[CSSWG] Minutes Telecon 2024-08-14 [css-values-5][css-easing-2][selectors]

  These are the official CSSWG minutes.
  Unless you're correcting the minutes,
 Please respond by starting a new thread
   with an appropriate subject line.

CSS Values 5

  - RESOLVED: 1 more calc-size edit in, then issue first working draft
              of css-values-5

CSS Easing 2

  - RESOLVED: Add ChrisL and TabAtkins for easing level 2 and publish
              FWD (Issue #10688: Time for FPWD)

Add hover/focus/long-press triggering delays to CSS

  - There was a lot of discussion and thought about if tooltips are
      worth solving in issue #9236. There wasn't a clear yes or no
      decided on the call, however a lot of good points were raised
      that needed further discussion. Some of the questions/comments
      - Specific delays might be better than named values
      - Different delays based on modality, hover vs touch
      - If focus delay should be zero or if tabbing should have a
          different behavior
      - Should there be a pseudo class for first tooltip open


  - RESOLVED: Edit in what's described in Tab's last comment:
              (Issue #10179: Should :not(foo) match the host of the
              shadow tree?)
  - RESOLVED: :host:has() can match, :has() can't (Issue #10693: Should
              `:host:has()` match?)


Agenda: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-style/2024Aug/0008.html

  Rachel Andrew
  Adam Argyle
  Tab Atkins-Bittner
  Kevin Babbitt
  David Baron
  Oriol Brufau
  Keith Cirkel
  Emilio Cobos Álvarez
  Yehonatan Daniv
  Elika Etemad
  Robert Flack
  Mason Freed
  Paul Grenier
  Daniel Holbert
  Brian Kardell
  Jonathan Kew
  Roman Komarov
  Chris Lilley
  Alison Maher
  Alan Stearns
  Miriam Suzanne
  Josh Tumath
  Bramus Van Damme
  Sebastian Zartner

Chair: astearns

Scribe: keithamus

CSS Values 5
  github: https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/6900

  astearns: Any changes people would like to make to the agenda?
  fantasai: First public WD of css-values-5?
  <fantasai> https://drafts.csswg.org/css-values-5/
  astearns: let's start with that

  fantasai: Tab and I were thinking we should move values and units
            level 5 to FWD. It has a bunch of a features we're all
            actively working on
  fantasai: we should publish and tweak it, refine issues before we get
            to far along
  astearns: What features?
  fantasai: progress, cross fade, toggle attr, fade, random,
            random-item, sibling-count, sibling-index,
  astearns: Any concerns, those who want more time?
  dbaron: I'm supportive. One other edit for calc-size that I was
          hoping to make today. I think it's fine but I'd like to make
          the edit first
  fantasai: We can do that. Let's keep iterating from there.
  ChrisL: It takes a few days. It'll be Friday at the earliest.
  PROPOSED RESOLUTION: 1 more calc-size edit in, then issue first
      working draft of css-values-5

  RESOLVED: 1 more calc-size edit in, then issue first working draft of

CSS Easing

Time for FPWD
  github: https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/10688

  <TabAtkins> definitely +1 to easing-2 FPWD
  ChrisL: This only adds 1 new feature: multipoint linear easing
          function. This is already widely implemented.
  ChrisL: Proposal to add to Pre-CR exceptions. Which is awkward if its
          not FWD
  ChrisL: I added WPT annotation so we can see how much is implemented.
          but it's in good shape

  fantasai: Should we add another editor?
  TabAtkins: I've already been doing some edits so happy to add to my
  ChrisL: I would but I've got many things, not as much as Tab
  fantasai: Maybe we add both?
  ChrisL: Fine
  PROPOSED RESOLUTION: Add ChrisL and TabAtkins for easing level 2 and
      publish FWD

  RESOLVED: Add ChrisL and TabAtkins for easing level 2 and publish FWD

Add hover/focus/long-press triggering delays to CSS
  github: https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/9236

  masonf: Quick intro. Recent comments makes me think we need to raise
          the issue generally on if tooltips are worth solving. This
          issue is around discussing ideas.
  <masonf> - Explainer:
  masonf: related to interest target proposal
  masonf: General story: other API called command/commandfor/invokers.
          Lets you invoke an element based on activating a button. This
          API is similar but instead of activating it invokes by merely
          showing interest; e.g. hovering mouse, focus keyboard, long
          press on touch, etc.
  masonf: Use cases are tooltips, hovering menus, other cases where the
          user hasn't yet clicked
  masonf: I don't think we want to debate the case just yet but we want
          to discuss the delays involved in this
  masonf: Tooltips are typically implemented with delays to avoid very
          noisy UI. That counts as showing interest. The fact the user,
          for e.g., has stopped the mouse there for a period of time
          indicates to the UA the user showing interest
  masonf: Why in CSS? The delays aren't necessarily semantic, but also
          are likely applied unilaterally on the page, so perhaps `*`
          or some other selector. Also prefers-* queries may influence
          that, e.g. reduced-motion.
  masonf: Some users may prefer longer delays, its also a developer
          specified period of time, some sites - e.g. games - might
          want shorter or longer time
  masonf: There are two things, one is showing interest, the other is
          _losing_ interest, when you move away and want it to hide
  masonf: Where it currently stands is a single property shorthand with
          two delays, and values are generic, e.g. short/medium/long.
          This allows varying by OS or modality, e.g. short might be
          shorter for keyboard than mouse
  masonf: So. Does this belong in CSS? Or should it be elsewhere? Does
          the approach make sense? Are there better ideas? Most
          interested in the last.

  <TabAtkins> I think this sounds reasonable and I'd like to explore
              it. Unsure if this is the exact shape, but this space
              seems useful to me.

  flackr: As you were talking; one thing that I kept thinking of;
          should developers be customizing the delay at all? Original
          use case for delay is that hover shouldn't be instant. But if
          we don't allow for customizing we can align to platform delay
  flackr: Hover menus aren't a good UX pattern... Is this something
          which needs to be customized or is this something which we
          can have as a UA value
  masonf: I believe there are different use cases eg menu vs tooltip,
          tooltip might have a longer delay because you want to make
          sure the user wants to see that thing whereas menus might be
  masonf: There is already `title` attribute which users complain is
          too long
  flackr: We should change that if the common feedback is the delay is
          too long
  masonf: I don't disagree

  astearns: Different timing for different affordances could be
            something in HTML. Different built-in timings for that.
  astearns: Would we need a `never` or some other value that stays
            shown until you hover over the next one?
  astearns: Other question; does this belong in CSS or HTML... maybe
            this is just a javascript feature? In JS you can determine
            MQ state and change things so it wouldn't necessarily be in
  <TabAtkins> I can definitely say that debouncing correctly is much
              harder than one would think.
  <TabAtkins> (I'm doing that in JS for Bikeshed.)
  masonf: The reason I don't think it should be in JS is it's tricky,
          debouncing gets interesting, keeping track of various
          timings. BTW losing interest can happen from both the button
          and the thing that invoked it, so it can get tricky in JS

  emilio: This seems doable already in a sense. The same way people are
          adding entry/exit animations in dialog. Other than that I
          think the feature without a hardcoded duration makes sense.
          In theory UAs or something else should invoke this... ???
          like invokers. I wanted to clarify that this seems doable
          with transition behavior discrete and existing infra, but
          maybe that's wrong?
  masonf: It's more tricky to do with entry/exit and some things are
          impossible like losing interest - you lose interest on the
          combination of losing interest on both button and invoker
  emilio: The way I think with :hover and transition, keeps the
          interest, only if the thing you're popping up is inside of
          the dom of the anchor... it's a bit tricky and harder, but
          not impossible
  masonf: You mention hover, that covers mouse users, but not other
          input users. Like popover, it sounds simple for one modality
          but gets complex in the details, that's my concern
  <emilio> masonf: a counterpoint for that would be that you might be
           interested only in one kind of interest (like hover, but not
           keyboard focus perhaps?)
  <emilio> But yeah the general thing seems worth exploring

  PaulG: Always a fan of progressive enhancement. I worry about lack of
         consensus on tooltip as a pattern, but just to clarify other
         patterns I've seen or used, aside from tooltip... hover menus
         are a thing. Focus works the same way, focus/hover should do
         the same thing. Touch is the same as a click... my main area
         to push back on is timing as a token as a specific time
  PaulG: A lot of people are concerned with specific times, especially
         wrt satisfying success criteria.
  PaulG: so I'd say go towards focus/hover pseudos as a way to separate
         those out rather than token/values. Touch would be separate
  PaulG: unless we add another pseudo but I don't think it would make a
  PaulG: Everything else seems to be answered by the writeup but I'd
         like to see other use cases. What seems to far afield?

  kizu: Authors need a way to provide custom duration, in my example
        let's say a design system already implements this - they
        already have different values, we have specific values for
        this. If we introduce this through CSS we'd probably want to
        match these. We will not have a different experience, users are
        used to a certain delay. In this case we'd want to use a custom
        property in CSS and normalize for every use case. Kind of
        related to what PaulG says, we'd want some way to separate and
        where we'd want to apply this.
  kizu: Usually we don't want any delay with focus, immediate feedback.
        Reason for delay on hover is you can accidentally trigger, e.g.
        leave an area, return the cursor the tooltip wants to go away.
        With focus this isn't an issue. RIght now this can be
        implemented with transitions, but currently not possible with
        display transition. When transition to none elements lose
        events, so you cannot have transition on display.
  kizu: So I agree we need this property but it should be more author
  kizu: e.g. games might want immediate responses.
  kbabbitt: I wanted to make the exact same point on games wanting
            instant response or 0s or something. AIUI the keywords were
            introduced to give a degree of control, that's an important
            use case. I wonder if we could do something similar to e.g.
            forced-colors where we want to force a UA setting to
            override what the author sets.

  keithamus: One use case I want to represent, where CSS feels
  keithamus: delay might want to be configurable based on presence of
             an active tooltip
  keithamus: e.g. if you currently are looking at a tooltip, and are in
             a mystery menu
  keithamus: you might want the delay to be shortened on subsequent
  keithamus: that is trivially expressible in CSS right now, but much
             harder in other languages
  <kizu> +1 to Keith, libs like Tippy have this as an option:

  ydaniv: Agree with Keith and Roman. Anywhere we try to solve in
          keywords, it always failed.
  ydaniv: For example in smooth scrolling, left up to UA, and we tried
          to migrate to it but it looks different in different browsers
          so got lots of backlash from users
  ydaniv: I think here it would be good to go with time values. CSS is
          a good place to put it. We have all the ergonomics. The right
          declarative place to put it.

  emilio: I wanted to provide a counter point to the keyword. For more
          user-choice vs author-choice, e.g. scrollbar with has auto vs
          precise pixel value, otherwise you cannot allow users who
          need more delay to have more delay. So I disagree on the need
          for precise time.
  astearns: One reason we don't have pixel values for scrollbars is
            because some OSes don't support changing that, that's not
            the case for these kind of delays
  astearns: If there were platform specific delays that were widely
            used and people relied on, then I could see your point.
  astearns: I don't think this is OS specific.
  emilio: I agree it's not OS specific. It's more about - as a user...
          I guess you could override with a user stylesheet, but it
          loses the intent of making it short or long
  masonf: I had the same concerns but user agents could have a setting
          like "double all the delays" or clamp them to a range. As
          long as the UA can override those specified by the developer,
          as long as there's a mechanism.
  astearns: I'd definitely support allowing UAs to override, but I
            don't think we should build it around UA preferences.

  PaulG: Multiplicative idea for UA setting would be great. WCAG 2.2.1
         is 10x, so allowing user 10x time to do a task. If this were
         part of that this would allow people to spend a lot less code
         on a feature. Great progressive enhancement and accuracy
         across user experiences
  dholbert: Specifying exact time; the idea of letting UAs add
            multipliers... I worry a little that with specifying exact
            time, developers would coordinate animations with delays
            which would look cool but would break with UA adjustments.
  dholbert: it might not work in practice.

  flackr: I wanted to make an argument against complete customization.
          Couldn't UAs have a sensible tooltip delay that makes sense.
          I've heard interesting ideas of how that could work such as
          subsequent tooltips being instant - this could be something
          the UA could do in general. The argument for this is that the
          UA could provide a consistent experience across sites and
          the OS.
  flackr: this is why scrolling in general isn't customizable. Users
          aren't surprised that sites don't change scroll
  masonf: Is the point that we shouldn't allow customization, or
          specific numbers?
  flackr: Unless we have strong reason to believe that UA delays don't
          work we should have UA determined.

  masonf: Appreciate the feedback. I think I heard open questions;
          specific delays might be better than named values. Different
          delays based on modality, hover vs touch. Focus delay should
          be zero, but I think there should be a non-zero focus delay
          for folks tabbing in the document.
  masonf: Should there be a pseudo class for first tooltip open, etc...
          I'd love to have more feedback on the issue. Thanks for the
  astearns: Is this going to form controls task force, or just tooltip
  masonf: I opened this issue about a year ago, but it's clear I need
          to bring the tooltip issue to the task force as there are
          wider questions. I don't know if this rises to that level.

CSS Selectors

Should :not(foo) match the host of the shadow tree?
  github: https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/10179

  TabAtkins: A question raised: what the `:not` pseudo class means wrt
             the `:host` element. The point of it being featureless is
             to avoid having to defensively think about what the outer
             page is doing with the host element
  TabAtkins: Should :not match everything but the host by default?
  TabAtkins: Not should, by default, not match the host element by
             default. Just like .foo wouldn't match, not(.foo) wouldn't.
  TabAtkins: If you explicitly mention the host in the :not, you're
             explicitly opting in, so there could be a small set of
             rules for :not matching, compound selectors matching,
             complex selectors are allowed to match only if the subject
             compound is allowed to match
  TabAtkins: This captures the notion of if the :not selector is caring
             about the host element. If so it is allowed to match
             otherwise it ignores like everything else.
  TabAtkins: If this sounds reasonable I can write the edits
  TabAtkins: I believe that brings all logical combinator pseudos into
             a reasonable state wrt the host element

  emilio: The only selector that would matter would be :not(:host)?
          Other stuff would never match effectively?
  TabAtkins: I believe so
  emilio: Can we make this simpler and say it never matches? Given
          :host is featureless
  emilio: Is there a use case for :not(:host)?
  TabAtkins: There are other things that could do that. Also :has().
             You could potentially match a host element without :host,
             and if you :not that, you could potentially match the
  TabAtkins: example:
  <TabAtkins> if :has(.foo) doesn't match the host (but is allowed to),
              the :not(:has(.foo)) would match the host
  emilio: Do you really want :not(:has(.foo)) to really match?
  TabAtkins: That's the next issue
  emilio: I thought the next issue was :host:has() work
  emilio: I think I see, it's very weird. In general I don't think you
          can match the host with something which doesn't contain :host
  TabAtkins: That's the next issue

  astearns: Could we move forward with the complicated bits and drop
            them if we don't need them?
  TabAtkins: A selector X that's potentially able to match a set of
             elements, X and :not(X) should match all those potential
             elements, which may or may not include the host.
  TabAtkins: That's the underpinning I want to resolve on
  PROPOSED RESOLUTION: edit in what's described in Tabs last comment

  RESOLVED: Edit in what's described in Tab's last comment

Should `:host:has()` match?
  github: https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/10693

  <TabAtkins> :host:has(.foo)
  TabAtkins: Someone added tests in WPT combining :host:has. Some test
             well specified behaviour, but they added some tentative
             about using :host:has next to each other in a compound
  TabAtkins: Tentatively wrote assuming this works and it matches the
             host element assuming a .foo is in the tree
  TabAtkins: That doesn't work because :has doesn't match featureless
             elements in general
  TabAtkins: The :has pseudo class should be able to match the host.
             Again, :host is featureless because authors of the shadow
             tree cannot predict the markup so it would have to be
             written defensively
  TabAtkins: The :has pseudo class only matches based on descendants,
             ie stuff in the shadow tree thus already in control of the
  TabAtkins: so predictable behavior and no defensive coding
  TabAtkins: There's also some examples this satisfies in the thread
  <TabAtkins> :host:has(.foo) and :has(.foo) both are allowed to match
  TabAtkins: So :has should be added to the list of things to match the
             host element
  TabAtkins: Also unqualified :has(.foo) should be able to match the
             host element
  TabAtkins: This is potentially confusing because no selectors
             currently match :host... nothing else can do this right
             now so it might not be expected.
  TabAtkins: The benefit of allowing is that matching behavior becomes
             much more sensible if it is allowed to match unreservedly
  TabAtkins: it makes speccing more complex if not
  TabAtkins: the simpler model, I think, is a little better
  <emilio> Feels wrong that `*:has(..)` and `:has(..)` behaves
  <TabAtkins> *:is(:host) and :is(:host) already match different

  emilio: I get the use case of matching inside the shadow tree, I'm
          not sure I agree with making it match when not qualified. It
          feels wrong that * doesn't match but unqualified does.
  emilio: I guess you're right that's already the case per spec
  emilio: Something matching host that doesn't contain :host feels bad
  emilio: I find it confusing. Especially as styles go outside your
  emilio: Either force :host or do a new pseudo or something
  emilio: I think I have a preference for enforcing :host especially as
          it doesn't change the behaviour for unqualified selectors
  TabAtkins: I suspect that unqualified :has is rare to non-existent as
             it could potentially match all elements. I would be
             surprised if it causes problems
  TabAtkins: open to possibility that it would though

  astearns: I didn't go into the use cases but are the use cases
            presented for unqualified has that cannot be done with
            qualified has? Or is it ergonomics?
  TabAtkins: Purely ergonomics, purely a matter of ergonomics/spec
             complexity to make it work one way or another
  emilio: Implementation complexity implies there is a benefit, then
          you can avoid looking at those selectors altogether
  TabAtkins: But you would still know which selectors are potentially
             able to match
  TabAtkins: This expands the set of potential matches from things to
             the :host to things with unqualified :has
  emilio: :is also complicates, but if you have :host in the subject it
          can only match the host. :has can match random stuff in the
  emilio: I think unqualified :has matching :host is not great as an
  emilio: Other than my gut feeling I don't have strong arguments one
          way or another

  TabAtkins: Are you implying there's a benefit to saying these
             selectors only apply to host or not? Being able to match
             either host or shadow tree is more complex?
  emilio: Yeah. We can put the selector in a separate place to style
          the element, otherwise it's in the general place
  TabAtkins: The spec side, it means adding another clause to the
             conditions for what allows a compound selector to match a
             host element
  TabAtkins: Not a huge complexity but one more thing in the list
  emilio: Spec or implementation complexity aside, I wonder what other
          authors think? A bare :has with random stuff inside
          accidentally matching the :host?

  astearns: The person who wrote the tests is not thinking about this
            accidentally perhaps
  astearns: I'd like to see what the valid use case is. Speaking
            personally, I think I'd like the use cases to justify this
  TabAtkins: For the feature entirely? Or needing :host to be spelled
  astearns: Allowing a selector that doesn't explicitly use :host to
            match the host
  emilio: You claim the test author mentioned that? As far as I can
          tell they don't test that
  TabAtkins: All tests have :host:has. In the mindset of testing that
             :host matches appropriately.
  TabAtkins: I'm fine with resolving with emilio's amendment
  <TabAtkins> :host:has() can match, :has() can't

  PROPOSED RESOLUTION: :host:has() can match, :has() can't
  oriol: I think this breaks the assumption from the previous issue
  oriol: when we have compound selector allowed to match host, here has
         wouldn't be allowed but the combination would
  oriol: so it breaks the general rule?
  TabAtkins: Changing that rule to special case this would be part of
             that resolution
  oriol: So what would the general rule be?
  TabAtkins: I'll show the spec

  RESOLVED: :host:has() can match, :has() can't

Received on Thursday, 15 August 2024 23:43:09 UTC