Human Rights & Public Liberties

Human Rights & Public Liberties

Published on: 13 Jan, 2021

UNSC on South Sudan

Published on: 5 March, 2024


The Council will hold a briefing, followed by consultations, on the Secretary-General’s 90-day UNMISS report, released on 24 February. This is ahead of the expected renewal of the mandate of the UN Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS) before it’s 15 March expiration.

Notably Under-Secretary-General for Peace Operations Jean-Pierre Lacroix and Special Envoy for the Horn of Africa Hanna Serwaa Tetteh visited South Sudan from 18th-23rd February.

The UN Special Representative and Head of UNMISS Nicholas Haysom in December told the UNSC he was concerned that the conditions required for holding credible and peaceful elections, scheduled for December, are not in place.

As noted in the Secretary-General’s 24th February report, key issues that remain to be determined include, among others: the constitution-making process, the type and number of elections, an elections security plan, and an elections dispute mechanism.

The report also emphasised the need for political parties to agree to a political code of conduct outlining the norms of legitimate political behaviour for the election.
