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v. 1) to attach something to real estate in a permanent way, including planting trees and shrubs, constructing a building, or adding to existing improvements. The key is that affixed items are permanent and cannot be picked up and moved away like a washing machine. 2) to sign or seal, as affix a signature or a seal.

Copyright © 1981-2005 by Gerald N. Hill and Kathleen T. Hill. All Right reserved.
References in periodicals archive ?
7- 2014, under which only tobacco firms that can provide a certification from the country of destination that their law prohibits the affixture of stamps had been exempted, Henares explained in a text message.
"In line with the amendment of the National Internal Revenue Code of 1997, it is anticipated that the affixture of tax stamps introduced on 1st December 2014 will 'further improve tax administration' and 'deter mis-declaration of removals," the report said.