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Related to Prodigal Daughter: Prodigal son

PRODIGAL, civil law, persons. Prodigals were persons who, though of full age, were incapable of managing their affairs, and of the obligations which attended them, in consequence of their bad conduct, and for whom a curator was therefore appointed.
     2. In Pennsylvania, by act of assembly, an habitual drunkard is deprived of the management of his affairs, when he wastes his property, and his estate is placed in the bands of a committee.

A Law Dictionary, Adapted to the Constitution and Laws of the United States. By John Bouvier. Published 1856.
References in periodicals archive ?
Prodigal Daughter. In Now Which Is the Mother and Which the Daughter?
But I can't think of the prodigal son without thinking of "Prodigal Daughter," a song by Michelle Shocked.
I will always be profoundly grateful to the members of the Margaret Rodger Memorial Presbyterian Church in Lachute, Que., for the joyful moments they gave their eldest congregant and the solace they provided their prodigal daughter.
Having now become "a prodigal daughter" of the Sikh faith, Bhatti wrote that she hopes the play will be performed again.
The prodigal daughter, now famous for radical moves called "skudges" and "pops" and "suicide dives," had returned, and in a cap and gown.
The novel's action takes place thirty years later, with the prodigal daughter summoned home by Cass because Yumi's father is dying and her mother has Alzheimer's Yumi arrives from Hawaii with three kids in tow--son Phoenix, daughter Ocean, and baby Poo--each from a different father.
Nothing like the return of a prodigal daughter to mess things up...
The next morning, Ward rode out on horseback to find the prodigal daughter.
Vera, in fact, is the novel's prodigal daughter, bringing about anti-heroine Lilian's final willingness both to remain alone in Rio and possibly to see more of the artist and Don Juanish Julio Dalori, behind husband Fabio's back.
Nancy also makes a solo appearance in "Table Talk." She crops up again briefly in a photograph with Jerry Zipkin on the wall of Mortimer's ("The Mortimer's Bunch"), and she shares with Wallis Annenberg a Florist to the Famous ("Prodigal Daughter").