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Haec pagina de scriptore Anglico tractat. Si aliud quaeris quod etiam “Saki” appellatur, vide Saki (discretiva).
Hector Hugo Munro qui sub nomine Saki mythistorias scripsit

Hector Hugo Munro (Hector Hugh Munro; natus in urbe Akyab Birmaniae die 18 Decembris 1870; in proelio interfectus iuxta Beaumont-Hamel Franciae die 13 Novembris 1916) fuit scriptor et diurnarius qui mythistorias, comoedias et praecipue fabulas breves Anglice scripsit pseudonymo Saki utens. Nomine vero utens historiam divulgavit Imperii Russici.

Opera nomine Saki divulgata

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  • 1902 : "The Woman Who Never Should" in Westminster Gazette, 22 Iul. 1902
  • 1902 : The Not So Stories (satyrica)
  • 1902 : (cum F. Carruthers Gould) The Westminster Alice (satyrica)
  • 1904 : Reginald (fabulae breves)
  • 1910 : Reginald in Russia (fabulae breves)
  • 1911 : The Chronicles of Clovis (fabulae breves)
  • 1912 : The Unbearable Bassington (mythistoria)
  • 1913 : When William Came (mythistoria de rebus futuris)
  • 1914 : Beasts and Super-Beasts (fabulae breves)
  • 1914: "The East Wing" in Lucas's Annual et Methuen's Annual (fabula brevis)

Opera posthuma

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  • 1919: The Toys of Peace (fabulae breves)
  • 1924: The Square Egg and Other Sketches (fabulae breves)
  • 1924: (cum Charles Maude) The Watched Pot (comoedia)
  • 1934: "The Miracle-Merchant" in One-Act Plays for Stage and Study 8 (comoedia brevis)
  • 1981: fabulae octo in A. J. Langguth, Saki
  • 1995: The Secret Sin of Septimus Brope, and other stories
  • 2006: A Shot in the Dark (fabulae quindecim)

Opera collecta

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  • 1926-1927: The Works of Saki. 8 voll.
  • 1930: The Complete Short Stories of Saki
  • 1933: The Complete Novels and Plays of Saki
  • 1950: (ed. Graham Greene) The Best of Saki
  • 1963: The Bodley Head Saki
  • 1976: The Complete Saki
  • 1976: (ed. John Letts) Saki: Short Stories

Opera nomine vero divulgata

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De operibus pseudonymis vide Saki
  • 1899 : "Dogged" in St. Paul's (18 Feb. 1899) (fabula brevis)
  • 1900 : The Rise of the Russian Empire

Nexus externi

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  • Sandie Byrne, The Unbearable Saki. Oxonii: Oxford University Press, 2007.De hoc libro.Recensio a Christopher Hitchens scripta
  • Christopher Lane, "The Unrest Cure According to Lawrence, Saki, and Lewis" in Modernism/modernity vol. 11 (2004) pp. 769-796.
  • Christopher Lane, "Saki/Munro: Savage Propensities, or the jungle-boy in the drawing-room" in The Ruling Passion (Duke University Press, 1995) pp. 212-228.
  • A. J. Langguth, Saki: a life of Hector Hugh Munro. Londinii: Hamish Hamilton, 1981. ISBN 0241106788.
  • George James Spears, The Satire of Saki
  • Simon Stern, "Saki's Attitude" in GLQ: A Journal of Lesbian and Gay Studies vol. 1 no. 3 (1994) pp. 275-298.
David's face

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