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Kalivoda, Gregor

LC control no.n 86083058
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingKalivoda, Gregor
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Birth date1949
AffiliationUniversität Tübingen
Found inParlamentarische Rhetorik und Argumentation, c1986: t.p. (Gregor Kalivoda)
Wege moderner Rhetorikforschung, 2014: ECIP t.p. (Gregor Kalivoda)
Handbücher Rhetorik, 2015- : Band 5, page vi (Gregor Kalivoda, Universität Tübingen)
OCLC, Dec. 14, 2015 (access point: Kalivoda, Gregor, 1949-)
Invalid LCCNn 2013073660