Plasma 5.5.3 and Frameworks 5.18.0 Backported to Kubuntu 15.10

Packages for the release of KDE’s desktop suite Plasma 5.5.3 and KDE’s Frameworks 5.18.0 are available for Kubuntu 15.10. You can get them from the Kubuntu Backports PPA. Bugs in the packaging should be reported to kubuntu-ppa on Launchpad. Bugs in the software to KDE. To update, use the Software…

Kubuntu Site Revamped

On August 31, 2015, Posted by , In News, By ,, , With Comments Off on Kubuntu Site Revamped

With the move to Plasma 5, updating the Kubuntu website seemed timely. Many people have contributed, including Ovidiu-Florin Bogdan, Aaron Honeycutt, Marcin Sągol and many others. We want to show off the beauty of Plasma 5, as well as allow easy access for Kubuntu users to the latest news, downloads,…

Plasma 5.3.2 and Frameworks 5.12.0 Backported to Kubuntu 15.04

On August 10, 2015, Posted by , In News, By ,,, , With No Comments

Packages for the release of KDE’s desktop suite Plasma 5.3.2 and KDE’s Frameworks 5.12.0 are available for Kubuntu 15.04. You can get them from the Kubuntu Backports PPA. Bugs in the packaging should be reported to kubuntu-ppa on Launchpad. Bugs in the software to KDE. To update, use the Software…

Kubuntu Wily Alpha 2

On July 30, 2015, Posted by , In News, By ,,,, , With Comments Off on Kubuntu Wily Alpha 2

The Second Alpha of Wily (to become 15.10) has now been released! The Alpha-2 images can be downloaded from: More information on Kubuntu Alpha-2 can be found here:

Kubuntu Team Launches Plasma Mobile References Images

On July 25, 2015, Posted by , In News, By ,, , With Comments Off on Kubuntu Team Launches Plasma Mobile References Images

The Kubuntu team is proud to announce the references images for Plasma Mobile. Plasma Mobile was announced today at KDE’s Akademy conference. Our images can be installed on a Nexus 5 phone. More information on Plasma Mobile’s website.

KDE Applications 15.04 Available for Kubuntu 15.04

On May 4, 2015, Posted by , In News, By , , With Comments Off on KDE Applications 15.04 Available for Kubuntu 15.04

Packages for the release of KDE Applications 15.04 are available for Kubuntu 15.04. You can get it from the Kubuntu Backports PPA. Bugs in the packaging should be reported to kubuntu-ppa on Launchpad. Bugs in the software to KDE. To update, use the Software Repository Guide to add the following…

Calligra 2.9.0 is Out

On March 3, 2015, Posted by , In News, By , , With Comments Off on Calligra 2.9.0 is Out

Packages for the release of KDE’s document suite Calligra 2.9 are available for Kubuntu 14.10. You can get it from the Kubuntu Backports PPA. They are also in our development version Vivid. Bugs in the packaging should be reported to kubuntu-ppa on Launchpad. Bugs in the software to KDE. To…

Plasma 5.2 Released

On January 28, 2015, Posted by , In News, By , With No Comments

Packages for the release of Plasma 5.2 are available for Kubuntu Plasma5 14.10 and our development release. You can get them from the Kubuntu Next Backports PPA for 14.10, users of the development release will get it as a regular update. The 14.10 packages include updates to Qt 5.4 which…

Kubuntu Vivid Alpha 2

On January 22, 2015, Posted by , In News, By , With No Comments

The second Alpha of Vivid (to become 15.04) has now been released! The Alpha-2 images can be downloaded at: More information on Kubuntu Alpha-2 can be found here:

Kubuntu Vivid Alpha 1

On December 18, 2014, Posted by , In News, By , With No Comments

“How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?” – Guybrush Threepwood, Monkey Island The first Alpha of Vivid (to become 15.04) has now been released! The Alpha-1 images can be downloaded at: More information on Kubuntu Alpha-1 can be found here: