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Ernestus Badian

E Vicipaedia
Wikidata Ernestus Badian
Res apud Vicidata repertae:
Nativitas: 8 Augusti 1925; Vindobona
Obitus: 1 Februarii 2011; Bostonia
Patria: Austria, Civitates Foederatae Americae

Ernestus Badian, vulgo Ernst Badian (natus die 8 Augusti 1925 Vindobonae; mortuus die 1 Februarii 2011)[1] fuit eruditus rerum Classicarum, qui praecipue in Civitatibus Foederatis operam dedit et de Alexandro Magno saepius scripsit. Fuit alumnus Collegii Universitarii Cantuariensis Novae Zelandiae (ubi familia eius emigraverat annis 1930) et universitatis Oxoniensis. Factus est professor rerum gestarum antiquarum apud Ledesienses ab anno 1965, in universitate civica Neo-Eboracensi iuxta Bufalo ab 1969, et apud Harvardianos a 1971 usque ad annum 1998. Conditor fuit et olim editor periodici American Journal of Ancient History; erat et socius Academiae Britannicae ab anno 1965.

Opera selecta

[recensere | fontem recensere]
  • 1958 : Foreign Clientelae 264-70 B.C.. Oxonii: Clarendon Press
  • 1964 : Studies in Greek and Roman History. Oxonii: Blackwell
  • 1966 (editor) : Ancient Society and Institutions. Studies Presented to Victor Ehrenberg. Oxonii: Blackwell
  • 1966 (editor) : Polybius. Selected passages in translation. Novi Eboraci: Washington Square Press
  • 1968 : Roman Imperialism in the Late Republic, 2a ed. Oxonii: Blackwell
  • 1972 : Publicans and Sinners. Oxonii: Blackwell; nova ed., Cornell University Press, 1983
    • Zöllner und Sünder. Unternehmer im Dienst der römischen Republik. Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft. ISBN 3-534-13143-6
  • 1979 (editor) : Ronald Syme, Roman Papers. 2 voll. Oxonii: Oxford University Press
  • 1980 : Römischer Imperialismus in der späten Republik. Stutgardiae: Teubner, 1980. ISBN 3-519-07400-1
  • 1993 : From Plataea to Potidaea. Baltimorae: Johns Hopkins University Press
  • 2012 [Richard Stoneman, ed.] : Collected papers on Alexander the Great. Londinii: Routledge
Symbolae selectae
  • 1961 : "Harpalus" in Journal of Hellenic studies vol. 81 (1961) pp. 16–43
  • 1965 : "The date of Clitarchus" in Proceedings of the African classical associations vol. 8 (1965) pp. 5–11
  • 1966 : "Alexander the Great and the Greeks of Asia" in E. Badian, ed., Ancient society and institutions: studies presented to Victor Ehrenberg (Oxonii) pp. 37-69
  • 1968 : "A king's notebooks" in Harvard studies in classical philology vol. 72 (1968) pp. 183-204
  • 1981 : "The deification of Alexander the Great" in Ancient Macedonian studies in honor of Charles F. Edson (Thessalonicae) pp. 27-71
  • 1982 : "Greeks and Macedonians" in B. Barr-Sharrar, E. N. Borza, edd., Macedonia and Greece in late Classical and early Hellenistic times (Vasingtoniae) pp. 33-51
  • 1987 : "The ring and the book" in W. Will, J. Heinrichs, edd., Zu Alexander d. Gr.: Festschrift G. Wirth vol. 1 (Amstelodami: Hakkert) pp. 605-625
  • 1996 : "Alexander der Große" in Der neue Pauly (Stutgardiae) vol. 1 coll. 468–474
  • 1996 : "Alexander the Great between two thrones and heaven" in A. Small, ed., Subject and ruler (Journal of Roman archaeology, suppl. 17, 1996) pp. 11-26
  • 2000 : "Darius III" in Harvard studies in classical philology vol. 100 (2000) pp. 241-267
  • 2000 : "Conspiracies" in A. B. Bosworth, E. J. Baynham, edd., Alexander the Great in fact and fiction (Oxonii: Oxford University Press) pp. 50-95


[recensere | fontem recensere]
  • Eugene Borza, "Introduction" in Ernst Badian, Collected papers on Alexander the Great. Londinii: Routledge, 2012. ISBN 978-0-415-37828-4
  • Carol G. Thomas, ed., The legacy of Ernst Badian. Association of Ancient Historians, 2013. ISBN 978-0-615-79212-5

Nexus externi

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Lexica biographica:  • Deutsche Biographie • Treccani • Store norske leksikon •