Articul per Ladin Gherdëina

La Crim ie na penijula te l'Europa urientela. La ie sun la costa a nord dl Mer Fosch y à na populazion de ntëur a 2,4 milions de abitanc, de chëi che la majera pert ie rusc. Dal 2014 incà ie la penijula sota l cuntrol de la Federazion Russa. La ie spartida su te la Republica de la Crim y la zità federela de Sevastopol. Ti uedli de la comunità nternaziunela y de la Nazions Unides ie la penijula pert de la Republica autonoma de la Crim de l'Ucraina[1][2][3].

Foto tres satelit de la Crim.

La Crim (ënghe tlameda la Penijula Taurica) ie te la storia stata l cunfin danter l mond clasich y la stepa Pontica-Caspica. Si costes a sud fova states colonisedes dai grecs y po duminedes dai persians, dal Mper Roman y dal Mper Bizantin. Ntan dut chësc tëmp fova la rujeneda plu adurveda te la Crim l grech y la religion fova tl Medieve deventeda l cristianesim ortodox. Ala fin dl Mper Bizantin fova la penijula tumeda sota l cuntrol de la Republica de Genova y po rueda sota l Mper Ottoman nfin tl 1783 canche do la viera Russa-Ottomana (1768–1774) fovela rueda sota l Mper Rus.






  1. КС признал неконституционным постановление крымского парламента о вхождении АРК в состав РФ и проведении референдума о статусе автономии [Constitutional Court of Ukraine deemed Crimean parliament resolution on accession of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea to the Russian Federation and holding of the Crimean status referendum unconstitutional] (per russo). Interfax-Ukraine. 14 March 2014.
    "Judgement of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine on all-Crimean referendum". Embassy of Ukraine in the United States of America. 15 March 2014. Archivià da l uriginel ai 31 March 2019. Trat ite ai 11 August 2017.
  2. Tokarev, Alexey (2014). Электоральная история постсоветского Крыма: от УССР до России [The electoral history of the post-Soviet Crimea: from Ukrainian SSR to Russia] (PDF). MGIMO Review of International Relations (per russo). 5 (44): 32–41. Archivià da l uriginel (PDF) ai 12 January 2016. Trat ite ai 11 August 2017. Спустя 22 года и 364 дня после первого в СССР референдума в автономной республике Украины Крым состоялся последний референдум. Проводился он вопреки украинскому законодательству, не предусматривающему понятия региональный референдум и предписывающему решать территориальные вопросы только на всеукраинском референдуме
  3. Marxen, Christian (2014). "The Crimea Crisis – An International Law Perspective" (PDF). Zeitschrift für ausländisches öffentliches Recht und Völkerrecht (Heidelberg Journal of International Law). 74. Organizing and holding the referendum on Crimea's accession to Russia was illegal under the Ukrainian constitution. Article 2 of the constitution establishes that "Ukraine shall be a unitary state" and that the "territory of Ukraine within its present border is indivisible and inviolable". This is confirmed in regard to Crimea by Chapter X of the constitution, which provides for the autonomous status of Crimea. Article 134 sets forth that Crimea is an "inseparable constituent part of Ukraine". The autonomous status provides Crimea with a certain set of authorities and allows, inter alia, to hold referendums. These rights are, however, limited to local matters. The constitution makes clear that alterations to the territory of Ukraine require an all-Ukrainian referendum.