
MM Labelled AVWAP

TradingView provides a tool to show anchored VWAP plots on your screen, but there is no way to label the plots to add additional context to the level. Instead, users are forced to use the plot style (color, line style, line thickness, etc) to indicate what the plots are for and then they have to remember that meaning when looking at different charts. It also means that for key market-wide moments, users will need to add the plot for every symbol.

Now, for the first time on TradingView, you can create anchored VWAP plots with labels on them so you can understand the meaning behind the key moments you care about and don't need to remember what they mean by using styles like color or thickness. You can use this indicator to track key moments like the 2022 market bottom, or the Aug 9, 2024 "Carry Trade Unwind" bottom. The labelled AVWAP plots are visible on every chart by default. If you have an AVWAP moment that is only relevant to a small number of symbols, you can configure the indicator to only appear on those symbols.
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Fixed missing label text size setting.


이 정보와 게시물은 TradingView에서 제공하거나 보증하는 금융, 투자, 거래 또는 기타 유형의 조언이나 권고 사항을 의미하거나 구성하지 않습니다. 자세한 내용은 이용 약관을 참고하세요.