small claim

small claim

an action under a specified limit usually with considerably reduced formalities and designed to allow individuals to litigate without a solicitor in simpler cases. There is usually a provision allowing cases to be transferred to the usual or ordinary procedures. Some types of cases maybe reserved. In England there is an arbitration procedure in the County Court. In Scotland there is a special procedure and special forms in the Sheriff Court.
Collins Dictionary of Law © W.J. Stewart, 2006
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Just as when inventive power is working with glad ease some small claim on the attention is fully met as if it were only a cranny opened to the sunlight, it was easy now for Dorothea to write her memoranda.
I allow she has small claims to perfection; but then, I maintain that, if she were more perfect, she would be less interesting.'
PESHAWAR -- Peshawar High Court (PHC) has decided to operationalize Small Claims and Minor Offences Courts (SCMOC) for early disposal of all those civil and criminal cases that fall within the category of Small Claim and Minor Offences (SCMO) with an aim to provide inexpensive and expeditious justice.
DNF Associates, LLC filed a small claim against Jerel Holmes in the amount of $3,362.11 plus court costs.
Raising the threshold for filing a small claim to 10,000 should mainly benefit SMEs involved in small cross-border disputes.
Andrew Perriman, the senior lecturer in law who runs Teesside Law Clinic, said: "For people who are unfamiliar with the legal system, even something relatively straightforward like a small claim can be extremely complex.
The Nithsdale Loyal raised a small claim at Glasgow Sheriff Court against United for pounds 800.
Anyone making a small claim will soon have to consider mediation before taking their case to court.
Traditionally, bit players in major debt workouts tend to drive the hardest bargain because governments will pay off a small claim to facilitate a large deal with major creditors.
Personal Finance Company LLC filed a small claim against Ralph R.
She said: "Obviously, the amount I claimed in the small claim court was small compared to the serious injuries I sustained and my ongoing impairment.