provisional remedy

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provisional remedy

n. a generic term for any temporary order of a court to protect a party from irreparable damage while a lawsuit or petition is pending. (See: interlocutory decree, temporary injunction)

Copyright © 1981-2005 by Gerald N. Hill and Kathleen T. Hill. All Right reserved.
References in periodicals archive ?
We have to understand that TROs are just a provisional remedy for the time being,' Marquez told the Inquirer.
Jana Lukacova, spokesman for Slovachildren's kia's Central Office of Labour, Social Affairs and Family, said the court had ruled on a "provisional remedy" under which the children's home must allow Benjamin the "personal care" of his mum.
to grant a provisional remedy, Lemley and Volokh's article suggests
The High Court's temporary restraining order is a "provisional remedy" to assess complaints and should not be misconstrued as a judgement on the merits of the Cybercrime Prevention Act, said deputy presidential spokesperson Abigail Valte.
Based upon the ultimate conclusion that the seller had established all of the elements necessary to support the issuance of the preliminary injunction the seller sought, the court granted that provisional remedy. Because the standards governing the propriety of issuing a preliminary injunction are more exacting than the standards governing the eventual issuance of a decree ordering specific performance, the district court's opinion in Central Illinois Public Service Co.
Said writ is a provisional remedy and thus remains pending the final outcome of the legal action instituted.

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