Data Management at Scale, 2nd Edition
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Book description
As data management continues to evolve rapidly, managing all of your data in a central place, such as a data warehouse, is no longer scalable. Today's world is about quickly turning data into value. This requires a paradigm shift in the way we federate responsibilities, manage data, and make it available to others. With this practical book, you'll learn how to design a next-gen data architecture that takes into account the scale you need for your organization.
Executives, architects and engineers, analytics teams, and compliance and governance staff will learn how to build a next-gen data landscape. Author Piethein Strengholt provides blueprints, principles, observations, best practices, and patterns to get you up to speed.
- Examine data management trends, including regulatory requirements, privacy concerns, and new developments such as data mesh and data fabric
- Go deep into building a modern data architecture, including cloud data landing zones, domain-driven design, data product design, and more
- Explore data governance and data security, master data management, self-service data marketplaces, and the importance of metadata
Publisher resources
Table of contents
- Foreword
- Preface
1. The Journey to Becoming Data-Driven
- Recent Technology Developments and Industry Trends
- Data Management
- Analytics Is Fragmenting the Data Landscape
- The Speed of Software Delivery Is Changing
- The Cloud’s Impact on Data Management Is Immeasurable
- Privacy and Security Concerns Are a Top Priority
- Operational and Analytical Systems Need to Be Integrated
- Organizations Operate in Collaborative Ecosystems
- Enterprises Are Saddled with Outdated Data Architectures
- Defining a Data Strategy
- Wrapping Up
- 2. Organizing Data Using Data Domains
- 3. Mapping Domains to a Technology Architecture
4. Data Product Management
- What Are Data Products?
- Data Product Design Patterns
Design Principles for Data Products
- Resource-Oriented Read-Optimized Design
- Data Product Data Is Immutable
- Using the Ubiquitous Language
- Capture Directly from the Source
- Clear Interoperability Standards
- No Raw Data
- Don’t Conform to Consumers
- Missing Values, Defaults, and Data Types
- Semantic Consistency
- Atomicity
- Compatibility
- Abstract Volatile Reference Data
- New Data Means New Ownership
- Data Security Patterns
- Establish a Metamodel
- Allow Self-Service
- Cross-Domain Relationships
- Enterprise Consistency
- Historization, Redeliveries, and Overwrites
- Business Capabilities with Multiple Owners
- Operating Model
- Data Product Architecture
- Solution Design
- Getting Started
- Wrapping Up
- 5. Services and API Management
- 6. Event and Notification Management
- 7. Connecting the Dots
- 8. Data Governance and Data Security
- 9. Democratizing Data with Metadata
- 10. Modern Master Data Management
- 11. Turning Data into Value
- 12. Putting Theory into Practice
- Index
- About the Author
Product information
- Title: Data Management at Scale, 2nd Edition
- Author(s): Piethein Strengholt
- Release date: April 2023
- Publisher(s): O'Reilly Media, Inc.
- ISBN: 9781098138868
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