One region, all voices


An unprecedented and convulsive electoral campaign: Biden vs. Trump

Never before has a U.S. election campaign faced so many changes in such a short time. The lingering question is whether the Democrats will be able to effectively reorganize and prevent Trump's comeback.

Reflections on the Electoral Process in Mexico

The opposition, although with catastrophic results — the Party of the Democratic Revolution (PRD) did not reach the 3% threshold to maintain its registration — will govern in 14 of 32 state capitals.

Artificial intelligence and its impact on electoral processes

Change is moving faster than answers, and among the many problems this can cause in our weak democracies is the impact on informed voting.

Mexico: the media recount of the electoral contest

In the era of the network society, one of the basic premises for the next president should be to promote respect, empathy, and sensitivity. In other words, to foster communication that embraces diversity.

What is it that the opposition does not understand that it does not understand?

The contempt for the electorate is what has the opposition on the canvas, unable to accept its resounding defeat and incapable of restructuring itself.

Mexico: the risk of overrepresentation

Regardless of the path taken by the next government, checks and balances are essential to strengthen institutions and minimize the risks of the emergence of authoritarian governments.