Auburn is an adventure game in which a lonely fox makes friends with the animals around her. Created using a tiny 64x64 resolution for #LOWREZJAM 2022!

Explore a lush world of meadows, caves, ruins, underwater, and a beach. Play as 5 different playable characters, each with their own unique abilities.


  • Move: Arrows or WASD
  • Jump: Space or W
  • Interact: Enter
  • Menu: Escape


  • 🦊 Fox: Run and jump!
  • 🐔 Chicken: Hold jump to glide.
  • 🐟 Fish: Can swim, obvs.
  • 🪱 Worm: Slither up walls and along ceilings.
  • 🐝 Bee: Can fly!


Rated 4.6 out of 5 stars
(37 total ratings)
AuthorsLittle Martian, Akty Elements
Made withConstruct

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Indeed a lovely little game. Would be great to see it in a more refined state :)

Great work, great art

gosh this is a beautiful looking game!

When you are the chicken and you try to eat a mushroom the avatar that pops up is that of the fox. 

Fun game!

2 minor bugs: The blue effect when switching sometimes stays.

The bee can switch with the chicken, but chicken can not switch back, and the bee flies to the next screen.


Insanely beautiful pixel art.

Is there any build that I can play?

Hi Aidin, there’s no downloadable build. It’s just playable in the browser. :-)

sadly hasnt been updated in a while

Yeah, we created it for a game jam, and whilst it’d be nice to add more content because it’s a fun little concept, I just have too much going on right now. Maybe one day. Maybe?

this is lovely !!! it has an unique beautiful style, and it reminds me of the best parts of Jill of the Jungle, changing into various animals and solving puzzles

Oh hey, thank you so much, I’m really glad you enjoyed playing it. I have some plans to expand it in the future to add more animals with unique movements, more puzzles to solve, and provide a lot more to explore. :-)

I love this game, really neat little game. And as many have said, gorgeous art!

Hey there!
I wanted to reach out and let you know our games team really enjoyed playing Auburn. We'd love to host it on our site for our users to enjoy as well! Our licenses are totally non-exclusive, so you would maintain all of the IP rights and could continue to develop and distribute the games however you’d like. If you’re interested, please email Paolo (one of our game producers) at [email protected]. He can give you more info on the licensing process. Looking forward to hearing from you!

Hi, I’m really happy you enjoyed it. I’ve got some fun ideas for adding new animals and more areas to explore. I’ll drop Paolo an email now. 😊

(3 edits)

This game looks and plays great (love the color scheme). And yeah, I'm all "Dizzy" with this one like the others. Took me right back. <Sorry for the edit; forgot to mention how incredibly lush the pixel style is too. Simply amazing!> Fantastic job and thanks for the upload :) Just wondering if "" is still available; I couldn't find it.

Hey, I’m so glad you really enjoyed it, and extra happy that you found the Dizzy reference! 😀

I’m not sure why the download link isn’t appearing, but I’ll take a look at the game settings to figure it out.

Can’t play much rn but WOW this looks amazing.


it is possible

I really wish I’d noticed this was possible before submitting it. I wouldn’t have fixed it, but I would have put in some fun dialogue and maybe a little Easter egg! 😆


how about that

Waaaaaaah this game was awesome 😲

Your attention for detail is astounding. All these little animations, the sound design, how you introduced all the animals before you got to play as a new one, really a great job!

Now, what is this talk about a next version 😏


Thank you so so much Sander. I’m really happy with how it turned out in the end, and I think there’s a lot of school’s to expand it in the future. I’d especially like to add more to the underwater area, such as adding a shipwreck and a hermit crab to play as. 😊

Congratulations on making this game !

I've played your game during a live that you can watch here :

The live is timestamped so you can go directly to your game.

I hope the feedback and live reactions will be useful to you. Keep it up 

I knew this one looked special from the beginning, and it sure delivered! The art and sound are so great and I really love the chill exploration vibe. Great work!

Awww, that’s so kind of you, thank you very much! I’m really happy that you enjoyed playing it, and I’ll definitely be expanding it in the future. I’ve got some fun ideas, such as an animal that can dig underground (maybe a mole) and a bigger underwater area with a shipwreck and a hermit crab! 😊


Very fun game, can't wait until the fabled next version comes out!

Thank you so much! Once the voting period is over I’m planning on expanding the world, especially the underwater section because I think there’s a lot of potential there.

(1 edit) (+1)

Slick looking. Very convincing appearance. Not easy getting that close to looking authentic retro. Absolutely beautiful work.


Thank you! I grew up playing on a ZX Spectrum so I think that helps to capture that retro vibe, because I remember what it actually felt like as an eight year old! 😊

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It shows. Brings back some childhood feelings for me as well. Keep at it - you definitely have what it takes.


This was such a fun and amazing puzzle platformer. Keep up the great work!

Hey, thank you so much. I enjoyed your play through video! 😊


Great graphics and even better sound effects! Lovely game, well done!

Thank you so much! I’m really pleased with how it turned out. I wasn’t sure whether I’d be able to get the right sort of relaxed atmosphere that I wanted, but in the end it came together nicely. The music really helps too.


The Art is the best i have seen yet on this Jam.

Aww that’s really kind of you to say. Hopefully lots of other people will think the same too! 🤞


I really love the graphic style of the game. The dark with the super bright colors is striking and really cool. 


Thank you! I tried to recreate some of the style and feelof the ZX Spectrum games I played as a kid, but without the same palette restrictions.


Such good art for only 64 X 64.

Thank you! 😊


Good job, always interesting to see what can be done in a 64 res!

That’s so kind of you! It’s the first time I’ve done anything at such a tiny resolution and I’ve got to say that I’ve really enjoyed the challenge!


This game is really good :) I really love how you use 64x64 screen resolution to imagine a simple and funny story with animals and bugs working together and advancing in this little adventure. Hope this little game can have a next part soon. Really cool

Thank you so much. I’m really glad you enjoyed playing it. I’ve got so many ideas for new areas to explore and new animals to add, so perhaps once the game jam has ended I’ll get chance to add those. 😊

I love the game! The pixel art, the music, the feeling of relaxation...

I hope you finish it in the future. I'll play, sure.

There is a little bug when you press the lift while jumping. The fox animation freezed in jump.

Anyway, congrats for you amazing work! 🦊


The art is amazing!!!

Thank you so much! That’s very kind of you to say. 🦊🧡


Cute little game. Loved it! :)

Hey, this is a proud moment for me… my first game to get a full walkthrough video! :-D Thank you so much for playing it, I’ve glad you liked it. 🧡


I have spent far too long playing this :)
Takes me right back to my teens playing Dizzy.

Awww, that makes me really happy. I have such fond memories of the Dizzy games. I was 7 when I first played Treasure Island Dizzy (weirdly, I never played the very first Dizzy game), which still remains my favourite to this day. :-D

Somehow I had a feeling Treasure Island Dizzy might have been an influence :)


It’s my mission as an indie game developmer to try to cram Treasure Island Dizzy references to as many of my games as possible. 😆

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the vines/etc sway when you brush against them. talk about "attention to detail". loving it so far. nice work!

Thank you! I wanted to add plenty of “ooo, that’s neat” moments for players as they’re exploring, so it’s not just running from one screen to another. Hopefully it works!


You will place high in graphics

Aww, I hope so because I put a lot of thought into the artwork, so fingers crossed! :-D


That art is sick!