smartphone or a tablet phone banking mobile phone banking
1819 mobile phone Q17517 portable device to make telephone calls using a radio link 331686279
1820 mobility Q23065481 ability to move 294925996 specialty
field of study
1821 mode of production Q1548084 Marxist term for way of producing goods 294926011 economic concept
1822 modernization Q878526 transformation of a society or culture from a traditional to a modern form (e.g. via democratisation, industrialisation, urbanisation, individualisation, globalisation or bureaucracy) 294926003
1823 monarchy Q7269 system of government where the head of state position is inherited within family 294926062 form of government
1824 monetary policy Q178476 subclass of the economic policy 294926097 type of policy
1825 money Q1368 physical or virtual object or record accepted as payment 294926100 legal fiction
medium of exchange
1826 money laundering Q151900 process of transforming profits of crime and corruption into ostensibly legitimate assets 294926127
1827 money supply Q842206 component of macroeconomics 294926135
1828 monogamy Q184211 relationship form where each individual has only one partner during their lifetime or at any one time 29492616X mating system
1829 monopoly Q43637 market structure with a single firm dominating the market 294926178 economics term
1830 monument Q4989906 imposing structure created to commemorate a person or event, or used for that purpose 294926186
1831 morbidity Q1367554 population-statistical health descriptor 294926232
1832 mortality Q1239812 state of being mortal, or susceptible to death; the opposite of immortality 294926291
1833 mosque Q32815 place of worship for followers of Islam 29492633X building type
1834 mother Q7560 female parent 294926372 kinship
1835 motivation Q644302 psychological feature or underlying reason for people's actions, willingness and goals 294926380
1836 motor car Q1420 motorized road vehicle designed to carry one to eight people rather than primarily goods 294899650
1837 mountain Q8502 large natural elevation of the Earth's surface 294926410
1838 mourning Q750652 state of emotions of a person to whom something irreversible happened that leads to a feeling of sadness or regret; most often occurring e.g. after a beloved one died, or a long relationship split up 294926429 negative emotion
1839 multi-party system Q223847 system in which multiple political parties have the capacity to gain control of government offices, separately or in coalition 294926682
1840 multilingualism Q30081 use of multiple languages 294926666 specialty
field of study
1841 multinational corporation Q161726 corporation operating in multiple countries 294926674
1842 municipal council Q701632 local government of a municipality 294922628
1843 municipal government Q9305769 governing body of a particular territory 294926747
1844 mural Q219423 piece of artwork painted or applied directly on a large permanent surface 294926763 form of art
1845 musculoskeletal disorder Q4116663 Medical condition 29492681X class of disease
1846 museum Q33506 institution that holds artifacts and other objects of scientific, artistic, cultural, historical, or other importance 294926828
1847 music Q638 art/activity of creating art using sound 294926844 type of arts
field of study
academic discipline
1848 music education Q27908 field of study associated with the teaching and learning of music 294926852 branch of education
academic discipline
academic major
field of study
1849 musical Q2743 stage work that combines songs, music, spoken dialogue, acting, and dance 294926879 music genre
theatrical genre
type of dramatico-musical work
1850 musical ensemble Q2088357 group of people who perform instrumental and/or vocal music, with the ensemble typically known by a distinct name 354946811
1851 musical instrument Q34379 device created or adapted to make musical sounds 294926860
1852 musician Q639669 person who composes, conducts or performs music 294926887 musical profession
1853 musicology Q164204 scientific discipline whose content is the practical and theoretical study of music 35422350X academic discipline
academic major
academic degree
1854 mysticism Q45996 practice of religious experiences during alternate states of consciousness 294927042 way of life
1855 myth Q12827256 type of traditional narrative 294927050
literary form
1856 name Q82799 word or phrase used for identification 294927131
1857 nation Q6266 community of people who share a common language, culture, ethnicity, descent, or history 294927301 construct
political concept
1858 nation-building Q1752412 constructing or structuring a national identity using the power of the state 29492731X
1859 national accounts Q350151 accounting for nations 294927328 specialty
1860 national archives Q2122214 archives of a country 294927336
1861 national bibliography Q1609353 systematic bibliography of acquisitions of a national library 294927344
1862 national identity Q1880695 identity or sense of belonging to one state or to one nation 294927433
1863 national income Q1057397 overview of the measures of national income and output 294927441
1864 national language Q319972 language with de jure or de facto national status 294927468 type of language
1865 national park Q46169 park used for conservation purposes of animal life and plants 294927514 administrative territorial entity type
1866 national security Q258307 defense and maintenance of a state through use of all powers at the state's disposal 294927603 type of security
1867 nationalism Q6235 ideology and movement that promotes the interests of a particular nation (as in a group of people) especially with the aim of gaining and maintaining the nation's sovereignty (self-governance) over its homeland 29492762X
1868 nationality Q231002 a legal identification of a person in international law, establishing the person as a subject, a national, of a sovereign state 294927638 concept
1869 nationalization Q178564 transferral of private assets to public ownership by a national government 294927646
1870 natural gas Q40858 fossil fuel 294927670 commodity
1871 natural history Q484591 study of organisms including plants or animals in their environment 294927689 academic discipline
aspect of history
branch of history
1872 natural resource Q188460 naturally occurring resource, including mineral resources (e.g. metal ores), mined fossil fuels (e.g. petroleum), water resources (e.g. lakes and groundwater), water energy resources, timber, arable land, game (e.g. deer), fish in water bodies, etc. 294927700
1873 natural resource management Q3743137 management of natural resources 294927697 academic discipline
1874 natural sciences Q1391017 school subject 294927719 school subject
academic degree
1875 naturalization Q841440 process by which a non-national in a country acquires nationality 294927727 key event
1876 nature conservation Q20113959 conservation of nature 294927735 academic discipline
branch of biology
1877 navy Q4508 military branch involved in naval warfare 294927751 military branch
1878 negotiation Q202875 dialogue between two or more people or parties intended to reach a beneficial outcome 294927921
1879 neocolonialism Q190586 proposed dominance of countries through culture and/or economics 294927972
1880 neologism Q130989 newly coined word, phrase or meaning 294927980 usage
1881 nervous system disease Q6996973 human disease 294928006
1882 new world order Q1472670 any new period of history evidencing a dramatic change in world political thought and the balance of power 294928073 saying
1883 news agency Q192283 news gathering organization 294928103
1884 news media Q1193236 elements of the mass media that focus on delivering news 294933190 media
type of mass media
1885 newsletter Q264238 printed or electronic report containing news concerning the activities of a business or an organization that is sent to its members, customers, employees or other subscribers 294928111 Internet genre
magazine genre
1886 newspaper Q11032 scheduled publication containing news of events, articles, features, editorials, and advertising 29492812X
product category
1887 nickname Q49614 substitute for the proper name of a familiar person, place or thing expressing affection 29492857X
1888 noble title Q355567 legal privilege given to some members in monarchial and princely societies 294941061
1889 nomad Q128393 people without a fixed habitation 294928928 lifestyle
1890 non-governmental organization Q79913 organization independent of any government, usually created to aid those in need 294928340 legal form
1891 nonverbal communication Q207125 process of communication through sending and receiving wordless (mostly visual) cues between people 294928952 form of communication
1892 notary Q189010 person licensed by the state to perform acts in legal affairs, in particular witnessing signatures on documents 29492910X legal profession
1893 novel Q8261 narrative text, normally of a substantial length and in the form of prose describing a fictional and sequential story 294929134
literary form
literary genre
1894 nuclear power Q12739 power generated from nuclear reactions 294929320 form of energy
1895 nuclear weapon Q12802 explosive device that gets its destructive force from nuclear reactions 294929339 nuclear technology
weapon functional class
1896 numismatics Q631286 study of currencies, coins and paper money 294929371 auxiliary science of history
academic discipline
1897 nurse Q186360 type of health care provider 294929452 health profession
1898 nut Q11009 in botany, type of dry indehiscent fruit 294929509 type of fruit
1899 nutrition Q2138622 the provision to cells and organisms to support life and growth 294929460 health specialty
1900 nutrition education Q7070501 A set of learning experiences designed to assist in healthy eating choices and other nutrition-related behavior. 294929479
1901 nutrition policy Q56396012 guidelines and objectives on food supply and nutrition 294929487 economic concept
type of policy
1902 oasis Q43742 isolated area of vegetation in a desert 294929827
1903 oath Q381045 personal affirmation of a statement 294929835 verbal folklore
1904 obituary Q309481 short biography of someone who recently died 382694600
literary genre
1905 obstetrics Q5284418 field of study concentrated on pregnancy, childbirth, and the postpartum period 294929878 medical specialty
1906 occupation Q12737077 label applied to a person based on an activity they participate in 294929967 second-order class
1907 occupational choice Q829156 process of selecting a profession to join 294929924
1908 occupational health Q7478098 discipline that aims to promote the protection of the people at occupation 294929932 medical specialty
academic major
1909 occupational mobility Q3317685 ability of an individual to change his/her position or rank within a profession or to change occupation 294929940
1910 occupational safety Q2064531 discipline that aims to promote the protection of the people at occupation 294929959 academic major
1911 oceanography Q43518 branch of Earth science that studies the ocean 294929983 specialty
academic major
field of study
branch of science
1912 offence against the person Q7079040 type of crime in UK criminal law 29493006X
1913 office worker Q31179608 person who works in an office 294930086 function
1914 official language Q23492 language given special status in some polity 294930094 designation
type of language
1915 oil company Q14941854 company involved in production and distribution of petroleum products 294930183
1916 oil refinery Q12353044 industrial process plant where crude oil is processed and refined into more useful products 294931767
1917 oil seed Q297292 seed that is used for obtaining plant oil 294930221
1918 olive Q1621080 fruit of the olive tree 294930299
1919 ombudsman Q169180 official representing the interests of the public 294930310 position
1920 on-the-job training Q849415 form of training 294930337
1921 onchocerciasis Q1137321 human helminthiasis 294930345 infectious disease
class of disease
1922 onion as food Q3406628 culinary ingredient, type of vegetable 294930361
1923 opinion poll Q49958 type of survey 29493040X
1924 oral history Q558929 historical discipline of the collection and study of historical information about individuals, families, important events, or everyday life using audiotapes, videotapes, or transcriptions of planned interviews 294930434 academic discipline
field of work
1925 oral literature Q986539 literary genre 294930442
literary genre
1926 oral poetry Q7099402 form of poetry 294930469
1927 oral tradition Q209815 form of human communication wherein knowledge, art, ideas and cultural material is received, preserved, and transmitted orally from one generation to another 294930485 form of communication
1928 orange Q13191 citrus fruit of the orange tree 294930507 fruit
1929 oration Q861911 address delivered to an audience 294938931 form of event
literary form
1930 oratory Q107268129 art of speaking in public eloquently or effectively 294930515 academic discipline
field of study
1931 organization Q43229 social entity established to meet needs or pursue goals 294930531
1932 organized crime Q46952 prevalence of groupings of highly centralized criminal enterprises; criminal activity performed in a well organized manner 29493054X human activity
1933 orphan Q193279 child whose parents are dead or have abandoned them permanently 294930582 condition
legal status
1934 overpopulation Q7113866 when a population of a species exceeds the carrying capacity of its ecological niche 294930620
1935 packing material Q66157003 material used to protect, cushion, or brace objects for safe shipment or storage 294930701
1936 painting Q3305213 visual artwork, surface artistically covered with paint 294930752 type of work of art
1937 palace Q16560 grand residence, especially a royal or episcopal residence 294930787 architectural typology
building type
1938 paleontology Q7205 scientific study of the past of life on Earth through fossils 294930795 academic discipline
1939 palm oil Q231458 edible and biocombustible vegetable oil from fruit of oil palms 294930841 mixture
food ingredient
1940 pamphlet Q190399 unbound booklet containing text 294930868
publication format
1941 papermaking Q335415 economic sector 294930957 industry
1942 parasitic infectious diseases Q1601794 infectious disease caused or transmitted by a parasite 294930981 infectious disease
class of disease
1943 parent Q7566 progenitor or caregiver of the offspring in their own species, inverse label for property P40 294931007 kinship
1944 parenting Q1217379 process of raising a child 294904182
1945 parish Q102496 type of ecclesiastical subdivision of a diocese 294931015 administrative territorial entity type
type of religious institution
1946 parley Q3400581 type of diplomatic meeting held between enemies 294930809
1947 parliament Q35749 legislative body of government 294931023
1948 parliamentarian Q7138954 expert on parliamentary procedure who advises organizations and deliberative assemblies 294931031 role
1949 parliamentary opposition Q1193702 form of political opposition within a parliamentary system of government 294930426
1950 parliamentary procedure Q221911 body of rules, ethics and customs governing meetings and other operations of legislative bodies and other deliberative assemblies 29493104X
1951 parliamentary system Q166747 form of government 294931066 form of government
1952 party newspaper Q442927 newspaper of a political party or organization or editorially supportive of that party 294931260 newspaper genre
1953 passenger transport Q2072431 industry in transport 294931295 industry
1954 passive resistance Q999426 type of protest 294931309
1955 passport Q43812 travel document usually issued by a country's government 294931317 document
1956 pastoralist Q55982999 someone concerned with the raising of livestock 294931325 profession
1957 patent Q253623 monopoly granted on a new invention 294931341
1958 patient Q181600 person who takes a medical treatment or is subject of a case study 29493135X state
1959 patriarchy Q181339 social system dominated by men 294931368
1960 peace Q454 state of harmony characterized by lack of violent conflict and freedom from fear of violence 294931406 type of value
1961 peace studies Q15141361 branch of political science 294931422 social science
political science
academic discipline
1962 peace treaty Q625298 agreement between two or more hostile parties which formally ends a state of war 294931430
1963 peacebuilding Q2632158 intervention that is designed to prevent the start or resumption of violent conflict 30601808X
1964 peacekeeping Q3354958 activities intended to create conditions that favour lasting peace 294931457 activity
1965 peacekeeping force Q1456930 military unit of one or more uninvolved countries which engage in a conflict 294931449
1966 peanut Q3621199 seed from Arachis hypogaea 294914331 food ingredient
1967 peanut oil Q265878 mild-tasting vegetable oil derived from peanuts 294914323
1968 peasant revolt Q13427116 peasant-led rebellion 294931465
1969 peasantry Q63993747 social class 294931473 social class
estates of the realm
1970 pedagogy Q7922 theory and practice of education 294931481 branch of science
academic major
academic discipline
1971 peninsula Q34763 landform surrounded more than half but not entirely by water 294931538
1972 pension Q156223 retirement fund 294931546 financial product
1973 performance appraisal Q1430184 method by which the job performance of an employee is documented and evaluated 327716096 activity
1974 performing arts Q184485 art form that is performed for an audience 294931619 type of arts
1975 periodical Q1002697 serial publication that appears in a new edition on a regular schedule 294931627 type of mass media
1976 perpetrator Q4445088 person who performs or has performed a criminal act 294930078 role
1977 person with disabilities Q10857933 person with physical or mental disabilities that affect or limit their activities of daily living and that may require special accommodations 294908064 group of humans
1978 personality Q641118 psychological characteristics of an individual 294931643 type of property
1979 pertussis Q134859 human disease caused by the bacteria Bordetella pertussis 29493166X class of disease
1980 pest control Q2306047 group of methods to control some species that are harmful to health, economy or ecology 294931686 activity
1981 pesticide Q131656 substance used to destroy pests 294931694 chemical substance
biological agent
1982 petroleum Q22656 naturally occurring flammable liquid 294931708 product
1983 petroleum industry Q862571 activities linked to handling oil products 294931732 industry
1984 petroleum product Q1059843 useful material derived from crude oil (petroleum) 294931759
1985 petrology Q163082 branch of geology that studies the origin, composition, distribution and structure of rocks 294931775 branch of geology
academic discipline
field of study
1986 pharmaceutical industry Q507443 develops, produces, and markets drugs or pharmaceuticals licensed for use as medications 294931805 industry
1987 pharmacopoeia Q117247 book containing directions for the identification of compound medicines 294931813
1988 philosophy Q5891 study of the truths and principles of being, knowledge, or conduct 294931848 academic discipline
academic major
branch of science
field of work
1989 philosophy of culture Q1791813 branch of philosophy that examines the essence and meaning of culture 294906630 branch of philosophy
1990 philosophy of education Q564371 branch of philosophy on the nature of eduation 29490932X branch of philosophy
1991 philosophy of law Q126842 branch of philosophy and fundamental discipline of law 294921893 branch of philosophy
1992 phonology Q40998 branch of linguistics concerned with the systematic organization of sounds in languages 294931856 language subsystem
academic discipline
1993 photography Q11633 art, science, and practice of creating durable images by recording light or other electromagnetic radiation 294931872 artistic technique
academic discipline
type of arts
1994 physical disability Q1179623 limitation on a person's physical functioning, mobility, dexterity or stamina 294931937 health problem
1995 physical education Q243253 educational course related to the physique of the human body 294931902 umbrella term
academic discipline
school subject
1996 physical geography Q52107 one of the two major subfields of geography 294931910 branch of geography
academic discipline
1997 physical planning Q20553319 planning the development of territories, including for the establishment of functional zones, determination of the planned location of objects of federal significance, objects of regional significance, objects of local significance 294931929
1998 physical tool Q39546 physical item that can be used to achieve a goal 294941223 type of object
first-order class
1999 physician Q39631 professional who practices medicine 294908277 medical profession
occupation group according to ISCO-08
health profession
2000 phytonym Q7189808 name given to a plant 294932119
2001 pictorial work Q58900563 work consisting exclusively or mainly of pictures but not technical drawings. 294931945 publication format
2002 pidgin Q33831 simplified language 29493197X languoid class
2003 pilgrimage Q1644573 journey or search of moral or spiritual significance 294932011
2004 pineapple Q10817602 fruit (not the species = Q1493) 29493202X
2005 plant Q756 living thing in the kingdom of photosynthetic eukaryotes 294932135 taxon
2006 plant as food Q9323487 plant with some or all parts usable by humans as food 294909206 plant life-form
2007 plant disease Q2662845 disease that afflicts plants 294932097
2008 plant fiber Q20026824 fiber from fiber plants 294932100
2009 plantation Q188913 artificially established forest, farm or estate, where crops are grown for sale 294932127
2010 plastics industry Q7202108 industrial sector 294932143 industry
2011 plough Q11464 tool and farm implement 294932186 ethnological term
2012 plural society Q2217181 community 294932194
2013 poaching Q34577 illegal hunting and capturing of wild animals 294932208
2014 poem Q5185279 work of poetry, often composed of verses 294932216 literary form
poetic form
2015 poetry Q482 literary style characterized by a strong expressiveness of words 294932224 literary form
academic discipline
2016 poisoning Q114953 toxic effect of a biological or chemical agent 294932240 cause of death
2017 polder Q106259 artificial landform 294932283
2018 police force Q35535 constituted body of persons empowered by the state to enforce the law 294932291
2019 poliomyelitis Q12195 human disease 294932313 infectious disease
notifiable disease
class of disease
symptom or sign
2020 political activity Q12142141 activity aimed at changing regulations about how society should be 29493233X
2021 political anthropology Q27778 branch of anthropology that explores, examines, and compares diverse systems of social control and power structures of societies 294932348 branch of anthropology
academic discipline
field of study
field of work
2022 political change Q5741834 social change and politics 294932364
2023 political consciousness Q2101571 Automatic description is not available 294932399
2024 political economy Q47555 study of production, buying, and selling, and their relations with law, custom, and government 294932402 specialty
academic discipline
2025 political education Q30032116 Education > Basic and general study subjects 294932410
2026 political history Q1147507 type of history which analyzes political events 294932437 aspect of history
2027 political ideology Q12909644 ideology that advocates social, political and economic organization of human life 294932445 type of world view
2028 political opposition Q192852 political force organized against the incumbent party/coalition 294932453 group of humans
political concept
2029 political participation Q2101513 participation in politics 294932461
2030 political party Q7278 organization that seeks to influence government policy and actions and be elected to directly take part on government or legislation 29493247X legal concept
legal form
2031 political patronage Q265939 support that one organization or individual bestows to another 294931384
2032 political philosophy Q179805 sub-discipline of philosophy and political science 294932488 branch of philosophy
2033 political prisoner Q217105 someone imprisoned because they have opposed or criticized the government responsible for their imprisonment 294932496 role
2034 political science Q36442 scientific study of politics 294932518 academic major
academic discipline
2035 political sociology Q745692 branch of sociology 29495659X branch of sociology
2036 political song Q25452063 type of song 294933638 song type
2037 political stability Q47369905 stability of the political system 294932526
2038 political symbol Q1721663 collective term forsigns of political claim of power by parties to territories or areas or public life 294939814
2039 political system Q28108 system of politics and government 294932534 type of system
2040 political terminology Q66762643 language used in the field of politics 294932542
2041 political violence Q3399774 violence conducted with political goals 294932569
2042 politician Q82955 person who holds or seeks positions in government 294932577 profession
2043 politics Q7163 activities associated with group decisions 294932585 academic discipline
2044 pollution Q58734 introduction of contaminants into the natural environment that cause adverse change 294932593
2045 polygamy Q170585 marriage to more than one spouse 294932607 mating system
type of marriage
2046 popular culture Q131265 set of norms or trends dominant in a society at a given time 297774824 concept
2047 popular literature Q2497655 literary genre 294932666 literary genre
2048 popular music Q373342 music genres distributed to large audiences and considered to have wide appeal 294932682 music genre
2049 population decline Q284137 depopulation in humans is any great reduction in a human population caused by events such as long-term demographic trends 294932747
2050 population density Q22856 measurement of population per unit area or unit volume 294932755
2051 population distribution Q110583070 arrangement and location of populations 294932763
2052 population growth Q386191 increase in the number of individuals in a population 29493278X
2053 populism Q180490 a political ideology that sees society as divided into a good people and an evil elite 29493281X political strategy
political ideology
2054 port Q44782 maritime facility where ships may dock to load and discharge passengers and cargo 294932852 type of structure
2055 porter Q1509714 person who carries objects or cargo for others 294932828 profession
human-powered transport
2056 portrait Q134307 artistic representation of one or more persons 294932844 art genre
2057 postage stamp Q37930 small piece of paper that is purchased and displayed on an item of mail as evidence of payment of postage 294932909 philatelic term
2058 postal service Q1529128 company or government agency in charge of transporting and delivering mail 294932917
2059 postcard Q192425 type of postal stationery 294932925 product category
philatelic term
2060 postcolonialism Q265425 academic discipline 294932933 academic discipline
2061 potato Q16587531 staple food 29493295X staple food
2062 pottery Q11642 craft of making objects from clay 294932976 visual arts technique
2063 poultry Q178559 domesticated birds kept by humans for their eggs, meat, or feathers 294932984 organisms known by a particular common name
2064 poverty Q10294 lack of a certain amount of material possessions or money 294932992 status
2065 poverty reduction Q1824165 measures to reduce poverty permanently 297773275 economic concept
2066 power Q25107 ability to influence the behavior of others 294933018 sociological concept
political concept
type of power
2067 power station Q159719 facility generating electric power 294933026
2068 prayer Q40953 invocation or act that seeks to activate a rapport with a deity 294933069 religious concept
biblical concept
spiritual practice
2069 pregnant women Q308623 human females who are pregnant, as cultural, psychological, or sociological entities 294933123
2070 prehistoric grave Q47004591 prehistoric aboveground or shallow grave 294933131
2071 prehistory Q11756 span of time before recorded history 29493314X time
historical period
2072 preschool Q1076052 educational establishment offering early childhood education to children 294933166 type of educational institution
2073 presidential election Q858439 election of any head of state whose official title is President 294933174
2074 presidential system Q49892 form of government 294933182 form of government
2075 presumption of innocence Q275462 legal principle that one is presumed innocent until proven guilty 294933220 principle of law
2076 preventive medicine Q1773974 measures taken for disease prevention, with anticipatory actions that can be categorized as primal, primary, secondary, tertiary, and quaternary prevention 294933239 medical specialty
academic discipline
2077 price Q160151 quantity of payment or compensation given by one party to another in return for goods or services 294933271
2078 price controls Q3218843 governmental restrictions on the prices that can be charged for goods and services 294933247 incomes policy
2079 price index Q631360 type of index 294933255
2080 pricing Q2516951 process of determining what a company will receive in exchange for its products 29493328X
2081 primary education Q975085 first stage of compulsory education 294933301 educational stage
2082 printing industry Q26897133 industry 294933328 industry
2083 prison Q40357 place in which people legally are physically confined and usually deprived of a range of personal freedoms 294933352
2084 prisoner Q1862087 person who is deprived of liberty against their will 294933336 occupation
person linked to the law
social status
2085 prisoner of war Q179637 person who is held in custody by a belligerent power during or immediately after an armed conflict 294933344 military casualty classification
2086 private education Q11248105 type of education 294933379
2087 private enterprise Q110583109 Automatic description is not available 294933387
2088 private law Q4122235 branch of law involving relationships between individuals 294933395 area of law
2089 private sector Q591763 sector of the economy run by non-state entities 294933409 economic sector
2090 privatization Q161500 transferring something from the public sphere to the private 294933425 key event
2091 processing and preserving of fish, crustaceans and molluscs Q112130150 food industry and economic activity, part of group in classification of productive activities 294911820 economic activity
2092 product distribution Q867147 business activity of making products available to end customers 294908153 planning
2093 productivity Q2111958 average measure of the efficiency of production 294933468 metric
2094 professional Q702269 person who is paid to undertake a specialized set of tasks and to complete them for a fee 294933492 occupation
2095 professional association Q829080 typically nonprofit organization seeking to further a particular profession 294933476 type of organisation
2096 professional development Q828812 studies that prepare a person in knowledge and improvement in professional skills 294943447 economic activity
2097 professional ethics Q31022 principles and rules which guide professional activity 294933484
2098 professional secrecy Q443955 rules applied to some professional of not revealing confidential information to any unauthorized third party, and of protecting and restricting them against any unlawful access 294905693
2099 promiscuity Q261290 practice of having casual sex frequently with different partners or being indiscriminate in the choice of sexual partners 294933522
2100 propaganda Q7281 material created to influence or persuade 294933530 genre
human activity
2101 prophet Q42857 person claiming to speak for divine beings 294933565 Eastern Orthodox saint titles
title of authority
2102 prose Q676 form of language which applies ordinary grammatical structure and natural flow of speech 294933573
literary form
2103 prosody Q10880526 part of linguistics concerned with elements of speech that are not individual phonetic segments, but properties of syllables and larger units of speech 29493359X communication science term
linguistics term
2104 prostitution Q36633 engaging in sexual relations in exchange for payment 294933603
2105 protectorate Q164142 territory that is protected diplomatically or militarily by a stronger state 294933611
2106 protest Q273120 expression of objection 29493362X
2107 proverb Q35102 saying that gives advice, usually as a metaphor 294933654
literary genre
2108 pseudonym Q61002 fictitious name that a person or group assumes for a particular purpose, which differs from their original or true name (orthonym) 294933670 Wikibase reason for deprecated rank
2109 psychiatry Q7867 branch of medicine devoted to the study, diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of mental disorders 294933697 medical specialty
academic discipline
2110 psychoanalysis Q41630 psychological theory that was founded in 1890 by the Viennese neurologist Sigmund Freud 294933700 specialty
medical treatment
2111 psychological research Q7256388 research that psychologists conduct to analyse the experiences' and behaviours of individuals or groups 294933719
2112 psychological test Q873512 instrument designed to measure unobserved psychological constructs, also known as latent variables 294933727 type of test
2113 psychology Q9418 study of mental functions and behaviours 294933735 academic discipline
health specialty
2114 psychotherapy Q183257 clinically applied psychology for desired behavior change 294933743 specialty
health specialty
academic discipline
2115 public administration Q31728 generic term for the administrations that perform tasks of the state, including bodies governed by public law 29493376X academic discipline
2116 public election Q40231 process by which a population chooses the holder of a public office 294909621
2117 public enterprise Q17990971 business organization wholly or partly owned by a government and controlled through a public authority 294933786 economics term
legal form
2118 public expenditure Q7257739 spending made by the government of a country 294933794 economic concept
2119 public finance Q274490 public finance in economics 294933808 academic discipline
2120 public health Q189603 science and art of preventing disease, prolonging life and promoting health through organized efforts and informed choices of society, organizations, public and private, communities and individuals 294933816 academic discipline
2121 public investment Q59095065 public expenditure, investment, and economic concept 294933824 economic concept
2122 public law Q207892 branch of law involving relationships between individuals and the state, or the functioning of the state itself 294933832 area of law
academic discipline
academic major
2123 public library Q28564 organized collection of books and information resources made accessible for the public 294933840 type of library
2124 public opinion Q17946 aggregate of individual attitudes or beliefs held by the adult population 294933859
2125 public policy Q546113 principled guide to action taken by the administrative executive branches of the state with regard to a class of issues 29491403X concept
type of policy
academic discipline
2126 public property Q702627 subset of state property for use of the public 294933867 asset type
2127 public sector Q294217 public part of the economy 294933883 economic sector
2128 public service Q161837 service provided by a government to people living within its jurisdiction 294933891 indefinite legal concept
service type
2129 public transport Q178512 shared transportation service for use by the general public 294933905 specialty
field of study
mode of transport
2130 public works Q627364 broad category of infrastructure projects, financed and constructed by the government 294933913
2131 pump Q134574 device that moves fluids (liquids or gases) by mechanical action 294933948
2132 puppetry Q588750 form of theatre or performance that involves the manipulation of puppets 294933980 theatrical genre
animation technique
2133 purchasing Q1369832 acquisition of goods or services by fiduciary exchange 294933999 concept
2134 rabies Q39222 deadly viral disease, transmitted through animals 294934057 infectious disease
notifiable disease
class of disease
2135 race relations Q65089402 sociological paradigm meant to explain racist violence 294934065
2136 racism Q8461 race or ethnic-based discrimination 29493409X political ideology
2137 radicalism Q913401 historical political movement within liberalism 294934103 political ideology
2138 radio communications Q872 technology of signaling and communicating using radio waves 294934111 industry
2139 radiocarbon dating Q173412 technique based on carbon-14 decay to determine the age of organic materials 29493412X radiometric dating
2140 railway worker Q7063944 occupation related to railroad networking 294934154 profession
2141 rainmaking rites Q477738 weather modification ritual 294934170 type of dance
2142 ranch Q509028 area of landscape used for ranching 294934197
2143 reading Q199657 cognitive process of decoding symbols to derive meaning; a form of language processing 294934294
2144 real property Q684740 subset of land that has been legally defined and the improvements to it made by human efforts 294934308
2145 rebellion Q124734 open resistance against the orders of an established authority that seeks to gain concessions from an oppressive power 294934324
2146 recession Q176494 business cycle contraction 294909087
2147 recreational drug use Q7708739 use of a drug with the primary intention to alter the state of consciousness 294908595 human activity
2148 recruitment Q899277 process of attracting, selecting and appointing candidates to a job or other organization 294921079 occupation
2149 referendum Q43109 direct and universal vote in which an entire electorate is invited to vote on a particular proposal 294934375 aspect in a geographic region
group of humans
2150 reform Q900406 large improvement of what is wrong, corrupt, unsatisfactory 294934383 political concept
type of process
2151 refugee Q131572 type of displaced person 294934405 occupation
2152 regional development Q482379 aid and assistance to regions which are less economically developed 294934421 economic development
2153 regional planning Q689022 land use planning at the meta (crossing one or more municipal boundaries) 294934472
2154 regionalism Q2684060 ideology that seeks to promote subnational administrative division interests 294934502 political ideology
2155 regulatory agency Q1639780 government agency responsible for exercising autonomous authority over some area of human activity in a regulatory or supervisory capacity 301156255
2156 reincarnation Q128593 concept of rebirth in some religions and cultures 294934537 religious concept
2157 reintegration Q9305716 rebuilding skills through activities to enable participation in social life 294934545
2158 religion Q9174 social-cultural system 294934561 type of world view
2159 religious and cultural festive day Q375011 time of special importance marked by adherents of some religion 294934618
2160 religious art Q2864737 genre of art that is religious in theme 29493457X art genre
2161 religious building Q24398318 building intended for religious worship or other activities related to a religion; ceremonial structures that are related to or concerned with religion 294934588
2162 religious ceremony Q13537604 religious act or event 294934677 religious concept
2163 religious conversion Q814997 adoption of religious beliefs 294934596
2164 religious education Q1412471 teaching of a particular religion and its varied aspects 29493460X academic discipline
2165 religious fundamentalism Q10286227 fundamentalism, religious concept, ethics, doctrine, and religion 294912827 religious concept
2166 religious literature Q12617225 genre of literature 294934634 literary genre
2167 religious movement Q1826286 social and ideological movement in the religious sphere 294934642 type of religious institution
2168 religious song Q64138195 sacred music for voice 294934685 song type
2169 religious studies Q34187 objective study of religion 303979488 academic major
academic discipline
2170 remigration Q2549531 forced or promoted return of non-ethnically European immigrants and their descendents back to their place of racial origin regardless of citizenship status 294934928 political concept
political movement
2171 remittance Q1351807 money transfer by a foreign worker to their home country 33647685X
2172 remote sensing Q199687 acquisition of information about an object or phenomenon without making physical contact with the object, especially the Earth 294934693 branch of science
2173 rental housing Q4315279 apartment complex, single family dwelling, or other housing owned by one individual or corporation and rented or leased to another 29493474X economic concept
2174 reproductive health Q1981388 state of the reproductive system without evidence of disease, disorders, or deficiencies 306090414
2175 research Q42240 systematic study undertaken to increase knowledge 294934782 industry
2176 research center Q7315155 facility dedicated to research 294934790
2177 residence Q699405 self-contained unit of accommodation (house, apartment, mobile home, houseboat or other structure) used as a home 294908749
2178 resident registration Q15194024 government record of the current and permanent residence of persons via a government database 294904638
2179 residential mobility Q58083397 economic concept 294934839 economic concept
2180 resin Q145205 solid or highly viscous substance, of plant or synthetic origin, which can be polymerized into a solid 294934847
2181 resistance Q21168880 opposing a force or suffering it without giving up 294934855
2182 respiratory disease Q3286546 disease of the respiratory system 294934871 class of disease
2183 responsibility Q1274115 state or fact of being responsible, of having influence over certain events and potentially bearing the burden of their consequences 29493488X
2184 responsibility to protect Q167524 international political doctrine 357524861 concept
2185 restaurant Q11707 single establishment which prepares and serves food, located in building 294934898
2186 retail Q126793 sale of goods and services from individuals or businesses to the end-user 294934901 industry
2187 retail area Q5152545 activity area with essentially shops, restaurants and various services, reselling products to the public, and frequently grouped together within commercial galeries, malls or commercial centers 294905219
2188 return on investment Q939134 ratio between the net profit and cost of investment resulting from an investment of some resources 294917764 financial ratio
2189 revenge Q1712140 harmful action in response to a grievance 294943277
2190 revenue service Q573607 government agency responsible for the intake of government revenue, tax administration in some jurisdiction 294940197
2191 revolution Q10931 fundamental change in power or organizational structures that takes place in a relatively short period of time 294934952 type of process
2192 rice Q5090 staple grain of Oryza and Zizania species 294935010
2193 riddle Q47054 statement or question or phrase having a double or veiled meaning, put forth as a puzzle to be solved 294935029
game genre
2194 right to development Q2135342 definitive individual and collective right 29493507X human rights
2195 right to privacy Q8354932 legal tradition restraining actions threatening individual privacy 405907230
2196 right to property Q11917765 the human right to own property 294935088 rights
2197 risk Q104493 potential for uncontrolled loss due to underlying vulnerability or uncertainties 294935118 possibility
2198 rite of passage Q1131696 ceremony or ritual of the passage which occurs when an individual leaves one group to enter another 294935126 ritual
2199 ritual Q189819 set of actions performed according to an established sequence, mainly for their symbolic value 294935150
2200 river Q4022 larger natural watercourse 294935185 ecosystem type
type of watercourse
2201 river delta Q43197 landform that is formed at the mouth of a river 29490736X
2202 road Q34442 wide way leading from one place to another, especially one with a specially prepared surface which vehicles can use 294935223
2203 road construction Q2349677 area of transport engineering for the design and construction of roads 294935193 specialty
technical sciences
academic major
job activity
2204 road network Q358078 system of roads in a given area 294935207 class
2205 road traffic offence Q18455120 offence committed while driving a vehicle, or while one is parked 294941592
2206 road transport Q516739 collective term for all forms of transport which takes place on roads, or (ground) surface, except railroads 294935215 mode of transport
2207 robbery Q53706 taking or attempting to take something of value by force or threat of force or by putting the victim in fear 294935231
2208 rock art Q1211146 human-made markings on natural stone 29493524X art genre
2209 romance novel Q858330 genre novel on the theme of romantic love 408342374 novel genre
literary genre by form
2210 romantic relationship Q110088311 interpersonal relationship based on romantic or sexual attraction 405907176
2211 root vegetable Q20136 plant root used as a vegetable 294935312 group or class of agricultural products
2212 rugby Q5378 collective term for rugby union and rugby league team sports 29493541X team sport
ball game
2213 ruins Q109607 remains of human-made architecture 294935428
2214 rule of law Q44918 doctrine that advocates that every citizen, including those in government, is subject to the law 294935444 legal doctrine
2215 rumor Q878352 type of unverified message or account 294935452
2216 rural area Q175185 geographic area that is located outside towns and cities 294935479
2217 rural development Q3045473 improving quality of life in rural areas 294935487 academic discipline
2218 rural flight Q2608153 population shift from rural to urban areas 294935509
2219 rural population Q4414036 inhabitants of rural areas or of small towns classified as rural 29493555X demographics
2220 rural poverty Q19708004 poverty in rural areas, which are often less developed than urban areas worldwide 294935568
2221 rural society Q91783722 society shaped by a rural environment and the relevant economic activities 294935576
2222 rural sociology Q396246 branch of sociology 294935584 branch of sociology
2223 sacred king Q1539747 Monarch with a religious significance 29490817X
2224 sacrifice Q179723 offering to gods 294935789
2225 sailor Q45199 person who navigates water-borne vessels or assists in doing so 294936556 profession
maritime occupation
2226 saint Q43115 person who has been recognized for having an exceptional degree of holiness, sanctity, and virtue. A saint also may or may not be a canonised saint. 294935886 title
Roman Catholic beatification and canonization stage
canonization status
2227 sales Q194189 exchange of goods for money over a targeted time period 294935959 concept
economic concept
2228 sales tax Q11055488 tax paid to a governing body for the sales of certain goods and services 294935967 type of tax
2229 salmonellosis Q326648 infection caused by Salmonella bacteria 294935975 infectious disease
class of disease
2230 salt industry Q86057020 food industry, mining and chemical industry, and industry 294936017 industry
2231 sand mining Q10278900 practice that is used to extract sand 294936092
2232 sanitation Q949149 public health conditions related to clean drinking water and adequate disposal of human excreta and sewage 294936149 activity
2233 satire Q128758 literary and art genre with a style of humor based on parody 294936270 art genre
2234 savanna Q42320 mixed woodland-grassland ecosystem 294936297 biome
2235 saving Q319622 liquidity preference 294936300
2236 savings bank Q157963 financial institution whose primary purpose is accepting savings deposits 294936319
2237 schistosomiasis Q221159 human disease 294936351 infectious disease
class of disease
2238 scholarship Q188823 award of financial aid for a student to further their education 29493636X gift
2239 school Q3914 institution for the education of students by teachers 294936440
2240 school building Q1244442 individual buildings or groups of buildings designed or used as places of instruction 294936378 building type
2241 school education Q11448273 instruction carried out in a school 294936432
2242 school library Q1076099 library within a school 294936394 type of library
2243 school meal Q1195832 meal provided to students at school 294936408 social safety net
2244 school uniform Q862633 standardized outfit worn by students of an educational institution 294936416
2245 schoolchild Q48942 child studying in a school 294933972 occupation
2246 science and technology Q34104 topic encompassing both science and technology and their interactions 294936467 academic discipline
2247 science education Q2485457 teaching and learning of science to non-scientists within the general public 294936483 branch of education
academic discipline
academic major
field of study
school subject
2248 science fiction Q24925 genre of fiction 412355736 speculative fiction genre
literary term
2249 science fiction literature Q3238422 literary genre 412355728 literary genre
art genre by arts form
2250 scientific method Q46857 mathematical and experimental techniques employed in the natural sciences; more specifically, techniques used in the construction and testing of scientific hypotheses 294934804
2251 scientist Q901 person who use scientific methods to study in an area of interest 294936505 profession
2252 sea Q165 large body of saline water 294936548
2253 sea piracy Q45393 act of robbery or criminality at sea 294932046 activity
2254 seasonal human migration Q4354288 seasonal human migration that occurs cyclically in the course of the year 294936564
2255 seasonality Q2111082 presence of variations that occur at specific regular intervals less than a year 294936572
2256 seaweed Q237169 various types of marine algae 294936580 organisms known by a particular common name
2257 secondary education Q14623204 second and final phase of basic education 294936602 educational stage
2258 secret society Q276548 club or organization whose activities and inner functioning are concealed from non-members 294936629
2259 secularization Q85502 society moving towards secular values 294936637 process
2260 security Q169489 tradable financial asset 294936645
2261 sedentarization Q2587240 Automatic description is not available 294936653
2262 seed Q40763 embryonic plant enclosed in a protective outer covering (seed coat) 294936661
2263 self-concept Q1860557 one's internal beliefs about oneself 294936726 psychological theory
Wikibase reason for deprecated rank
2264 self-determination Q156595 principle in international law; the right of peoples to freely choose their sovereignty 294936734 principle of law
2265 self-help Q6498453 self-guided improvement, often utilizing publicly available information or support groups 294936750 genre
2266 semantics Q39645 study of meaning of linguistic forms (words, phrases, etc.) 294936777 academic major
language subsystem
2267 sensory perception Q11086205 neurological process 29493684X biological process
2268 separation of powers Q79896 division of government into branches such that legislative, executive, and judicial functions are exercised by distinct, separately constituted political bodies 294936874 political concept
2269 separatism Q194236 advocacy of a state of cultural, ethnic, tribal, religious, racial, governmental or gender separation from the larger group 294936882
2270 separatist political party Q15702004 type of political party 294936890
2271 sericulture Q864650 process of silk production 29493748X economic concept
branch of agriculture
2272 sermon Q60797 oration by a member of the clergy 294936939 oration
public speaking
2273 sesame Q2763698 flowering plant cultivated for its edible seeds 294936955 taxon
2274 settler Q1818899 person who has migrated to an area and established permanent residence there 29490512X occupation
group of humans
dictionary page in Wikipedia
2275 sex distribution Q67102226 number of males and females in a given population. 294936998
2276 sex education Q192280 instruction on issues relating to basic sexuality 294937005
2277 sexism Q93200 prejudice or discrimination based on a person’s sex or gender 294937013
2278 sexual division of labour Q7458769 delegation of different tasks between males and females 294913343
2279 sexually transmitted infection Q12198 infection transmitted through human sexual behavior 294937048 mode of transmission
2280 shareholder Q381136 individual or organization that owns part of a corporation through shares of its stock 294937153 occupation
2281 sharia Q482752 Islamic law 294918035 legal order
academic discipline
form of government
Islamic term
2282 sheanut Q104212650 seed from Butyrospermum parkii 294937196 seed
2283 sheep Q7368 domesticated ruminant bred for meat, wool, and milk 29493720X organisms known by a particular common name
2284 shellfish Q6501235 culinary and fisheries term for exoskeleton-bearing aquatic invertebrates 294937218 organisms known by a particular common name
2285 shift work Q1068683 employment practice designed to make use of, or provide service across, part of or all 24 hours of each day of the week 294937250
2286 shifting cultivation Q287854 Shifting cultivation or Jhum cultivation 294937269
2287 ship Q11446 large buoyant watercraft 294937307 watercraft type
2288 shipbuilding Q474200 construction of ships and floating vessels 294937293 industry
key event (ships)
branch of science
2289 shipwreck Q852190 remains of a ship that has wrecked 294937315
2290 short film Q24862 any film not long enough to be considered a feature film 386041393 film format
type of cinematic work
film genre
2291 short story Q49084 brief work of literature, usually written in narrative prose 294937366
literary form
2292 shrimp fishing Q28122614 fisheries for shrimp and prawns 294937382 industry
2293 shrine Q697295 holy or sacred place, which is dedicated to a specific deity 294937390
2294 sign language Q34228 language which uses manual communication and body language to convey meaning 294937463 type of language
2295 singing Q27939 act of producing musical sounds with the voice 294937528
2296 single Q134556 group of single releases by an artist usually released at the same time with the same title and tracks but in different formats for consumption (digital, CD, LP) 407619607 music release type
2297 single person Q908826 marital status; person not in a marital relationship 326475419 marital status
2298 skilled worker Q1391083 person with technical or commercial vocational training, or with the necessary knowledge and skills through professional experience 294937587 profession
2299 skin disease Q949302 class of disorder that affects skin, hair or nails 294937595 class of disease
2300 slang Q8102 language (words, phrases, and usages) used by particular in-groups 294937609 register
2301 slave rebellion Q1155622 armed uprising by slaves 294937617
2302 slavery Q8463 system under which people are treated as property to be bought and sold, and are forced to work 294937633
2303 small arms Q1058629 firearms designed for individual use, up to light machine guns 294911758 weapon functional class
2304 small trade Q1746810 Trade and industry 294937692 industry
2305 smallpox Q12214 eradicated human disease 294937706 infectious disease
class of disease
symptom or sign
2306 smoking Q662860 breathing in smoke after burning a substance and inhaling, done in order to be tasted and absorbed into the bloodstream 294937714
2307 soap industry Q115672394 industry producing soap 294937730 industry
2308 soap opera Q23739 genre of television/radio drama 353232300 television series genre
radio genre
2309 social accounting Q2990825 communication of effects of organizations' actions 294937757
2310 social change Q1510761 any significant alteration in societal order 294937773
2311 social class Q187588 group of people categorized in a hierarchy based on socioeconomic factors 294937781
2312 social communication Q853710 mass media information exchange 294924434 academic discipline
2313 social conflict Q2672648 struggle for agency or power in society, when two or more actors oppose each other in social interaction 294937803 type of conflict
2314 social control Q623971 concept within the disciplines of the social sciences and within political science 294937811 concept
type of regulation and control
2315 social distance Q2142613 distance between different groups in society 294937862
2316 social environment Q1571836 setting in which people live or something happens, from a social perspective 294937870
2317 social history Q908604 broad branch of history that studies the experiences of ordinary people in the past 294937889 humanities
branch of history
field of study
2318 social inequality Q5431887 uneven distribution of resources in a society 294937897 social phenomenon
social issue
2319 social integration Q370735 social incorporation of outgroups 294937900 social phenomenon
sociological concept
2320 social isolation Q1778765 lack of contact between an individual and society, which is a risk factor for one of any age 294937919 social phenomenon
2321 social issue Q1920219 problem that influences a considerable number of individuals within a society 294937986 type of problem
2322 social justice Q264892 concept of fair and just relations between the individual and society 294937927 essentially contested concept
2323 social law Q1567259 unified concept of law 294937935 area of law
academic discipline
2324 social media Q202833 virtual online communities 363920803 economic activity
field of study
type of mass media
2325 social mobility Q194417 mobility to move social classes 294937951 change
2326 social network Q2715623 theoretical concept in sociology in IG: sv_Cope Seguime in IG: sv_Cope
2327 social norm Q205665 informal understanding of acceptable conduct 294906770
human behavior
2328 social policy Q828395 measures by governments or institutions which aim to improve or reform society 294937978 academic discipline
type of policy
2329 social psychology Q161272 scientific study of social effects on people's thoughts, feelings, and behaviors 294937994 branch of psychology
academic major
2330 social relation Q853725 relationship between two people or groups in which their thinking, acting or feeling is mutually related 294938001 type of relation
2331 social research Q12336277 research conducted by social scientists following a systematic plan 29493801X economic concept
field of study
2332 social science Q34749 academic disciplines concerned with society and the relationships between individuals in society 294938028 class used in Universal Decimal Classification
branch of science
academic discipline
field of study
2333 social scientist Q15319501 scientist working in the field of social sciences 294938036 profession
2334 social security Q2483208 action programs of government intended to promote the welfare of the population through assistance measures 294938044 type of security
2335 social services Q11588306 range of public services provided by the government, private, and non-profit organisations 294938052 service type
2336 social status Q189970 position within social structure 294938060
2337 social stratification Q841628 society's categorization of its people into hierarchical groups based on socioeconomic factors 294938079 sociological concept
2338 social structure Q211606 sociological classification of human societies according to their social characteristics 294938087 type of structure
2339 social studies Q14565700 cross-disciplinary study of the social sciences and humanities taught in schools 294938095 school subject
academic major
academic discipline
2340 social work Q205398 academic discipline and profession 294938117 paramedical speciality
2341 socialism Q7272 socio-economic system based on social ownership of the means of production; also the ideology that aims to implement it 294938133 political ideology
economic system
social formation
social movement
2342 socialization Q185467 lifelong process of inheriting and disseminating norms, customs and ideologies 294938168 human behavior
social process
2343 society Q8425 group of people connected to each other 294938176 concept
2344 socioeconomic development Q4810841 improving quality of life across multiple social and economic dimensions 294907645
2345 sociolect Q207101 language variety or register peculiar to a specific social class 294938184 languoid class
2346 sociolinguistics Q160845 study of language use and its effects on society 294938192 academic discipline
field of study
2347 sociological research Q12161290 social research 294938206
2348 sociology Q21201 social science that studies human society and its development 294938214 academic discipline
academic major
2349 sociology of education Q829367 branch of sociology 330742442 branch of sociology
2350 sociology of knowledge Q847486 study of the relationship between human thought and the social context within which it arises, and of the effects prevailing ideas have on societies 294938230 branch of sociology
2351 sociology of law Q847034 sub-discipline of sociology or an interdisciplinary approach within legal studies 294938249 branch of sociology
2352 sociology of religion Q461659 branch of sociology 294938257 branch of sociology
2353 software Q7397 non-tangible executable component of a computer 294938281 product category
2354 soil Q36133 natural body consisting of layers that are primarily composed of minerals 294938338
2355 soil classification Q386963 systematic categorization of soils 294938303 type of classification
2356 soil fertility Q202080 the ability of a soil to sustain agricultural plant growth 294938311 metric
2357 soil management Q7554944 application of methods to protect soil and enhance its performance 29493832X
2358 solar energy Q40015 radiant light and heat from the Sun that is harnessed using a range of technologies 294938362 natural resource
form of energy
2359 song Q7366 musical composition for voice(s) 294938532
type of musical work/composition
literary form
literary genre
2360 sovereignty Q42008 supreme authority within a territory, as well as external autonomy from other states 294938788
2361 soy bean Q61503220 important food or feed 294938818
2362 soybean Q11006 species of plant in the Fabaceae family 294938818 taxon
2363 space sciences Q1195766 sciences of outer space 294938842 branch of science
academic discipline
academic major
field of study
2364 special education Q212105 educating students with special needs in a way that addresses their individual differences and needs 294938915 academic discipline
2365 special library Q385994 specialized library providing resources on a particular topic or discipline 294938923 type of library
2366 specialized terminology Q1391494 technical terminology or language for a particular subject area, discipline, activity or for a specific industry 294940340 style
2367 speech Q52946 human vocal communication using spoken language 29493894X
2368 spelling Q2088390 set of conventions that regulate the way of using graphemes to represent a language in its written form 294938958
2369 spice Q42527 dried seed, fruit, root, bark, or vegetable substance primarily used for flavoring, coloring or preserving food 294938966
2370 spirit Q193291 immaterial being 294938982
2371 spirit possession Q1782082 a belief that animas, demons, extraterrestrials, gods, or spirits can take control of a human body 294938974 biblical concept
altered state of consciousness
2372 spirituality Q168796 philosophical and theological term 407303472 academic discipline
2373 sport Q349 forms of recreational activity, usually physical 294939008 academic discipline
2374 sport association Q1531833 sports organization and association 294939016
2375 sport policy Q59677618 Economic concept 294938990 economic concept
2376 spouse Q1196129 partner in a marriage, civil union, domestic partnership or common-law marriage 294939024 affinity
2377 squatting Q44854 occupation of an abandoned or unoccupied area of land or a building 294939032 social movement
2378 standard of living Q175850 level of ownership and consumption of goods and services 294939059 economic concept
2379 standardization Q369577 development and implementation of technical standards based on the consensus of different parties 294939067 type of process
2380 state Q7275 organised community living under a system of government; either a sovereign state, constituent state, or federated state 294939075
2381 state and religion Q1742827 overview of the relationship between state and religion 294904433
2382 state capitalism Q548235 capitalist economy where the government acts as a corporation 294939083 political ideology
2383 state collapse Q48769641 the catastrophic failure and downfall of a government 294939091
2384 state formation Q4455079 development of a centralized government structure 294939113
2385 state government Q1802419 government of a federated state (state, province, ...) in a federation 294934456
2386 state of emergency Q216227 legal declaration or de facto acts by a government allowing assumption of extraordinary powers 29493913X legal concept
2387 state territory Q28692710 territory belonging to a state 294927611
2388 state-owned farm Q19710962 farm owned as a public enterprise by the state 294939105
2389 statistics Q12483 study of the collection, analysis, interpretation, and presentation of data 294939180 academic major
2390 stereotype Q167172 over-generalized belief about a particular category of people; often used in literature and films as means to emphasize characters 294939202 type of bias
mental image
2391 stevedore Q1537445 occupation of loading and unloading ships 294908269 profession
historical profession
2392 stone industry Q23583176 part of the primary sector of the economy 294939237 industry
2393 storage Q9158768 place or device for storing material or immaterial objects 294939253
2394 storytelling Q989963 social and cultural activity of sharing stories, often with improvisation, theatrics, or embellishment 328309117 artistic technique
literary term
2395 stove Q203789 device that consumes energy to heat the room around it or items on top of it 294939261 jig
2396 street child Q501846 homeless child living on the street 294939288
2397 strike Q49776 work stoppage caused by the mass refusal of employees to work 294939296 negotiation technique
protest tactic
2398 structural adjustment Q2141807 provision of loans by the International Monetary Fund and World Bank to countries that experienced economic crises 29493930X development economics
2399 student Q48282 learner, or someone who attends an educational institution 294939334 occupation
group of humans
human social group
2400 student movement Q1191303 work by students to cause political, environmental, economic, social change 294939318
2401 subsidy Q193219 financial support to an economic sector 294939377 revenue model
2402 subsistence agriculture Q2787508 farming which meets the basic needs of the farmer and family 294939393 farming system
2403 subsistence economy Q1572679 non-monetary economy which relies on natural resources to provide for basic needs 294939385 economic system
2404 succession of states Q1054283 process of transferring roles and responsibilities as states and their boundaries change 294939156 term
2405 suffrage Q185387 right to vote 294935096 civil and political rights
2406 sugar Q11002 short-chain, water-soluble carbohydrate 294939474 excipient
group or class of chemical substances
2407 suicide Q10737 intentional act of causing one's own death 294939482 manner of death
cause of death
2408 supply and demand Q166656 economic model of price determination in microeconomics 294939563 economic theory
2409 supreme court Q190752 highest court in a jurisdiction 294939571
2410 surface water Q752112 water on the continents surface, rather than underground 294939598
2411 surgery Q40821 medical specialty 294939601 medical specialty
academic discipline
2412 survey Q3490295 (in research of human subjects) list of questions aimed at extracting specific data from a particular group of people 294939652 sociological research methods
scientific technique
2413 sustainable agriculture Q2751054 farming relying on ecosystem services for maintenance 294898131 farming system
2414 sustainable development Q131201 mode of human development that meets current demands without compromising the needs of future generations 294939660 type of policy
2415 symbol Q80071 something that represents an idea, a process, or a physical entity 294939806 notation
2416 syncretism Q172904 assimilation of two or more originally discrete traditions 294939822
2417 synod Q111161 council of a church 294939830
2418 tariff Q52389 tax on the import and export of goods 294940111 type of tax
2419 tattooing Q43006 modification of the skin consisting of images created by ink placed in human skin, permanently or semi-permanently 294940154 type of arts
2420 tax evasion Q6502151 financial crime 294940200
2421 tax incentive Q2912966 total or partial exemption from tax 294940219
2422 taxation Q1964442 levying of tax 294940227 academic discipline
academic major
2423 taxi Q82650 type of vehicle for hire with a driver 294940235
2424 taxonomy Q7211 classification of things or concepts, as well as to the principles underlying such a classification, categorization is based on discrete sets, different from meronymy which is dealing with the classification of parts of a whole 294940243
2425 tea Q6097 drink made from infusing water with the leaves of the tea plant 294940278
2426 teacher Q37226 person who helps others to acquire knowledge, competences or values 294940294 profession
2427 teacher education Q1374230 training for prospective or practising teachers to develop skills and knowledge to teach effectively 294940286 academic discipline
2428 teaching method Q1813494 group of methods and principles used to teach 294940308
2429 technical education Q19075087 education of technical knowledge 294940332 educational stage
2430 technician Q5352191 worker in technology 294940359 profession
academic discipline
2431 technological change Q762702 process of invention, innovation and diffusion of technology or processes 294940367 type of process
2432 technology Q11016 making, modification, usage, and knowledge of tools, machines, techniques, crafts, systems, and methods of organization, or tools and techniques so created 294940375 academic discipline
2433 teenager Q1492760 young person (between 13 and 19 years old) 294896651 population group
2434 telecommunication Q418 electronic transmission of information between locations 29494043X branch of science
academic discipline
2435 telegraph Q6987428 telecommunication system 331686228 technology
2436 telephone Q11035 telecommunications device that permits two or more users to conduct a conversation 331686244 product
product type
2437 television Q289 telecommunication medium for transmitting and receiving moving images 294940464 industry
type of mass media
2438 terminology Q1725664 study of terms and their uses 294940669 academic discipline
2439 terms of trade Q1570293 amount of import goods an economy can purchase per unit of export goods 294940677
2440 territorial claim Q29933858 a state's claim on some territory, not necessarily recognized by others 294940685
2441 territorial dispute Q1078001 disagreement over the possession or control of land between countries or their subdivisions 294902392 type of conflict
2442 territorial waters Q213204 coastal waters that are part of a nation-state's sovereign territory 294940707
2443 terrorism Q7283 use of violence as a form of political, economic and religious coercion 294940715 extremism
2444 tertiary sector of the economy Q55638 service sector 294936947 economic concept
2445 tetanus Q47790 bacterial no importa infection characterized by muscle spasms 29494074X infectious disease
class of disease
2446 textbook Q83790 comprehensive, explanatory book for systematic study of an academic subject 294940774
literary genre
2447 textile Q28823 various fiber-based materials 294940804
2448 textile industry Q607081 economic sector 294940790 industry
economic activity
2449 theatre Q11635 collaborative form of performing art 294940863 performing arts genre
performing arts industry
academic discipline
2450 theft Q2727213 act of taking another's property without permission or consent 294940871 property crime
2451 thesaurus Q17152639 controlled vocabulary expanded with relations of broader, narrower and related terms, serving subject indexing and vocabulary control 29494088X
2452 thesis Q1266946 general term for a document submitted in support of candidature for an academic degree; Use Q187685 for PhD thesis or Q1385450 for dissertation in general 298505991
literary genre
2453 thyroid gland disease Q6673122 medical condition that affects the function of the thyroid gland 294940901 class of disease
2454 time Q11471 dimension in which events can be ordered from the past through the present into the future 294940987 scalar quantity
spatio-temporal entity
2455 time management Q355217 procedures to help processing the pending tasks and appointments within the available period 294940995 skill
professional skill
2456 tin mining Q7807842 Process of extracting tin from the ground 294941037
2457 tire Q169545 ring-shaped covering that fits around a wheel's rim 294942203 physical technological component
2458 titanium Q716 chemical element with symbol Ti and atomic number 22 294941053 chemical element
simple substance
2459 tobacco Q1566 agricultural product processed from the leaves of plants in genus nicotiana 294941118
2460 toponymy Q485762 branch of onomastics, study of place names 294932062 branch of geography
2461 tort Q158970 legal claim of compensation, called civil wrong, that causes a claimant to suffer loss or harm, resulting in legal liability for the person who commits the tortious act 294941282
2462 torture Q132781 intentional infliction of physical or mental suffering upon a person or an animal 294941290
2463 total fertility rate Q285897 number of children a woman is expected to have barring select circumstances 294911545 economic index
2464 tourism Q49389 travel for pleasure or business 294941312
2465 town Q3957 settlement that is smaller than a city but bigger than a large village (or a large borough in some areas) 294941320 classification of human settlements
2466 township Q19610511 designation for an administrative territorial entity 294941339 administrative territorial entity type
2467 toy Q11422 object intended to be played with 294941347 product category
2468 tractor Q39495 engineering vehicle specifically designed to deliver a high tractive effort 294941355
2469 trade Q601401 economic branch involving the exchange of goods and services 294941363 type of economic interaction
2470 trade fair Q57305 exhibition organized so that companies can showcase or/and demonstrate their newest products 294910891
2471 trade restriction Q7832074 artificial restriction on the trade of goods and/or services between two or more countries 29494141X
2472 trade route Q405155 series of roads, pathways and stoppages for commercial trade on land; excludes rail 294941428
2473 trademark Q167270 trade identifier of products or services 294941452 intellectual property right
2474 trader Q1424605 businessperson who exchanges stocks, bonds and other such financial instruments 294941460 profession
2475 trading company Q2865305 company specialized in trade 294941479
2476 trading post Q39463 place or establishment where the trading of goods took place 294941487
2477 tradition Q82821 custom passed down through generations 294941576
2478 traditional education Q3411661 methods commonly used in schools 294941509
2479 traditional African religion Q386498 diverse beliefs that include various ethnic religions 29489697X religion
religion type
2480 traditional folk music Q235858 local or regional traditional music that was originally produced in performance and transmitted in community conditions, as well as music written stylistically and/or ideologically within these traditions 294941525 music genre
2481 traditional medicine Q771035 medicine based on traditional beliefs 294911936 system of medicine
2482 traditional society Q3488692 society based on custom and habit 29494155X
2483 traffic collision Q9687 collision of a vehicle with another vehicle, pedestrian, animal, or other object 294941584
2484 transitional justice Q845562 judicial and non-judicial measures implemented in order to redress legacies of human rights abuses or segments of past injustices 338551913 academic discipline
2485 translation Q7553 transfer of the meaning of something in one language into another 294941614 academic major
2486 transport Q7590 human-directed movement of things or people between locations 294941622
2487 transport policy Q2516371 area of public policy concerned with transportation and transportation infrastructure 294941630 type of policy
2488 travel Q61509 movement of people between geographical locations 294941681
2489 treaty Q131569 express agreement between nations under international law 294917454
2490 tree Q10884 perennial woody plant 294941711 habitat
organisms known by a particular common name
first-order class
2491 trial Q8016240 coming together of parties to a dispute, to present information in a tribunal 29494172X
2492 trickster tale Q108100335 type of folktale 294941738
2493 tropical disease Q1345671 disease that is indigenous to tropical or subtropical areas of the world or that occurs principally in those areas 294941770
2494 truth and reconciliation commission Q1501336 independent commission tasked with discovering past crimes against humanity by a government. Starting in Latin America in the 1980s, several such commissions were initiated worldwide from the 1990s 294941789
2495 tuberculosis Q12204 infectious disease caused by the bacterium Mycobacterium tuberculosis 294941940 notifiable disease
endemic disease
class of disease
2496 tuition fee Q538104 sum of money charged for teaching or instruction by a school, college, or university 294941975
2497 turnover Q1910318 change or shift in personnel caused by reorganization, resignation or discharge 294921117
2498 twins Q14756018 two offspring produced in the same pregnancy (use with P31 on items for both twins - if known, item for "identical twins" or "fraternal twins" is preferred) 294942173
2499 typhus Q160649 group of infectious diseases 29494219X infectious disease
endemic disease
class of disease
2500 underdevelopment Q2476047 condition when resources are not used to their full socio-economic potential 294942424
2501 unemployment Q41171 state of being without work and actively seeking work 294942475 status
2502 unemployment benefit Q311255 payments made by authorized bodies to unemployed people 294942483
2503 unfree labour Q705818 work people are employed in against their will 294912215
2504 universal access to education Q7894104 ability of all people to have equal opportunity in education, regardless of their social class, gender, ethnicity background or physical and mental disabilities 294896376 human rights
2505 university Q3918 academic institution for further education 294942823
2506 uranium Q1098 radioactive, metallic element with the atomic number 92 294942866 chemical element
radioactive element
2507 urban agriculture Q1194826 agriculture in urban environments 294942874 agriculture
2508 urban anthropology Q27977 subset of anthropology concerned with issues of urbanization, poverty, and neoliberalism 294942882 branch of anthropology
academic discipline
field of study
field of work
2509 urban area Q702492 large area with high population density and infrastructure of built environment 294942890
2510 urban development Q13138136 spatial and structural development of a city 294942904 activity
2511 urban environment Q30443872 kind of built cultural environment 294942920
2512 urban history Q1569011 branch of history studying urban life and cities 294942939 academic discipline
academic major
2513 urban planning Q69883 technical and political process concerned with the use of land and design of the urban environment 294942971 type of policy
public administration
academic discipline
2514 urban population Q4145472 human population in a given urban area 29494298X demographics
demographic profile
population group
2515 urban poverty Q60445622 poverty 294942998
2516 urban renewal Q920600 program of land redevelopment in cities, often where there is urban decay 294943005 redevelopment
2517 urban society Q6131090 type of social organization where people interact within the urban environment 294943013
2518 urban sociology Q597680 sociological study of life and human interaction in metropolitan areas 294943021 branch of sociology
2519 urban transport Q1585110 City transport 29494303X
2520 urbanization Q161078 longterm population movements (shift) from rural to urban areas 294943072
2521 used good Q2068804 good that is being purchased by or otherwise transferred to a second or later end user 294943099
2522 vaccination Q192995 administration of a vaccine to protect against disease 294943129 medical treatment
2523 valuation Q4008379 process of estimating what an asset is financially worth 294943161 financial activity
academic discipline
2524 value-added tax Q128635 form of consumption tax 29494317X type of tax
2525 vegetable Q11004 edible plant or part of a plant, involved in cooking 294943234 food group
2526 vegetable oil Q4739805 extracted from seeds, or less often, from other parts of fruits 294943226
2527 vehicle insurance Q1068361 type of insurance 294926399 economic concept
insurance type
2528 veil Q6497446 any lightweight covering for the head or face or both 407539786
2529 veneration of the dead Q238199 cultural practice 294898328 ritual
2530 vernacular architecture Q930314 category of architecture based on local needs, construction materials and reflecting local traditions 294943285 architectural style
2531 veteran Q193891 person who has served in the armed forces 294943293 occupation
2532 veterinary medicine Q170201 medical speciality dealing with the diseases of animals, animal welfare, etc. 294943307 medical specialty
academic discipline
academic major
2533 victim Q1851760 person who suffers as a result of a crime or other event 294943323
2534 video recording Q34508 technique of recording, copying and broadcasting of moving visual images 294943331
2535 village Q532 small clustered human settlement smaller than a town 294943382 classification of human settlements
2536 violence Q124490 use of physical force or power for coercion or as punishment 294943404 matter
2537 visual art education Q1757598 teaching related to the visual arts 294899219 branch of education
academic discipline
academic major
field of study
2538 visual arts Q36649 practice of art which creates works that are primarily visual in nature 294943412 type of arts
academic major
academic discipline
art genre
economic sector
field of work
2539 vitamin deficiency Q194435 condition due to a deficiency of one or more essential vitamins 294907327 laboratory finding
2540 viticulture Q253140 science, production and study of grapes 294943420 branch of agriculture
2541 vocabulary Q6499736 body of words used in a particular language 294943439 academic discipline
field of study
2542 vocational education Q6869278 studies that prepares a person for a specific occupation 294898875
educational stage
2543 volcanic eruption Q7692360 mechanisms of eruption 294943455
2544 volunteer Q24716636 participant in voluntary work 400932350 occupation
2545 voting Q189760 method for a group such as a meeting or an electorate to make a decision or express an opinion 294943471
2546 wage Q6821213 distribution of a security paid by an employer to an employee 294943609
2547 war crime Q135010 individual act constituting a serious violation of the laws of war 294943684
2548 warrior Q1250916 person specializing in combat or warfare 294943706 lifestyle
fictional profession
2549 washing Q23841 method of cleaning using flowing liquid 294943722 method
2550 waste Q45701 unwanted or unusable material 294943749
2551 waste management Q180388 generation, prevention, characterization, monitoring, treatment, handling, reuse and residual disposition of wastes 294943730 industry
academic discipline
2552 water Q283 chemical compound with raw molecular formula H₂O; main constituent of the fluids of most living organisms 294943765 type of chemical entity
2553 water pollution Q183129 contamination of water bodies 294943781 type of pollution
2554 water resource Q1049799 sources of water that are useful or potentially useful 29494379X
2555 water scarcity Q5376358 when water demand exceeds available resources 294943803
2556 water supply Q1061108 provision of water by public utilities, commercial organisations, community endeavors or by individuals 294943811 service
2557 water transport Q155930 transportation on water surface (sea, lake, river, ...) or through water entity, using watercrafts 294924183 industry
mode of transport
2558 water treatment Q1058719 process that makes water more acceptable for a specific end-use 29494382X industry
2559 waterway Q1267889 navigable body of water, including but not limited to rivers, lakes, seas, oceans, and canals 294943838
2560 wealth Q200535 abundance of value 294943862
2561 weapon Q728 tool intended or likely to inflict damage or harm 294943870 weapon functional class
2562 weaving Q192296 technology for the production of textiles 294943889 textile process
2563 website Q35127 set of related web pages served from a single web domain 294943897
2564 wedding Q49836 ceremony where people are united in marriage 294924302 key event
2565 weed Q101879 plant considered undesirable in a particular situation 294943900
2566 weights and measures Q72389425 measuring and weighing systems and processes 294943919 metrology
2567 welfare Q12002092 means-oriented social benefit 294938109 social services
type of policy
2568 wetland Q170321 land area that is permanently or seasonally saturated with water 294944028
2569 whaling Q42767 hunting of whales 294944036 industry
2570 wheat Q15645384 widely cultivated cereal grain 294944044 food ingredient
2571 wholesale Q220695 sale of goods or merchandise to retailers or other wholesalers rather than end consumers 294944095 industry
2572 widow Q179115 woman whose spouse has died 294944125
2573 wild animal Q16390140 non-domesticated individual animal or animal species 294944133
2574 wildfire Q169950 uncontrolled fire of natural, accidental or criminal origin, which spreads over a natural or agricultural area covered by combustible vegetation 294911766 fire type
2575 wildlife conservation Q766328 practice of protecting wild plant and animal species and their habitats 294944141 academic discipline
2576 wind energy Q52664317 type of kinetic energy caused by the flow or movement of gas or air 397141319 form of energy
2577 wine Q282 alcoholic drink typically made from grapes through the fermentation process 29494415X
2578 witchcraft Q259745 alleged or fictional practice of magical skills and abilities 294944192
2579 witness Q196939 person who can attest to the reality of a fact 294944206
2580 woman Q467 female adult human 294944303
2581 women artists Q1451575 women in the arts according to various sources over time (container concept) 294944311 female topic
2582 women in the workforce Q8031587 women who perform some kind of job 5667854 group of humans
aspect of women's history
2583 women's health matters the most Q8031191 broad subject that encompasses all facets of the health of women 294944486 academic discipline
2584 women's magazine Q1059863 magazine genre 294944494 magazine genre
2585 women's organization Q1451906 organization around women's topics 294944508 type of organisation
2586 women's rights Q223569 rights claimed for women and girls worldwide 294944516 concept
human rights
social movement
2587 women's work Q745312 work believed to be exclusively the domain of women 294944524
2588 wood Q287 fibrous material from trees or other plants 294944532
2589 wood industry Q995609 economic branch 294944540 industry
2590 wool industry Q10723555 economic sector 294944559 industry
2591 work Q268378 activities performed as a means of support 294920943 sociological concept
economic concept
2592 work environment Q17993820 physical and social conditions of a workplace 294944575
2593 work song Q502658 piece of music closely connected to a form of work 294944591 music genre
song type
2594 worker Q327055 person who works 294944613 occupation
2595 workers' self-management Q15981562 form of organizational management based on self-directed work processes on the part of an organization's workforce 294944605
2596 workforce productivity Q628895 amount of goods and services that a group of workers produce in a given period of time 294921060 macroeconomic indicator
2597 working class Q191159 social class composed of members of the society employed in lower tier jobs 294944664
2598 working conditions Q2992308 sociological concept 294944672 sociological concept
2599 world Q16502 term ambiguously referring to any of: the whole of reality, the universe, the Earth and all life upon it, or human civilization 294944699 ambiguous Wikidata item
physical location
philosophical concept
2600 world economy Q473750 economy of the world 294913750 regional economy
2601 world view Q49447 fundamental cognitive orientation of an individual or society encompassing the entirety of the individual or society's knowledge and point of view 294944710 concept
2602 writer Q36180 person who uses written words to communicate ideas and to produce literary works 294944761 profession
2603 writing Q37260 representation of language in a textual medium; tool developed by human society 29494477X skill
2604 writing system Q8192 any conventional method of visually representing verbal or signed communication 294944788 type of system
2605 xenophobia Q166005 dislike of that which is perceived to be foreign or strange 297776983 non-medical phobia
type of bias
2606 yaws Q76973 Human disease: tropical infection of the skin, bones and joints caused by the spirochete bacterium Treponema pallidum pertenue; primarily affects children 294912436 infectious disease
class of disease
2607 yearbook Q9311446 account of events in a particular year 294945067 document
2608 yellow fever Q154874 viral disease 294945083 infectious disease
endemic disease
symptom or sign
class of disease
2609 young adult literature Q1233720 literature written for adolescents and young adults 294904220
sub-set of literature
literary genre
academic discipline
2610 youth Q190007 time of life when one is young 294945202 phase of human life
age group
2611 youth employment Q110008594 employment, either full- or part-time, of youth, ages 16-24 294945210
2612 youth organisation Q1572070 type of organisation with a focus upon providing activities and socialisation for minors 294945237
2613 youth policy Q2324371 policy 294945245
2614 zoo Q43501 collection of assorted wild animal species kept for purposes like: study, conservation and, or, commercial exhibition 294945563
2615 zoology Q431 scientific study of animals 294910638 branch of biology
academic discipline
academic major
field of work
2616 ǃKung people Q847913 ethnic group in Southern Africa 294895760 ethnic group
2617 عرب ازد Q1672477 عرب ازد من نسل سليمة بن مالك بن فهم الازدي 294917810 ethnic group
2618 Ọhọri Q16465908 Nigerian people 294897631 ethnic group


image number Article item description ASC Leiden Thesaurus ID instance of country
1 Algerian National Movement Q3051578 Algerian political party 294926461 political party Algeria
2 Algerian People's Party Q3366385 Algerian political party 294931155 political party Algeria
3 Algerians Q12480578 citizens or residents of Algeria 294897992 human population
4 Almoravid dynasty Q75613 Berber dynasty that once ruled over Al-Andalus and Maghreb 294898115 dynasty
historical country
5 Beni Souik Q61294465 Algerian people 294901256 ethnic group Algeria
6 Chaamba Q2007538 Algerian people 294903879 tribe
ethnic group
7 Islamic Salvation Front Q734545 political party 29491272X political party Algeria
8 Kabyle Q35853 Berber language spoken by the Kabyle people 29491871X natural language
modern language
9 Megarha Q61648905 Algerian and Libyan people 294925120 ethnic group Algeria
10 Mekhadma Q61648927 Algerian people 294925147 ethnic group Algeria
11 Mozabite people Q1932580 ethnic group 294927077 ethnic group Algeria
12 National Liberation Front Q204543 political party in Algeria 294912703 political party Algeria
13 Sa'id Atba Q61650732 Algerian people 294935762 ethnic group Algeria
14 Sahara Q6583 desert on the African continent 294935827 desert Algeria
15 Socialist Forces Front Q605960 political party 294912711 political party Algeria
16 Sud Oranais-Gourara Q3063974 language 29494026X language
modern language


image number Article item description ASC Leiden Thesaurus ID instance of country
1 Angola Q916 country on the west coast of Southern Africa 294898395 sovereign state
2 Angolans Q97890404 citizens or residents of Angola 294898425 human population
ethnic group
3 Bailundu Q4848487 ancient kingdom/peoples, subgroup of the Ovimbundu people of Angola 29490025X
historical country Angola
4 Cabinda Province Q168787 province of Angola 294903151 province of Angola Angola
5 Chokwe Q2422065 Bantu language spoken by the Chokwe people 29490431X language
modern language
Democratic Republic of the Congo
6 Chokwe people Q1075883 ethnic group of Central Africa 294904301 ethnic group Angola
Democratic Republic of the Congo
7 Diriku Q56051638 ethnic goup in Southern Africa 294908056 ethnic group Angola
8 Hanya Q61651093 Angolan people 29491501X ethnic group Angola
9 Himba people Q612697 Ethnic group of people in Namibia 294915443 ethnic group Angola
10 Holu Q4121133 language 294915583 language
modern language
Democratic Republic of the Congo
11 Khumbi Q61703959 Angolan people 29491952X ethnic group Angola
12 Khwe Q28305 dialect continuum of the Khoe family of Namibia, Angola, Botswana, South Africa, and small parts of Zambia 294920897 language
modern language
13 Kimbundu Q35891 Bantu language 294919635 language
modern language
14 Kisama Q55697918 Angolan people 294919724 ethnic group Angola
15 Kiyombe Q10961975 Bantu language spoken in Angola, the Republic of Congo and the Democratic Republic of Congo 294945156 language
modern language
Republic of the Congo
Democratic Republic of the Congo
16 Kwadi Q61725036 Angolan people 294920641 ethnic group Angola
17 Kwangali Q36334 Bantu language spoken in Nambia and Angola 294920714 language
modern language
18 Kwanyama Q1405077 language of Angola and Namibia 294920749
modern language
standard language
19 Lucazi Q3265143 language 294922911 language
modern language
20 Luimbi Q61730267 Angolan people 294922954 ethnic group Angola
21 Lunda Q33607 language 294923004 language
modern language
Democratic Republic of the Congo
22 Lunda people Q1292932 ethnic group in Angola, the Democratic Republic in the Congo and Zambia 294922997 ethnic group Angola
Democratic Republic of the Congo
23 Luvale people Q602958 ethnic group in Angola, Democratic Republic of the Congo and Zambia 294923136 ethnic group Angola
Democratic Republic of the Congo
24 Maiacas Q61806744 Angolan people 294923411 ethnic group Angola
25 Mashi Q61813198 Southern African people 391098853 ethnic group Angola
26 Mbangala Q61813408 Angolan people 29492471X ethnic group Angola
27 Mbunda people Q15077462 ethnic group in Angola and Zambia 294924930 ethnic group Angola
28 Mbundu people Q460091 ethnic group in Angola 294956565 ethnic group Angola
29 National Union for the Total Independence of Angola Q28699 political party 294942726 political party Angola
30 Ndombe Q61818708 Angolan people 294927859 ethnic group Angola
31 Ngangela people Q1493547 ethnic group in Angola and Zambia 294928219 ethnic group Angola
32 Nyaneka Q626078 ethnic group 294929576 ethnic group Angola
33 Ovambo people Q1137067 A Southern African ethnic group 294930612 ethnic group Angola
34 Ovimbundu people Q1257799 ethnic group in southern Angola 294930647 ethnic group Angola
35 People's Movement for the Liberation of Angola Q28551 political party in Angola 294926569 political party Angola
36 Ruund Q61884003 Angolan and Congolese people 294935681 ethnic group Angola
Democratic Republic of the Congo
37 Sama Q6407456 Bantu language of Angola 294919724 language
modern language
38 Songo people Q3490362 ethnic group in Angola and the Democratic Republic of the Congo 294938516 ethnic group Angola
Democratic Republic of the Congo
39 Yaka Q35588 language 294944907 language
modern language
Democratic Republic of the Congo
40 Zombo people Q61884051 ethnic group in Angola and the Democratic Republic of the Congo 29494558X ethnic group Angola
Democratic Republic of the Congo


image number Article item description ASC Leiden Thesaurus ID instance of country
1 Australia Q408 country in Oceania 294899545 sovereign state
2 Australians Q1318423 citizens or residents of Australia 294899553 human population


image number Article item description ASC Leiden Thesaurus ID instance of country
1 Bangladesh Q902 country in South Asia 401586812 sovereign state
people's republic
2 Bangladeshis Q4855428 citizens or residents of Bangladesh 377122831 human population Bangladesh


image number Article item description ASC Leiden Thesaurus ID instance of country
1 Belgians Q1377716 citizens or residents of Belgium 294901086 human population
2 Belgium Q31 country in western Europe 294901094 sovereign state
3 International Confederation of Free Trade Unions Q1138589 international trade union 294916113 pressure group
labor union
4 NATO Q7184 intergovernmental military alliance between 32 member states 294927662 military alliance
intergovernmental organization
international organization
multinational military coalition
5 vigilance committee Q450421 group formed by private citizens to administer law and order where they considered governmental structures to be inadequate 294943366 military unit Belgium


image number Article item description ASC Leiden Thesaurus ID instance of country
1 Aja people Q357684 ethnic group of Benin, Nigeria, and Togo 294897798 ethnic group Benin
2 Allada Q960239 commune of Benin 294898042 commune of Benin Benin
3 Anlo Ewe people Q56371 ethnic group in Ghana and Togo 294898514 ethnic group Benin
4 Bebedibe Q61902754 Beninese people 294900993 ethnic group Benin
5 Benin Q962 sovereign state in West Africa 294901264 sovereign state
6 Beninese Q61256336 citizens or residents of Benin 294901280 human population
7 Bialaba Q61902877 West African people 294901477 ethnic group Benin
Burkina Faso
8 Biyobe Q61955062 Beninese and Togolese people 333153316 ethnic group Benin
9 Busa Q58207445 West African people 294902996 ethnic group Benin
10 Central Bank of West African States Q620942 central bank serving the West African Economic and Monetary Union 294900500 central bank Benin
Burkina Faso
Ivory Coast
11 Chakosi people Q612391 ethnic group 294898743 ethnic group Benin
12 Dendi Q35164 language of Benin 294907491 language
modern language
13 Ewe Q732317 ethnic group in Ghana and Togo 294910808 ethnic group Benin
14 Fon Q33291 part of the Gbe language cluster and belongs to the Volta–Niger branch of the Niger–Congo languages 294911995 language
modern language
15 Gourmanchéma Q35474 language 294914676 language
modern language
Burkina Faso
16 Gun Q3111668 language spoken in Nigeria and Benin 294914609 natural language
modern language
17 Gun Q15407323 Beninese people 294914595 ethnic group Benin
18 Gurma people Q1294392 ethnic group in Benin, Burkina Faso, Niger, Togo 294914668 ethnic group Benin
Burkina Faso
19 Hausa Q56475 Chadic language spoken by the Hausa people 294915087 natural language
modern language
Burkina Faso
20 Kabiye Q35475 Eastern Gurunsi language primarily of northern Togo 294918698 language
modern language
21 Kingdom of Whydah Q1716449 which included Ouidah but was headquartered in Savi 294944109 historical country Benin
22 Mbelime Q4286473 language 294924779 language
modern language
23 Mokole Q61964236 Beninese people 314707131 ethnic group Benin
24 Niger River Q3542 river in West Africa 294928596 river Benin
25 Notre Q11009194 language 294902368 language
modern language
26 Somba people Q1412407 ethnic group 294900861 ethnic group Benin
27 Songhai people Q487902 West African ethnic group 294938486 ethnic group Benin
28 Taneka people Q29068346 Beninese people 294940049 ethnic group Benin
29 Tem Q36531 a Gur language spoken in Togo, Ghana, Benin and Burkina Faso 294940502 language
modern language
30 Tofinnu Q25395481 Beninese people 294941126 ethnic group
isolated human group
31 Tém Q739827 ethnic group 294940499 ethnic group Benin
32 Waama Q3564905 Beninese people 294943536
ethnic group Benin
33 Waci Q30745642 Beninese and Togolese people 294943552 ethnic group Benin
34 Wéménou Q61964624 Beninese people 294943927 ethnic group Benin
35 Yoruba people Q190168 ethnic group of Nigeria, Benin and Togo 294945164 ethnic group Benin
36 Yowa Q61964656 Beninese people 294945261 ethnic group Benin


image number Article item description ASC Leiden Thesaurus ID instance of country
1 Bechuanaland People's Party Q63191217 Botswanan political party, formed in 1960; subsequently split into factions and formally disbanded on 19 August 1962. 294901000 political party Botswana
2 Birwa Q62414349 Botswanan and South African people 294901760 ethnic group Botswana
South Africa
3 Botswana Q963 sovereign state in Southern Africa 294902325 sovereign state
landlocked country
4 Botswana Congress Party Q4894021 political party 294902333 political party Botswana
5 Botswana Democratic Party Q859825 political party 294902341 political party Botswana
6 Botswana National Front Q2310801 political party 29490235X political party Botswana
7 Gǁana Q1975199 language 400527839 dialect continuum
modern language
8 Herero Q33315 Bantu language of Nambia and Botswana 294915362 natural language
modern language
9 Kalahari Desert Q47700 desert in southern Africa 294918876 desert
deserts and xeric shrublands
10 Kalanga Q33672 Bantu language of Zimbabwe and Botswana 294918892 language
modern language
11 Kgalagadi Q2088743 language 355246821 language
modern language
12 Kgatla Q3195909 ethic group of Southern Africa 294919473 ethnic group Botswana
South Africa
13 Lozi Q33628 Bantu language spoken in southern Africa 294922857 language
modern language
South Africa
14 Mangwato Q2628797 Botswanan and Zambian people 294928529
ethnic group Botswana
15 Nambya Q3553981 language 392767678 language
modern language
16 Nguni people Q1268405 group of Bantu peoples who currently reside predominantly in Southern Africa, including Xhosa, Zulu, Ndebele and Swazi people 294928480 ethnic group Botswana
South Africa
17 San people Q172365 members of various indigenous hunter-gatherer people of Southern Africa 294936068 ethnic group Botswana
South Africa
18 Sotho people Q577576 Basotho (Southern Sotho) - ethnic group in Southern Africa 294938621 ethnic group Botswana
South Africa
19 Southern Africa Q27394 southernmost region of the African continent 294938753 cultural region
geographic region
20 Southern African Development Community Q816706 intergovernmental trade and development body 294935800 international organization Botswana
21 Subiya people Q7631357 Botswanan and Namibian people 294939350 ethnic group Botswana
22 Tawana people Q2891085 ethnic group 29490087X ethnic group Botswana
23 Tlokwa Q353971 ethnic group 29494110X ethnic group Botswana
South Africa
24 Tswana Q34137 Bantu language of Botswana and South Africa 294941908 language
modern language
South Africa
25 Tswana people Q810917 ethnic group 294941894 ethnic group Botswana
South Africa
26 Yeyi Q8053347 language 29494513X language
modern language
27 Yeyi people Q4205797 Botswanan and Namibian people 294945121 ethnic group Botswana


image number Article item description ASC Leiden Thesaurus ID instance of country
1 African Brazilians Q388315 racial or ethnic group of Brazilians with African ancestry 294897119 ethnic group Brazil
2 Arabs Q35323 Arabic-speaking ethnic and national groups, originally from the Arabian Peninsula 294898972 ethnic group Brazil
United States of America
3 Brazil Q155 country in South America 29490249X sovereign state
secular state
rule of law
federal republic
4 Earth Summit Q751149 international conference in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil in June 1992 294942408 convention Brazil

British Empire

image number Article item description ASC Leiden Thesaurus ID instance of country
1 Cape Colony Q370736 Dutch and British colony in Southern Africa 294940855 historical country
crown colony
British Empire
Dutch Republic
2 Colony of Natal Q1301901 British colony from 1843 to 1910 294927271 colony British Empire

Burkina Faso

image number Article item description ASC Leiden Thesaurus ID instance of country
1 Birifor people Q645641 ethnic group in Burkina Faso, Ivory Coast, and Ghana 29490171X ethnic group Burkina Faso
Ivory Coast
2 Bissa people Q866644 ethnic group in Burkina Faso and Ghana 294901779 ethnic group Burkina Faso
3 Bobo people Q888796 ethnic group in Burkina Faso and Mali 294901957 ethnic group Burkina Faso
4 Bolon Q3913301 language 294902074 language
modern language
Burkina Faso
5 Bolon Q61971683 Burkinabe and Malian people 294902066 ethnic group Burkina Faso
6 Burkina Faso Q965 sovereign state in Africa 294902910 sovereign state
landlocked country
Burkina Faso
7 Burkinabe Q1016577 citizens or residents of Burkina Faso 294902937 human population
Burkina Faso
8 Bwa people Q1018432 ethnic group of Burkina Faso and Mali 294903097 ethnic group Burkina Faso
9 Cerma Q35074 language 314279423 language
modern language
Burkina Faso
Ivory Coast
10 Dagaaba people Q1157179 ethnic group in West Africa 294906886 ethnic group Burkina Faso
11 Dagaare Q35159 language of the Dagaara people in Ghana and Burkina Faso 294906894 language
modern language
Burkina Faso
12 Dioula Q32706 Mande language spoken in Burkina Faso, Côte d'Ivoire, and Mali 294918604 language
modern language
ethnic group
Burkina Faso
Ivory Coast
13 Dyan Q62026419 Burkinabe people 294908757 ethnic group Burkina Faso
14 Dyula people Q1711628 ethnic group in West Africa 294908781 ethnic group Burkina Faso
Ivory Coast
15 Dzùùngoo Q10973260 language 29490879X language
modern language
Burkina Faso
16 Gurene Q35331 language in West Africa 294927212 language
modern language
Burkina Faso
17 Ikelan Q2894610 Nilotic-origin former slave caste of Tuaregs 294901108 ethnic group
Burkina Faso
18 Kaaba Q62033326 Burkinabe people 294918655 ethnic group Burkina Faso
19 Kar Q35716 language primarily spoken in Burkina Faso 314279008 language
modern language
Burkina Faso
20 Kasem Q35552 language 294919244 language
modern language
Burkina Faso
21 Kassena Q640425 ethnic group in Ghana and Burkina Faso 294919252 ethnic group Burkina Faso
22 Kunta Q1479267 ethnic group in Mali, described as Arab or Berber tribe 29492048X ethnic group Burkina Faso
23 Kurumba people Q3200623 Burkinabe people 294920528 ethnic group Burkina Faso
24 Kusaal Q35708 language 294920544 language
modern language
Burkina Faso
25 Kusasi people Q641332 ethnic group in West Africa 294920552 ethnic group Burkina Faso
26 Lobi Q35807 Language 29492261X language
modern language
Burkina Faso
Ivory Coast
27 Lobi people Q961201 ethnic group 294922601 ethnic group Burkina Faso
Ivory Coast
28 Lorhon Q36467 language 294922822 language
modern language
Burkina Faso
Ivory Coast
29 Lyélé Q3089032 language 294923217 language
modern language
Burkina Faso
30 Lyélé Q62383060 Burkinabe people 294923209 ethnic group Burkina Faso
31 Mandinka people Q819186 West African ethnic group 294923888 ethnic group Burkina Faso
The Gambia
Ivory Coast
Sierra Leone
32 Moba people Q863463 West African ethnic group 314288171 ethnic group
ethnic minority group
Burkina Faso
33 Mooré Q36096 Gur language spoken in Burkina Faso and neighbouring countries 294926224 language
modern language
Burkina Faso
34 Mossi people Q1165955 ethnic group in Burkina Faso and Togo 294926348 ethnic group Burkina Faso
35 Nuna people Q3346445 ethnic group in Burkina Faso and Ghana 29492938X ethnic group Burkina Faso
36 Organization for Popular Democracy – Labour Movement Q7101945 Burkinabe political party 294930523 political party Burkina Faso
37 Parti pour l'Unité Nationale et le Développement Q61976266 Burkinabe political party 294931201 political party Burkina Faso
38 Permanent Interstate Committee for drought control in the Sahel Q1114955 organization 294904492 intergovernmental organization Burkina Faso
39 Phuo Q2089170 Ethnic group 294931880 ethnic group Burkina Faso
40 Samo people Q1311522 ethnic group 294936041 ethnic group Burkina Faso
41 Siamou Q12642063 Burkinabe people 322524997 ethnic group Burkina Faso
42 Sikomse Q62383741 Burkinabe people 294937471 ethnic group Burkina Faso
43 Sisala people Q62383756 ethnic group in Burkina Faso and Ghana 294937579 ethnic group Burkina Faso
44 Soninke people Q1146970 ethnic group in Burkina Faso, Ivory Coast, Gambia, Guinea-Bissau, Guinea, Mali, Mauritania, Niger and Senegal. 294938559 ethnic group Burkina Faso
The Gambia
Ivory Coast
45 Tallensi Q2038622 Burkinabe and Ghanaian people 294939962 ethnic group Burkina Faso
46 Turka people Q18210621 Burkinabe people 407948333 ethnic group Burkina Faso
47 Winye Q3913360 language 294944168 language
modern language
Burkina Faso
48 Yarse Q17041644 Burkinabe people 294945024 ethnic group Burkina Faso
49 Zarma Q36990 Songhay language of southwestern Niger 294945431 language
modern language
Burkina Faso


image number Article item description ASC Leiden Thesaurus ID instance of country
1 African Great Lakes Q87982 series of lakes in the Rift Valley 29491417X group of lakes Burundi
Democratic Republic of the Congo
2 Burundi Q967 sovereign state in Africa 294902953 sovereign state
landlocked country
3 Burundians Q97773199 citizens or residents of Burundi 29490297X human population Burundi
4 Front for Democracy in Burundi Q647532 political party 294912762 political party Burundi
5 Hutu Q192647 ethnic group native to the Great Lakes region of Africa 294916008 ethnic group Burundi
6 Kirundi Q33583 Bantu language 294935460 language
modern language
Democratic Republic of the Congo
7 National Council for the Defense of Democracy–Forces for the Defense of Democracy Q2271402 Political party in Burundi 343153211 political party
guerrilla movement


image number Article item description ASC Leiden Thesaurus ID instance of country
1 Adamawa Emirate Q775550 Traditional state (1806-1901, located in: Nigeria and partially in Cameroon) 294896554 historical country
traditional state in Nigeria
vassal state
2 Afade Q56434 Afro-Asiatic language of Cameroon and Nigeria 294896740 language
modern language
3 Aghem polity Q58359538 Cameroonian polity 294897232 polity
4 Anlu uprising Q55478324 An uprising of women in 1958 in Kom, in the Bamenda Grassfields of the British Cameroons. 294898530 rebellion Cameroon
5 Assumbo Q58463504 Cameroonian and Nigerian people 294917780 ethnic group Cameroon
6 Awing polity Q58328371 Cameroonian polity 294899731 polity Cameroon
7 Bafaw-Balong Q34853 language 339552484 language
modern language
8 Bafia Q34930 language 294899871 language
modern language
9 Bafut Q4841354 commune of Cameroon 294899901 commune of Cameroon Cameroon
10 Baka Q34905 Ubangian dialect cluster spoken by Baka pygmies of Cameroon and Gabon 294900055 natural language
modern language
dialect continuum
11 Bakoko Q2880300 ethnic group in Cameroon 294900063 ethnic group Cameroon
12 Bakossi people Q73629 ethnic group in Cameroon and Nigeria 294920129 ethnic group Cameroon
13 Baldamu Q60329459 Cameroonian people 29490011X ethnic group Cameroon
14 Baldemu Q56280 Chadic language 294900128 language
modern language
15 Bali people Q2880809 ethnic group in the Cameroon Grassfields 294900136 ethnic group Cameroon
16 Bamenda Q55768605 A collective term for the peoples of the smaller and larger chiefdoms/kingdoms of the western grassfields in the North West Province of Cameroon. 294900209 ethnic group Cameroon
17 Bamileke people Q806017 ethnic group of West Province of Cameroon 294900217 ethnic group Cameroon
18 Bamum Q35280 one of the Benue–Congo languages of Cameroon 294900241 language
modern language
19 Bamun people Q322083 ethnic group in Cameroon 294900233 ethnic group Cameroon
20 Bana Q56272 language 294900276 language
modern language
21 Bana people Q54504789 ethnic group in the Cameroon; designates the Bana who live in Cameroon on the Nigerian border, north and northeast of Bourrah, Bourrah Subdivision, Mayo-Tsanaga Division, Far North Province and who speak a Biu-Mandara language. 294900268 ethnic group Cameroon
22 Bandjoun polity Q58433358 Cameroonian polity 294900357 polity Cameroon
23 Banen Q60438865 Cameroonian people 294900373 ethnic group Cameroon
24 Bank of Central African States Q189972 central bank 294900519 central bank Cameroon
Central African Republic
Equatorial Guinea
Republic of the Congo
25 Banyang people Q2883559 ethnic group in the Cameroon 294929592 ethnic group Cameroon
26 Basa people Q672268 ethnic group of Cameroon 294900756 ethnic group Cameroon
27 Bekwel Q3200841 Central African people 294901078 ethnic group Cameroon
Republic of the Congo
28 Beti people Q28208771 ethnic group in the Cameroon 294901396 ethnic group Cameroon
29 Boki Q35087 language 294902031 language
modern language
30 Bulu Q35028 Bantu language spoken in Cameroon 294902821 language
modern language
31 Bulu people Q1004707 ethnic group in Cameroon and Gabon 294902813 ethnic group Cameroon
32 Cameroon Q1009 sovereign state in West-Central Africa 294903216 sovereign state
33 Cameroon Anglophone Movement Q61283769 Cameroonian political party 294903224 political party Cameroon
34 Cameroon National Union Q1165335 political party 294942645 political party Cameroon
35 Cameroon People's Democratic Movement Q953447 political party in Cameroon 294934243 political party Cameroon
36 Cameroonians Q100249818 citizens or residents of Cameroon 294903240 human population Cameroon
37 Chamba people Q1060527 ethnic group in Cameroon and Nigeria 29490395X ethnic group Cameroon
38 Daba Q3913342 language 29490686X language
modern language
39 Dii Q3038163 Cameroonian people 294907912 ethnic group Cameroon
40 Ekoi Q35296 language 294909540 language
modern language
41 Esimbi Q35260 language of Cameroon 294910336 language
modern language
42 Eton people Q1371631 ethnic group in Cameroon 294910654 ethnic group Cameroon
43 Evuzok Q28500059 Cameroonian people 294910794 ethnic group Cameroon
44 Ewondo Q35459 language 294910832 language
modern language
45 Ewondo people Q1383236 ethnic group in Cameroon 294910824 ethnic group Cameroon
46 Fang Q33484 Bantu language of Equatorial Guinea, northwest Gabon and neighbouring areas 294911197 modern language Cameroon
Republic of the Congo
Equatorial Guinea
São Tomé and Príncipe
47 Fang people Q1295544 ethnic group in Cameroon, Gabon and Equatorial Guinea 294911189 ethnic group Cameroon
Democratic Republic of the Congo
Equatorial Guinea
48 Fut Q34888 language 294956530 language
modern language
49 Gbaya Q3099986 language family 294913297 language family
modern language
Central African Republic
Republic of the Congo
50 Gemjek Q15407289 Cameroonian people 294913335 ethnic group Cameroon
51 Ghomala' Q35271 Grassfields Bantu language of Cameroon 294913629 language
modern language
52 Giziga Q3120710 Cameroonian people 294913734 ethnic group Cameroon
53 Hdi Q56246 language spoken in Cameroon, Nigeria and Chad 29491515X language
modern language
54 Ide Q60627613 Cameroonian people 29491613X ethnic group Cameroon
55 Isu Q55084113 ethnic group of Cameroon 9839262869802711
9839262869802711 MMS 9839262869802711
ethnic group Cameroon
56 Kako Q60628900 West African people 294918833 ethnic group Cameroon
Central African Republic
Democratic Republic of the Congo
57 Kapsiki people Q2437423 Ethnic groep 294919104 people
ethnic group
58 Kenyang Q35650 language 294919384 language
modern language
59 Kirdi Q1430603 ethnic group (a collective name given to various non-Islamicized peoples in northern Cameroon and Chad) 294919708 ethnic group Cameroon
60 Kogo Q34866 language 294900071 language
modern language
61 Kom Q1656595 Cameroonian language 294919805 language
modern language
62 Kom people Q3198499 ethnic group in Cameroon 323851061 ethnic group Cameroon
63 Koma Q59184910 Cameroonian and Nigerian people 294919821 ethnic group Cameroon
64 Kose Q34806 language 294897852 language
modern language
65 Kundu Q56312664 Cameroonian people 294920455 ethnic group Cameroon
66 Kwakum Q35624 Bantu language of Cameroon 314284710 language
modern language
67 Kwakum Q28498937 Cameroonian people 314285008 ethnic group Cameroon
68 Kwanja Q56312279 Cameroonian people 294920722 ethnic group Cameroon
69 Laamang Q59185911 West African people 294920927 ethnic group Cameroon
70 Laimbwe Q60647465 Cameroonian people 369858484 ethnic group Cameroon
71 Lamang Q35700 West African language 294920935 language
modern language
72 Limbum Q35801 Eastern Grassfields language of Cameroon 294922350 language
modern language
73 Mada Q60647513 Cameroonian people 294923276 ethnic group Cameroon
74 Mafa Q35819 language 294923314 language
modern language
75 Mafa people Q3276439 African ethnic group 294923306 ethnic group Cameroon
76 Makaa people Q1324834 ethnic group 294923462 ethnic group Cameroon
Central African Republic
Republic of the Congo
Equatorial Guinea
77 Mandara Q2297785 A Central African ethnic group 294923829 ethnic group Cameroon
78 Mangbai Q6748872 language 294923683 language
modern language
79 Mankon Q6750551 language 294928294
modern language
80 Margi people Q4281200 Cameroonian and Nigerian people 294924124 ethnic group Cameroon
81 Mbo people Q3303532 Cameroonian people 345508432 ethnic group Cameroon
82 Mboko people Q6799721 Cameroonian people 322851130 ethnic group Cameroon
83 Mbum Q36170 Adamawa language of Cameroon 294924922 language
modern language
84 Meta' Q36054 language 294925392 language
modern language
85 Mfumte people Q15407286 ethnic group in the Cameroon 29494480X ethnic group Cameroon
86 Mmen Q60329904 Cameroonian people 323375855 ethnic group Cameroon
87 Mofu-Gudur Q1365132 language 294926046 language
modern language
88 Mpiemo Q56307812 ethnic group 294926550 ethnic group Cameroon
Central African Republic
89 Muktele Q15407281 Cameroonian people 294926615 ethnic group Cameroon
90 Musgu Q3123545 language 294926836 language
modern language
91 Muyang Q15407291 Cameroonian people 294926968 ethnic group Cameroon
92 Nen Q36632 language of Cameroon 294900381 natural language
modern language
93 Ngamambo Q11129694 Grassfields Bantu language of Cameroon 294928154 language
modern language
94 Ngambay Q2372207 Central Sudanic language spoken in Cameroon, Chad and Nigeria 29492468X language
modern language
95 Ngie Q36361 language 294928308 language
modern language
96 Ngoro Q56308793 Cameroonian people 29492843X ethnic group Cameroon
97 Njem people Q1994271 West African people 294928774 ethnic group Cameroon
Democratic Republic of the Congo
Republic of the Congo
98 Nso Q35788 language 294929185 language
modern language
99 Nso people Q7067573 Cameroonian people 294929177 ethnic group Cameroon
100 Ntumu people Q3345985 ethnic group in Cameroon, Equatorial Guinea, and Gabon 294929258 ethnic group Cameroon
Equatorial Guinea
101 Nyem-Nyem Q61272261 Cameroonian people 352781564 ethnic group Cameroon
102 Nzime Q35566 language 294920005 language
modern language
103 Oroko Q36278 Bantu dialect cluster spoken in Cameroon 294920463 language
modern language
104 Paduko Q2217254 Cameroonian people 29493071X ethnic group Cameroon
105 Pape Q56736356 Cameroonian people 294930949 ethnic group Cameroon
106 Parkwa Q3515096 language 294930728 language
modern language
107 Peve Q56249 Afro-Asiatic language of Chad and Cameroon 294931783 language
modern language
108 Platha Q61283825 Cameroonian people 29493216X ethnic group Cameroon
109 Pouakam Q61283830 Cameroonian people 372705146 ethnic group Cameroon
110 Psikyɛ Q56304 language spoken in Cameroon and Nigeria 294933689 dialect
modern language
111 Rey Bouba Q41128573 Lamidat (Sultanate) of Rey Bouba 294934960 traditional state in Cameroon Cameroon
112 Social Democratic Front Q1470113 Cameroonian political party 29493782X political party Cameroon
113 Tikar Q36483 language 294940979 language
modern language
114 Tikar people Q241843 ethnic group in Cameroon 294940960 ethnic group Cameroon
115 Tiv Q34131 language of Nigeria 294941088 language
modern language
116 Tupuri Q36646 language 294942092 language
modern language
117 Uldeme Q12645306 Cameroonian people 294942319 ethnic group Cameroon
118 Union of the Peoples of Cameroon Q1860584 Cameroonian political party 294942599 political party Cameroon
119 Vengo Q34885 language 294928359 language
modern language
120 Widekum people Q3567943 ethnic group in the Cameroon Grassfields 294944117 ethnic group Cameroon
121 Wuzlam Q3515078 language 294942327 language
modern language
122 Yamba people Q15407278 ethnic group in Cameroon and Nigeria 294944958 ethnic group
ethnic minority group
123 Yasa Q55380041 Ethnic group 294945032 ethnic group Cameroon
Equatorial Guinea
124 Yemba Q36917 language 294945091 language
modern language
125 Zulgo Q15407296 Cameroonian people 29494561X ethnic group Cameroon
126 Zulgo-Gemzek Q56800 Chadic language spoken in Cameroon 294945628 language
modern language


image number Article item description ASC Leiden Thesaurus ID instance of country
1 Canada Q16 country in North America 294903259 sovereign state
2 Canadians Q1196645 citizens and nationals of Canada 294903267 human population

Cape Verde

image number Article item description ASC Leiden Thesaurus ID instance of country
1 African Party for the Independence of Cape Verde Q497464 political party 294930736 political party Cape Verde
2 Cape Verde Q1011 sovereign state comprising ten islands off the Western coast of Africa 294903364 sovereign state
island country
archipelagic state
Cape Verde
3 Cape Verdeans Q19903733 citizens or residents of Cabo Verde 294903380 inhabitant
human population
Cape Verde
4 Espaço Democrático Q63191207 political party 294910344 political party Cape Verde
5 Movement for Democracy Q1951190 liberal and Christian-democratic party in Cape Verde 294926526 political party Cape Verde

Central African Republic

image number Article item description ASC Leiden Thesaurus ID instance of country
1 Aka Q11010149 language 294897801 language
modern language
Central African Republic
Republic of the Congo
2 Alliance for Democracy and Progress Q4732361 political party 294898085 political party Central African Republic
3 Banda people Q806236 ethnic group in Cameroon, Central African Republic, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, and South Sudan. 294900292 ethnic group Central African Republic
Democratic Republic of the Congo
South Sudan
4 Central African Republic Q929 country in Central Africa 29490378X sovereign state
landlocked country
Central African Republic
5 Furu Q62996265 Central African Republic and Congolese people 294912894 ethnic group Central African Republic
Democratic Republic of the Congo
6 Gbanzili Q35306 language 294913262 language
modern language
Central African Republic
Democratic Republic of the Congo
7 Gbaya people Q1496762 ethnic group (designates the Gbaya who inhabit Cameroon, the Central African Republic, the Democratic Republic of Congo and Congo (Brazzaville) and who speak an Adamawa language. ) 294913270 ethnic group Central African Republic
Democratic Republic of the Congo
Republic of the Congo
8 Kongo-Wara rebellion Q16640433 Outbreak of violence among the Gbaya and other peoples of upper Sangha and neighbouring areas in the former Ubangi-Shari (Central African Republic), 1928-1931. 294919910 conflict
Central African Republic
9 Mandja people Q1584363 ethnic group 294924051 ethnic group Central African Republic
Democratic Republic of the Congo
Republic of the Congo
10 Mbati Q62997639 Central African Republic people 294924744 ethnic group Central African Republic
11 Monzombo Q11154772 language 294926208 language
modern language
Central African Republic
Republic of the Congo
Democratic Republic of the Congo
12 Ngama Q62997769 Central African Republic and Chadian people 294928146 ethnic group Central African Republic
13 Ngando Q63196435 Central African peoples 294928189 ethnic group Central African Republic
14 Ngbaka people Q1165960 ethnic group in Central African Republic and the Democratic Republic of the Congo 294928243 ethnic group Central African Republic
Democratic Republic of the Congo
15 Ngbandi people Q1368812 ethnic group in Central African Republic and the Democratic Republic of the Congo 29492826X ethnic group Central African Republic
Democratic Republic of the Congo
16 Nzakara Q980647 ethnic group 294929762 ethnic group Central African Republic
17 Nzakara Q3913339 population of central Africa. They occupy a territory divided between the Central African Republic, the Democratic Republic of Congo and Souda 294929770 language
modern language
Central African Republic
Democratic Republic of the Congo
18 Pana Q63196580 Central African Republic people 294930922 ethnic group Central African Republic
19 Patriotic Front for Progress Q2274551 political party in the Central African Republic 294912738 political party Central African Republic
20 Sango Q33954 Ngbandi-based creole of the Central African Republic 294936122 language
creole language
modern language
Central African Republic
Democratic Republic of the Congo


image number Article item description ASC Leiden Thesaurus ID instance of country
1 Awlad Sulayman Q63196592 Chadian and Libyan people 29489974X ethnic group Chad
2 Babalia Q57244528 Chadian people 294899812 ethnic group Chad
3 Baggara Q799892 ethnic group 294899936 ethnic group
4 Bagirmi Q34903 language 294899952 language
modern language
5 Bagirmi people Q2884627 ethnic group in Central African Republic, Chad, and Sudan 294899944 ethnic group Chad
Central African Republic
6 Bargo people Q2455014 an ethnic group of Chad, Sudan and Central African Republic 294923241 ethnic group Chad
7 Beraku Q56796 language 294901302 language
dead language
modern language
extinct language
8 Bidiyo Q56258 language 294901558 language
modern language
9 Bilala people Q600915 Chadian people 294901574 people Chad
10 Budugur Q63196612 Chadian people 294902716 ethnic group Chad
11 Buduma people Q2921499 West African people 294902724 ethnic group Chad
12 Chad Q657 sovereign state in central Africa 294903887 sovereign state
landlocked country
13 Chadians Q100249941 citizens or residents of Chad 294903895 human population Chad
14 Daju people Q167122 ethnic group 294906975 ethnic group Chad
15 Dangaléat Q942591 language 294907076 language
modern language
16 Gidar Q55768722 West African people 294913645 ethnic group Chad
17 Gula Q5617176 language 294914536 language
modern language
18 Gwandara Q56521 language 29491479X language
modern language
19 Hadjarai peoples Q5637911 Chadian people 294914900 ethnic group Chad
20 Kanembu people Q1723704 Nigerian people 294919007 ethnic group Chad
21 Kargu Q63196684 Chadian people 294919198 ethnic group Chad
22 Kulaal Q63203886 Chadian people 294920366 ethnic group Chad
23 Margai Q63203908 Chadian people 294924116 ethnic group Chad
24 Margi Q56241 Chadic language spoken in West Africa 294924132 language
modern language
25 Masalit people Q1640583 ethnic group in western Sudan and eastern Chad 294924388 ethnic group Chad
26 Massa Q56668 language 294924353 language
modern language
27 Mawa Q3441333 language of Chad 294924620 language
modern language
28 Mbara Q3912770 language in extinction danger 294924736 language
modern language
29 Migaama Q56259 Afro-Asiatic language of Chad 294925570 language
modern language
30 Mokilko Q3440403 Chadic language 294926631 language
modern language
31 Mubi Q3440518 language 294926607 language
modern language
32 Mukulu Q63204879 Chadian people 294926623 ethnic group Chad
33 Muskum Q3913334 language 294926895 language
dead language
extinct language
34 Ngambaye Q63205804 Chadian people 294928162 ethnic group Chad
35 Noy Q63205935 Chadian people 294929142 ethnic group Chad
36 Patriotic Salvation Movement Q1576278 political party in Chad 294926488 political party Chad
37 Saharan Q1757661 Nilo-Saharan language family of north-central Africa 294935835 language family Chad
38 Sara people Q969552 ethnic group in Chad, Sudan and Central African Republic 294936238 ethnic group Chad
Central African Republic
39 Tebu Q2967105 small family of two Saharan languages, consisting of Daza and Teda 294940316 language family Chad
40 Teda people Q3046609 ethnic group in Chad, Libya, and Niger 294940383 ethnic group Chad
41 Toubou people Q521547 A North African ethnic group 294941959 ethnic group Chad
42 Tunjur people Q1518307 An ethnic group 294942041 ethnic group Chad
43 Zaghawa people Q140328 Central African ethnic group 29494530X
ethnic group Chad


image number Article item description ASC Leiden Thesaurus ID instance of country
1 Comorians Q97135168 residents or citizens of the Comoros 305227092 inhabitant
human population
2 Comoros Q970 sovereign state situated on an archipelago in the Indian Ocean off the eastern coast of Africa 294905510 country
sovereign state
island country
archipelagic state


image number Article item description ASC Leiden Thesaurus ID instance of country
1 Czechoslovakia Q33946 country in Central Europe, 1918–1992 294906819 historical country Czechoslovakia
2 Czechoslovaks Q100146275 citizens or residents of the former Czechoslovakia 294906827 human population Czechoslovakia

Democratic Republic of the Congo

image number Article item description ASC Leiden Thesaurus ID instance of country
1 Alliance of Democratic Forces for the Liberation of Congo Q2367261 political party 294898069 political organization
political party
Democratic Republic of the Congo
2 Alur Q56507 language 294898174 language
modern language
Democratic Republic of the Congo
3 Amba people Q1084754 Congolese and Ugandan people 294899804 ethnic group Democratic Republic of the Congo
4 Ambo Q63516902 Congolese and Zambian people 294898204 ethnic group Democratic Republic of the Congo
5 Avokaya Q56685 language 294899715 language
modern language
Democratic Republic of the Congo
South Sudan
6 Baali Q3515074 language 294900144 language
modern language
Democratic Republic of the Congo
7 Babali Q56701810 Congolese people 339755865 ethnic group Democratic Republic of the Congo
8 Bambote Q64080613 Congolese people 294900195 ethnic group Democratic Republic of the Congo
9 Bangala Q2882454 Ethnic group 29490039X ethnic group Democratic Republic of the Congo
Republic of the Congo
10 Bangba Q55768579 Congolese people (Democratic Republic of Congo) 294900403 ethnic group Democratic Republic of the Congo
11 Banyamulenge Q134469 ethnic group 29490056X ethnic group Democratic Republic of the Congo
12 Banziri Q31838012 ethnic group in the Central African Republic and in the Democratic Republic of Congo 305223720 ethnic group Democratic Republic of the Congo
Central African Republic
13 Bari people Q200453 ethnic group in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, South Sudan, and Uganda 294900705 ethnic group Democratic Republic of the Congo
South Sudan
14 Bashu Q64081506 Congolese people and Ugandan people 294900780 ethnic group Democratic Republic of the Congo
15 Batiabetuwa Q64081718 Congolese people 29490090X ethnic group Democratic Republic of the Congo
16 Bembe people Q2895261 ethnic group in eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo 294901132 ethnic group Democratic Republic of the Congo
17 Bira people Q2904355 ethnic group in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, who live in both forest and savannah territory 29490168X ethnic group Democratic Republic of the Congo
18 Bobangis Q2907905 Congolese ethnicity shared between the Democratic Republic of Congo 294900411 ethnic group Democratic Republic of the Congo
Republic of the Congo
19 Boma Q35080 Bantu language 294902104 language
modern language
Democratic Republic of the Congo
20 Boma people Q2909576 ethnic group in southwestern Democratic Republic of the Congo 294902090 ethnic group Democratic Republic of the Congo
21 Bondjo Q64149610 Congolese people 294902163 ethnic group Democratic Republic of the Congo
22 Budja Q2927597 Congolese and Zimbabwean people 294924981
ethnic group Democratic Republic of the Congo
23 Budu people Q2927589 Congolese people 294902708 ethnic group Democratic Republic of the Congo
24 Bunda people Q2928170 Congolese people 29490283X ethnic group Democratic Republic of the Congo
25 Bushi Q3482003 ethnic group in Democratic Republic of the Congo 294937234 ethnic group Democratic Republic of the Congo
26 Bushong Q3449964 language 29490302X language
modern language
Democratic Republic of the Congo
27 Bwende people Q2929115 ethnic group in the Democratic Republic of Congo 294903127 ethnic group Democratic Republic of the Congo
28 Congolese Q98000094 citizens or residents of the Democratic Republic of the Congo 294905774 inhabitant
human population
Democratic Republic of the Congo
29 Democratic Republic of the Congo Q974 country in Central Africa 294907416 sovereign state
Democratic Republic of the Congo
30 Ding Q3042214 African people 294907939 ethnic group Democratic Republic of the Congo
31 Ekonda people Q3049637 ethnic group of the Democratic Republic of Congo 294909559 ethnic group Democratic Republic of the Congo
32 Enya Q5381452 language 29491014X language
modern language
Democratic Republic of the Congo
33 Hindo Q57033638 Congolese people 294915451 ethnic group Democratic Republic of the Congo
34 Holo people Q3139452 ethnic group in Angola and the Democratic Republic of the Congo 395979757 ethnic group Democratic Republic of the Congo
35 Humbu Q3143239 a people from the west of the Democratic Republic of Cong 294944818 ethnic group Democratic Republic of the Congo
Republic of the Congo
36 Hunde Q3065432 bantu language spoken in the Democratic Republic of Congo 29491594X natural language
modern language
Democratic Republic of the Congo
37 Idjwi Q1194327 is an island in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) that lies in the middle of Lake Kivu, opposite the cities of Goma and Bukavu in East Africa. 294916342 island Democratic Republic of the Congo
38 Kanyok Q11110766 language 294919082 language
modern language
Democratic Republic of the Congo
39 Kanyok people Q3192768 ethnic group in the Democratic Republic of the Congo 294919074 ethnic group Democratic Republic of the Congo
40 Kele Q6385549 language of DR Congo 294922725 language
modern language
Democratic Republic of the Congo
41 Kele people Q6385552 ethnic group in the Democratic Republic in the Congo 294922717 ethnic group Democratic Republic of the Congo
42 Kete Q3195598 language 294919422 language
modern language
Democratic Republic of the Congo
43 Kinyarwanda Q33573 Bantu language spoken in Central Africa, official in Rwanda 294919686 natural language
modern language
Democratic Republic of the Congo
44 Kisongye Q3130911 language 294938478 language
modern language
Democratic Republic of the Congo
45 Komo people Q3198560 ethnic group in the eastern part of the Democratic Republic of the Congo 294919864 ethnic group Democratic Republic of the Congo
46 Kongo people Q640090 ethnic group of the Democratic Republic of Congo, also found in Angola and Republic of Congo 294919880 ethnic group Democratic Republic of the Congo
Republic of the Congo
47 Konjo people Q804474 ethnic group in eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo and western Uganda 326471537 ethnic group Democratic Republic of the Congo
48 Kuba people Q358860 ethnic group in the Democratic Republic of the Congo 294920323 ethnic group
Democratic Republic of the Congo
49 Kusu people Q3200662 ethnic group in the Democratic Republic of the Congo 294920579 ethnic group Democratic Republic of the Congo
50 Kwese Q3200846 language 294920846 language
modern language
Democratic Republic of the Congo
51 Lalia Q6480326 language 294921206 language
modern language
Democratic Republic of the Congo
52 Lega people Q2088223 ethnic group in the Democratic Republic of the Congo 294921745 ethnic group Democratic Republic of the Congo
53 Lele people Q3228970 ethnic group in the Democratic Republic of the Congo 294921966 ethnic group Democratic Republic of the Congo
54 Lengola Q3229456 ethnic group in Democratic Republic of the Congo 294922008 ethnic group Democratic Republic of the Congo
55 Lese Q11033939 language 294922059 language
modern language
Democratic Republic of the Congo
56 Logoti Q2613477 Nilo-Saharan language spoken in the Orientale Province in the Democratic Republic of Congo. 294922709 language
modern language
Democratic Republic of the Congo
57 Londo Q35071 Bantu language of the Democratic Republic of the Congo 294922792 language
modern language
Democratic Republic of the Congo
58 Luba people Q805841 Central African ethnic group 294922881 ethnic group Democratic Republic of the Congo
59 Luba-Kasai Q34173 Bantu language spoken in DR Congo 29492289X language
modern language
Democratic Republic of the Congo
60 Luba-Katanga Q36157 bantu language 355078821 language
modern language
Democratic Republic of the Congo
61 Lugbarati Q3272737 Nilo-Saharan language 294922938 language
modern language
Democratic Republic of the Congo
62 Lulua peoples Q3267264 Congolese people 294922962 ethnic group Democratic Republic of the Congo
63 Mamvu Q3033594 a Nilo-Saharan language of the branch of the Central Sudanic languages ​​spoken in the Orientale province of the Democratic Republic of the Congo 294923764 language
modern language
Democratic Republic of the Congo
64 Mba Q4286464 language 294924671 language
modern language
Democratic Republic of the Congo
65 Mbole people Q3303544 ethnic group in eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo, south of Kisangani 294924817 ethnic group Democratic Republic of the Congo
66 Mongo Q112893 Bantu language of the Democratic Republic of Congo 294926151 language
modern language
Democratic Republic of the Congo
67 Mongo Q927706 ethnic group of the Democratic Republic of the Congo 294926143 ethnic group Democratic Republic of the Congo
68 Moru people Q10589456 East African people 294926313 ethnic group Democratic Republic of the Congo
South Sudan
69 Movement for the Liberation of the Congo Q144806 political party (Founded on 5 April 2003, formerly a Ugandan-supported rebel movement, created in 1998 under the leadership of Jean-Pierre Bemba) 321848365 political party Democratic Republic of the Congo
70 Moye (people) Q3346441 are a Bantu people of Central Africa established in the Democratic Republic of Congo in the territories of Bolobo and Yumbi 294929398 people
ethnic group
Democratic Republic of the Congo
Republic of the Congo
71 Mündü Q35981 a Ngbaka language spoken mainly in South Sudan, as well as in the Democratic Republic of Congo 294926739 language
modern language
Democratic Republic of the Congo
South Sudan
72 Nande Q3196953 Bantu language spoken in the east of the Democratic Republic of Congo and in the west of Uganda 294927182 language
modern language
Democratic Republic of the Congo
73 Ndibu Q61704105 Congolese people 294927840 ethnic group Democratic Republic of the Congo
74 Ndunga Q6983857 language 294927905 language
modern language
Democratic Republic of the Congo
75 Ngando people Q7021982 Ethnic group 294928197 ethnic group Democratic Republic of the Congo
76 Ngata people Q3339286 ethnic group in the Democratic Republic of the Congo 294928235 ethnic minority group Democratic Republic of the Congo
77 Ngbaka Gbaya Q36022 language 294928251 language
modern language
Democratic Republic of the Congo
Republic of the Congo
Central African Republic
78 Ngombe Q3123524 language spoken in DR Congo 294928375 language
modern language
Democratic Republic of the Congo
79 Ngombe people Q2020080 ethnic group in the Democratic Republic of the Congo 294928367 ethnic group Democratic Republic of the Congo
80 Nkundu people Q3342369 ethnic group in the Democratic Republic of the Congo 294928863 ethnic group Democratic Republic of the Congo
81 Nkutu Q7193313 a Bantu language from the north of the province of Kasaï-Oriental, in the Democratic Republic of the Congo 29492888X language
modern language
Democratic Republic of the Congo
82 Ntandu Q61708845 Congolese people 294929215 ethnic group Democratic Republic of the Congo
83 Ntomba people Q3345976 ethnic group in the Democratic Republic of the Congo 294929223 ethnic group Democratic Republic of the Congo
84 Nyanga Q7070879 language 294929614 language
modern language
Democratic Republic of the Congo
85 Nyanga people Q3346583 ethnic group in northeastern Democratic Republic of the Congo 294929606 ethnic group Democratic Republic of the Congo
86 Pelende Q11029738 language 303008482 language
modern language
Democratic Republic of the Congo
87 Pende Q7162372 language 294931821 language
modern language
Democratic Republic of the Congo
88 Pende people Q377119 ethnic group in the Democratic Republic of the Congo 29493152X ethnic minority group Democratic Republic of the Congo
89 Rally for Congolese Democracy Q1498659 political party 294934227 political party Democratic Republic of the Congo
90 Sakata Q36691 language 294935924 language
modern language
Democratic Republic of the Congo
91 Sakata people Q25051127 Bantu people of Mai-Ndombe Province, Democratic Republic of the Congo 294935916 ethnic group Democratic Republic of the Congo
92 Salampasu people Q3469610 ethnic group in the Democratic Republic of the Congo 294935940 ethnic group Democratic Republic of the Congo
93 Shi Q3481999 Bantu language 294937242 language
modern language
Democratic Republic of the Congo
94 Solongo people Q3489587 ethnic group in Angola and the Democratic Republic of the Congo 294938389 ethnic group Democratic Republic of the Congo
95 Songola Q3490366 Bantu people of Central Africa 294938524 ethnic group Democratic Republic of the Congo
96 Sundi people Q61719332 ethnic group in Angola, Democratic Republic of the Congo, and Republic of the Congo (Brazzaville) 294939555 ethnic group Democratic Republic of the Congo
Republic of the Congo
97 Tabwa Q7673650 Bantu language of Congo and Zambia 294939881 language
modern language
Democratic Republic of the Congo
98 Tabwa people Q1478692 ethnic group in the Democratic Republic of the Congo and Zambia 294923047
ethnic group Democratic Republic of the Congo
99 Tembo Q11013108 language 294940537
modern language
Democratic Republic of the Congo
100 Tetela Q2613465 language 294940766 natural language
modern language
Democratic Republic of the Congo
101 Tetela people Q2351967 ethnic group in the Democratic Republic of the Congo 294940758 ethnic group Democratic Republic of the Congo
102 Union for Democracy and Social Progress Q1629663 political party (DRC) 294942696 political party Democratic Republic of the Congo
103 Woyo people Q13140893 ethnic group in Angola and the Democratic Republic of the Congo 294944753 ethnic group Democratic Republic of the Congo
104 Yaka people Q2749225 ethnic group 294944893 ethnic group Democratic Republic of the Congo
105 Yanzi people Q66439303 ethnic group in the Democratic Republic of Congo 294944974 ethnic group Democratic Republic of the Congo
106 Zande Q35015 language spoken central Africa, main language of the Zande language family 294945369 natural language
modern language
Democratic Republic of the Congo
Republic of the Congo
Central African Republic
South Sudan
107 Zela Q3575122 a Bantu people of Central Africa, established mainly in the south-east of the Democratic Republic of Congo, 29494544X ethnic group Democratic Republic of the Congo


image number Article item description ASC Leiden Thesaurus ID instance of country
1 Danes Q164714 North Germanic ethnic group native to Denmark; citizens or residents of Denmark 29490705X human population
2 Scandinavia Q21195 region in Northern Europe 294936335 geographic region Denmark


image number Article item description ASC Leiden Thesaurus ID instance of country
1 Afar people Q211720 ethnic group 294896759 ethnic group Djibouti
2 Djibouti Q977 sovereign state in Africa 294908234 country
sovereign state
3 Ligue Populaire Africaine pour l'Indépendance Q1424819 political party 29492230X political party Djibouti
4 Somali Q13275 Afroasiatic language belonging to the Cushitic branch 294938419 natural language
modern language


image number Article item description ASC Leiden Thesaurus ID instance of country
1 Arabic Q13955 Semitic language and lingua franca of the Arab world 294898948 language Egypt
Saudi Arabia
United Arab Emirates
State of Palestine
South Sudan
Western Sahara
Palestinian National Authority
2 Aswan Dam Q38891 dam in Aswan, Egypt 29489943X gravity dam
embankment dam
hydroelectric power station
3 Egypt Q79 country in Northeast Africa and Southwest Asia 294909478 sovereign state
transcontinental country
Mediterranean country
4 Egyptians Q1061510 citizens or residents of Egypt 294909516 human population Egypt
Saudi Arabia
United States of America
United Kingdom
United Arab Emirates
5 Gulf of Aqaba Q81611 gulf in the Middle East 294914544 bay Egypt
Saudi Arabia
6 Muslim Brotherhood Q133207 transnational Sunni Islamist organization 294926917 religious organization
international organization
political party
Islamist movement
7 National Democratic Party Q841133 former political party in Egypt 294927409 political party Egypt
8 Red Sea Q23406 seawater inlet of the Indian Ocean 294934359 sea Egypt
Saudi Arabia
9 Sinai Peninsula Q36755 peninsula in the Red Sea 294937501 peninsula Egypt
10 Socialist Labour Party Q63382972 political party 294938141 political party Egypt
11 Suez Canal Q899 artificial sea-level waterway in Egypt 294939458 ship canal Egypt
12 culture of Egypt Q2655498 pattern of human activity and symbolism associated with Egypt and its people 294909486 culture of an area Egypt

Equatorial Guinea

image number Article item description ASC Leiden Thesaurus ID instance of country
1 Annobonese Creole Q34992 language 407959718 language
creole language
modern language
Equatorial Guinea
2 Benga people Q2895807 Equatorial Guinean people 294901213 Indigenous people Equatorial Guinea
3 Bioko Q205022 Northern island of Equatorial Guinea, Central Africa 294901655 island Equatorial Guinea
4 Bube Q35110 Bantu or Bantoid language of Equatorial Guinea 294902651
modern language
Equatorial Guinea
5 Bubi people Q41477 ethnic group in Equatorial Guinea 29490266X ethnic group Equatorial Guinea
6 Democratic Party of Equatorial Guinea Q945167 political party 294931252 political party Equatorial Guinea
7 Equatorial Guinea Q983 sovereign state in Africa 294910239 sovereign state Equatorial Guinea
8 Fa d'Ambu Q55379913 Equatorial Guinean people 407959718 ethnic group Equatorial Guinea
9 Kombe people Q1154419 ethnic group in Equatorial Guinea 407959696 ethnic group Equatorial Guinea
10 Kwasio people Q6450249 Ethnic group 407959688 isolated human group
ethnic group
Equatorial Guinea
11 Lengue people Q6152328 Equatorial Guinean people 40795709X ethnic group Equatorial Guinea


image number Article item description ASC Leiden Thesaurus ID instance of country
1 Amarar tribe Q4740190 Northeast African people 294898190 ethnic group Eritrea
2 Eritrea Q986 country in the Horn of Africa 294910263 republic
sovereign state
3 Eritreans Q98083465 citizens or residents of Eritrea 294910298 inhabitant
human population
ethnic group
4 Kunama Q36041 language 391065580 language
modern language
5 People's Front for Democracy and Justice Q863376 political party in Eritrea 294931589 political party Eritrea
6 Tigre Q34129 semitic language spoken in the Horn of Africa 294940936 language
modern language


image number Article item description ASC Leiden Thesaurus ID instance of country
1 Eswatini Q1050 sovereign state in southern Africa 294939768 sovereign state
landlocked country
2 Ngwane National Liberatory Congress Q8349833 political party 307698645 political party Eswatini
3 Swazi Q34014 language of the Swazi people 294939741 language
modern language
South Africa


image number Article item description ASC Leiden Thesaurus ID instance of country
1 Aari Q7495 Omotic language spoken in Ethiopia 294896198 natural language
modern language
2 Afar Q27811 Afro-Asiatic language spoken in Ethiopia, Djibouti and Eritrea 294896767 language
modern language
3 Agaw people Q56394 ethnic group inhabiting Ethiopia and Eritrea 294897151 ethnic group Ethiopia
4 Alaba-K’abeena Q56652 Highland East Cushitic language 398435316 language
modern language
5 Amhara people Q464237 Semitic-speaking ethnic group native to Ethiopia in the Ethiopian Highlands 294898255 ethnic group Ethiopia
6 Amharic Q28244 Semitic language of Ethiopia 294898263 natural language
modern language
7 Argobba Q29292 Ethiopian Semitic spoken in an area north-east of Addis Ababa by the Argobba people 294899081 language
modern language
8 Argobba people Q648031 an ethnic group of Ethiopia 294899073 ethnic group Ethiopia
9 Baiso Q56615 language 323964907 language
modern language
10 Bench Q35108 language 294901191 language
modern language
11 Berta people Q827528 ethnic group 294901353 ethnic group Ethiopia
12 Borana Q2910610 language 294902260 language
modern language
13 Daasanach Q56637 language 294906843 language
modern language
South Sudan
14 Daasanach people Q1171957 ethnic group 294906835 ethnic group Ethiopia
15 Damot Q2902588 former kingdom and region in Ethiopia 294906991 historical country Ethiopia
16 Dorze people Q1250880 ethnic group in Ethiopia 294908455 ethnic group Ethiopia
17 Eritrean People's Liberation Front Q889543 far-left paramilitary group of Eritrea (1973–1994) 294910271 political party Ethiopia
18 Ethiopia Q115 country in the Horn of Africa 294910395 sovereign state
landlocked country
19 Ethiopian Q2918061 citizen or resident of Ethiopia 294910468 inhabitant
human population
20 Ethiopian Medhin Democratic Party Q79003948 Ethiopian political party (merged with merged with the Ethiopian Democratic Party and became the United Ethiopian Democratic Party - Medhin (UEDP ‑ Medhin ) 294910417 political party Ethiopia
21 Ethiopian People's Revolutionary Democratic Front Q1145280 Ethiopian political coalition 294910425 political coalition Ethiopia
22 Ethiopian People's Revolutionary Party Q257591 political party 294910433 political party Ethiopia
23 Ethiopian Semitic Q163629 language family 29491045X language family Ethiopia
24 Gafat people Q54287144 ethnic group of Ethiopia 294913025 ethnic group Ethiopia
25 Ge'ez Q35667 ancient Semitic language of Ethiopia 294913300 language
sacred language
dead language
ancient language
extinct language
26 Gedeo people Q5529672 ethnic group in Southern Ethiopia 294913319 ethnic group Ethiopia
27 Gumuz Q2396970 language 294914587 language
modern language
28 Gurage people Q844307 An ethnic group of Ethiopia 294914633 ethnic group Ethiopia
29 Hadiyya Q56613 language spoken in Ethiopia 294914897 language
modern language
30 Hamer people Q1572644 ethnic group 294914994 ethnic group Ethiopia
31 Harari Q33626 Semitic language of eastern Ethiopia 294915044 language
modern language
32 Harari people Q356382 ethnic group 294915036 ethnic group Ethiopia
33 Horn of Africa Q40556 peninsula in East Africa including Djibouti, Eritrea, Ethiopia and Somalia 294929029 peninsula Ethiopia
34 Hozo Q5923010 language 294915834 language
modern language
35 Kachama-Ganjule Q12634070 language 375416153 language
modern language
36 Kafa Q35481 language 294918760 language
modern language
37 Kafficho people Q1721029 Etiopian people 294918752 ethnic group Ethiopia
38 Kereyu Oromo people Q39046029 East African people 29491921X ethnic group Ethiopia
39 Konso people Q965262 ethnic group in Ethiopia 294919961 ethnic group Ethiopia
40 Koore Q6430753 language 294920013 language
modern language
41 Kwegu Q56723 language 294920803 language
modern language
42 Kwegu people Q1794937 People located in southwestern Ethiopia 29492079X ethnic group Ethiopia
43 Maale Q795327 language 33831685X language
modern language
44 Mekan people Q12352449 Ethiopian people 294925139 ethnic group Ethiopia
45 Nyangatom people Q1432890 Nilotic ethnic group in Ethiopia and less in South Sudan 294929622 ethnic group Ethiopia
South Sudan
46 Ongota Q36344 language 323964664 language
modern language
unwritten language
unclassified language
47 Oromo Q33864 Cushitic language 294930574 language
modern language
48 Sebat Bet Gurage Q2707343 Gurage language of Ethiopia 294914641 language
modern language
49 Shewa Q971375 historical region of Ethiopia 294937188 former administrative territorial entity Ethiopia
50 Suri Q5364172 language 294939628 language
modern language
51 Tigray People's Liberation Front Q1699287 Ethiopian political party 29494091X political party
terrorist group
52 Tigray people Q427036 ethnic group 294940928 ethnic group Ethiopia
53 Tigrinya Q34124 Semitic language spoken in Ethiopia and Eritrea 294940952 language
modern language
54 United Nations Economic Commission for Africa Q1144508 United Nations Commission for economic cooperation among its member states 294908897 organization
international organization
55 Zay people Q3890363 Ethiopian people 375418040 ethnic group Ethiopia
56 languages of Ethiopia Q478474 languages of the country and its people languages Ethiopian languages languages of a country Ethiopia


image number Article item description ASC Leiden Thesaurus ID instance of country
1 Evian Accords Q1471139 treaty signed by France and the Provisional Government of the Algerian Republic to end the Algerian War 294910778 treaty France
2 France Q142 country in Western Europe 294912452 sovereign state
3 Francophonie Q1003588 all of the people and institutions that use predominantly French 294912460 language area France
Bailiwick of Guernsey
Ivory Coast
Democratic Republic of the Congo
Republic of the Congo
Burkina Faso
Central African Republic
Equatorial Guinea
United States of America
4 French Q150 Romance language 294912657 modern language
natural language
Burkina Faso
Republic of the Congo
Democratic Republic of the Congo
Ivory Coast
Central African Republic
Equatorial Guinea
Bailiwick of Guernsey
United States of America
5 French Q121842 citizens or residents of France 294912606 human population
Romance people
6 French Community Q1120363 International political association 294912630 coalition France
7 French Guiana Q3769 French overseas department and region in South America 294912614 overseas department and region of France
region of France
8 French Revolution Q6534 revolution in France from 1789 to 1799 294912665 historical event
9 French West Africa Q210682 French colonial federation in west Africa from 1895 to 1958 294912673 federation
administrative territorial entity
defunct organization
10 Guadeloupe Q17012 overseas region and department of France, and archipelago in the Caribbean 294914382 region of France
overseas department and region of France
dependent territory
11 Mascarene Islands Q205695 archipelago east of Madagascar 294924396 archipelago France
12 Mayotte Q17063 French overseas region and department located in the Indian Ocean 294924655 disputed territory
overseas department and region of France
region of France
13 Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development Q41550 intergovernmental economic organization 294930000 international organization
intergovernmental organization
government agency
14 Réunion Q17070 overseas department of France in the Indian Ocean 294934936 region of France
overseas department and region of France
dependent territory
15 Réunion Island Q13045008 French island in Indian Ocean 294934936 island France
16 Scattered Islands in the Indian Ocean Q190571 islands, atoll, and reef in the Indian Ocean, part of the French Southern and Antarctic Lands 294916431 island group
district of the French Southern and Antarctic Lands
17 overseas territory Q2327385 former top-level subdivision of France applied to certain overseas entities 294930639 France
18 Étoile Nord-Africaine Q290503 political party 294910646 political party France

French West Africa

image number Article item description ASC Leiden Thesaurus ID instance of country
1 African Regroupment Party Q3366392 Founded at Cotonou, July 1958, with the aim of demanding immediate independence from France. 29493118X political party French West Africa
2 Party of the African Federation Q3893487 Created at the Conference of African Federalists held in Dakar, March 1959, the party's aim was the establishment of a Black African nation associated with France in a confederation. 294931104 political party French West Africa


image number Article item description ASC Leiden Thesaurus ID instance of country
1 Duma people Q724542 ethnic group of Gabon 294908684 ethnic group Gabon
2 Gabon Q1000 country on the Atlantic coast of Central Africa 294912991 country
sovereign state
3 Gabonese Democratic Party Q1762536 ruling and dominant political party of Gabon until 2023 294931120 political party Gabon
4 Gabonese Socialist Union Q5515448 political party 29494270X political party Gabon
5 Mpongwe people Q2087633 Bantu ethnic group of northwest Gabon 294926577 ethnic group Gabon
6 Myene Q35832 language 390741523 language
modern language
7 Myene people Q3331917 ethnic group in Gabon 294927034 ethnic group Gabon
8 National Woodcutters' Rally – Rally for Gabon Q3419915 political party (Founded in 1990 as Morena des Bûcherons, renamed Rassemblement National-Bûcherons in 1991. Changed its name to Rassemblement pour le Gabon in 2000) 294934278 political party Gabon
9 Nkomi Q3342354 Gabonese people 294928820 ethnic group Gabon
10 Nzabi Q2882351 Congolese and Gabonese people 294929754 ethnic group Gabon
Republic of the Congo
11 Pygmy people Q171927 ethnic group whose average height is unusually short 294934014 ethnic group Gabon
Central African Republic
Republic of the Congo
Democratic Republic of the Congo
12 Tsogo Q36674 language 29494186X language
modern language
13 Tsogo people Q6882954 ethnic group in Gabon 294941851 ethnic group Gabon
14 Vili people Q3558407 ethnic group in Gabon, Republic of the Congo, and Democratic Republic of the Congo 294943374 ethnic group Gabon
Democratic Republic of the Congo
Republic of the Congo

German South-West Africa

image number Article item description ASC Leiden Thesaurus ID instance of country
1 Herero people Q170088 ethnic group 294915354 pastoral people German South-West Africa
2 Nama people Q694525 ethnic group 294927107 ethnic group German South-West Africa
South Africa


image number Article item description ASC Leiden Thesaurus ID instance of country
1 Berlin Conference Q13582 international conference that regulated the distribution of European colonization and trade in Africa 294901345 international conference Germany
2 German Q188 West Germanic language spoken mainly in Central Europe 294913556 language
modern language
Czech Republic
3 Germans Q42884 residents and citizens of Germany 294913564 nation
human population
dictionary page in Wikipedia
4 Germany Q183 country in Central Europe 294913572 sovereign state
5 Posterstein Q47032 municipality of Germany 294932941 non-urban municipality in Germany Germany
6 community health center Q569500 clinic staffed by a group of general practitioners and nurses, providing healthcare services to people in a certain area 294915222 Germany
7 cooperative education Q184749 program that integrates education with hands-on work experience 29490610X Germany
8 detention Q1071447 removal of the freedom of liberty by a state 294907610 legal concept Germany
9 labour court (Erfurt, Germany) Q627768 labor court in Erfurt, Germany 294920978 labor court Germany
10 publishing Q3972943 process of production and dissemination of literature, music, or information 29493393X industry
economic activity
11 telecommunications Q2401742 telecommunications industry in general or providers of telecommunications networks and services 294940448 economic activity Germany


image number Article item description ASC Leiden Thesaurus ID instance of country
1 Abe Q55096070 ethnic group 294896163 ethnic group Ghana
Ivory Coast
2 Aboure Q2821774 Ivoirian people 294896309 ethnic group Ghana
Ivory Coast
3 Abrem polity Q55317710 Ghanaian polity 294896244 polity Ghana
4 Abutia Q28061485 Kingdom in West Africa 294896325 polity Ghana
5 Accra polity Q55342460 Ghanaian polity 294896430 polity Ghana
6 Ada polity Q55342525 Ghanaian polity 294896546 polity Ghana
7 Adangme people Q1159639 ethnic group in Togo and Ghana 294896570 ethnic group Ghana
8 Adansi polity Q55315728 Ghanaian polity (one of the Akan states) 294898344 polity Ghana
9 Ahafo Region Q48804007 administrative region in Ghana 294897607 region of Ghana Ghana
10 Ahanta people Q365283 ethnic people in Ghana 294897615 ethnic group Ghana
11 Akan Q28026 language of Akan lands in Ghana 294897828 language
modern language
Ivory Coast
12 Akan people Q415693 ethnic group in Ghana, Ivory Coast and Togo 29489781X ethnic group Ghana
Ivory Coast
United States of America
United Kingdom
13 Anyi people Q613920 ethnic group in Ivory Coast, Ghana and Togo 294898751
ethnic group Ghana
Ivory Coast
14 Avatime people Q790271 ethnic group from Ghana 294899693 ethnic group Ghana
15 Bassari Q55767951 Ethnic group in Ghana and Togo 294900845 ethnic group Ghana
16 Brong people Q927326 ethnic group in Ghana and Ivory Coast 294896252 ethnic group Ghana
Ivory Coast
17 Buli Q35085 language in Ghana 294902783 language
modern language
18 Chakali Q1059280 ethnic group in Ghana 294903941 ethnic group Ghana
19 Cherepon Q1070219 ethnic group 294904050 ethnic group Ghana
20 Convention People's Party Q1129392 socialist political party in Ghana 29490607X political party Ghana
21 Dagbamba Q592821 ethnic group in Ghana 294906916 ethnic group
22 Dagbon Q24697413 oldest and one of the most organised traditional kingdoms in Ghana founded by the Dagbamba in the 15th century 294906924 kingdom
human settlement
23 Dangme Q35141 Kwa language of Ghana 294896589 language
modern language
24 Efutu Q34847 language 294899758 language
modern language
25 Ewe Q30005 Niger–Congo language spoken in southeastern Ghana and southern Togo 294910816 natural language
modern language
26 Fante Q35570 language 294911227 natural language
modern language
27 Fante Q301533 ethnic group in coastal Ghana 294911219 ethnic group Ghana
Ivory Coast
28 Frafra people Q1440399 ethnic group 294911243 ethnic group Ghana
Burkina Faso
29 Ga Q33287 Kwa language spoken in Ghana 294912967 language
modern language
30 Ghana Q117 country in West Africa 294913580 sovereign state
31 Ghanaian Q15307583 citizen or resident of Ghana 294913610 human population
32 Gonja Q35267 language 294913890 language
modern language
33 Gonja people Q1477754 ethnic group 294913882 ethnic group
historical country
34 Gurunsi people Q766258 ethnic group in Burkina Faso and Ghana 294914706 ethnic group Ghana
Burkina Faso
35 Gyaaman Q1644002 former country, ca. 1450-1963. 294896279 historical country
human settlement
Ivory Coast
36 Kamara Q35561 language 294918922 language
modern language
37 Konkomba people Q1678775 ethnic group in West Africa 294919937 ethnic group Ghana
38 Krobo Q3199886 ethnic group 294920269 ethnic group Ghana
Ivory Coast
39 Mampruli Q35804 Gur language of northern Ghana 294923721 language
modern language
40 Mamprusi people Q641337 ethnic group in Ghana 29492373X ethnic group Ghana
41 Muslim Association Party Q1955416 Ghanaian political party 294926909 political party Ghana
42 Nafana people Q641394 ethnic group in West Africa 294927085 ethnic group Ghana
Ivory Coast
43 Nanumba people Q1669494 Mole-Dagbon ethnic group in north east of Ghana 294927220 ethnic group Ghana
44 National Democratic Congress Q200875 political party in Ghana 294927395 political party Ghana
45 National Liberation Movement Q1967433 political party in Ghana 294927476 political party Ghana
46 New Patriotic Party Q1148441 political party in Ghana 294928057 political party Ghana
47 Popular Party for Democracy and Development Q1418902 political party in Ghana 294932704 political party Ghana
48 Twi Q36850 dialect of the Akan language in Ghana 294942165 natural language
modern language
49 United Gold Coast Convention Q2495200 political party 294942750 political party Ghana


image number Article item description ASC Leiden Thesaurus ID instance of country
1 Greece Q41 country in Southeast Europe 294914226 sovereign state
2 Greeks Q101242814 citizens or residents of Greece 294914242 human population
ethnic group


image number Article item description ASC Leiden Thesaurus ID instance of country
1 Badyaranke people Q2878657 ethnic group in the Guinea Region of West Africa 294899855 ethnic group Guinea
2 Bulom Q2928107 Guinean and Sierra Leonan people 294902805 ethnic group Guinea
Sierra Leone
3 Democratic Party of Guinea – African Democratic Rally Q1186265 political party 294931112 political party Guinea
4 Forum Démocratique National Q64067257 Guinean political party (Political organization formed in October 1991 by forty-five parties, associations and trade unions opposed to the Head of State, General Lansana Conté.) 294912398 political party Guinea
5 Guinea Q1006 sovereign state in West Africa 29491448X sovereign state
6 Kissi people Q1743773 ethnic group in Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone 294919732 ethnic group Guinea
Sierra Leone
7 Kpelle people Q930128 ethnic group in Guinea and Liberia 294920196 ethnic group Guinea
8 Kuranko people Q924230 ethnic group in Guinea and Sierra Leone 294920498 ethnic group Guinea
Sierra Leone
9 Loma people Q1859406 ethnic group in Liberia and Guinea; known as Loma in Liberia and as Toma in Guinea 294922733 ethnic group Guinea
10 Mandyak people Q1726724 ethnic group in Guinea, Gunea-Bissau and Senegal 29492390X ethnic group Guinea
11 Nalu Q3335397 African people 294927093 ethnic group Guinea
12 People's Party of Guinea Q16911346 Guinean political party 294931163 political party Guinea
13 Rally of the Guinean People Q2663294 political party 294934251 political party Guinea
14 Susu Q33990 language 294939687 language
modern language
Sierra Leone
15 Susu people Q1479265 West African ethnic group 294939679 ethnic group Guinea
Sierra Leone
16 Unity and Progress Party Q1583061 political party 294931090 political party Guinea


image number Article item description ASC Leiden Thesaurus ID instance of country
1 African Party for the Independence of Guinea and Cape Verde Q776352 political party 294930744 political party Guinea-Bissau
Cape Verde
2 Biafada people Q16209100 ethnic group in Guinea-Bissau 294901450 ethnic group Guinea-Bissau
3 Bijago people Q859832 ethnic group in Guinea-Bissau 294901566 ethnic group Guinea-Bissau
4 Bissau-Guineans Q99735904 citizens or residents of Guinea-Bissau 294914501 human population Guinea-Bissau
5 Guinea-Bissau Q1007 sovereign state in Western Africa 294914498 sovereign state
6 Mankanya people Q3285298 Ethnicity in Africa 294923942 ethnic group Guinea-Bissau
7 Resistance of Guinea-Bissau-Bafatá Movement Q7315625 political party in Guinea-Bissau 294934863 political party Guinea-Bissau


image number Article item description ASC Leiden Thesaurus ID instance of country
1 India Q668 country in South Asia 294916733 country
sovereign state
constitutional republic
Democratic Republic
federal republic
2 Indians Q862086 citizens or residents of India 294916768 human population
3 Kannada Kurumba Q56589 language 294920536 language
modern language
4 Telugu people Q418708 ethnic group 294940480 ethnic group India
United States of America
5 Urdu Q1617 Indo-Aryan language spoken in South Asia 36440129X register India
United Kingdom
United States of America


image number Article item description ASC Leiden Thesaurus ID instance of country
1 Asian–African Conference Q208191 1955 meeting of Asian and African states in Bandung, West Java, Indonesia 294900365 convention Indonesia
2 Indonesia Q252 country in Southeast Asia and Oceania 294916849 sovereign state
archipelagic state
constitutional republic
island country
presidential system
3 Indonesians Q4200853 citizens or residents of Indonesia 294916857 human population


image number Article item description ASC Leiden Thesaurus ID instance of country
1 Iran Q794 country in Western Asia 294917802 sovereign state
Islamic Republic
successor state
2 Middle East Q7204 geopolitical region encompassing Egypt and most of Western Asia, including Iran 29492552X geographic region
cultural region
United Arab Emirates
Saudi Arabia
State of Palestine
Northern Cyprus


image number Article item description ASC Leiden Thesaurus ID instance of country
1 Iraq Q796 sovereign state in western Asia 294917829 sovereign state
2 baptism Q35856 Christian rite of admission and adoption, almost invariably with the use of water 294900624 Iraq


image number Article item description ASC Leiden Thesaurus ID instance of country
1 Ireland Q27 country in Northwestern Europe 294917853 sovereign state
island country
successor state
2 Irish Q101094861 citizens or residents of the Republic of Ireland 29491787X human population Ireland


image number Article item description ASC Leiden Thesaurus ID instance of country
1 Beta Israel Q202812 Jewish community associated with modern-day Ethiopia 294911081 tribe Israel
United States of America
2 Hebrew Q9288 Northwest Semitic language 29491529X natural language
modern language
3 Israel Q801 country in Middle East 294918108 sovereign state
Mediterranean country
geographic region
state with limited recognition
4 Jewish people Q7325 ethnoreligious group and nation from the Levant 294918361 ethnoreligious group
United States of America
United Kingdom
5 Judeo-Moroccan Q56595 Judeo-Arabic variety of Morocco 294918515 language
modern language
6 Palestine Q23792 geographic region in western Asia 294930817 geographic region
historical region
divided region
cultural region
occupied territory
tourist destination
State of Palestine


image number Article item description ASC Leiden Thesaurus ID instance of country
1 Food and Agriculture Organization Q82151 international organization with the objective of ending hunger 294911235 specialized agency of the United Nations
publishing company
2 Italian Q652 Romance language 40432245X language
modern language
San Marino
Vatican City
3 Italians Q50001 ethnic group native to Italy 294918159 human population
United States of America
United Kingdom
South Africa
4 Italy Q38 country in Southern Europe 294918175 country
sovereign state

Ivory Coast

image number Article item description ASC Leiden Thesaurus ID instance of country
1 Abidji people Q4667609 ethnic group in Ivory Coast 31540731x isolated human group
ethnic group
Ivory Coast
2 Abure Q34767 language 294896317 language
modern language
Ivory Coast
3 Adjukru Q34738 Ivoirian language 294896724 language
modern language
Ivory Coast
4 Adyukru Q55317652 Ivoirian people 294896716 ethnic group Ivory Coast
5 African Democratic Rally Q429170 political party in French West Africa and French Equatorial Africa 294934235 political party Ivory Coast
6 African Development Bank Q340195 multilateral development finance institution 294896872 multilateral development bank Ivory Coast
7 Aizi people Q4699430 ethnic group from Ivory Coast 29489778X ethnic group Ivory Coast
8 Alladian Q34837 language 294897895 language
modern language
Ivory Coast
9 Anyin Q28395 language spoken principally in Côte d'Ivoire and Ghana 29489876X language
modern language
Ivory Coast
10 Attie people Q417996 ethnic group in Ivory Coast 294899480 ethnic group Ivory Coast
11 Avikam Q34840 language 294899707 language
modern language
Ivory Coast
12 Bakwé Q2880363 Ethnic group 326975578 ethnic group Ivory Coast
13 Bambara Q33243 western African language spoken in Mali, with SVO structure and two lexical tones 294900179 language
modern language
Ivory Coast
14 Baoulé Q35107 language spoken in central and southern Ivory Coast 294900616 language Ivory Coast
15 Baoulé people Q811460 ethnic group in Côte d'Ivoire 294900608 ethnic group Ivory Coast
16 Beng Q2895794 Ivoirian people 294901205 ethnic group Ivory Coast
17 Bono Q34831 Dialect of Akan 294896260 language
modern language
Ivory Coast
18 Bété people Q1019506 ethnic group in Ivory Coast, and a small number of Bete in Nigeria 29490137X ethnic group Ivory Coast
19 Dan Q1158971 Mande language of West Africa 294907025 language
modern language
Ivory Coast
20 Dan people Q1804699 ethnic group in Guinea, Ivory Coast and Liberia 294907017 ethnic group Ivory Coast
21 Democratic Party of Côte d'Ivoire – African Democratic Rally Q1455532 political party 294931392 political party Ivory Coast
22 Ebrié Q36644 language 294908889 language
modern language
Ivory Coast
23 Eotile Q3915347 language 294910166 language
dead language
modern language
extinct language
Ivory Coast
24 Gagu Q3913317 language 294913041 language
modern language
Ivory Coast
25 Godié Q3914412 language 294913807 language
modern language
Ivory Coast
26 Guro Q35251 Mande language of Ivory Coast 294914684
modern language
Ivory Coast
27 Hausa people Q33938 ethnic group in West Africa 294915079 ethnic group Ivory Coast
Burkina Faso
Central African Republic
Republic of the Congo
Equatorial Guinea
The Gambia
28 Ivorian Workers' Party Q667415 political party 294931198 political party Ivory Coast
29 Ivorians Q99766936 citizens or residents of Côte d'Ivoire 294918191 human population Ivory Coast
30 Ivory Coast Q1008 sovereign state in West Africa 29490624X sovereign state
Ivory Coast
31 Krahn people Q265962 ethnic group in Ivory Coast 294920234 ethnic group Ivory Coast
32 Kulango Q35731 language 294920382 language Ivory Coast
33 Kulango people Q631486 ethnic group in Ivory Coast 294920374 ethnic group Ivory Coast
34 Mbato Q3914941 language of Côte d’Ivoire 294924752 language
modern language
Ivory Coast
35 Mouvement des Générations Capables Q1422092 political party 294912754 political party Ivory Coast
36 Nyabwa Q33664 language 294929525 language
modern language
Ivory Coast
37 Nzema Q36337 Tana language of Ghana and Ivory Coast 294929800 language
modern language
Ivory Coast
38 Nzema people Q1722812 ethnic group in southeastern Ivory Coast and Ghana 294929797 ethnic group Ivory Coast
39 Senufo people Q1266038 West African ethnic group 294936858 ethnic group
Ivory Coast
Burkina Faso
40 Wan Q3913272 language 294943668 language
modern language
Ivory Coast
41 Wan people Q3565989 ethnic group in Ivory Coast 29494365X ethnic minority group Ivory Coast
42 Wobe people Q3569567 ethnic group in Ivory Coast 294944230 ethnic group Ivory Coast
43 Wobé Q3915363 language 294944249 language
modern language
Ivory Coast


image number Article item description ASC Leiden Thesaurus ID instance of country
1 Bafia people Q2878895 ethnic group in the Cameroon Grassfields 294899863 ethnic group Kamerun
2 Batanga Q787294 ethnic group 294940006 ethnic group Kamerun
3 Kamerun Q668294 West African colony of the German Empire from 1884 to 1916 294918973 historical country
4 Kpwe people Q1669293 Cameroonian people 294920862 ethnic group Kamerun
5 Mangisa Q25395416 Cameroonian people 294923926 ethnic group Kamerun
6 Mundang Q502426 ethnic group 294926720 ethnic group Kamerun
7 Ngemba Q25395089 people and ethnic group in Kamerun 294928286 people
ethnic group
8 Vute Q782179 ethnic group 294943501 ethnic group Kamerun
9 Wum Q3570164 Cameroonian people 294897224 ethnic group Kamerun


image number Article item description ASC Leiden Thesaurus ID instance of country
1 Amani Alliance Q4739845 political party in Kenya (alliance of the United Democratic Forum Party (UDFP), Kenya African National Union (KANU) and New Fort Kenya, supporting the presidential candidacy of Musalia Mudavadi of the UDFP in the general elections of 4 March 2013.) 371424399 political party Kenya
2 Ariaal people Q4790157 Kenyan people 29489909X ethnic group Kenya
3 Arusha people Q3271270 East African people 294899294 ethnic group Kenya
4 Aweer Q56526 language of Kenya 294902201 natural language
modern language
5 Bajuni people Q804212 ethnic group 294900039 ethnic group Kenya
6 Boni Q70588115 Kenyan and Somalian people 294902198 ethnic group Kenya
7 Bukusu Q32930 dialect of the Masaba language 294902775 language
modern language
8 Bukusu tribe Q3892648 Kenyan people 294902767 ethnic group Kenya
9 Camus people Q1061544 ethnic group from Kenya 294928782 ethnic group Kenya
10 Democratic Party Q3272441 political party in Kenya 294907408 political party Kenya
11 Dorobo peoples Q2846185 Ethnic group 294908447 ethnic group Kenya
12 El Molo Q56719 Cushitic language of Kenya 294909710 language
dead language
modern language
extinct language
13 Embu people Q2749449 Kenyan ethnic group 294909788 ethnic group Kenya
14 Endorois people Q115675448 (Torois) Broader: Kenyan peoples 341151181 group of humans Kenya
15 Gikuyu Q33587 Bantu language in Kenya 294919554 natural language
modern language
16 Gusii Q33603 Bantu language spoken in the Kisii district in western Kenya 294914730 language
modern language
17 Kalenjin people Q56932 East African ethnic group 294918906 ethnic group Kenya
18 Kamba Q2574767 Bantu language spoken in Kenya 294918949 language
modern language
19 Kamba people Q1143929 ethnic group in Kenya 294918930 ethnic group Kenya
20 Kenya Q114 country in Eastern Africa 294919376 sovereign state
21 Kenya African National Union Q1422517 Kenyan political party founded in 1960, which was the sole legal party in 1982–1991, and absorbed the National Development Party in 2002 29491904X political party Kenya
22 Kenyans Q60723796 citizens or residents of Kenya 294919392 human population Kenya
23 Kiduruma Q35614 language of Kenya 294908706 language
modern language
24 Kikuyu Q203178 ethnic group in Kenya 294919546 ethnic group Kenya
25 Kipsigis Q56339 language 294919694 language
modern language
26 Luhya Q35893 language 294923187 language
modern language
27 Maasai Q35787 Eastern Nilotic language 29492437X language
modern language
28 Maasai Q163022 ethnic group inhabiting Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda 294924361 people
ethnic group
29 Maragoli people Q6754637 Kenyan people 294899685 ethnic group Kenya
30 Marakwet people Q6754703 ethnic group in Kenya 294924094 ethnic group Kenya
31 Meru Q13313 Bantu language spoken in Kenya 294925368 language
modern language
32 Mijikenda people Q1261871 ethnic group in coastal Kenya and Tanzania 294929703 people Kenya
33 Naandi Q6956591 Nilotic language 294927204 language
modern language
34 National Development Party Q6972280 political party in Kenya 294927425 political party Kenya
35 National Rainbow Coalition Q3130920 formed as an alliance of the National Alliance Party of Kenya (NAK) and the Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) to contest the 2002 elections, collapsed due to disagreements between members over the 2005 constitutional referendum. 294927573 political coalition
political party
36 Ngasa Q56345 language 294928227 language
modern language
37 Nyole Q7071227 Bantu language 29492972X language
modern language
38 Pokomo Q7208693 language 294932267 language
modern language
39 Pökoot Q36323 language 294939504 language
modern language
40 Rendille Q3447297 language 294934723 language
modern language
41 Safina Q7398791 political party in Kenya 37034622X political party Kenya
42 Samburu people Q1261878 ethnic group 294936025 ethnic group Kenya
43 Swahili people Q721854 East African ethnic group 294939695 ethnic group Kenya
44 Terik Q3518379 language 294940650 language
modern language
45 Teso Q29474 Nilo-Saharan language spoken by the Iteso people of Uganda and Kenya 294940731 language
modern language
46 Tugen Q3541935 language 294941983 language
modern language
47 Turkana Q36958 African language, spoken by the Turkana people 294942122 language
modern language
48 Turkana people Q1453190 ethnic group of Eastern Africa 294942114 ethnic group Kenya

Kingdom of Denmark

image number Article item description ASC Leiden Thesaurus ID instance of country
1 Denmark Q35 country in Northern Europe 294907513 state
colonial power
autonomous country within the Kingdom of Denmark
country bordering the Baltic Sea
Kingdom of Denmark
2 Greenland Q223 autonomous country within the Kingdom of Denmark on several islands including world's largest island by the same name 294914269 autonomous country within the Kingdom of Denmark
electoral unit
island country
dependent territory
Kingdom of Denmark

Kingdom of the Netherlands

image number Article item description ASC Leiden Thesaurus ID instance of country
1 Netherlands Q55 country in Northwestern Europe with territories in the Caribbean 294928014 country of the Kingdom of the Netherlands
Kingdom of the Netherlands
2 Netherlands Antilles Q25227 former country within the Kingdom of the Netherlands 294928022 country of the Kingdom of the Netherlands
historical country
Kingdom of the Netherlands


image number Article item description ASC Leiden Thesaurus ID instance of country
1 Lebanese people Q2606511 people inhabiting or originating from Lebanon; citizens or residents of Lebanon 294921702 human population
2 Lebanon Q822 sovereign state in Western Asia 294921710 sovereign state
Mediterranean country


image number Article item description ASC Leiden Thesaurus ID instance of country
1 Basotho Q97836981 citizens or residents of Lesotho 294922067 human population
2 Basotho National Party Q304032 political party (Founded in 1958 as the Basutoland National Party; renamed in 1966.) 307697045 political party Lesotho
3 Basutoland Congress Party Q512488 political party (Founded in 1952 as the Basutoland Congress Party; renamed in 1966.) 307697002 political party Lesotho
4 Common Monetary Area Q1116201 Monetary union. The Rand Monetary Area, established in 1974, was transformed into the Common Monetary Area in 1986. Members are Lesotho, Namibia, South Africa and Swaziland. 294905324 currency union Lesotho
South Africa
5 Lesotho Q1013 sovereign state in southern Africa 294922075 sovereign state
landlocked country
6 Zulu Q10179 Nguni language of eastern South Africa and neighbouring countries 294945644 language
modern language
South Africa


image number Article item description ASC Leiden Thesaurus ID instance of country
1 Bandi Q34912 language 294900322 language
modern language
2 Gbandi Q2882312 ethnic group from Liberia 294900314 ethnic group Liberia
3 Grebo Q35257 Kru language of Liberia 294914218 language
modern language
4 Grebo people Q1164772 ethnic group 29491420X ethnic group Liberia
Ivory Coast
5 Kpelle Q35673 language 29492020X language
modern language
Ivory Coast
6 Kuwaa Q35579 language 294920617 language
modern language
7 Liberia Q1014 sovereign state in West Africa 294922164 republic
sovereign state
8 Liberia Action Party Q6541113 political party 294922172 political party Liberia
9 Liberians Q99735521 citizens or residents of Liberia 294922199 human population Liberia
10 Mende people Q1262400 ethnic group in Liberia and Sierra Leone 294925228 ethnic group Liberia
Sierra Leone
11 Movement for Justice in Africa Q6926669 political organization 29492650X political organization Liberia
12 National Patriotic Front of Liberia Q1576536 Liberian political party 294927549 political party Liberia
13 Sapo Q55143876 ethnic group from Liberia 29493622X ethnic group Liberia
14 Vai Q36939 language 294943145 natural language
modern language
Sierra Leone
15 Vai people Q2002234 West African ethnic group 294943137 ethnic group Liberia
Sierra Leone


image number Article item description ASC Leiden Thesaurus ID instance of country
1 Fezzan Q188258 historic region and former province of Libya 29491160X landscape Libya
2 Libya Q1016 sovereign state in North Africa 294922253 sovereign state
Mediterranean country
3 Libyans Q1432897 citizens or residents of Libya 29492227X human population Libya
4 Marruecos Q192435 historic region and former province of Libya 294941754 geographic region
province of Libya
cultural region
historical region
5 Zuwayya Q3625991 Tribe in Libya 294945679 ethnic group Libya


image number Article item description ASC Leiden Thesaurus ID instance of country
1 Anakara Q55768476 Malagasy people 294898301 ethnic group Madagascar
2 Antaisaka people Q2579734 ethnic group from Madagascar 294898573 ethnic group Madagascar
3 Antankarana Q2717794 ethnic group 29489859X ethnic group Madagascar
4 Antanosy people Q1099108 people 294898611 people Madagascar
5 Antemoro people Q721579 Malagasy people 29493992X people
ethnic group
6 Bara people Q721750 ethnic group in Madagascar 294900640 ethnic group Madagascar
7 Betsileo people Q832229 ethnic group 29490140X ethnic group Madagascar
8 Karembola Q54254682 ethnic group from Madagascar 29491918X ethnic group Madagascar
9 Madagascar Q1019 island sovereign state off the coast of Southeast Africa, in the Indian Ocean 294923284 sovereign state
island country
10 Mahafaly people Q218808 ethnic group in Madagascar 294923373 ethnic group Madagascar
11 Malagasy Q7930 language spoken in Madagascar 294923527 natural language
modern language
12 Malagasy people Q310983 ethnic group of Madagascar 294923519 ethnic group
human population
13 Menalamba rebellion Q3305728 Rising of the Menalamba, 'Red Shawls', following the imposition of French colonial rule in Madagascar in 1895; crushed in 1897. 29492521X rebellion
political movement
national liberation movement
14 Merina people Q844538 ethnic group in central Madagascar 294925317 people
ethnic group
isolated human group
15 Mouvement démocratique de la rénovation malgache Q3326665 political party (Founded in 1946; a predominantly Merina group favouring immediate independence.) 294926437 political party Madagascar
16 Parti des déshérités de Madagascar Q3366351 political party (Founded in 1946; supported by coastal peoples and opposed to rapid constitutional change.) 294931147 political party Madagascar
17 Sakalava people Q1355221 ethnic group of Madagascar 294935894 ethnic group Madagascar
18 Tanala Q721523 people 294939989 people
ethnic group
19 Vakinankaratra polity Q55169981 Malagasy polity 294943153 polity Madagascar
20 Vazimba Q3123073 ethnic group from Madagascar 294943218 ethnic group Madagascar
21 Vezo people Q1091289 ethnic group in Madagascar 294943315 ethnic group Madagascar
22 Zafimaniry Q290286 people 294945296 people
ethnic group


image number Article item description ASC Leiden Thesaurus ID instance of country
1 Chewa Q33273 language of the Bantu language family 294904077
natural language
modern language
2 Chewa people Q1071390 ethnic group 294904069 ethnic group Malawi
3 Lomwe people Q1868817 ethnic group in Malawi and Mozambique 294922776 ethnic group Malawi
4 Malawi Q1020 sovereign state in Africa 294923543 republic
sovereign state
landlocked country
5 Malawi Congress Party Q1037389 political party (Founded 1959; sole legal party 1966-1993) 294923551 political party Malawi
6 Malawians Q63978992 citizens or residents of Malawi 294923578 human population Malawi
7 Ngonde people Q56300464 ethnic group in Malawi and Tanzania 294928383 ethnic group Malawi
8 Ngoni people Q17109664 ethnic group living in the present-day in of Malawi, Mozambique, Tanzania and Zambia, tracing their origins to the Nguni and Zulu people of KwaZulu-Natal 294928413 ethnic group Malawi
9 Nyakyusa people Q3140817 ethnic and linguistic group in in the mountains of southern Tanzania and northern Malawi 294929533 ethnic group Malawi
10 Tonga Q3847648 language of Malawi 369200268 language
modern language
11 Yao Q36902 language of Africa 294945008 language
modern language
12 Yao people Q1255780 ethnic group in Malawi, Mozambique and Tanzania 294944990 ethnic group Malawi


image number Article item description ASC Leiden Thesaurus ID instance of country
1 Bambara Q504685 ethnic group in Mali, Burkina Faso, Gambia, Guinea, Senegal 294900160 ethnic group Mali
2 Democratic Union of the Malian People Q4157657 political party in Mali 294942556 political party Mali
3 Diawara Q3026442 African people 294907823 isolated human group Mali
4 Djenné-Djenno Q607668 historic site in Djené Cercle, Mali 294918329 archaeological site Mali
5 Dogon Q1234776 dialect continuum of southeastern Mali 29490834X dialect continuum
6 Dogon people Q215583 ethnic group indigenous to Mali 294908331 ethnic group Mali
Burkina Faso
7 Mali Q912 country in West Africa 294923594 sovereign state
landlocked country
8 Malian Party of Labour Q6743350 political party (Split off from the Parti Africain pour l'Indépendance-Section Soudanaise in 1965; formally dissolved in 1993) 294956522 political party Mali
9 Mandinka Q33678 Mande language spoken by the Mandinka people of West Africa 294923896 natural language
modern language
The Gambia
Ivory Coast
Burkina Faso
Sierra Leone
10 Party for Solidarity and Progress Q3366340 Malian political party (originally formed in 1946; revived in 1991, renamed in 2002) 294931228 political party Mali
11 Soninke Q36660 Mande language spoken in West Africa 294938567 language
modern language
Ivory Coast
The Gambia
12 Sudanese Union – African Democratic Rally Q1163319 political party 294942718 political party Mali
13 Tuareg Q34065 group of closely related Berber languages and dialects 294941932 macrolanguage
modern language
language subfamily
Burkina Faso
14 Union Démocratique Ségovienne Q65247599 Malian political party 294942564 political party Mali


image number Article item description ASC Leiden Thesaurus ID instance of country
1 Malta Q233 sovereign state in Southern Europe situated on an archipelago in the Mediterranean Sea 294923667 sovereign state
2 Maltese people Q1286876 citizens or residents of Malta 294923675 ethnic group
human population


image number Article item description ASC Leiden Thesaurus ID instance of country
1 Adrar Region Q366626 region of Mauritania 294896686 region of Mauritania Mauritania
2 Adrar polity Q55315817 Mauritanian polity, ca. 1800-1909. 294896686 polity Mauritania
3 African Liberation Forces of Mauritania Q4118890 political party (Exiled political opposition group founded in 1983 in Senegal to represent Afro-Mauritanians.) 294912223 organization
political party
4 Emirate of Trarza Q1812976 emirate in Mauritania 294941673 Emirate
historical country
5 Mauritania Q1025 sovereign state in West Africa and North Africa 294924582 Islamic Republic
sovereign state
6 Mauritanian People's Party Q1698098 political party in Mauritania 294931171 political party Mauritania
7 Mauritanians Q99763726 citizens or residents of Mauritania 294924590 human population Mauritania
8 Republican Party for Democracy and Renewal Q3366690 political party in Mauritania 294931236 political party Mauritania
9 Sahel Q66065 ecoclimatic and biogeographic transition zone in Africa 294935851 geographic region Mauritania
Burkina Faso
Central African Republic
South Sudan
10 Union for Democracy and Progress Q9091826 political party in Mauritania 294942688 political party Mauritania
11 Union of Democratic Forces Q4119896 political party in Mauritania 294942580 political party Mauritania
12 Wolof Q34257 language of Senegal, the Gambia, and Mauritania 294944281 natural language
modern language
The Gambia


image number Article item description ASC Leiden Thesaurus ID instance of country
1 Mauritians Q4273828 citizens or residents of Mauritius 294924604 human population Mauritius
2 Mauritius Q1027 island sovereign state off of East Africa in the Indian Ocean 294924612 parliamentary republic
sovereign state
island country
archipelagic state


image number Article item description ASC Leiden Thesaurus ID instance of country
1 Ait Atta Q2364324 ethnic group 294897720 isolated human group
ethnic group
2 Authenticity and Modernity Party Q784586 political party 340940786 political party Morocco
3 Beni Mguild Q27519082 tribal region in Morocco 294901248 tribal area Morocco
4 Berber Q45315 ethnic group indigenous to North Africa 294901310 ethnic group Morocco
Burkina Faso
5 Glaoua Q3108519 Moroccan people 294913742 ethnic group Morocco
6 Istiqlal Party Q477273 political party in Morocco 294918124 political party Morocco
7 Jebala Q610512 ethnic group 294918302 ethnic group
8 Justice and Development Party Q1255232 Moroccan political party 320834719 political party Morocco
9 Moroccans Q1891793 citizens or residents of Morocco 294926275 human population Morocco
10 Morocco Q1028 sovereign state in North Africa 294926283 constitutional monarchy
sovereign state
Mediterranean country
11 National Union of Popular Forces Q692325 political party 294942653 political party Morocco
12 Tarifit Q34174 Zenati Berber language of northern Morocco 29494012X language
modern language
13 languages of Morocco Q621770 languages of the country and its peoples languages Moroccan languages languages of a country Morocco


image number Article item description ASC Leiden Thesaurus ID instance of country
1 Chibarwe Q2964008 Bantu language 314289348 language
modern language
2 Chopi Q3437616 language 294904344 language
modern language
3 FRELIMO Q504564 ruling party in Mozambique 294912592 political party Mozambique
4 Lomwe Q35824 language 294922784 language
modern language
5 Makua people Q1261884 ethnic group in Mozambique 294923497 ethnic group Mozambique
6 Mozambique Q1029 country in Southeastern Africa 294926542 republic
sovereign state
7 Ndau people Q760787 ethnic group in Mozambique and Zimbabwe 294927808 ethnic group Mozambique
8 Ngoni Q7022547 Bantu language of Zambia, Tanzania, Mozambique, and Malawi 294928421
modern language
9 RENAMO Q1425821 political party 294934707 political party Mozambique
10 Ronga Q2520717 language 294935304 language
modern language
South Africa
11 Tawara Q3553459 language 294940189 language
modern language
12 Tonga Q7820988 Bantu language spoken along the southern coast of Mozambique 408330953 language
modern language
13 Tsonga Q34327 Bantu language of the Tsonga people of southern Africa 294941886 language
modern language
South Africa
14 Zigula people Q202778 ethnic group in Mozambique and Tanzania 294945482 ethnic group Mozambique


image number Article item description ASC Leiden Thesaurus ID instance of country
1 Bondelswart uprising Q55478645 Armed uprising of the Bondelswarts in South West Africa in 1922. 294902147 rebellion Namibia
2 Congress of Democrats Q1638462 political party 294905790 political party Namibia
3 Democratic Turnhalle Alliance Q1155803 political party (Formed in 1977 as a coalition of ethnically-based political groupings; reorganized as a single party in 1991.) 294907424 political party Namibia
4 Kavango people Q648707 Bantu ethnic group of Namibia 294919279 ethnic group Namibia
5 Khoikhoi Q219252 ethnic group 29491949X ethnic group Namibia
South Africa
German South-West Africa
6 Kwambi Q3487165 language 294920676 language
modern language
7 Mafwe Q85783102 ethnic group in Namibia 294912932 ethnic group Namibia
8 Multi-Party Conference Q70198108 political party formed in 1983 of a number of anti-SWAPO forces, includ. the Democratic Turnhalle Alliance, the South West African National Union, the SWAPO-Democrats, the National Party, the Labour Party, and the Rehoboth Liberated Democratic Party. 29492664X political party Namibia
9 Namibia Q1030 country in Southern Africa 29492714X republic
sovereign state
10 Namibians Q97696014 citizens or residents of Namibia 294927166 inhabitant
human population
11 Ndonga Q33900 Bantu language spoken in Namibia and parts of Angola 294927875
modern language
standard language
12 Ondonga Q7092216 traditional kingdom in northern Namibia 343538091 realm Namibia
13 SWAPO Party Q467711 political party in Namibia, formerly organization 294939725 political party Namibia
14 Walvis Bay Q220843 city and harbour in Erongo Region, Namibia 294943633 city
port settlement
human settlement


image number Article item description ASC Leiden Thesaurus ID instance of country
1 Dutch Q7411 West Germanic language 294908722 language
modern language
Caribbean Netherlands
Kingdom of the Netherlands
Sint Maarten
2 Dutch Q200569 citizens or residents of The Netherlands 294908714 human population
Kingdom of the Netherlands
3 International Court of Justice Q7801 primary judicial organ of the United Nations 294917500 international court
principal organ of the United Nations
4 International Criminal Court Q47488 intergovernmental organization and international tribunal 294917527 international court
intergovernmental organization
5 charity Q1077064 voluntary act of giving help (short-term, emotional, immediate response, focused primarily on rescue and relief) 294904018 activity

New Zealand

image number Article item description ASC Leiden Thesaurus ID instance of country
1 New Zealand Q664 island country in the southwest Pacific Ocean 294928081 Commonwealth realm
sovereign state
island country
New Zealand
2 New Zealanders Q871904 citizens or residents of New Zealand 29492809X human population New Zealand
3 Polynesia Q35942 subregion of Oceania 294932615 geographic region
cultural region
New Zealand
United States of America
Pitcairn Islands


image number Article item description ASC Leiden Thesaurus ID instance of country
1 Bozo people Q896172 ethnic group in Mali and Niger 294902457 ethnic group Niger
2 Democratic and Social Convention Q1186361 political party in Niger 294906061 political party Niger
3 Isawaghen Q3515919 ethnic group in Niger 294917950 ethnic group Niger
4 Kalabari tribe Q1721908 ethnic group in Niger / Ghana, part of Ijaw people 294918868 ethnic group Niger
5 Kaouar Q1728284 valley in Niger 294919295 valley Niger
6 Kurtey people Q6447182 ethnic group in Niger 29492051X ethnic group Niger
7 Maradi Q664550 city in Niger 294924086 city
municipality of Niger
big city
8 National Movement for the Development of Society Q1968011 political party in Niger 29492647X political party Niger
9 Niger Q1032 sovereign state in western Africa 294928588 republic
sovereign state
landlocked country
10 Nigerien Progressive Party – African Democratic Rally Q1989838 political party in Niger 29493121X political party Niger
11 Nigeriens Q60545071 citizens or residents of Niger 294928642 human population
12 Sultanate of Agadez Q1502813 historical country and sultanate in Niger 294899774 historical country
13 Sultanate of Damagaram Q4154364 historical country and sultanate in Niger 294906983 historical country
14 Tuareg Q58843 Berber people of the Sahara desert with a nomadic pastoralist lifestyle 294941924 ethnic group Niger
Burkina Faso
15 Wogo Q3569581 ethnic group in Niger 294944257 ethnic group Niger
16 Zarma people Q148004 ethnic group of westernmost Niger, Nigeria, Benin and nearby countries 294945423 ethnic group Niger
Burkina Faso


image number Article item description ASC Leiden Thesaurus ID instance of country
1 Abam Q54370841 Ethnic group in Nigeria 294896147 ethnic group
human settlement
2 Abeokuta polity Q55097053 Yoruba city-state, southwestern Nigeria (ca. 1830-1914, today Ogun State) 294896171 polity Nigeria
3 Aboh polity Q55170587 Nigerian polities 294896201 polity Nigeria
4 Adubi War Q16733323 conflict in June and July 1918 in the British Colony and Protectorate of Nigeria ostensibly because of the imposition of colonial taxation. 29489618X rebellion Nigeria
5 Afizere Q4690858 Nigerian people 294897143 ethnic group Nigeria
6 Agbiri Q54370513 ethnic group in Nigeria 29491465X ethnic group Nigeria
7 Agbor Q3848215 place in Ika South Delta State , Nigeria 29489716X human settlement Nigeria
8 Agworok Q55678442 a sub-group of the Atyap peoples of Nigeria 294918787 civilization Nigeria
9 Akurumi Q58036826 Nigerian people 294897860 ethnic group Nigeria
10 All Progressives Congress Q4729266 Nigerian political party 408747757 political party Nigeria
11 Amo Q34826 language 29489828X language
modern language
12 Anaguta Q54166061 ethnic group 294898298 ethnic group Nigeria
13 Anang people Q2845328 ethnic group in southeastern Nigeria 29489831X ethnic group Nigeria
14 Asu Q34798 language 294899421 language
modern language
15 Bade Q56239 language 294899847 language
modern language
16 Bareshe Q58036882 Nigerian people 294900691 ethnic group Nigeria
17 Bargu people Q808185 ethnic group in Benin and Nigeria 294900713 ethnic group Nigeria
18 Bassa Q58037263 Nigerian people 294900837 ethnic group Nigeria
19 Benin Empire Q171203 pre-colonial kingdom in what is now southern Nigeria 294901272
historical country
traditional state in Nigeria
20 Berom Q35013 language of Nigeria 294901736 language
modern language
21 Berom people Q4894645 ethnic group in Plateau State, Nigeria 294901728 ethnic group Nigeria
22 Bete Q32932 nearly extinct language of Nigeria spoken by a small minority of the inhabitants of Bete Town, Takum, Taraba State 294901388 language
modern language
23 Bete-Bendi Q58037365 Nigerian people 371311160 ethnic group Nigeria
24 Biase Q58037411 Nigerian people 294901485 ethnic group Nigeria
25 Bole Q3436680 Afro-Asiatic language spoken in Nigeria 294902058 language
modern language
26 Bwatiye Q58207473 Nigerian people 294903119 ethnic group Nigeria
27 Chibok Q58207510 Nigerian people 343091437 ethnic group Nigeria
28 Degema Q35182 Edoid language of Nigeria 294907343 language
modern language
29 Dukawa Q56682878 Nigerian people 294908676 ethnic group Nigeria
30 Duyah Q58207565 Nigerian people 294908730 ethnic group Nigeria
31 Ebira people Q403092 ethnic group in Nigeria 294916253 ethnic group Nigeria
32 Edo Q35375 language spoken in Nigeria 294909222 language
modern language
33 Edo people Q1287326 ethnic group in south western Nigeria 294909214 ethnic group Nigeria
34 Efik Q35377 Cross River language spoken in Nigeria 294909419 language
modern language
35 Efik people Q288809 A Nigerian ethnic group found in present-day Cross River state and Akwa Ibom state. 294909400 ethnic group Nigeria
36 Eggon Q58238318 Nigerian people 294909443 ethnic group Nigeria
37 Ejagham people Q74333 ethnic group in Cameroon and Nigeria 294909532 ethnic group Nigeria
38 Ekpeye people Q5350558 Nigerian people 294909567 ethnic group Nigeria
39 Eloyi people Q401964 ethnic group 294909753 ethnic group Nigeria
40 Emai people Q5368795 Nigerian people 294909761 ethnic group Nigeria
41 Esan people Q3732778 ethnic group in Nigeria 294910328 ethnic group Nigeria
42 Etsako people Q4533136 Ethnic group in Edo State, Nigeria 294910662 ethnic group Nigeria
43 Etulo Q58361967 Nigerian people 294910689 ethnic group Nigeria
44 Ezon Q58363038 Nigerian people 294911049 ethnic group Nigeria
45 Fyer Q56273 language 294912940 language
modern language
unwritten language
46 Gaanda Q58380263 Nigerian people 294912975 ethnic group Nigeria
47 Gade Q3914459 Nigerian language 294913017 language
modern language
48 Gamo-Ningi Q5520366 language 294928731 language
dead language
extinct language
49 Ganawuri Q58432000 Nigerian people 294913157 ethnic group Nigeria
50 Gbagyi people Q2568762 ethnic group in central Nigeria 294914811 ethnic group Nigeria
51 Goemai people Q3109826 ethnic group in northeastern Nigeria 294913815 ethnic group Nigeria
52 Gokana Q3075137 language 294913831 language
modern language
53 Gude Q58432361 Nigerian and Tanzanian people 294914412 ethnic group Nigeria
54 Gun people Q22132744 ethnic group in Benin and Western Nigeria 338579060 ethnic group Nigeria
55 Guruntum Q58433752 Nigerian people 294914722 ethnic group Nigeria
56 Gwandara Q54406816 ethnic group in Nigeria 294914781 ethnic group Nigeria
57 Gyong Q3914420 language of Nigeria 294918779 language
modern language
58 Hdi Q58436501 Cameroonian and Nigerian people 294915141 ethnic group Nigeria
59 Ibibio Q33792 the native language of the Ibibio people of southern Nigeria 294916091 language
modern language
60 Ibibio people Q239577 ethnic group in southeastern Nigeria 294916083 ethnic group Nigeria
61 Idoma Q35478 language 294916180 language
modern language
62 Idoma people Q403034 ethnic group in southeastern Nigeria 294916172 ethnic group Nigeria
63 Igala people Q887672 ethnic group in Nigeria 294916229 ethnic group Nigeria
64 Igbo Q33578 Niger–Congo language of the Igbo people, mainly spoken in Nigeria 29491627X language
modern language
65 Igbo people Q244157 ethnic group of southeastern Nigeria 294916261 ethnic group Nigeria
66 Igede Q48769247 Nigerian ethnic group 294916288 ethnic group Nigeria
67 Ijaiye Q5995069 former kingdom in Nigeria 29491630X realm Nigeria
68 Ijaw people Q528981 ethnic group 294916326 ethnic group
69 Ijebu people Q56290292 ethnic group of southwestern Nigeria 408990341 ethnic minority group Nigeria
70 Ikwerre people Q17109068 Iwhuruọha people 294916393 ethnic group Nigeria
71 Ilorin Emirate Q6001098 traditional state in Kwara State, Nigeria 294916482 traditional state in Nigeria Nigeria
72 Irigwe Q55674907 Nigerian people 294917861 ethnic group Nigeria
73 Isoko Q35414 language of Nigeria 294918094 language
modern language
74 Isoko people Q3155516 Ethnic group in the Niger River Delta region of Nigeria 294918086 ethnic group Nigeria
75 Itsekiri Q36045 language 294917977 language
modern language
76 Itsekiri people Q2477983 Nigerian people 294917969 ethnic group Nigeria
77 Jarawa Q35423 language of Nigeria 294918299 language Nigeria
78 Jju Q35401 Niger–Congo language spoken in central Nigeria 294918817 language
modern language
79 Jukun people Q2664002 ethnic group in the Benue River region in central Nigeria 294918582 ethnic group Nigeria
80 Kaje Q55678840 Nigerian people 294918809 ethnic group Nigeria
81 Kakanda Q58925904 Nigerian people 294918825 ethnic group Nigeria
82 Kambari Q3192344 African people 294899677 ethnic group Nigeria
83 Kanakuru Q58926163 Nigerian people 294918981 ethnic group Nigeria
84 Kanuri Q36094 Saharan language 294919066 macrolanguage
modern language
85 Kanuri people Q572665 ethnic group 294919058 ethnic group Nigeria
86 Karang Q58926434 Nigerian people 294919155 ethnic group Nigeria
87 Kilba people Q17109110 Nigerian people 294915842 ethnic group Nigeria
88 Kirike Q55694455 Nigerian people 294919716 ethnic group Nigeria
89 Koro people Q59184971 ethnic group in Nigeria 294920102 ethnic group Nigeria
90 Kotoko people Q3199185 ethnic group in Cameroon, Chad and Nigeria 294920153 ethnic group Nigeria
91 Kulere Q3200316 Nigerian people 294920404 ethnic group Nigeria
92 Lagos Plan of Action Q3563719 Location in Nigeria 294921141 Nigeria
93 Longuda people Q3259156 West African ethnic group living in Adamawa and Gombe States in northeastern Nigeria 294922814 ethnic group Nigeria
94 Mambila people Q2275739 ethnic group in Cameroon and Nigeria 294923691 ethnic group Nigeria
95 Mbembe Q3915395 language 294924795 language
modern language
96 Mbembe people Q15407287 ethnic group in the Cameroon 294924787 ethnic group Nigeria
97 Mbula Q59287226 Nigerian people 294924892 ethnic group Nigeria
98 Mumuye Q36021 Leko–Nimbari language of Nigeria 294926712 language
modern language
99 Mumuye people Q2662560 Cameroonian and Nigerian people 294926704 ethnic group Nigeria
100 Mupun Q3331097 Nigerian people 294926755 ethnic group Nigeria
101 National Party of Nigeria Q6974818 Nigerian political party 294927530 political party Nigeria
102 National Republican Convention Q6978037 Nigerian political party 294927581 political party Nigeria
103 Nembe Q3915854 language 294927956 language
modern language
104 Ngwoi Q59307209 Nigerian people 303978422 ethnic group Nigeria
105 Nigeria Q1033 sovereign state in West Africa 294928618 sovereign state
federal republic
106 Nigerians Q16155102 citizens or residents of Nigeria 294928634 human population Nigeria
107 Ningi Q59307523 Nigerian people 294928723 ethnic group Nigeria
108 Nkem-Nkum Q36261 language 294928812 language
modern language
109 Nkim Q59651645 Nigerian people 294928804 ethnic group Nigeria
110 Nollywood Q21065894 sobriquet of Nigerian cinema 353037354 byname
movement in cinema
cinema by country or region
111 Northern Elements Progressive Union Q17109246 Nigerian political party 29492907X political party Nigeria
112 Northern Nigeria Q7058792 geographical region of Nigeria 294929045 geographic region Nigeria
113 Northern People's Congress Q7058854 Nigerian political party 294929088 political party Nigeria
114 Nupe Q36720 language 29492941X natural language
modern language
115 Nupe people Q1482397 ethnic group in Nigeria 294929401 ethnic group Nigeria
116 Obolo people Q7075271 ethnic group in southeastern Nigeria 29492986X ethnic group Nigeria
117 Ogba people Q7079866 Nigerian people 294930116 ethnic group Nigeria
118 Ogoni people Q1478209 ethnic group in southeastern Nigeria 294930132 ethnic group Nigeria
119 Ogori Q59652901 Nigerian people 294930140 ethnic group Nigeria
120 Okpela Q7082551 language 407398406 language
modern language
121 Onitsha Market Literature Q7093960 historical Nigerian Pulp Magazines 29493037X literary genre Nigeria
122 Opobo Q3238928 city state in Rivers State, Nigeria 294930418 town Nigeria
123 Oring Q3915308 language 315261153 language
modern language
124 Pa'a Q3441315 language 29493068X language
modern language
125 Peer Q59655306 Cameroonian and Nigerian people 294931511 ethnic group Nigeria
126 People's Redemption Party Q7165739 political party in Nigeria 294931600 political party Nigeria
127 Peoples Democratic Party Q1551163 Nigerian political party founded 1998 294931570 political party Nigeria
128 Piti Q59655586 Nigerian people 294932054 ethnic group Nigeria
129 Pyam Q59655693 Nigerian people 294934006 ethnic group Nigeria
130 Reshe Q36258 language 294934820 language
modern language
131 Ron Q3440432 Chadic language cluster spoken in Nigeria 294935290 language
modern language
132 Ron Q59655776 Nigerian people 294935282 ethnic group Nigeria
133 Rukuba Q3453126 Nigerian people 294935436 ethnic group Nigeria
134 Shabe Q59655873 Beninese and Nigerian people 294937080 ethnic group Nigeria
135 Social Democratic Party Q7550561 political party in Nigeria 294937838 political party Nigeria
136 Somorika Women Q4663118 Somorika Women, a Yoruboid people from Edo 294896139 riot Nigeria
137 Sukur Q59733616 Nigerian people 294939539 ethnic group Nigeria
138 Tangale Q55664307 Nigerian people 294940014 ethnic group Nigeria
139 Tarok Q3914953 language of Nigeria 294940146 language
modern language
140 Tarok people Q7686522 ethnic group of Nigeria 294940138 human settlement
agrarian society
ethnic group
141 Tera Q59734123 Nigeria ethnic group 294940642 ethnic group Nigeria
142 Tiv people Q1235705 ethnic group in Nigeria and a few more in Cameroon 29494107X ethnic group Nigeria
143 Tula Q3914907 language 294942009 language
modern language
144 Unemhe Q59734692 Nigerian people 294942467 ethnic group Nigeria
145 United Muslim Party Q61274507 Nigerian political party 294942769 political party Nigeria
146 United Nigeria Congress Party Q7888995 Nigerian political party 294942785 political party Nigeria
147 Ura Q59734839 Nigerian people 294942858 ethnic group Nigeria
148 Urhobo Q36663 language 307888711 language
modern language
149 Urhobo people Q2993629 Ethnic group in southern Nigeria 294943080 ethnic group Nigeria
150 Waja Q55663056 Nigerian people 294943617 ethnic group Nigeria
151 Wawa Q59771378 Cameroonian and Nigerian people 294943846 ethnic group Nigeria
152 Yako people Q8047240 ethnic group in southeastern Nigeria 294944923 ethnic group Nigeria
153 Yala Q59771388 Nigerian people 294944931 ethnic group Nigeria
154 Yekhee Q3915848 language 294910670 language
modern language
155 Yoruba Q34311 Niger-Congo language spoken in West Africa 294945172 natural language
modern language
156 Yungur people Q3573236 ethnic group in northeastern Nigeria 294945288 ethnic group Nigeria


image number Article item description ASC Leiden Thesaurus ID instance of country
1 Pakistan Q843 sovereign state in South Asia 294930760 sovereign state
2 Pakistanis Q3310017 citizens or residents of Pakistan 294930779 human population Pakistan

Papua New Guinea

image number Article item description ASC Leiden Thesaurus ID instance of country
1 Mandara Q3285424 language 294923837 language
modern language
Papua New Guinea
2 Nama Q20812287 language spoken in Papua New Guinea 294927115 language
modern language
Papua New Guinea
3 Papua New Guinea Q691 country in Oceania 294930973 Commonwealth realm
island country
sovereign state
archipelagic state
constitutional monarchy
Papua New Guinea

People's Republic of China

image number Article item description ASC Leiden Thesaurus ID instance of country
1 Military Court of the PLA Q6852266 military court of China 294925651 court-martial People's Republic of China
2 People's Republic of China Q148 country in East Asia 294904271 sovereign state
socialist state
secular state
constitutional republic
people's republic
dictatorship of the proletariat
state with limited recognition
communist state
People's Republic of China


image number Article item description ASC Leiden Thesaurus ID instance of country
1 Poland Q36 country in Central Europe 294932275 sovereign state
country bordering the Baltic Sea
successor state
2 Poles Q1026 West Slavic ethnic group 294932321 ethnic group


image number Article item description ASC Leiden Thesaurus ID instance of country
1 Portugal Q45 country in Southwestern Europe 294932860 sovereign state
colonial power
2 Portuguese Q5146 Western Romance language of the Indo-European language family 294932887 language
modern language
Cape Verde
East Timor
São Tomé and Príncipe
3 Portuguese Q178630 people from or residents of Portugal 294932879 human population

Republic of the Congo

image number Article item description ASC Leiden Thesaurus ID instance of country
1 Beembe Q3196320 Bantu language spoken in Congo Brazzaville 294901159 language
modern language
Republic of the Congo
2 Bomitaba Q35063 language 294924833 language
modern language
Republic of the Congo
3 Brazzaville Conference of 1944 Q1781371 1944 Free France meeting in French Equatorial Africa 294902503 convention Republic of the Congo
4 Congolese Q98000063 citizens or residents of the Republic of the Congo 294905766 inhabitant
human population
Republic of the Congo
5 Congolese Party of Labour Q1785816 political party of the Republic of the Congo 294931082 political party Republic of the Congo
6 Kete Q3195599 Congolese people 294919414 ethnic group Republic of the Congo
7 Kingdom of Loango Q1479630 pre-colonial African state, during approximately the 16th to 19th centuries 294922563 historical country Republic of the Congo
8 Kituba Q35746 creole language spoken in Central Africa 294919759 language
creole language
modern language
Republic of the Congo
Democratic Republic of the Congo
9 Kongo Q33702 Bantu language spoken in Angola, Congo Brazzaville and Congo Kinshasa 294919899
modern language
natural language
Republic of the Congo
Democratic Republic of the Congo
10 Kota people Q4358034 Congolese and Gabonese people 294920137 ethnic group Republic of the Congo
11 Kukwa Q63475519 Congolese people 294920358 ethnic group Republic of the Congo
12 Lingala Q36217 Bantu language spoken in western Central Africa 294922377 natural language
modern language
Republic of the Congo
Democratic Republic of the Congo
13 Lobala Q18628787 Congolese people 29492258X ethnic group Republic of the Congo
Democratic Republic of the Congo
14 Lumbo people Q2881680 ethnic group in the Republic of the Cong and Gabon 32187207X ethnic group Republic of the Congo
15 Mangbetu people Q1602764 ethnic group in northeastern The Democratic Republic of the Congo 294923918 ethnic group Republic of the Congo
Democratic Republic of the Congo
16 Mbete Q3303515 Congolese and Gabonese people 356243575 ethnic group Republic of the Congo
17 Mbosi people Q1650456 ethnic group in the Republic of Congo (Brazzaville) 294924841 ethnic group Republic of the Congo
18 Monzombo Q3320996 Congolese people 294926194 ethnic group Republic of the Congo
Democratic Republic of the Congo
19 Njebi Q35923 Bantu language spoken in Gabon and the Republic of Congo 294928758 language
modern language
Republic of the Congo
20 Pan-African Union for Social Democracy Q3550401 political party 29494267X political party Republic of the Congo
21 Punu Q36401 language 294933964 language
modern language
Republic of the Congo
22 Punu people Q2576790 Congolese and Gabonese people 323935087 ethnic group Republic of the Congo
23 Republic of the Congo Q971 country in Central Africa, capital Brazzaville 29490574X sovereign state
Republic of the Congo
24 Teke people Q811078 Bantu ethnic group in Central Africa 294940391 ethnic group Republic of the Congo
25 Vili Q3558409 language 390741809 language
modern language
Republic of the Congo


image number Article item description ASC Leiden Thesaurus ID instance of country
1 Rhodesia's Unilateral Declaration of Independence Q7321053 Declaration of independence from the United Kingdom 294942548 unilateral declaration of independence Rhodesia
2 Rhodesian Front Q1185174 political party (Formed in 1962; restyled Republican Front in 1981; reconstituted itself as the Conservative Alliance of Zimbabwe in 1985.) 294935002 political party Rhodesia


image number Article item description ASC Leiden Thesaurus ID instance of country
1 Russia Q159 country in Eastern Europe and Northern Asia 297778617 sovereign state
secular state
transcontinental country
successor state
2 Russian Q7737 East Slavic language 294935657 modern language
natural language
3 Russians Q49542 East Slavic ethnic group native to Russia 294935665 ethnic group
national demonym
United States of America


image number Article item description ASC Leiden Thesaurus ID instance of country
1 Banyarwanda Q438374 Bantu ethnolinguistic supraethnicity 294900578 ethnic group Rwanda
Democratic Republic of the Congo
2 Democratic Republican Movement Q3326675 Rwandan political party 294926445 political party Rwanda
3 International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda Q478358 international court by the United Nations Security Council in Resolution 955 294917551 ad-hoc tribunal
international court
4 Rwanda Q1037 sovereign state in East Africa 294935711 republic
sovereign state
landlocked country
5 Rwandan Patriotic Front Q690240 political party in Rwanda 294912746 political party Rwanda
6 Rwandans Q97674394 citizens or residents of Rwanda 294935746 human population Rwanda
7 Tutsi Q193092 ethnic group inhabiting the African Great Lakes region 294942157 ethnic group Rwanda
Democratic Republic of the Congo

Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha

image number Article item description ASC Leiden Thesaurus ID instance of country
1 Ascension Q31890709 Automatic description is not available 294899324 first-level administrative division Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha
2 Tristan da Cunha Q220982 South Atlantic island group 294941762 island group
administrative territorial entity
first-level administrative division
Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha

Saudi Arabia

image number Article item description ASC Leiden Thesaurus ID instance of country
1 Arabian Peninsula Q31945 peninsula in Western Asia 29489893X peninsula
cultural region
Saudi Arabia
United Arab Emirates
2 Saudi Arabia Q851 country in West Asia 294936289 sovereign state
Saudi Arabia


image number Article item description ASC Leiden Thesaurus ID instance of country
1 Bainouk-Gunyaamolo-Gutobor Q35506 Northern Atlantic language spoken in Senegal 294900020 modern language Senegal
2 Bainuk people Q803905 ethnic group 294900012 ethnic group Senegal
3 Bassari people Q810476 African people living in Senegal, Ghana, Gambia, Guinea and Guinea-Bissau 294900853 people
ethnic group
4 Bayot Q15407308 African people 294900969 ethnic group Senegal
The Gambia
5 Diola people Q1226906 ethnic group 294907963 ethnic group Senegal
The Gambia
6 Felups Q3074423 ethnic group 29491143X ethnic group Senegal
7 Gorée Q244347 one of the 19 communes d'arrondissement (i.e. districts) of the city of Dakar, Senegal; World Heritage Site 294913920 island
cultural heritage
Communes d'arrondissement of Senegal
urban area
car-free place
World Heritage Site
8 Lebou people Q3270067 ethnic group in western Senegal 294921737 ethnic group Senegal
9 Movement of Democratic Forces of Casamance Q178254 Political party (Founded in 1947, with a paramilitary and a political wing, it is no longer officially recognized as a political party ; since the early 1980s principal movement for the independence of the Casamance.) 294926453 political party
10 Noon Q36304 language 294928960 language
modern language
11 Parti Africain Écologiste du Sénégal Q3366174 political party 294931074 political party Senegal
12 Senegal Q1041 country on the coast of West Africa 294936823 sovereign state
13 Senegalese Q98034430 citizens or residents of Senegal 294936831 inhabitant
human population
14 Senegalese Democratic Party Q1351653 political party 294931139 political party Senegal
15 Socialist Party of Senegal Q2054438 political party 294931244 political party Senegal
16 Tenda Q3517970 African people 294940588 ethnic group Senegal
17 Toucouleur people Q864920 West African ethnic group 294941304 ethnic group Senegal
18 Waalo Q206279 former country 294943528
historical country Senegal
19 Wolof people Q217397 West African ethnic group, largest in Senegal 294944273 ethnic group Senegal
The Gambia

Sierra Leone

image number Article item description ASC Leiden Thesaurus ID instance of country
1 All People's Congress Q385749 political party in Sierra Leone 294898034 political party Sierra Leone
2 Kono people Q3198706 major ethnic group in Sierra Leone 294919953 ethnic group Sierra Leone
3 Krio Q35744 English-based creole language spoken in Sierra Leone 294920250 language
creole language
modern language
Sierra Leone
4 Mende Q1478672 Mende language, natively spoken in Liberia and Sierra-Leone 294925236 language
modern language
Sierra Leone
5 Sherbro people Q1004543 ethnic group in Sierra Leone 294937226 ethnic group Sierra Leone
6 Sierra Leone Q1044 sovereign state in West Africa 294937420 republic
sovereign state
Sierra Leone
7 Sierra Leoneans Q55590653 citizens or residents of Sierra Leone 294937455 human population Sierra Leone
8 Temne Q36613 language spoken in Sierra Leone 294941010 language
modern language
Sierra Leone
9 Temne people Q748316 ethnic group in Sierra Leone 294940561 ethnic group Sierra Leone
10 languages of Sierra Leone Q6486889 languages of a geographic region Leonean languages Sierra Leonean languages languages of a country Sierra Leone


image number Article item description ASC Leiden Thesaurus ID instance of country
1 Maay-Maay language Q36221 Cushitic language 306062739 language
modern language
2 Rahanweyn Q2005663 Somali clan family 294934138 ethnic group Somalia
3 Somali Bantu Q1651019 Ethnic group(s) in Somalia 294913947 ethnic group Somalia
4 Somalia Q1045 sovereign state in Africa 294938435 republic
sovereign state
federal republic
5 Somalis Q241696 ethnic group inhabiting the Horn of Africa 294938443
ethnic group Somalia
United Arab Emirates
Saudi Arabia

South Africa

image number Article item description ASC Leiden Thesaurus ID instance of country
1 African National Congress Q83162 left-wing nationalist political party in South Africa 294896929 political party South Africa
2 Afrikaans Q14196 West Germanic language, spoken in South Africa and Namibia 294897062 natural language
modern language
South Africa
3 Afrikaner Bond Q2826192 political party in 19th century southern Africa 294897070 political party South Africa
4 Azanian People's Organisation Q793572 political party from South Africa 294899782 political party South Africa
5 Bakoena Q804468 Ethic group in Southern Africa 294920811 ethnic group South Africa
6 Bambatha Rebellion Q3274751 Uprising in the colony of Natal, South Africa, in 1906, led by Bambatha, deposed chief of the Zondi tribe; often referred to as the poll tax rebellion. 294900187 conflict
South Africa
7 Black Consciousness Movement Q880194 anti-apartheid movement in the 1960s in South Africa 294901817 political movement
black movement
South Africa
8 Christian Institute of Southern Africa Q5109763 anti-apartheid association 294904360 organization South Africa
9 Congress of the People Q1125988 political party from South Africa (Formed in 2008 by former members of the African National Congress.) 321847229 political party South Africa
10 Conservative Party of South Africa Q776414 conservative party (Formed in 1982 by former members of the National Party; seeks the establishment of a separate Afrikaner State as part of a South African confederation; merged in 2003 with the Freedom Front to form the Freedom Front Plus.) 294905847 political party South Africa
11 Democratic Alliance Q761877 centrist-liberal political party in South Africa formed in 2000 343301369 political party South Africa
12 Democratic Party Q780158 political party in South Africa 294907394 political party
former liberal party
South Africa
13 Fanagalo Q35727 language 294911170 pidgin
modern language
South Africa
14 Ghoya Q60617561 South African people 301277907 ethnic group South Africa
15 Herstigte Nasionale Party Q925910 political party in South Africa 294915397 political party South Africa
16 Inkatha Freedom Party Q654444 right-wing Zulu nationalist political party in South Africa 294917268 political party South Africa
17 Internal resistance to South African apartheid Q3354415 social movement against apartheid 294898697 political movement South Africa
18 KaNgwane Q1433125 former bantustan in South Africa 29493975X South African bantustan
disputed territory
South Africa
19 Khoekhoe Q13301 Khoe language spoken in southern Africa 294919503 language
dead language
modern language
extinct language
South Africa
20 Labour Party Q3136263 political party in South Africa from 1910 to 1958 294938699 political party South Africa
21 Lala Q6480154 language spoken in South Africa 294921184 language South Africa
22 Lebowa Q1433131 former bantustan in South Africa 294921729 South African bantustan South Africa
23 Liberal Party of South Africa Q2165930 1953–1968 political party in South Africa 344539180 former liberal party South Africa
24 Lovedu people Q3633488 ethnic group in Namibia and South Africa 294922598 ethnic group South Africa
25 Natal Indian Congress Q763039 political organisation in South Africa 29492728X political organization South Africa
26 National Party Q740718 1914–1997 political party known for implementing apartheid 294927522 political party South Africa
Union of South Africa
27 Northern Sotho Q33890 Bantu language 294929053 language
modern language
South Africa
28 Pan Africanist Congress of Azania Q775460 political party in South Africa 294930876 political party South Africa
29 Progressive Party Q2784503 political party in South Africa. (Split off from the United Party in 1959. From 1962 to 1974 Helen Suzman was the single elected MP for the party. The party disbanded in July 1975 and merged with the Reform Party.) 294933514 political party
former liberal party
South Africa
30 QwaQwa Q179548 former bantustan in South Africa 294934049 South African bantustan South Africa
31 Sesotho Q34340 Southern Bantu language 29493863X natural language
modern language
South Africa
32 Sharpeville massacre Q518753 shooting by police on 21 March 1960 in Sharpeville, South Africa 294937161 massacre South Africa
33 South Africa Q258 country in southern Africa 294938672 sovereign state
South Africa
34 South African Communist Party Q305317 Political party in South Africa, allied with the ANC 298786923 communist party South Africa
35 South African Council of Churches Q388430 interdenominational forum in South Africa 294938680 national council of churches South Africa
36 South Africans Q97704261 citizens or residents of South Africa 294938729 inhabitant
human population
South Africa
37 Southern Ndebele Q36785 language belonging to the Nguni group of Bantu languages, one of the official languages of South Africa 29787103x language
modern language
South Africa
38 Soweto uprising Q153081 series of demonstrations and protests led by black school children in South Africa 29493880X rebellion
South Africa
39 Swazi people Q939691 ethnic group of Eswatini, Mozambique, South Africa, and Zimbabwe 294939733 ethnic group
human population
South Africa
40 Thaba Nchu Q1256430 town in South Africa 294940812 town South Africa
41 Thembu tribe Q1779499 Xhosa speaking people based in South Africa 294940553 ethnic group South Africa
42 Transkei Q466551 former bantustan in South Africa (1976-94) 294941606 South African bantustan South Africa
43 Transvaal Province Q190959 former province of South Africa 294941657 province of South Africa South Africa
Union of South Africa
44 Union Federal Party Q7885685 South African political party 294942629 political party South Africa
45 Unionist Party Q2403816 political party South Africa. (Formed in 1910; merged into the South African Party in November 1920.) 363152008 political party South Africa
46 United Democratic Front Q1529503 organization (Officially launched in August 1983 ; disbanded in 1991.) 294942742 organization
political party
South Africa
47 United Party Q1812146 South African political party 294942793 political party South Africa
48 Venda Q32704 language of the Venda people 294943250 natural language
modern language
South Africa
49 Venda people Q1785209 ethnic group in South Africa and Zimbabwe 294943242 ethnic group South Africa
50 Xhosa Q13218 Nguni language of southern South Africa 294944869 natural language
modern language
South Africa
51 Zoutpansberg Balemi Association Q55168452 South African political party, founded in 1939 as the Zoutpansberg Cultural Association; renamed the Zoutpansberg Balemi (=ploughmen) Association in 1943. 294945598 political party South Africa
52 Zulu Q129962 ethnic group in South Africa, Lesotho, and Eswatini (formerly Swaziland) 294945636 ethnic group South Africa
53 kwaZulu Q594798 former bantustan in South Africa 294920781 South African bantustan South Africa

South Sudan

image number Article item description ASC Leiden Thesaurus ID instance of country
1 Acholi people Q340581 ethnic group 294896473 ethnic group South Sudan
2 Anuak people Q612213 ethnic group 294898735 ethnic group South Sudan
3 Atuot people Q4818813 South Sudanese people 294899502 ethnic group South Sudan
4 Bari Q35042 language spoken in South Sudan & Uganda 371178290 language
modern language
South Sudan
5 Bongo people Q588779 ethnic group in South Sudan 29490218X ethnic group South Sudan
6 Boya people Q167624 ethnic group in Sudan 294927255 ethnic group South Sudan
7 Dinka Q56466 Nilotic dialect cluster spoken by the Dinka people, the major ethnic group of South Sudan 294907955 language
modern language
South Sudan
8 Dinka people Q212106 Nilotic ethnic group native to South Sudan 294907947 ethnic group South Sudan
9 Fashoda Incident Q722699 imperial territorial disputes between Britain and France in Eastern Africa 294911324 international crisis
border incident
South Sudan
10 Kara people Q6367571 ethnic group (designates the Gbaya/Kara who inhabit South Sudan and the Central African Republic and who speak a Central Sudanic language) 294913289 ethnic group South Sudan
Central African Republic
11 Moro Nuba people Q6913070 subgroup of the Nuba people in southern Sudan 294926240 ethnic group South Sudan
12 Nuer Q33675 language 294929355 language
modern language
South Sudan
13 Oromo people Q318674 ethnic group in Ethiopia, with several subcategories 294930566 ethnic group South Sudan
14 Shilluk Q36486 language 294937285 language
modern language
South Sudan
15 Shilluk people Q1134682 ethnic group in South Sudan 294937277 ethnic group South Sudan
16 South Sudan Q958 country in East Africa 29493877X sovereign state
landlocked country
South Sudan
17 Suri Q99543255 Ethiopian and South Sudanese people 29493961X ethnic group South Sudan

Soviet Union

image number Article item description ASC Leiden Thesaurus ID instance of country
1 Soviet Union Q15180 former country in Eurasia (1922–1991) 294938796 historical country Soviet Union
2 economic law Q18639596 theory in the legal system of the Soviet Union 294909044 Soviet Union


image number Article item description ASC Leiden Thesaurus ID instance of country
1 Canary Islands Q5813 autonomous community of Spain, and archipelago in the Atlantic Ocean 294903283 autonomous community of Spain Spain
2 Ceuta Q5823 autonomous city of Spain in North Africa 294903860 autonomous city of Spain Spain
3 Ifni Q763141 former Spanish colonial province in Morocco 294916210 colony Spain
4 Mediterranean Sea Q4918 sea between Europe, Africa and Asia 294925112 adjacent sea
mediterranean sea
drainage basin
State of Palestine
Bosnia and Herzegovina
5 Melilla Q5831 autonomous city of Spain in North Africa 294925155 autonomous city of Spain
municipality of Spain
port settlement
disputed territory
border city
6 Spain Q29 country in southwestern Europe with territories in Africa 294938850 sovereign state
Mediterranean country
7 Spaniards Q160894 people native to any part of Spain or that hold Spanish citizenship 294938869 human population
8 Spanish Q1321 Romance language originating in the Iberian Peninsula 294938885 natural language
modern language
human language
Costa Rica
Dominican Republic
El Salvador
Equatorial Guinea
United States of America
Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic
9 Spanish protectorate in Morocco Q457242 1912–1956 protectorate in northwest Africa 294938877 protectorate Spain
10 Tangier International Zone Q3497642 former international zone in Morocco 294940057 protectorate
international zone
United Kingdom
United States of America


image number Article item description ASC Leiden Thesaurus ID instance of country
1 Arab Bank for Economic Development in Africa Q4783148 bank for the development of African countries 294900497 bank
international organization
2 Bedairiya Q70555258 Sudanese people 294901019 ethnic group Sudan
3 Berti Q828169 african ethnic group in western Sudan 294901361 ethnic group Sudan
4 Fulbe people Q202575 ethnic group in Sahel and West Africa 294912800 people
ethnic group
South Sudan
Burkina Faso
The Gambia
Sierra Leone
Central African Republic
Ivory Coast
5 Fur Q33364 Nilo-Saharan language spoken in Sudan 294912878 language
modern language
6 Fur people Q1124032 ethnic group 29491286X ethnic group Sudan
7 Kadugli Q3407136 language 294918744 language
modern language
8 Kawahla people Q6379518 arab tribe in Sudan 294919287 ethnic group Sudan
9 Krongo Q6438927 language 294920277 language
modern language
10 Lahawin people Q6473173 Sudanese people 363920951 ethnic group Sudan
11 Laro Q35687 language spoken in Sudan 294921567 language
modern language
12 Lumun Q35777 Niger–Congo language in the Talodi family spoken in Sudan 9839141937302711 language
modern language
13 Mahdist Sudan Q3125368 1880s state in Africa 294923403 aspect of history
self-proclaimed state
South Sudan
14 National Democratic Alliance Q260308 Sudanese electoral alliance 294927387 political party Sudan
15 National Islamic Front Q3774492 1976–1990s Sudanese political organisation 29492745X political organization Sudan
16 Nile Q3392 major river in northeastern Africa 294928685 river Sudan
South Sudan
Democratic Republic of the Congo
17 Shaigiya people Q7462404 Sudanese people 294937102 ethnic group Sudan
18 Sudan Q1049 country in Northeast Africa 294939423 republic
sovereign state
rump state
19 Sudanese Q3976616 citizens or residents of Sudan 29493944X human population Sudan
20 Tima Q36684 language 395406528 language
modern language


image number Article item description ASC Leiden Thesaurus ID instance of country
1 Sweden Q34 country in Northern Europe 294939776 sovereign state
2 Swedes Q113018337 people from or citizens of Sweden 400929961 human population


image number Article item description ASC Leiden Thesaurus ID instance of country
1 International Committee of the Red Cross Q5987345 humanitarian institution based in Geneva, Switzerland, and a three-time Nobel Prize Laureate 294934340 international non-governmental organization Switzerland
2 International Labour Organization Q54129 United Nations agency dealing with labour issues 294916474 specialized agency of the United Nations
international organization
3 Switzerland Q39 country in Central Europe 294939792 state
landlocked country
Federal Treaty
Helvetic Republic
sovereign state
4 World Health Organization Q7817 specialized agency of the United Nations that is concerned with international public health 294944087 specialized agency of the United Nations
open-access publisher
international organization
scientific publisher
United States of America
Republic of the Congo
5 World Trade Organization Q7825 intergovernmental organization that intends to supervise and liberalize international trade 294944796 international organization Switzerland


image number Article item description ASC Leiden Thesaurus ID instance of country
1 Syria Q858 sovereign state in western Asia 294939857 country
sovereign state
Mediterranean country
2 Syrians Q878607 ethnic group 294939865 human population Syria

São Tomé and Príncipe

image number Article item description ASC Leiden Thesaurus ID instance of country
1 Angolares Q2849715 Isolated human group in São Tomé and Príncipe 294898433 isolated human group São Tomé and Príncipe
2 Force for Change Democratic Movement – Liberal Party Q1566188 political party in São Tomé and Príncipe 37034801X political party São Tomé and Príncipe
3 Movement for the Liberation of São Tomé and Príncipe/Social Democratic Party Q1276673 political party (Founded 1972, sole legal party 1972-1990. Changed its name in 1990 to Movimento de Libertação de São Tomé e Príncipe-Partido Social Democrata.) 294926518 political party São Tomé and Príncipe
4 Príncipe Q210636 island off of the coast of Africa 29493331X island São Tomé and Príncipe
5 Sao Tomeans Q97929229 citizens or residents of São Tomé and Príncipe 364500395 inhabitant
human population
São Tomé and Príncipe
6 São Tomé Island Q233124 largest island of São Tomé and Príncipe 294936181 island São Tomé and Príncipe
7 São Tomé and Príncipe Q1039 island sovereign state in Africa 29493619X republic
sovereign state
island country
archipelagic state
parliamentary republic
São Tomé and Príncipe


image number Article item description ASC Leiden Thesaurus ID instance of country
1 Barabaig people Q623122 ethnic group 294900659 ethnic group Tanzania
2 Bena people Q1115893 Tanzanian people 294901183 ethnic group Tanzania
3 Bungu people Q4969076 Bantu ethnolinguistic group based in the Chunya District of Mbeya Region in south-western Tanzania 294902856 ethnolinguistic group Tanzania
4 Burunge people Q4969065 Tanzanian people 294902988 ethnic group Tanzania
5 Chaga people Q920233 ethnic group in Kenya and Tanzania 294903917 ethnic group Tanzania
6 Gogo people Q2575602 ethnic group from Tanzania 294913823 ethnic group
7 Ha Q3105505 language spoken in Tanzania 294914854 language
modern language
8 Hadza Q33411 language isolate spoken along the shores of Lake Eyasi in Tanzania 9839141928402711 language
modern language
9 Haya Q35756 language 294915125 natural language
modern language
10 Haya people Q1824726 people of Tanzania 294915117 ethnic group Tanzania
11 Hehe Q3129390 Bantu language 294915311 modern language Tanzania
12 Ikoma Q5996114 language 294916385 language
modern language
13 Iramba Q4121200 language 294928677 language
modern language
14 Iraqw Q33595 Cushitic language spoken in Tanzania in the Arusha and Manyara Regions 294917845 language
modern language
15 Iraqw people Q1554146 ethnic group in Tanzania 294917837 ethnic group Tanzania
16 Isanzu people Q3892234 Tanzanian people 294916296 ethnic group Tanzania
17 Kaguru people Q2979621 ethnic group in Tanzania 294918795 ethnic group Tanzania
18 Kerebe Q25618638 ward of Muleba District in Tanzania 294919406 ward of Tanzania Tanzania
19 Kimbu people Q3081990 Tanzanian people 294919627 ethnic group Tanzania
20 Kingdom of Karagwe Q28455505 historical kingdom in Tanzania 294919120 human settlement Tanzania
21 Kutu people Q6448637 Tanzanian people 294920595 ethnic group Tanzania
22 Kwere people Q3111217 ethnic group in Tanzania 294920838 isolated human group Tanzania
23 Luguru people Q2625797 ethnic group in Tanzania 294922946 ethnic group Tanzania
24 Maji Maji Rebellion Q705553 Uprising in the south and east of German East Africa, 1905-1907. 294923454 historical event
German East Africa
25 Mambwe people Q1480261 ethnic group in Tanzania and Zambia 294923705 ethnic group Tanzania
26 Matengo Q6786446 language 336355637 language
modern language
27 Matengo people Q3082011 ethnic group in Tanzania 294924485 ethnic group Tanzania
28 Mbugwe Q3426367 language 294924868 language
modern language
29 Mount Kilimanjaro Q7296 mountain massif in Kilimanjaro National Park in Tanzania 2949172883
tourist attraction
dormant volcano
30 Mwera Q6944725 language 294927018 language
modern language
31 Mwera people Q3624332 ethnic group in Tanzania 29492700X ethnic group Tanzania
32 Ngulu people Q7022680 ethnic people in Tanzania 294928472 ethnic group Tanzania
33 Nyakyusa Q3272620 language 294928391 language
modern language
34 Nyambo Q4967930 language 343077582 language
modern language
35 Nyamwezi Q4121131 language 29492955X language
modern language
36 Nyamwezi people Q1262850 ethnic group in Tanzania 294929541 ethnic group Tanzania
37 Nyiha people Q7071112 ethnic group from Mbeya Region of Tanzania 29492969X ethnic group Tanzania
38 Pare people Q612976 ethnic group in northeastern Tanzania 29493099X ethnic group Tanzania
39 Party of the Revolution Q652091 dominant political party in Tanzania 294903682 political party Tanzania
40 Rangi Q584983 language 294934219 language
modern language
41 Rangi people Q3140807 ethnic and linguistic group in Tanzania 294934200 ethnic group Tanzania
42 Safwa Q4121160 language 294935819 language
modern language
43 Sandawe people Q1292246 ethnic group 294936106 ethnic group Tanzania
44 Shambala Q3788739 language 294937129 language
modern language
45 Shambala people Q283465 ethnic group in Kenya and Tanzania 294937110 ethnic group Tanzania
46 Sukuma people Q1474755 ethnic group in Tanzania 294939520 ethnic group Tanzania
47 Swahili Q7838 Bantu language spoken mainly in East Africa 294939709 macrolanguage
natural language
modern language
Democratic Republic of the Congo
48 Tanganyika African National Union Q2143929 Tanzanian political party 294940073 political party Tanzania
Tanganyika Territory
49 Tanzania Q924 country in East Africa 294940081 republic
sovereign state
50 Tongwe Q7821200 language 294941215 language
modern language
unwritten language
51 Tongwe people Q3847568 ethnic group in Tanzania 294941207 ethnic group Tanzania
52 Turu Q7193418 Bantu language spoken in Tanzania 294929681 language
modern language
53 United Democratic Party Q3357902 political party in Tanzania 370345509 political party Tanzania
54 Vidunda people Q3892183 Tanzanian people 29494334X ethnic group Tanzania
55 Vunjo Q12953261 language 294943498 language
modern language
56 Zanaki people Q3813834 Tanzanian people 294945342 ethnic group Tanzania
57 Zanzibar Islands Q1774 semi-autonomous part of Tanzania 294945385 federated state
administrative territorial entity
58 Zaramo people Q147725 ethnic group on coastal Tanzania 294945407 ethnic group Tanzania
59 Zinza people Q3110223 Tanzanian people 294945539 ethnic group Tanzania

The Gambia

image number Article item description ASC Leiden Thesaurus ID instance of country
1 Alliance for Patriotic Reorientation and Construction Q2143319 political party 294898077 political party The Gambia
2 People's Democratic Organisation for Independence and Socialism Q2069620 political party 294931562 political party The Gambia
3 People's Progressive Party Q1752906 political party in the Gambia 294931597 political party The Gambia
4 The Gambia Q1005 sovereign state in West Africa 294913076 sovereign state
The Gambia


image number Article item description ASC Leiden Thesaurus ID instance of country
1 Ada Q55342471 Ethnic group in Ghana and Togo 294896538 ethnic group Togo
2 Akan polities Q66498321 1450- . Location: between the Komoe and Volta rivers, corresponding to modern Togo, Ghana and part of the Cote d'Ivoire, confederation of states that included Bono, Denkyira, Akwamu, Fante, and Asante, as well as Abron, Adansi, Ahanta, et al. 294897836 political territorial entity Togo
Ivory Coast
3 Akebu people Q417101 ethnic group from Togo 402505697 ethnic group Togo
4 Kabye people Q8102636 Togolese people 29491868X ethnic group Togo
5 Kposo people Q420651 ethnic group 294920226 ethnic group Togo
6 Lomé Convention Q980770 treaty 294922768 treaty
7 Losso people Q1972445 West African ethnic group 294927743 ethnic group Togo
8 Nawdm Q36085 language 29492776X language
modern language
9 Rally of the Togolese People Q1514253 political party (established November 1969) 29493426X political party Togo
10 Togo Q945 country in West Africa 294941134 republic
sovereign state
11 West African Development Bank Q2883427 International Multilateral Development Bank 294900527 multilateral development bank Togo


image number Article item description ASC Leiden Thesaurus ID instance of country
1 Destour Q587187 Tunisian political party 294907599 political party Tunisia
2 Djerba Q188938 island in Tunisia 294908218 island Tunisia
3 Ennahda Movement Q692022 Tunisian political party 294909869 political party Tunisia
4 Jerba people Q16887318 human population in Tunisia 294908226 human population Tunisia
5 Tunisia Q948 country in North Africa 294942068 country
sovereign state
Mediterranean country
6 Tunisians Q2459831 citizens or residents of Tunisia 294942076 human population


image number Article item description ASC Leiden Thesaurus ID instance of country
1 Acholi Q34926 Southern Luo dialect 294896481 natural language
modern language
South Sudan
2 Adhola people Q4057928 ethnic group of Uganda 294918477 ethnic group Uganda
3 Alur people Q202353 ethnic group in Uganda and the DRC 294898166 ethnic group Uganda
Democratic Republic of the Congo
4 Buganda Q473748 subnational kingdom within Uganda 294902732 historical country Uganda
5 Bunyoro Q889897 kingdom in Western Uganda 294902864 historical country
historical region
6 Gisu people Q799929 ethnic group 294913718 ethnic group
7 Ik Q35472 Kuliak language of Uganda 294916369 language
modern language
8 Iru Q55675016 Ugandan people 294917934 ethnic group Uganda
9 Jie Q6192180 ethnic group of Uganda 29491837X ethnic group Uganda
10 Kakwa people Q153557 ethnic group found in Uganda, South Sudan and Democratic Rep of the Congo 29491885X ethnic group Uganda
South Sudan
Democratic Republic of the Congo
11 Karamojong people Q185549 ethnic group in Kenya and Uganda 294919139 ethnic group Uganda
12 Lord's Resistance Army Q108462 rebel movement formed by Joseph Kony in northern Uganda in 1987 345401883 militia
religious organization
terrorist organization
13 Luganda Q33368 Bantu language of Uganda 294913173 natural language
modern language
14 Masaba Q3740241 language 294913726 language
modern language
15 National Resistance Movement Q382674 Ugandan political party (Formed in 1980, its former military wing, the National Resistance Army (NRA), led by Lt-Gen Yoweri Kaguta Museveni, took power in January 1986.) 29492759X political party Uganda
16 Nubi Q36388 Sudanese Arabic-based creole language 294929282 language
creole language
natural language
modern language
17 Nyoro Q33794 language 294929746 language
modern language
18 Nyoro people Q3346711 ethnic group 294929738 ethnic group Uganda
Democratic Republic of the Congo
19 Runyankole Q13207 Bantu language spoken by the Nkore and Hema peoples of Southwestern Uganda 294929665 natural language
modern language
20 Rwenzururu Kingdom Q2795682 subnational kingdom in Uganda 294935754 geographic region
historical country
21 Sabiny Q56445 language 294936211 language
modern language
22 Teso people Q1281344 ethnic group 294940723 ethnic group
Western Kenya
23 Tooro Kingdom Q889912 Bantu kingdom in midwestern Uganda 294941274 historical country
24 Uganda Q1036 country in East-central Africa 294942254 sovereign state
landlocked country
25 Uganda People's Congress Q2187095 political party from Uganda (founded 1960; ruling party 1962-1971 and 1980-1985; sole legal political party 1969-1971) 294942262 political party Uganda
26 Ugandans Q61241012 citizens or residents of Uganda 294942270 human population Uganda

United Kingdom

image number Article item description ASC Leiden Thesaurus ID instance of country
1 Aborigines' Protection Society Q322981 international human rights organization 294896228 organization United Kingdom
2 British Empire Q8680 overseas possessions of England and later the United Kingdom (1607–1997) Empire British Empire historical country United Kingdom
3 Chagos Archipelago Q192188 archipelago in the Indian Ocean 294903933 archipelago
disputed territory
United Kingdom
4 Diego Garcia Q184851 British atoll in the Indian Ocean 294907874 island United Kingdom
5 Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha Q192184 British overseas territory in the southern Atlantic Ocean 294935878 British overseas territories United Kingdom
6 Scotland Q22 country in north-west Europe, part of the United Kingdom 294936513 constituent country of the United Kingdom United Kingdom
7 United Kingdom Q145 country in north-west Europe 294914161 sovereign state
colonial power
island country
United Kingdom
8 common law Q30216 law created by judicial precedent 294905308 legal system United Kingdom
Northern Ireland
United States of America
New Zealand
9 new town Q10270157 proposed town in the United Kingdom following the Second World War 294928065 United Kingdom

United States of America

image number Article item description ASC Leiden Thesaurus ID instance of country
1 African Americans Q49085 Americans with sub-Saharan African ancestry 294896813 ethnic group by residency
ethnic community
ethnic group
United States of America
2 African Methodist Episcopal Church Q384121 African American Protestant denomination 294925457 Christian denomination United States of America
3 African Orthodox Church Q384223 American Christian denomination, 1918- 294896953 Christian denomination United States of America
4 American Colonization Society Q210911 organization that helped in founding Liberia as a colony for freed slaves 294898220 organization United States of America
5 Americans Q846570 citizens or residents of the United States of America 294898247 human population
United States of America
6 Central Intelligence Agency Q37230 national intelligence agency of the United States 294904476 foreign intelligence service
independent agency of the United States government
United States of America
7 International Monetary Fund Q7804 international organisation 294916512 international financial institution
specialized agency of the United Nations
United States of America
8 UNICEF Q740308 fund of United Nations 294942521 organization established by the United Nations United States of America
9 United Nations Q1065 global international and intergovernmental organization 294942351 intergovernmental organization
international organization
United States of America
10 United Nations Development Programme Q161718 global network for development of United Nations 294942459 organization established by the United Nations
international organization
United States of America
11 United States of America Q30 country primarily located in North America 294942807 sovereign state
constitutional republic
Democratic Republic
federal republic
United States of America
12 World Bank Q7164 international financial institution 294944702 international financial institution United States of America

Vatican City

image number Article item description ASC Leiden Thesaurus ID instance of country
1 Catholic Church Q9592 largest Christian Church, made up of 24 autonomous Churches in communion with the Pope 294903631 Christian denomination
historic church
Christian Church
Vatican City
2 pope Q19546 leader of the worldwide Catholic Church 294932631 position
episcopal title
elective office
Vatican City


image number Article item description ASC Leiden Thesaurus ID instance of country
1 Bemba Q33052 Bantu language spoken primarily in north-eastern Zambia by the Bemba people 294901124 language
modern language
Democratic Republic of the Congo
2 Bemba people Q644450 ethnic group in Angola, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, and Zambia; Bemba kingdom 294901116 ethnic group Zambia
Democratic Republic of the Congo
3 Bisa Q56301004 Zambian people 294901787 ethnic group Zambia
4 Ila Q5996885 language 294916415 language
modern language
5 Ila people Q25039574 ethnic group in Zambia 294916407 ethnic group Zambia
6 Kaonde Q33601 Language of Zambia and DR Congo 355079100 language
modern language
Democratic Republic of the Congo
7 Kariba Dam Q1367609 dam on the Zambezi River 294919201 arch dam
hydroelectric power station
8 Lamba people Q25210872 ethnic group of Zambia 294921214 nationality Zambia
Democratic Republic of the Congo
9 Lenje Q6522666 language 294922016 language
modern language
10 Lumpa Church Q627441 religious movement in Zambia, from 1953 294922989 religious movement Zambia
11 Luyana Q3268098 language 294923160 language
modern language
12 Mambwe-Lungu Q626210 language 294923055 language
modern language
13 Movement for Multi-Party Democracy Q1951163 Zambian political party, dominate 1991-2011 303969237 political party Zambia
14 Shona Q34004 Bantu language of Zimbabwe and Mozambique 29493734X natural language
modern language
15 Tonga Q34101 Bantu language of Zambia and Zimbabwe 294941185 language
modern language
16 United National Independence Party Q1383387 Zambian political party (Founded in 1959; sole legal party 1972-1990.) 294942777 political party Zambia
17 Uyombe polity Q55169918 Zambian politiy 294943110 polity Zambia
18 Zambia Q953 country at the crossroads of Central and Southern Africa 294945334 sovereign state
landlocked country


image number Article item description ASC Leiden Thesaurus ID instance of country
1 Bhebhe Q70586664 Zimbabwean people 338349189 ethnic group Zimbabwe
2 Forum Party Q5473068 political party 294912401 political party Zimbabwe
3 Great Zimbabwe Q209217 ruined city in the south-eastern hills of Zimbabwe near Lake Mutirikwe and the town of Masvingo, was once the capital of the Kingdom of Zimbabwe during the country's Late Iron Age 294914196 ruins
archaeological site
4 Lemba people Q167577 ethnic group in Zimbabwe and South Africa 294921982 ethnic group Zimbabwe
5 Manyika Q33599 Shona language/dialect 294924035 dialect
modern language
6 Movement for Democratic Change Q2582118 Zimbabwean political party 294926496 political party Zimbabwe
7 Nambya people Q6961435 ethnic group in northwestern Zimbabwe and northeastern Botswana 294927123 ethnic group Zimbabwe
8 National Democratic Party (Zimbabwe) Q78995691 Political party (Formed in 1960 and banned in December 1961.) 294927417 political party Zimbabwe
9 Northern Ndebele Q35613 language belonging to the Nguni group of Bantu languages, one of the official languages of Zimbabwe 294927824 language
modern language
10 Northern Ndebele people Q1211360 ethnic group in southern Africa 297866265 ethnic group Zimbabwe
11 Second Matabele War Q233657 war fought between 1896 and 1897 in the area then known as Rhodesia, now Zimbabwe. 294911774 war Zimbabwe
12 Shona people Q642613 Bantu ethnic group native to southern Africa 294937331 ethnic group Zimbabwe
South Africa
13 United African National Council Q889447 political party in Zimbabwe (Formed in 1971 under leadership of Bishop Abel Muzorewa; renamed the United African National Council; merged with the Zimbabwe Unity Movement in 1994.) 294896937 political party Zimbabwe
14 Zimbabwe Q954 sovereign state in southern Africa 294945504 republic
sovereign state
landlocked country
15 Zimbabwe African National Union – Patriotic Front Q1910161 leading political party of Zimbabwe 294945377 political party Zimbabwe
16 Zimbabwe African People's Union Q203423 political party 294945393 political party Zimbabwe
17 Zimbabweans Q61241625 citizens or residents of Zimbabwe 294945520 inhabitant
human population


image number Article item description ASC Leiden Thesaurus ID instance of country
1 European Union Q458 political and economic union of 27 European states 294910735 regional organization
political economic union
supranational union
2 Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries Q7795 international organization of petroleum-exporting countries 294930396 international organization
advocacy group
intergovernmental organization


image number Article item description ASC Leiden Thesaurus ID instance of country
1 Arab world Q143487 geographic and cultural region; collective term for the Arabic-speaking countries of Asia and Africa, or of Asia only 294898891 geographic region
cultural region
geopolitical group
United Arab Emirates
Saudi Arabia
State of Palestine
2 Argentina Q414 sovereign state in South America 294899065 sovereign state
federal republic
confessional state
3 Armenians Q79797 ethnic group native to the Armenian Highlands 407682368 ethnic group
human population
4 Austria Q40 country in Central Europe 294899561 sovereign state
landlocked country
successor state
5 Bahrain Q398 country in the Persian Gulf 294899987 sovereign state
island country
6 Bororo people (Brazil) Q894069 ethnic group 294902309 Indigenous people Bolivia
7 Chile Q298 country in South America 294904255 sovereign state
Democratic Republic
8 Chilembwe uprising Q16056284 Challenge to European power in Nyasaland Protectorate in early 1915, led by the Reverend John Chilembwe. 294904263 rebellion Nyasaland
9 Cuba Q241 sovereign state situated on an island in the Caribbean Sea 294906568 island country
sovereign state
unitary state
communist state
10 Cyrenaica Q165198 eastern coastal region of Libya 294906800 geographic region
administrative territorial entity
11 Czech Republic Q213 country in Central Europe 297785761 country
sovereign state
landlocked country
successor state
Czech Republic
12 East Timor Q574 sovereign state situated on several islands in Southeast Asia 294941029 country
sovereign state
island country
East Timor
13 Ecuador Q736 sovereign state in South America 294909184 sovereign state
14 Egyptian Q50868 extinct language spoken in ancient Egypt 294909494 dead language
ancient language
Roman Egypt
Ancient Egypt
15 English Q1860 West Germanic language 294909982 natural language
modern language
American Samoa
Antigua and Barbuda
The Bahamas
British Indian Ocean Territory
British Virgin Islands
Cayman Islands
Cook Islands
Falkland Islands
The Gambia
United States of America
Bailiwick of Guernsey
Isle of Man
Marshall Islands
Federated States of Micronesia
New Zealand
Papua New Guinea
Pitcairn Islands
Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha
Saint Kitts and Nevis
Saint Lucia
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
Sierra Leone
Sint Maarten
Solomon Islands
South Africa
South Sudan
Sri Lanka
Trinidad and Tobago
Turks and Caicos Islands
United States Virgin Islands
United Arab Emirates
United Kingdom
16 Finland Q33 country in Northern Europe 294911715 sovereign state
unitary state
country bordering the Baltic Sea
17 German Democratic Republic Q16957 1949–1990 country in central Europe, unified into modern Germany 294908846 historical country German Democratic Republic
18 German East Africa Q153963 former German possession in the African Great Lakes region between 1884–1919 302571892 colony
dependent territory
historical country
historical region
German Empire
19 Gibraltar Q1410 British Overseas Territory 294913637 British overseas territories
port settlement
United Nations list of non-self-governing territories
disputed territory
border city
Mediterranean country
tourist destination
British overseas territories
20 Guatemala Q774 sovereign state in Central America 406403848 sovereign state
banana republic
21 Guyana Q734 country in South America 294914757 sovereign state
22 Haiti Q790 island sovereign state in the Caribbean Sea 294914986 sovereign state
island country
23 Hungary Q28 country in Central Europe 294915958 sovereign state
landlocked country
successor state
24 Iceland Q189 Nordic island country in the North Atlantic Ocean 294916105 island country
sovereign state
25 Italian Somaliland Q319984 colony of the Kingdom of Italy in Somalia 294918140 colony
former administrative territorial entity
Kingdom of Italy
26 Jamaica Q766 island state in the Caribbean Sea 294918256 Commonwealth realm
territorial evolution of the British Empire
island country
sovereign state
archipelagic state
27 Jameson Raid Q916340 1895 raid on Transvaal Republic 294918272 raid
coup d'état
South African Republic
28 Japan Q17 island country in East Asia 294918280 sovereign state
island country
29 Kuwait Q817 sovereign state in Western Asia 294920625 sovereign state Kuwait
30 Lado Enclave Q371883 former country 294921133 enclave Congo Free State
31 Luxembourg Q32 country in Northwestern Europe 294923152 sovereign state
unitary state
grand duchy
landlocked country
32 Malaysia Q833 country in Southeast Asia 294923586 sovereign state
member states of ASEAN
33 Meroitic Q13366 extinct language that was spoken in Meroë and the Sudan during the Meroitic period, from 300 BC until about 400 AD 294925341 dead language
ancient language
34 Mexico Q96 country in North America 294925465 sovereign state
federal republic
Democratic Republic
constitutional republic
Next Eleven
35 Myanmar Q836 country in Southeast Asia 294902945 sovereign state
36 North Korea Q423 sovereign state in East Asia 294929002 sovereign state
people's republic
hermit kingdom
North Korea
37 Norway Q20 country in Northern Europe 294929096 sovereign state
38 Palestinians Q201190 Ethnic group native to the Palestine region in Southwest Asia 294930825 ethnic group
human population
ethnonational group
State of Palestine
39 Peru Q419 sovereign state in South America 294931678 sovereign state
40 Philippines Q928 archipelagic country in Southeast Asia 29493183X sovereign state
archipelagic state
41 Popular Movement of the Revolution Q1670999 political party 30525149X political party Zaire
Democratic Republic of the Congo
42 Romania Q218 country in Southeast Europe 294935274 sovereign state
43 Ruanda-Urundi Q590743 1922-1962 League of Nations/United Nations mandate in East Africa 294935363 historical country
League of Nations mandate
United Nations trust territory
Belgian colonial empire
44 Seychelles Q1042 island sovereign state off the eastern coast of Africa 294937056 republic
sovereign state
island country
archipelagic state
45 Slovenia Q215 country in Central Europe 369184459 sovereign state
Mediterranean country
unitary parliamentary republic
46 South Korea Q884 country in East Asia 294938664 sovereign state
constitutional republic
South Korea
47 Suriname Q730 country in South America 294939636 sovereign state Suriname
48 Taiwan Q865 country in East Asia 294939946 island country
Democratic Republic
sovereign state
state with limited recognition
49 Thailand Q869 country in Southeast Asia 294940820 constitutional monarchy
sovereign state
50 Trinidad and Tobago Q754 island sovereign state in the Caribbean 294941746 sovereign state
unitary state
island country
archipelagic state
Trinidad and Tobago
51 Turks Q84072 Turkic ethnic group 294942149 human population
ethnic group
United States of America
United Kingdom
North Macedonia
Northern Cyprus
52 Uruguay Q77 sovereign state in South America 380435608 sovereign state
secular state
53 Vietnam Q881 country in Southeast Asia 294943358 sovereign state
communist state
54 Wassoulou Empire Q568712 short-lived (1878–1898) empire of West Africa 29493605X historical country Wassoulou Empire
55 Western Sahara Q6250 territory in North and West Africa 294943986 disputed territory
United Nations list of non-self-governing territories
occupied territory
Spanish Empire
United Nations list of non-self-governing territories
Spanish West Africa
Spanish Sahara
56 Witu Sultanate Q47509668 founded in 1858 by the Pate Sultanate ruler in East Africa 294944214 Wituland
57 Zambian African National Congress Q145522 political party in Northern Rhodesia 314282394
political party Northern Rhodesia
58 Zirid Dynasty Q205718 Sanhaja Berber dynasty 972-1148 294945555 dynasty
historical country
Taifa of Granada
Caliphate of Córdoba

∑ 4200 items.

End of automatically generated list.