University of California San Francisco

Kornblith Lab - Homepage

Improving Outcomes for Critically Injured Trauma Patients through Basic and Translational Science
 Lucy Zumwinkle Kornblith, MD, FACS

Lucy Zumwinkle Kornblith, MD, FACS

Associate Professor of Surgery 
Division of General Surgery 
Trauma and Surgical Critical Care 
Zuckerberg San Francisco General Hospital 
The Director of Gender Equity 
Co-chair, Muriel Steele Society


Traumatic injury is a leading cause of mortality and morbidity worldwide. Despite many advances in care, death from hemorrhage remains a primary cause of early, preventable deaths from injury. Disordered coagulation in the setting of injury and shock, termed trauma-induced coagulopathy, is seen in 25% of these hemorrhaging patients.

Multiple mediators and mechanisms have been targeted to improve outcomes from trauma-induced coagulopathy, but the cellular contributors remain understudied. These cellular contributors include platelets and endothelium, and are the focus of the basic and translational trauma research laboratory at Zuckerberg San Francisco General Hospital led by Lucy Kornblith, M.D.

Dr. Kornblith is a surgeon scientist focused on elucidating the mechanisms and mediators of trauma-induced coagulopathy to develop new diagnostic and therapeutic strategies to improve the care of critically injured patients. She has expertise in the study of post-injury platelet biology, functional laboratory measures of coagulation, and in nuances of biospecimen collection in large cohorts of severely injured patients.

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Meet the Team

The members of UCSF Kornblith Lab team encompass a rich blend of expertise and backgrounds, each member bringing a unique perspective to the table, fostering an environment of dynamic exploration and innovative discovery.

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Kornblith Homepage Research

Globally, injury remains a leading killer.  The goals of our research program are to understand how blood system failure after severe injury contributes to bad outcomes, and to identify therapeutic targets and optimize treatments to improve the care of injured patients. 

We do this through:

  1. Translational research to identify novel biology of blood system failure through the lens of platelets
  2. Large observational studies to identify predictors of bad outcomes after injury
  3. Clinical trials investigating therapeutics and resuscitation strategies for injured patients

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The smallest cells can give us the biggest answers
Recent Publications

Effect of the P-selectin Inhibitor Crizanlizumab on Survival Free of Organ Support in Patients Hospitalized for COVID-19: A Randomized Controlled Trial.   
PubMed AbstractPlus 

Effect of P2Y12 Inhibitors on Organ Support-Free Survival in Critically Ill Patients Hospitalized for COVID-19: A Randomized Clinical Trial.   
PubMed AbstractPlus 

Current Use and Utility of MRCP, ERCP and Pancreatic Duct Stents: A Secondary Analysis from the WTA Multicenter Trials Group on Pancreatic Injuries.   
PubMed AbstractPlus 

γ' fibrinogen levels as a biomarker of COVID-19 respiratory disease severity.   
PubMed AbstractPlus 

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