Articles of agreement

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ARTICLES OF AGREEMENT, contracts. Relate either to real or personal estate, or to both. An article is a memorandum or minute of an agreement, reduced to writing to make some future disposition or modification of property; and such an instrument will create a trust or equitable estate, of which a specific performance will be decreed in chancery. Cruise on Real Pr. tit. 32 c. 1, s. 31. And see Id. tit. 12, c. 1.
     2. This instrument should contain: 1, the name and character of the parties; 2, the subject-matter of the contracts; 3, the covenants which each of the parties bind themselves to perform; 4, the date; 5, the signatures of the parties.
     3.-1. The parties should be named, and their addition should also be mentioned, in order to identify them. It should also be stated which persons are of the first, second, or other part. A confusion, in this respect, may occasion difficulties.
     4.-2. The subject-matter of the contract ought to be set out in clear and explicit language, and the time and place of the performance of the agreement ought to be mentioned and, when goods are to be delivered, it ought to be provided at whose expense they shall be removed, for there is a difference in the delivery of light and bulky articles. The seller of bulky articles is not in general bound to deliver them unless he agrees to do so. 5 S. & R. 19 12 Mass. 300; 4 Shepl. 49.
     5.-3. The covenants to be performed by each party should be specially and correctly stated, as a mistake in this respect leads to difficulties which might have been obviated had they been properly drawn.
     6.-4. The instrument should be truly dated.
     7.-5. It should be signed by the parties or their agents. When signed by an agent he should state his authority, and sign his principal's name, and then his own, as, A B, by his agent or attorney C D.

A Law Dictionary, Adapted to the Constitution and Laws of the United States. By John Bouvier. Published 1856.
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Winners will each receive 1 x Minotaurus, 1 x Pirate Code, 1 x Ramses Pyramid and 2009 entry tickets for a family of 4 (2 x adults & 2 x children) to LEGOLAND Windsor.
Ahoy me hearties, Pirate Code challenges friends and family to build the game then play - with each player selecting a secret code and hiding it in their treasure chest using the gem pieces provided.
By the time of the film's climactic fight, everyone left alive is being hurled around by a full-scale sea battle, waged in what seems a near-typhoon, with everyone slashing away like Errol Flynn on amphetamines.As advertised, Rolling Stone Keith Richards shows up at a pirate conference as the keeper of the pirate code, even strumming a tune on a period guitar.
We've teamed up with LEGO to give you the chance to WIN one of 25 LEGO sets and build then play four games: Robo Champ, Monster 4, Ramses Pyramid and Pirate Code.