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ORDINATION, civil and eccl. law. The act of conferring the orders of the church upon an individual. Nov. 137.

A Law Dictionary, Adapted to the Constitution and Laws of the United States. By John Bouvier. Published 1856.
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He said: "Dom is one of a growing number of young people seeking ordination in the Church in Wales.
The question is tricky because ordination itself was understood very differently in the first millennium of Christianity.
When asked why they are, or are not, or are not yet ordained, women offer important clues about the changing practice of ordination. The Baptist Women in Ministry (BWIM) Registry is a databank of women's ordinations and professional ministry collected since 2007.
One of these garudhammas is of considerable importance for the legal aspects of bhikkhuni ordination. This is the sixth garudhamma, which stipulates that a female candidate should have observed a two year training period as a probationer, a sikkhamana.
The Mexican church also considered the ordination of women to the priesthood.
Members of Father Puljic's family came from as far afield as Croatia and Canada to witness the ordination at the Coalpool Lane Church.
For the Catholic and Orthodox churches, it involves the validity of the Eucharistic celebration and of the sacrament of ordination. For churches with a different theology of sacraments, these questions do not arise.
The Licensing took place this week at an ordination service at Liverpool Cathedral.
From Theravadin traditions, there were 2 Thai women; (5) Ven.Dhammavati, the leading bhikkhuni of Nepal and her group received full ordination at this time.