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n. street slang for methamphetamine, a drug in a chrystaline form which supposedly stimulates the senses, is popular with some illicit drug users, and is addictive. It smells bad, has serious unhealthy side effects, and its possession, use and sale without a prescription are all crimes. (See: narcotics, controlled substance)

Copyright © 1981-2005 by Gerald N. Hill and Kathleen T. Hill. All Right reserved.
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Last year, Halton Borough Council installed 'splitter islands' at the junction of the road and Camberwell Park housing estate The action followed a story in the ECHO which highlighted people's daily struggles against scrambler bike riders and arrogant speeders driving '100 miles per hour' in the area.
But then guess the police want a quantity of speeders rather than a handful of 70mph plus."
The Mk IV octocopters, or Speeders, that will eventually compete in the first Airspeeder Grand Prix, will begin manned demonstration flights in the Mojave Desert later this year.
Four in five of those sentenced in Wicklow did present their licences, while 68% of speeders in Wexford did so.
And Paul Zubinski of Palatine writes that police need to take a harder line on speeders and other traffic scofflaws.
Second top was the M62 in Greater Manchester west from junctions 19-20, with 38,836 speeders caught.
SPEEDING WARS ITV, 9.00pm Police in Essex try to stop the extreme speeders who race at more than 100mph on public roads at Lakeside, going under cover in Operation Wagtail to improve one of the most notorious areas in the county.
Clobber the 30mph speeders hard and leave as is for the motorway speeders.
The speeders were caught by both mobile and fixed speed cameras on various roads.
BRITAIN'S worst speeders are company bosses with a Jaguar XK sports car.