Still the old man did not
recover. After the lapse of a considerable time, the doctor who had been summoned made his appearance.
In the course of two or three hours, however, he sat up, and was sufficiently recovered to tell me what had occurred.
I saw them recover their weapons and turn back; and I continued my descent as fast as I could.
When my guest was a little recovered I had great trouble to keep off the men, who wished to ask him a thousand questions; but I would not allow him to be tormented by their idle curiosity, in a state of body and mind whose restoration evidently depended upon entire repose.
He is now much recovered from his illness and is continually on the deck, apparently watching for the sledge that preceded his own.
But then, you see, I had firmly realised this, that she would sooner
recover from our separation than from our marriage; that her love for me, pretty and poignant and dramatic while it lasted, was a book- born, book-fed dream, which must die soon or late,--the sooner the better for the peace of the dreams that in the course of nature would soon spring up to take its place.
The ape's mate, recovered from its first shock of terror, had returned to the scene of the encounter by way of the interior of the building.
Even should I break one of them with my first blow, for I figured that he would attempt to ward off the cudgel, he could reach out and annihilate me with the others before I could recover for a second attack.
My landlady has become more accommodating; Theresa has
recovered her senses; even Phaldoni springs to do my bidding.
"Monsieur d'Artagnan!" muttered Mazarin, unable to
recover from his astonishment.
He had what the doctors termed "bilious fever." But despite the fact that the doctors treated him, bled him, and gave him medicines to drink, he
"When I had somewhat
recovered from the dazing effect of the transition from uproar to silence, my first impulse was to reopen the door which I had closed, and from the knob of which I was not conscious of having removed my hand; I felt it distinctly, still in the clasp of my fingers.