One region, all voices

Javier Milei

Argentina: Milei’s foreign policy and the “Discépolo Doctrine”

A curious irony is the pretension of reinserting ourselves in a world that no longer exists, and fighting at every step with the world that does exist and of which we are a part.

Argentina: The agony of the “status quo” regime

After forty years, the contrast between yesterday's hopes and today's disappointment explains to a large extent the rise of a "government of opinion" that supports President Javier Milei.

The dangers of Argentine foreign policy under Javier Milei

In his renowned work on foreign policy, David Baldwin points out that policy-relevant knowledge is one of the most important components, along with creativity,...

Javier Milei’s 120 days: a déjà vu?

Milei has established a model of unconditional alignment with the “Western world”, in particular with the United States and Israel, which is consolidated with the request to join NATO.

What is the opposition to Milei today in Argentina?

There are several opposing forces: Kirchnerism; non-Kirchnerist Peronism; the small traditional left-wing force; and the Radical Party, which became the main opposition party when the coalition was dismantled by Macrismo.

Milei versus Petro and López Obrador: a quarrelsome diplomacy

Social networks and unscrupulous leaders make for an explosive combination and can be a further factor in the erosion of relations between countries, as shown by the fight over X between Argentine President Javier Milei and his Colombian and Mexican counterparts.