International Arcade Museum Library
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Library - Finances and Governance.

The International Arcade Museum Library, Inc. strives to lead the pack in terms of financial governance, disclosure, and communication.

There are approximately 1.9 million non-profits in the United States. Only about 44,000 of them (including the IAML) have reached 'Bronze' level disclosure ratings with GuideStar, a leading information service specializing in reporting on U.S. nonprofit companies.

Our expenditures and financial reporting is approved by the IAML board of directors. Additionally, we receive advisory services from the well regarded accounting firm of HKG, LLP -- a firm with extensive experience with non-profits, having provided assistance to a wide range of non-profits ranging from the Petersen Automotive Museum to the Catalina Island Museum.

The IAML is still in a start-up phase and about three quarters the way though its initial funding goal of raising $100,000. The management is frugal with all funds, and attempts to minimize expenses and maximize the use of its dollars. All staff, board members, advisors, and committee members are volunteers. Library office space and utilities, including Internet services, are also donated.

2013 Year To Date Unaudited Financial Results (9/30/2013):

Revenue & Expenses Revenue Expenses
Donations - Cash $16,236.02  
Interest $12.71  
Association Fees   $175.00
PayPal Fees (Donations)   $697.98
Programs (Library Acquisition and Digitization Projects)   $6,526.38
TOTAL $16,248.73 $7,399.36
Balance Sheet Assets Liabilities
Cash on Hand $62,818.59  
Liabilities   $0

Previous Year Revenue and Expenses:

Year Revenue Expenses
2012 $9,829.91 $870.01*
2011 $14,818.63 $734.74*

*For 2011 and 2012, PayPal fees for donations received was the single largest, and majority, expense item.