One region, all voices

Energy transition

Energy transition and external restriction: where is the region headed?

We are living through difficult times and facing transcendental junctures. Humanity has crossed six of the planet's nine limits. The worsening climate emergency is...

China and the challenges of the “energy transition” in Latin America

The continent's main energy source has traditionally been hydroelectric, but recently, there has been an increase in wind and photovoltaic capacity.

What is the update on the energy transition in the region?

Every crisis imposes challenges, but also opens windows of opportunity and change that are seized by some. Others, however, are prostrated in despair and fear.

Guyana and the necessary discussion on just transition

In a world that will continue to demand oil to meet its energy needs, it is unfair to deny the small country the opportunity to take a leap towards development by taking advantage of its natural resources.

Financing a sustainable transition

The initiatives of some central banks in the region against the climate emergency are limited to greater disclosure and transparency of information on emissions.

Petro, Biden and the Latin American energy transition

For Petro, the summit with Biden was an endorsement of his ambitious energy transition policy, which positions Colombia as the first oil-producing country to propose a ban on new exploration projects.